Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1765305-Hello-I-am-a-Demon---part-1
Rated: E · Fiction · Supernatural · #1765305
A story of a Demon who do his 'job' as.... a Demon !
Perhaps, a little introduction from me ?

I am a demon. I come with many names, but the one i like the most is "Y". Why ? I will tell you that later..... Continue with my introduction. I don't remember my age, but i remembered that i was already here when the thing you humans call 'World War I' is started. I used to ride a horse while holding a rifle in battle. Oh right, i forgot to tell you that i was a human back then.

SO how did i end up being a demon ?

Chapter 1 : A Prelude

I, as a soldier, always put my life on the line, all for my so-called great country. And that goes on until time sees the enemy is called the victor. My leader surrendered, along with his allies. At the same time, the battle takes away my family, my friends, my fortunes, even my left arm. In short, it takes away my life.

I spend my days after the war moaning in church, protesting to God in my heart. How can't I ? The one who started those wars is not me, not my family, not my friends. But we have to pay for all the dirt they call diplomacy. Pay with all our lives. And, to make the matter worse, you, God, forced me to carry out my life with all those grief, death, sorrow. Sometimes I wonder whether the title "Most Fair Being" fits to Him. Strangely, the fate You've written takes me to this path.....

It would seems to be a normal day like usual, cutting woods in the forest, stacking them up in the warehouse, sitting in the church again, and spending the rest of the day with the other ex-soldiers who now also worked as lumberjacks. I never knew what will come to me that day. The day that will turn my life forever. The beginning of my curse. Eternal curse....

It started in a tree. The tree has big roots, tall trunk, lots of branches, but strangely, no leaves. I could care less of what type of tree is that, but considering the solid form of it's trunk compared to other trees, i don't hesitate any longer in cutting it. Just when i'm about to swing my axe, a dark smoke comes out of the tree, forming a shape similar to a human. It talks to me afterwards.

"So, human, you want to cut down my home to a mere firewood ?", the smoke asks me.

I startled, throwing my axe away in the process. I try not to panic though, and because I heard that dealing with things like ghosts is not easy, i tried to be brave and speak what i need to do right there.

"Yes, my family and my townspeople needs your 'home' to make us comfortable to live the night.", i answered.

"(Laughing) Your family ? Do you even have one, dear human ?", the smoke said.

What that smoke said is actually true : my family is no more. I live alone. Thinking about my wife makes me silent for awhile, recalling my sweet times with her back before she's gone.

"If you, my dear human woodcutter, agreed to leave my home as it is, I will give you something wonderful : this.", the smoke said again, while magically gives me a parchment directly to my hands without my notice.

That parchment filled with some sort of contract, written with black ink. It is written in a very strange language, yet I know exactly what it means :

" The one who signed this contract, shall be granted the powers of a demon forever in his life. He or she will not taste the peace of death.
The one who signed this contract also agreed to take full consequences of his demonic power, for he or she has to consume a pure human soul every year to keep his or her powers. He or she is also must complete a task given by the Demon Master, in any condition and in any means necessary. Violating this contract will earn the one who signed, an eternal torment. "

The smoke says again, "If you agreed, simply put a dip of your blood in the parchment."

"Why would I do that ?", i said.

"Because I know you would.", the smoke answered.

Until now, I still don't know exactly why i accepted that offer. I know the consequences of surrendering myself to that kind of contract. The temptation of wealth, like modern people who signed that kind of deal, maybe ? No. All I want at that time, is peace in my heart. I want to give myself some way to have a real fun, without thinking of my sad life I have. Maybe being a demon will give me that ? I still don't remember. The point is, I agreed to that contract, and spill a few drop of blood from my fingers right at the center of the parchment.

"Welcome to the family.....", the smoke said, and starts to disappear back into the tree.

That smoke then left me alone and confused in the middle of the woods. Because the day is getting dark, and my hand is not good for any woodcutting, I decided to call it a day, and walks the road back to my humble home. Maybe I cut my finger too deep back then, because the scar is still visible until now. A Demon is not a Wolverine, you know, it is not regenerating fast.

At night, my wound is starting to give me an excruciating pain, and to my surprise, some kind of light is coming out of it. That light starts to spread around all my body, changing my skin into a darker, scaly, hard skin. I also feel my back is sprouting something, it tores up the back side of my clothes ( which I realized later that it was a wing similar to bat's ).

And to add the surprise of the night, a woman came out of nowhere and stands in front of me. She wears some kind of brown dress, very beautiful and charming  and said, "Hello my dear master."

Inside my head, all i think is, "What's this all about, actually ?"

( continue to http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1765616-Hello-I-am-a-Demon---part-... )
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