Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1771381-Karleys-Disastrous-Day
by Danie
Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #1771381
Eight year old Karley is having a not so good kind of day. She then realizes something.
What a beautiful morning to wake up to. To see the sun shining, the grass greener than ever, the birds flying and singing and kids on their way to school walking. My name is Karley. I am only eight years old. I always end up in some situatuion everyday. It never fails. Just when I think I'm going to have a great day, something bad ends up happening. I never have a day of peace. Thats just impossible if Karley is my name. I decided to get out of bed and get some breakfast. All I ate was a bowl of cereal with milk. That was so delicious, I was suprised that I didn't feed my clothes or spill my breakfast all over the floor. "Wow." I thought to myself. "I'm off to a great day." I headed upstairs to get ready for school. I looked in the mirror. "AAAHHHH! What happened to my hair? I'm having a bad hair day. What am I going to do? My hair is in shock!" Karley yelled. I had to do something about my hair. I could not go to school or even ride the bus like this. I went and got my brush and comb. I started brushing my hair with the brush and it fell apart and combed my hair. Guess what? The comb was stuck in my hair. Now my hair is one big mess, in shock standing on top of my head with a comb stuck in it. Now what? What else could go wrong? I had to go and brush my teeth. Have to get those teeth clean. As I was brushing my teeth, I noticed a tooth fell out. Then another, and then another, and then it was all of  my teeth falling into the sink. I looked in the mirror and yelled, "My mouth. I have no teeth in my mouth!" I just looked into the sink and watched my teeth go down the drain. Now my mouth looks like a black out. I am now a toothless little girl. My hair is one big mess, in shock standing on top of my head with a comb stuck in it, all my teeth fall out of my mouth. Now what? What else could wrong? I had to go and take a shower. Love to smell fresh and clean. I tried turning on the water. No water coming out. I tried again. No water coming out. Great. Just great. Do you know what that means? I have to go to school smelling like a horrible nasty zoo. Now its time to get dressed. I walked into my room, I saw my clothes on the floor. Chewed up into tiny little pieces. "Oh no! No! What have you done to my clothes?" Karley yelled. My dog Oliver chewed my clothes up. He's only a puppy. He doesn't know any better. Now I have to wear whats left of my clothes. First, I put on my shirt. It was really bad. Holes and tears were everywhere. It looked like I had been in a fight. Then I went to put my pants on. They were even worse than my shirt, they weren't even pants anymore. Oliver tore them all up. "This is really going to be embarrassing." Karley thought to herself. "Wow,wow! I didn't even know you tore my shoes up too Oliver." Karley said to the dog. Oliver tore up Karley's shoes and left drool all over them. I put my shoes on, grabbed my backpack and took one good look in the mirror at myself and just walked away . I look terrible. My hair is one big mess, in shock standing on top of my head with a comb stuck in it, all of my teeth fall out my mouth, I smell like a horrible nasty zoo, my dog chews up my clothes into tiny little pieces, my shoes are eaten up with drool left on it. Now what? What else could go wrong? I was all ready to go. I started running down the stairs to head for the door. I ran so fast that I tumbled down, it all happened so fast that I broke my leg. "This is just wonderful. Now I have a broken leg." Karley said. I got up, still determined to ride the yellow school bus to get to school.So I left the house and saw my bus coming. Mr.Goodguy drove the bus. He picked up all the kids in the neighborhood. He was so short , you couldn't even see him driving through the window. Mr. Goodguy pulled up and saw me. I walked up to the bus. "Good day Mr.Goodguy." I said. "I see you're not having a good day Karley. You can't ride in my bus looking like that. Oh my,what is that horrible smell? Oh no Karley, you really stink." Mr.Goodguy said. Mr.Goodguy pulled off so fast, he was flying down the street with that yellow school bus. Mr. Goodguy wasn't so much of a good guy afterall. "Great." I thought to myself. My hair is one big mess, in shock standing on top of my head with a comb stuck in it, all my teeth fall out my mouth, I smell like a horrible ,nasty zoo,my dog chews up my clothes into tiny little pieces,my shoes are eaten up with drool left on it, my leg is broken from running down the stairs, my bus driver leaves me. Now what? What else can possibly go wrong with my day? I'm just trying to make it to school in peace, but I see thats not happening. So I started walking to school and it took me two long hard hours with that broken leg. I was almost there. "I'm going to make it no matter what, I'm going to make it to school." Karley said to herself. Here comes squirrel riding his bike fast and before I knew it, squirrel ran over me with his bike leaving tire prints on my face. Just when I thought nothing else could go wrong, that squirrel rides all over me leaving tire marks on my face. What a disastrous day. My hair is one big mess, in shock standing on top of my head with a comb stuck in it, all of my teeth fall out my mouth, I smell like a horrible,nasty,zoo, my dog chews up my clothes into tiny little pieces, my shoes are eaten up with drool left on it, my leg is broken from running down the stairs, my bus driver leaves me, I have to walk and struggle with a broken leg to try to get to school that took two long hard hours of hard work, and squirrel rides his bike over me, leaving tire prints on my face. What little eight year old should have to go through something like this? Finally I made it to school. No matter how hard and long it took. I made sure I got there. I walked into my classroom. Everyone stared at me with their mouths dropped open. My teacher was in awe. All they could do was look. They had nothing to say. I was unbelieveable. Before I knew it, the bell had ranged. School was over. How will I make it home with this broken leg? I'm very tired. I had a long day. All of a sudden I opened my eyes and stared in silence. I had just realized this had all been a bad dream. I have to say, I did pretty good for myself. With everything I've been through in this horrible dream, I can handle anything. At least I didn't end up in the hospital on that one disastrous day.
© Copyright 2011 Danie (mrs.turner1227 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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