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by Julia
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1776324
Jennifer and Blake

By Julia B

Chapter 1-Jennifer

The pictures mesmerized Jennifer as she flipped through the pages of the photography book. She saw how light defined a shot, angle brought new dimension to a subject and seeing the beauty in the mundane was the work of an artist. This kind of insight was her dream. Closing the book she let it slide off the side of her bed onto the floor. The clock read almost midnight and work came at seven am sharp. A touch at the base of her lamp sent her room into darkness. The air conditioner kicked on so she pulled the sheet over her. If she could get her mind to slow down sleep would have a chance.

She ran her fingers through her short dirty blonde hair pulling it away from her face. Her mother had always hoped that she would grow a couple more inches but she was destined to be the shrimp in her family. Her sister, Crystal, a willow 5’ 9” towered over Jennifer’s dimuitive 5’2” and where Crystal was slender as a reed, Jennifer had been blessed with curves. It was hard to image how they had come from the same gene pool. Jennifer’s three brothers all hovered around the six-foot range. The thought of her family brought on the homesickness and she felt the sting of tears in her eyes.

Or had something else caused her eyes to sting.

The smell of something burning penetrated her frustrated attempt to go to sleep. She sat up in bed and reached over to touch her lamp. Smoke snaked in under her bedroom door.


Her mind raced. She had to get out of her apartment. A pair of jeans lay across the back of a chair. She reached for them but her purse caught her eye. She grabbed for it instead and the shoulder strap went over her head. Her camera was in the living room. She threw open the bedroom door. Smoke filled her nose and lungs. Coughs racked her body. The baggy t-shirt she wore to bed was pulled up to cover her mouth and nose. Her apartment was full of smoke; a red glow backlit the black billowing smoke rolling in from her kitchen. The flames seemed to be eating up through her floor. Her mind was in complete turmoil. Everything she cared about was in her camera and computer but they were sitting on the kitchen counter. Tears streaming down her cheeks she dropped to the floor. She remembered as a kid going through the smoke house at school when the fire department came. Breathable air was low to the ground. She GI crawled across her floor her eyes burning. She knew she had to make it to the front door of her apartment. She made it to the door and gingerly touched it. It was cool to the touch. She felt her way up past the doorknob to the dead bolt and chain. She got them loose and turned the knob. She swung opened the door and fell out in to the hallway. She took a deep breath of fresh air and then the smoke followed her out into the hall. She tried to rise to her feet. She took two staggered steps and fell.

Chapter 2-Blake

Blake felt the adrenaline pump through his body as he ascended the stairs of the apartment building and started down the hall. The adrenaline rush always started the minute the firehouse alarm sounded. In less than a minute he could be fully outfitted in his gear and ready to hop on the fire truck. It carried him on the break neck ride to the site. He canvassed his location as he walked down the hall; his own breathing and the chatter on his radio were all he could hear. He lifted the flashlight to be level with his facemask and looked left and right. Both apartment doors stood open. He signaled his partner to go left while he checked the apartment on the right. He did a quick sweep of the apartment and continued down the hall.

Smoke was billowing out of the door up ahead on the right and as he sent the flashlight beam in that direction he caught sight of a girl stretched out on the floor. She had obviously been in bed because all she wore was a baggy t-shirt and panties the strap of her purse cut diagonally across her back. He went down on one knee beside her to see if she was breathing. She began coughing as he rolled her over. She was a little thing and looked young but very shapely. She was struggling for breath. He pulled off his oxygen mask and placed it over her mouth and nose.

“I’ll have you out of here in a minute.”

Her eyes fluttered open. They were the craziest blue eyes he had ever seen. He took one pull from the oxygen mask and then put it back on her face. He scooped her up in his arms and headed back down the hall.

“I’ve got a female victum. Smoke inhilation but no burns.” Blake said into his radio. “I’m getting her down to an ambulance. Bill needs someone to help him finish canvasing this floor.”

He jogged down the stairs. Flashing lights were everywhere but he soon spotted an ambulance and made a beeline for it. The paramedics had spotted him and met him with a gurney. He laid her on the white sheets while the paramedics removed his oxygen mask and replaced it with one of their own. She began coughing again as they covered her with a blanket.

He got his face as close to hers as he could. “Miss, was there anyone else in your apartment?”

She shook her head. Tears leaked from the corner of her eyes and ran down her temples.

“You’re okay now.” He tried to reassure her.

She closed her eyes. He experienced a sense of loss as he left her but there was more work to do tonight.

Chapter 3-Jennifer

This job felt like it was going to grind her down to bones. Jennifer’s fingers flew across the keyboard inputting the prescriptions at a rate of twenty an hour. A quota she squeaked past with no margin for error. There was no tolerance for mistakes especially when they could cost lives. There was no time for personal thoughts; like how much she missed her old apartment and all her stuff, like when was her insurance check was going to come in so she start replacing her most valuable things. She thanked her lucky stars and her Dad for the fact that she had renter’s insurance. She would get the replacement cost for her computer and camera. Some things were irreplaceable like the quilt her mom had made for her when she went off to college, her grandmother’s breakfast china, and her college scrapbook.

The night of the fire had been a nightmare. They had released her from the hospital after a couple of hours. Some kind soul had given her a pair of scrubs to wear. She called her insurance agent who came down to get her at three o’clock in the morning. They drove by her apartment and a sense of relief washed over her as she saw her car parked in the parking lot unharmed. She went on a midnight shopping spree at the local Walmart. She checked into a hotel for a couple hours of sleep and a place to get ready for work. Her boss had sent her home for the day when she heard about the fire. That day had afforded her a good cry and an opportunity to find another apartment.

It was a lucky break being at the right place at the right time. She was clutching the newspaper classifieds in her hand looking for an address when she saw the ‘for rent’ sign go up in the store front window. She took a chance that it meant an upstairs apartment and not the store space. She deserved a bit of good luck after Peter, then her job at Coretech and the fire. She still went home to bare walls and empty space each night but as soon as the insurance money came in she would be able to take her time and furnish this apartment the way she wanted.

Jennifer shook herself out of her reverie. It was time for a break. She slung her purse over her shoulder and headed to the break room.

Vending machines lined one wall of the room with round tables and plastic chairs crowded together in the space. A coffee machine sat on one end of a cabinet and posters covered the walls with breakroom rules and work related announcements.  Jennifer saw Marty sitting at a table and held up her finger when the dark haired girl signaled her to come over. A celaphane bag of sliced apples and a bottle of water came out of the machines in exchange for the couple of dollars Jennifer pushed into the money slot.  She flopped down next to Marty and slung her purse of the back of the chair.

Marty was a tall raven headed beauty with classic features and a runway model figure. Jennifer always felt short and dumpy next to her but for some reason Marty had struck up the friendship shortly after Jennifer had started this job. Fifteen minute breaks didn’t offer a lot of opportunity for deep conversations but Marty had been sympathetic about her loss during the fire and had even offered her apartment until she could find something. Her constant champaign was to get Jennifer to go out on the town with her one night.

“I found the cutest little night club the other night at 42nd and Platt.” Marty threw out the bait again.

“Marty you know I don’t drink. How much fun would it be to go drinking with someone who stays sober?”

“It’s a comedy club I think you would get a kick out it.”

“No trolling for men?”

“Just a girl’s night out. You and me.”

“Okay, you win.”

“Do you want me to pick you up?”

“How about we meet at that little bistro on 42nd and Wall. I think it’s called Pierre’s.”

“Friday night at eight.”

“It’s a date.” Jennifer relented.

Chapter 4-Blake

“Are you ready for me to put the steaks on the grill?” Blake called from the back porch.

His sister was putting the finishing touches on the fruit salad she was preparing in the kitchen.

“Mac, should Blake put the steaks on?” Nancy yelled at her husband who was changing their son’s diaper in the living room.

“Sure, tell him I’ll be out in a minute.”

As role models went Mac was what Blake hoped to be someday when he was a father. Mac had a hands-on approach to fatherhood. He was not above changing diapers, getting soaking wet while bathing a rambuncktious fourteen month old or singing a lullaby to his son at bedtime.

He loved hanging out at his sister’s house especially now that she had given up trying to set him up everytime he came over. She even stopped giving him the lecture on his career choice. ‘Firefighting was a very noble profession but why would someone with his education and bank account feel the need to do such a dangerous job.’ The young girl he had pulled out of that apartment building a few weeks ago was the reason he did it. Saving lives and the adreline of walking into a building on fire were undeniably the best benefits of the job.

He had another deeper reason one that sent an ache through his chest when he let it rear its head. The reason he had fled California after his windfall on the Internet business he and a college buddy had set up during their senior year at Berkley. It still boggled his mind that they had been able to sell out for just short of 10 million.

The steaks popped and sizzled as he laid them on the grill. He shut the lid and stepped into the kitchen to help his sister bring the food out to the porch.

He towered over Nancy though she was not considered short. He topped out at 6’2”and his sister constantly kidded him about his chiseled physik. ‘With your striking good looks combined with that body how do you ever expect to find somebody that doesn’t just want to get in your pants?’ ‘It’s a cross I’ve had to bear.’ He would sigh.

“So what are your plans this weekend?” Nancy asked putting the fruit salad on the patio table.

“I’ve got a blonde for Friday night for dinner and a brunette for Saturday for the game and I have a shift that starts at 6am Sunday.” Blake set the pile of plates stacked with napkins and cutlery on the table and began setting the places.

“You know if any of these women ever acquires a name you can feel free to bring her over.” Nancy said over her shoulder as she headed back into the kitchen. She gave her husband an affectionate peck as he came outside with a freshly diapered Jr. in his arms.

“They would have to make it past the standard three dates before I would even think of bringing them over here.” Blake was back in the kitchen getting the tray with the glasses and ice bucket.

“What pray tell are the standard three dates?”

Nancy pulled the aluminum covered baked potatos out of the oven with metal tongs.

“First date is drinks, short but just enough time to tell if she is psycho or annoying. Second date is dinner and if that goes well a walk by the river or a show at a club. Third date is an event; sports game, concert, drive up state for a picnic. If she able to make it past the third date I’ll bring her here to meet you and Mac.”

Blake took the bowl with the potatoes and the carrier that had all the potato toppings in it from Nancy hands and moved out to the patio again.

“So the blonde?”

Nancy trailed after him.

“First date.”


“Third date.”

“Mac, is this a universal male strategy?”

Nancy turned to her husband who was checking the steaks while he held Jr. on one hip keeping him as far from the heat as possible.

“Once I laid eyes on you there were no other women. One look and I knew you were all I needed to make my life complete.”

“Oh, Mac.”

Blake readily accepted Jr. from Mac as Nancy flew into her husband’s arms. This was another character trait Blake looked to emulate from his brother-in-law. Mac knew how to romance the wife.

Chapter 5-Jennifer

The bar at the bistro had leather-covered stools at the bar and then three two-foot diameter tables that could only seat two people comfortably. Jennifer look with disgust at the chairs that she would need a stepladder to get onto. She had been concerned that her dress might be a little too short and now she was going to have to manuveur her way onto one of those chairs. She ordered a virgin strawberry dacquery from the bartender and walked over to the table closest to the entrance.

The black dress that looked flattering and a little daring in the mirror of her bathroom now only felt tight and not user friendly. She set her drink and clutch purse down on the table and was amazed with herself as she gracefully stepped on the chair rung and slid up into the seat. She pulled her dress down and the white short sweater together in front.

She had purchased the dress and the heels at a little boutique this week. The earings and clutch had come from a second-hand store she had found around the corner from her apartment. It wasn’t the first time she had been out since she had changed jobs but the only other time she had ventured out on the town had not ended happily. Her date had assumed dinner constituted payment for sex. She was afraid she might have blacked his eye.

The door to the bistro swung open and she looked up to see if it was Marty coming in. Jennifer had arrived a few minutes early. She hated being late. Tall, dark and handsome walked in. Gorgeous enough to take your breathe away, tall as a tree and shoulders Atlas would have envied.

‘A brawn,’ Jennifer thought. Men tended to fall into categories and this one was definitely all muscle. Which meant self-absorbed and how could he not be with those looks and deep chocolate eyes. She almost laughed outloud as she watched him check out himself in the mirror behind the bar. He brushed his fingers through the sides of his hair to put into place his already perfect wavy dark locks.

Jennifer turned back to watch the door and was surprised when she heard a voice say in her ear.

“May I?”

She caught her breathe. She turned slightly. He was inches from her cheek.

“I’m sorry, I’m meeting someone.” She choked out.

“So am I. How about if we wait together.” He pulled out the chair.

“No, really my girlfriend will be here any minute.”

“So will mine.” He chuckled as he sat. “Blake Hudson.” He held out his hand.

“I’m not interested.”

“I assumed you weren’t.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You said you were waiting for your girl friend.”

“Of all the…”

“How about helping make my girl a little jealous?”

“No.” She sipped her dacquery.

“She’s a sweet little blonde bombshell with legs that go all the way to the floor.” He said with a pur in his voice.

‘Go to…’ she bit her tongue before the words escaped her mouth.

“Here she is.” Blake wrapped his arm around the back of Jennifer’s chair and leaned in to whisper in her ear. He slid his business card across the table to her. 

Jennifer turned. Their faces were inches apart. She held his gaze. The edge of her smile had gone white with anger.

“You sir are a jerk and I am not a lesbian.”

She picked up her purse and slid off the chair. She took half a step and then turned around and picked up his business card. A bulletin board was by the entrance and she skewered his card with a tack in the middle of the rest of the business cards.

She didn’t miss the catty remark Ms. Blonde Bombshell made as Jennifer walked out the door. She made it out to the sidewalk with her dignity almost intact. She was relieved to see Marty coming down the street. But this evening was destined for ‘the life can only get better after a night like this’ analogues.

Marty had misinterpreted her straight-arming the men at work as a sign that she was gay. The arm around the shoulder had not been a giveaway. It was when Marty caressed her cheek that Jennifer had to set her friend right.

‘Life is just awkward.’ Jennifer decided as she soaked in her tub that night.

Life did get better. Saturday the check came from her insurance company and she was able to replace her camera and computer. She made an appointment for Sunday with a young mother who had wanted to get her child’s pictures taken in the park.

Chapter 6-Blake

Those eyes had haunted him the whole night. He had seen those crazy blue eyes somewhere before. The blonde had only lasted fifteen minutes. Long enough for one drink and then he had made some excuse. He couldn’t even remember what it was now. He kept hoping the girl hadn’t heard the cruel comment his date had made. She wasn’t a girl though was she? She had all the lovely curves of a woman. He thought when he sat down beside her that she wasn’t his type. Then her face was inches away from his and he took in her beautiful eyes and full lips and suddenly he wasn’t so sure.

Saturday’s date had gone well. Monica had made it to date three and he had really enjoyed the basketball game with her. She was good date for such an event. She was enthusiastic without being obnoxious. She knew the ins and outs of the game so he didn’t have to spend the whole time explaining it to her.

But something got under his skin and he felt discontent. A pair of yellow-rimmed blue eyes kept distracting him. It was going to drive him crazy until he figured out where he had seen them before. Through no fault of her own, Monica was not going to make it past date three.

Sunday morning found him stripped to the waist soaping down the front of the fire engine.  He ignored the catcalls for the most part. He had turned on the garden hose and was rinsing the soap off the windshield when he saw her out of the corner of his eye. She was dressed in a pair of jeans that hugged her curves and a thin green t-shirt over a black wife-beater. A camera bag hung from her shoulder. Her hair was pulled back from her forehead and the widow’s peak gave her face a heart shape. The light make-up she wore accentuated her eyes. He thought his heart would stop.

He dropped the hose and walked over to intercept her.

“Hey, remember me.”

She kept walking.

“I just wanted to apologize about Friday.”

She ignored him.

“Come on lady give a guy a break.”

He watched her back as she walked down the street toward the park. She turned in at the gate. His heart crushing disappointment turned to ebulliance as he turned toward the firehouse. He grabbed a t-shirt out of his locker and let his LT know he had a radio on him and would be with in spitting distance of the firehouse.

For an hour, he sat on the cedarblock fence that surrounded the park and watched his girl take pictures of a toddler. He watched her conjole the child into giggles and smiles as she clicked away with the camera. The settings were everything from feeding the ducks in the pond to the child curled up in the tire swing. He was amazed at her ingenuity. A germ of an idea began perculating in his mind as he watched her pack up her camera and say good-bye to the mother and child.

He swung down and leaned against the outside of the fence. He saw the moment she spotted him. Her step faltered and her eyes darted around for a means of escape. He held his ground with his arms folded across his chest.  She was going to try to ignore him again he could see it in the way her eyes never flick toward him as she came up parellel to him. He fell into step beside her without saying a word. When they were in front of the station he gently took her elbow and led toward the door. She pulled her elbow out of his grasp and he grabbed her upper arm.

“Hey Lt I want you to meet someone.” He yelled.

She stopped and stared up at him.

Lt came out of the station house followed by a handfull of Blake’s fellow firefighters.

“I saw this lady taking pictures in the park and thought she could help us.”

Chapter 7-Jennifer

Jennifer was excited to try her new camera. She decided as long as she was replacing her old one she might as well upgrade. She had stayed up last night reading through the manual and there were some cool features to this one. It was only a few short blocks from her new apartment to the park so she decided to leave her car in its prime parking spot and play pedestrian. She had walked past this fire station a dozen times since she moved into her new apartment. An audible gasp escaped her lips as she recognized the half naked fire fighter lathering up the fire engine.

Was the man trying to give every woman in the neighborhood a heart attack? There must be some fire fighter’s rule about wearing a uniform at the very least and a civic law of indecent exposure at the best. The water glistened on his bare chest and she bit her lower lip after all she was only human. So the Adonus was a firefighter. That went along with her ‘brawn’ theory. He obviously had a hero complex.

‘Please don’t let him notice me.’ She prayed.

He was busy and if she acted natural he wouldn’t see her.

She saw him throw down the hose and come toward her.

‘Just keep walking, Jennifer.’ She told herself. ‘Ignore him and he’ll go away.’

Heaven help her, the man was towering over her. All she would have to do is reach out her hand and she would make contact with all that flesh. Her cheeks were hot her blush was so intense. He smelled of soap and a masculine musk.

‘Did she remember him?’ Was he insane? That had been one of the most humiliating nights for her on record.

‘He wanted to apologize.’ This wouldn’t be fair if he turned out to be a nice guy. ‘Just keep walking Jennifer.’ She kept telling herself.

‘Give him a break! Give her a break.’ She felt it the minute he gave up. Her breath came out in a woosh. She hadn’t realized she had been holding it. Her mind raced with all possible alternate routes to her favorite spots so she could avoid the fire station in the future.

The next hour was caught up in the thing she loved to do best in the world. It had helped that her subject matter was adorable and fairly cooperative. That’s why she liked these early morning shoots with children. Morning was their best time. She told the mom to give her a few days to do some editing and she would deliver the disc with pictures on it to her home. She had started editing in her head as she left the park.

So wrapped up in her own head it was a shock when she looked up and saw him leaning against the fence. She did a quick assessment of her escape routes. She could go back through the park or cross in the middle of the street. She stopped dead in her tracks with indecision. He pushed himself away from the fence. At least now he was wearing a t-shirt. He was going to pursue her whatever decision she made. Ignoring him had worked before. She walked straight ahead eyes never wavering. He fell into step with her never saying a word. When they got to the fire station he gently touched her elbow and she felt a jolt go through her. It took her a minute to realize he was leading her toward the open bay of the fire house. She jerked her elbow away but this time he grabbed her upper arm. She felt the heat of his fingers against her skin. It was like a mist had rolled over her brain.

“Hey Lt I want you to meet someone.” She heard him shout.

Jennifer looked up at Blake willing him to go away.

A group of men came out of the firehouse looking curiously first at Blake and then at Jennifer.

“I saw this lady taking pictures in the park and thought she could help us.”

“How about some introductions first.” A middle-aged man spoke.

“Leutenant David Higgenbotham this is …” Blake said leaving a space open for her.

She offered her hand to the Lt.

“Jennifer Warren.”

“Pete, Bob, Miguel and Vincent.” Blake pointed to each man in turn.

They all shook her hand casting covert looks at Blake.

“We’ve been talking about doing a calendar to benefit the children’s burn center. Jennifer here was taking pictures of a boy in the park. I was wondering if she might want to do the photos for the calendar.”

“You want me to do photos of children who are burn victims?”

“No of firefighers. Those calendars tend to sell better.” Blake chuckled.

“Oh, yes, of course.” She felt herself blush.

“Do you have a portfolio we can look at?” Lt asked.

“I did…I do…I can get one to you in couple of days.” She stammered.

She always carried her thumbdrives in her purse. She could put together a portfolio to replace the one that burned.

The fire.

A face swam up through her subconscious. ‘Miss, was there anyone else in your apartment?’ ‘You’re okay, now.’ Blake, Blake had been the one to carry her out of her burning apartment building. Was this humiliation never going to end? He must save hundreds of people surely he wouldn’t recognize her. Her mortification was deep as she pictured herself sprawled out on the floor in only a t-shirt and panties with Blake hovering over her in a smoke filled hallway.

“Do you have a business card?” Lt asked interrupting her thoughts.

She always kept some in her camera bag and in her purse. She took her few remaining ones out of her purse this morning incase she got a contact at the park. She unzipped her camera bag and pulled out a card. She looked at it and realized it had her old home phone number and address on it. She pulled out a pen and crossed off the obsolete information.

“You can get a hold of me on my cell. I’ll drop by my portfolio in a couple of days. It was nice to meet all of you.”

Chapter 8-Blake


She paused a few steps down the sidewalk and turned. He watched the emotions play across her face as she looked up at him.

“Are you going to let me apologize about Friday?” Blake asked.

“Sure, apologize away.”

She half turned and took a quick look down the street in the direction she had been heading glancing back at him with a look of wanting to be any place but there.

“I’m so sorry I jumped to conclusions and that my teasing upset you.”

“Apology accepted. Okay?”

She turned and started down the street. He stepped around in front of her to block her way.

“Okay? Just like that, you forgive me?”

“What did you expect?”

“A rant maybe.”

“Are you disappointed?”

“No, no… yes I guess a little.”

A full faced smile broke like sunshine lighting her eyes. She had perfect straight pearly white teeth framed by those full lush lips. The corners of her eyes crinkled as her cheeks lifted. He was dazzled.

“You’ll get over it.”

He put his hands over his heart and staggered back a few steps.

She was laughing as she walked past him.

He couldn’t have let her go if he hadn’t known that she would be back with her portfolio in a few days.

Wednesday night was Blake’s turn to cook for the station house. He was making stroganoff. The meat was simmering in the sauce slow cooking until the meat was tender and the sauce thick. He left Vincent stirring the sauce while he ran down to the corner to get some fresh mushroom from the market. He was gone less than fifteen minutes.

He walked into the kitchen and found his crew sitting at the table filling out paperwork. There was a lot of snickering and elbows flying.

“What’s all this? Dinner won’t be ready for another thirty minutes.”

“Lt’s orders.” Mario said pointing his pen toward Lt’s office without lifting his head.

“Boss…” Blaked peeked his head through the open door of the office. The fire station was spotless only here in Lt’s office were there any signs of disorder. Papers stuck helter skelter on a bulletin board; stacks of folders sitting in metal trays on the corner of his desk. Lt was a big man whose age showed by the thickening at his waist and the grey at his temples. He had a pair of black reading glasses perched on the end of his nose.

“Hudson you have to see these.” Lt handed Blake a three ring binder.

Blake thumbed through a photo collection of babies, children, individuals and families. It was breathtaking.

“She usually charges sixty dollars for a single subject but she said for two hundred dollars she would take pictures of as many of the men as we wanted.” Lt commented.

“Wow look at this shot with the baby sleeping in the field of daisies.”  Blake was awed.

“I figured between first and second shift we have twelve guys that would do justice to a calendar.”

“This kid up a tree is brilliant.” Blake flipped to the next page.

“I think I’m going to get her to take some family pictures for me too. She makes a CD with all the pictures on it and then we can print them up how ever we want.”

“Where is she?”Blake asked.

“She brought in the portfolio talked about price and then left.”

“I was barely gone ten minutes. How could I have missed her?”Blake was ticked.

“I don’t know but she left these questionaires for all the guys to fill out. She said it will give her a better idea how to pose them. Here.” Lt handed Blake a paper.

“I’ve got to finish dinner.”

This was unbelieveable. He had walked out of the station for the first time all day and she showed up. If he didn’t know better he would suspect her of waiting until he left to come. He had lived in anticipation of how he was going to ask her out and now he didn’t know when she would be back. Disappointment washed through him.

He banged a pan into the sink and filled it with water. The water sloshed as he dropped  the pot on the burner. He swore under his breath as he poured salt into the water and turned on the burner. A quick rinse and he tossed the mushrooms on a cutting board. The heat of his frustration made him careless and he cut his finger while he was slicing the mushroom. He sucked on the end of finger as he slid the mushrooms into the sauce to cook. The water began to boil , he added the egg noodles and set the timer.

The laughing from the crew finally got under his skin.

“What is so damn funny?” Blake turned on them.

“Have you read this questionaire?” Pete asked.

He picked up his copy off the counter and skimmed over the questions. With the knowledge of the bend of this crew’s minds he saw how most of the questions could be construde to be suggestive if not blatantly provocative.

‘What kind of photos are looking for? Glamour, boudoir, implied nudity, head shot etc.

‘What is your comfort level regarding nudity?

‘What is your best feature? Feature you may want to de-emphasize?

‘What do you do during your down time away from work?’

“Give me a break it’s a standard photo shoot questionaire. Just fill in the answers that apply to the calendar shoot. I don’t think any of you guys are going to flinch at taking off your shirts.”

“Yeah but that means my best feature is covered up.” Bob burst out laughing.

“Put up the questionaires, dinner is ready.” Blake said.

This was a cohesive group. Soon the table was set, salad pulled out of the fridge, rolls put into a basket, green beans pulled out of the microwave and the steaming pot of stroganoff poured over egg noodles placed in the center of the long table.

Blake was figuring his next move while the noise of dinner went on all around him. He would talk to Lt and make sure he was the liason with the girl. Call her on the phone. Set up the shoots. Go over the shots. Pick the pictures for the calendar. Now he had come up with a plausable reason to call her he started questioning his motives. It was those eyes, he knew he had seen them before and it was driving him crazy that he couldn’t figure it out. Once he had he was sure he would be able to let this go.

In the mean time, this girl was very atypical of the women he usually dated. He liked his women statuesque to match with his own height.  He was getting more picky about the intellegence factor. He had been on too many dates where the conversation had been silly and dull because his date had barely made it through high school. Monica had been different, tall, thin, fun and knew enough about things that interest guys to have an intellegent conversation. He made a mental note not to loose her number.

A phone call to his sister would set him straight. If he spoke the plan outloud, it would either sound solid or off. He realized with a grin that he was enjoying this. Usually the minute he showed interest in a woman the dating plan went smoothly. This time he was experiencing the challenge of a chase.

Chapter 9-Jennifer

The blush rose slowly from her neck up her cheeks until her whole face was hot and flush. Jennifer sat in at a corner table in the little coffee shop using the Wifi connection. She scrolled through the pictures on her computer. Well-muscled men clothed only in canvas pants and suspenders filled the screen. She was never going to be able to do this photo shoot. The thought of directing men to pose and look alluring sent a fresh wave of heat to her face. The image of Blake’s wet chest as he hosed down the soapy firetruck made her mouth go dry.

The chirp of a cell phone interrupted her revery. She looked around in irritation until she realized the sound was coming from her pocket. She pulled the offending phone out of  her pocket, flipped it open and saw her mother’s name pop up on the screen. Her eyes darted to Mr. Novemeber in all his glory on her laptop. She slammed shut the computer.

“Oh my stars.” She exclaimed.

She pushed the green button on her phone.

“Hi, Mom.” She gulped trying to get some moisture back into her mouth.

“Hey, Jen. You okay you sound kind of funny.”

“Do I sound guilty, Mom?”

“What would you have to feel guilty about, sweetie?”

“I have been looking at half naked men on the internet.”

“Is this research for the photo shoot you’re doing for those firefighters?”

“I don’t think I can do it, Mom.”

“Why, baby?”

“I am not your baby.”

“You know you will always be my baby.”

Jennifer groaned into the phone but gave up the argument her mother and she had been having since she was a teenager.

“Mom, I’m in a perpetual blush just looking at the pictures can you imagine what it will be like dealing with flesh and blood men. Plus I like my little nish. Taking pictures of children and families brings in the money that pays for my dream.”

“If I know you, you have already visualized the shots you want to take. The camera will cover your blushing face. What do you have to loose?”

“I’m stilling thinking about it.”

“Okay while you’re thinking about it I just wanted to remind you to pick up your brother at the airport on Friday.”

“Couldn’t you convince Dad that I’m okay? I don’t need help.”

“You lost everything in that fire, Jen. You almost lost your life. You’re lucky your dad isn’t flying out there himself. Let him spoil you a little. Kirk has Dad’s credit card. Your father wants to make sure you are comfortable in your new apartment.”

“Give him a big hug and kiss for me. I’ll call him tomorrow night.”

“Are you going to do the shoot?”

“Yes, maybe, yes, I guess.”

“That sounds decisive. Love you honey talk to you tomorrow.”

“Love you, Mom.”

She slid her computer back in its case, grabbed up her hot cocoa and walked out into the night air to stroll the block and half back to her apartment. She loved the city. Even at 9pm, it was still alive; traffic on the road, people jostling along the sidewalks, and neon lights of the open stores.

Her mother was right. Infact she had ideas for two different layouts; one to appeal to women and one that would be more kid friendly.  One calendar filled with rippling bicepts and washboard abs and another filled with kittens being rescued from trees and kids playing in firehydrant water. The hardest image to banish from her head was one of Blake covered with suds pouring a bucket of water over his head.

Her phone rang again.

“Ms Warren?”


“This is Agent Robinson of the FBI.” A clipped professional female voice came over the phone.

Jennifer heard a roaring in her ears and felt her knees go weak as the nightmare once again washed over her. Images and pain that she had kept at bay for months now came back with soul shattering force.

“Ms Warren?” the woman quierred.

It took all her effort to regain her composure. She was unaware as people passed her as she stood transfixed on the sidewalk.

“How can I help you?”

“We became aware that you recently had a fire in your apartment.”

“It started in the apartment below mine.”

“But it destroyed your apartment is that correct?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“We are sorry for your loss and just wanted to update your contact information.”

Jennifer rattled off her address into the phone.

“Peter Manning hasn’t tried to contact you has he, ma’am?”

“No, no.”

“I would like to come by and drop off one of my cards so you can let us know if he does try to contact you. When would be convient for you?”

“I usually get home from work about six.”

“I’ll be by Monday if that’s okay?”


“Thank you, Miss Warren.”

Fifty or Sixty steps were all she needed to take until she could breakdown. She couldn’t stop the tears but she would be safe behind her own door before she would give vent to the agony. She struggled up the steps, nearly dropped the keys as she unlocked her door, set the dead bolt once she was inside her apartment and pressed her forehead against doorframe.

She felt the anguished cry rise up through her chest and rip out of her throat. How could so much pain be endured? The wound she thought healed ripped open and sent fresh misery through her.

“I hate you!” She screamed pounding her fist against the doorframe. “I hate you, I hate you!”

Everything she thought she knew about Peter had been a lie. Every tender moment, loving word, thoughtful gift all of it had been an elaborate ruse. She had believed it, felt it, wrapped her life around it. The humiliation of her naivite exposed so publicly and then the accusations of complicity had devastated her. Peter had been a lie. The man she thought she loved and planned to spend the rest of her life with did not exist. He was only a figment created by that man to get information for his embezzling and then he had left her to take the heat. 

The phone rang.

She couldn’t bear to pick it up. She knew her voice would sound watery and have those little hiccups when she spoke after a hard cry. She put her phone on vibrate, took a shower and crawled into bed to cry herself to sleep.

Chapter 10-Blake

Monica’s lips were warm and inviting. Blake deepened the goodnight kiss and felt the heady rush of lust sing through him. He ran his hands from bare shoulders down the soft silky skin of her back. His hand moved around her waist and he pulled her to him. Her body arched with longing and acceptance.

“Come inside,” Monica gasped her voice thick with passion.

His lips had moved over her cheek, across her jaw and down her neck, the perfume of her hair filling his senses. He pulled his head back his lips hovering over her collarbone.

A war raged inside his head. He was not casual about his relationships with women. If he took this step, it would be because he was ready to get serious about this girl. Take her to meet his sister, move in together and think about marriage. She was warm and willing and his body was screaming, yes!

He pulled his head up and looked into Monica’s eyes. This had been a perfect date. She looked so sexy in her little black dress; it was cut low in the front, left her back bare, and moved around her like water, clinging to her curves. Diner had been great and then the concert in the park. She looked wonderful on his arm. Why was he hesitating?

He had to get some little 5’ 2” bit of spunk out of his head. That woman was going to drive him crazy till he did. He had called Jennifer Thursday and Friday night but she never answered her phone. Then this morning he had seen her and some guy trying to muscle a couch up a flight of stairs. They were laughing till tears ran down her face. Blake was just about to cross the street to offer his help when some other Good Samaritan stepped in. Jennifer had friends of course maybe even a boyfriend.

Blake called Monica right then for the last minute date. Now he hovered on her doorstep unable to say yes to her invitation.

“I can’t,” he sighed. “I’ve got to be at the station at 6am.”

“When is your shift over?”

“6am Monday.”

“I could take Monday off.”

“And thus Eve tempted Adam.” He brushed his finger across her cheek. “My sister has claim on me on Monday. I’ll call you tomorrow, my lovely.”

He moved out of her arms.



He kissed her tenderly and watched her open the door before he turned and left. Maybe he would take her with him on Monday to meet his sister.

The weight room was empty first thing in the morning. Blake spent the first hour of his shift working through the weight machines. He hopped into the shower and was walking to the bunkroom with a towel wrapped around his waist when he ran into a couple of the guys from the last shift.

“What are you bums still doing here?” He joked.

“Waiting our turn.”

“For what?”

“Photo shoot.”


“Soon as Mick is finished.”

“Jennifer is here.” He said mostly to himself.

In the bunk room he threw on some shorts and a tshirt and walked down the hall toward the kitchen.

Blake heard her before he saw her.

“Tip your head down so the front of the helmet covers your face.”

She laughed.

“Not your whole face just your eyes. Okay that’s good but turn your chin maybe an inch to your left. Perfect. Now just hold there for a second. Bring your face up gradually. Eyes on me.”

Blake eased around the corner. Jennifer’s back was toward him. He leaned against the corner glad that he could watch her work without her knowing he was there.

“Okay let’s lose the helmet. Move over by the open locker. This time lets put the suspenders up. I want you to reach for something in your locker. Smile.”

“Come on Mick give me one of your devastating smiles.”

“How’s this?”Mick asked.

“It’s not reaching your eyes. Don’t make tell you one of my Dad’s corny jokes.”

“Hit me with your best shot.”

“A guy comes into a doctor’s office and says ‘I think I’m a moth’, the doctor says, ‘You need a psycologist,’ the guy says ‘I know’ the doc then asks ‘Well why did you come in here?’ the guy says ‘Your light was on’.

Jennifer’s shutter clicked off a dozen shots catching the magical moment when comprehension dawned and the laugh spread across his whole face.

“That was incredibly sexy. Thanks Mick. Just one more pose. Lt can you throw him that tshirt? I want to get a picture of you putting on your tshirt. I want the moment when it’s bunched around your upper arms and you’ve got your thumbs in the head hole to pull it over your head.”

When he got it on she went over and adjusted where she wanted it.

“Okay look over to the left like you are listening to something someone is saying to you.”

She took a half dozen shots of that pose.

“Perfect, perfect. Okay I’ve got all my shots anything you want to do?”

“My wife and son are here can I get a picture with the three of us?”

“Sure, but you better wear a shirt in a family portrait.”

She did a family picture and then they put Mick’s son in a jacket and helmet and got a shot with him looking up at his dad. It was inspired.

“Let me get a drink and then we can start Jimmy’s shoot.” She said.

Blake saw her eyes swing around as she headed toward the kitchen Lt coming up beside her and then she saw him.

“Strawberry daiquiri, right?” Blake walked up to her.

“It’s Sunday morning, I think I’ll be fine with water.” She countered.

“I’ll get it.” Lt chimed in.

“I called you Thursday night.” Blake opened.

“That was you? Sorry it was kind of a rough night for me. I turned off my phone and then didn’t realize it was off until Friday night.”

“I called you Friday night too.”

“Did you leave a message?”


“Do you want me to listen to it later or do you want to just tell me why you called?”

The fire alarm sounded and suddenly there were bodies moving everywhere. Blake grabbed Jennifer’s arm and led her into the kitchen.

“Stay here.”

© Copyright 2011 Julia (estuleen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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