Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1758359-The-Invasion-Eagle-Storm
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1758359
A special forces soldier is captured, they call in the Eagles to get him back
Planet Hexsun; June 23 2138

The sun is blazing hot, the temperature… ninety four degrees. Corporal Joseph Burn lets out an frustrated groan. Him and his company of fifteen other Eagles are on a mission. The mission is simple, wait for Hunter B-1 and B-3 to locate and eliminate hostile mortar positions that are scattered outside the city limits of Hexsun’s capital: Treadsin.
The problem is, Burns and his company already located there mortar position but HQ wont let them engage it. Why? Who knows.

So for the last four days Hunter B-2 has been sitting atop of this mountain overlooking the enemy doing nothing. Of course the number one problem is boredom. Burns has been spending last 4 days watching the hostiles closely and planned all these different types of scenarios in his head to kill them.
A makeshift base was made to give the Eagles comfort from the unbearable sun and just to give them something to do. Burns was cleaning his standard issue M18 rifle when the captain Driscoll approached him.
“So how’s are friends doing corporal?”
Burns shook his head “Same as usually captain, there just standing around watching over Treadsin.”
“Are there still six of them?”
“Good, I have a feeling were gonna go in soon.”
Captain Driscoll turned to leave but Burns had a question on his mind.
“Captain, why exactly are we attacking the city?”
A serious look formed on the captains face “Cause last week these Rebels ambushed one of our squads and killed them. Here in this city, but reports show there was an officer with the squad during the attack. His body was missing so we assumed he’s a POW in that city.” He finished by pointing towards Treadsin.
Now Burns understood why there were so many Eagle units out here. The motto for the Eagles is: Mess with one Eagle, prepare to mess with all. The Eagles had a reputation to follow that motto. Eagles were an elite, light force, Special Operations Group. Their brutality and fearlessness in battle made them fearful in the enemies eyes. If this mission turned out to be an success, the Rebels would start to realize that nowhere in the galaxy was safe for them.

After about two hours of cleaning his rifle and listening to stories about past battles from fellow Eagles, the radio in the makeshift tent buzzed with life. The whole company filed in the tent and Captain Driscoll took control of the radio.
“This is Hunter B-2 do you read me over?”
“This is HQ, Hunter B-2 you have new orders. Eliminate the enemy mortar site and regroup with Hunter B-1 at the Northeast entrance over.”
Silent cheers came from the company. “Copy HQ, over and out.”
Captain Driscoll looked up from the radio and smiled at the Eagle Team.
“You heard the man, lets go hunting.”

Burns and the Eagle company climbed down the mountain quietly in till there were behind trees, fifty feet from the mortar group. Next to Burns was sergeant Poole, the smartest man Burns has ever know. Poole has saved Burns’s life a couple times before, he felt safe knowing Poole had his back.
“Team,” Captain Driscoll said through his squad radio “Ready your rifles, its show time.”
Burns and the others turned the safety off on their weapons and took aim at the six rebels walking around aimlessly. A loud crack came from the teams position. Some private stepped on a twig and snapped it to pieces. One of the rebels heard the noise and turned around. Before the rebel could even raise up his rifle, Burns let out a three round burst and caught the rebel in the chest. The Eagles took down the rest of the rebels with a charade of bullets.
Captain Driscoll raised his hand indicating the “All Clear” sign. The Eagles moved in and positioned themselves around the mortar pit. Burns stationed himself next to his kill and aimed his rifle at the mountains main trail. He took a second to look at the dead rebel.
Nasty bastard, should have been on are side…
The rebels weren’t the only threat in the galaxy. An alien army known as the Vapor Army are the humans main concern. So far, the Vapor Army has taken over three human planets and killed billions. All men were required to serve at least six years in the military but many refused. That’s when the rebels began. They ran away to Hexsun and tried to begin a new life, but they didn’t have the resources to survive so soon they were hijacking military frigates and stealing weapons from us. So war was declared on the Hexsun Rebels. A war, Burns assured, would be won.
Captain Driscoll stepped over to the mortar piece and placed a semtex explosion on the body. “Men, lets move out and regroup with Hunter B-1.”
Without a word, the men began moving to the mountain trail and prepared to fight in the enemies capital.

The sound of gun fire could be heard when they neared the Northeast entrance. Up ahead, Hunter B-1 were engaging rebels that were camping inside a vacant hotel.
“Its nice to see you made it in one piece Captain Driscoll.” The team leader yelled over the firefight
“Nice to see you too Major Almick. Whats are situation?”
Taking cover, Burns assisted the other Eagle team by laying down his own fire at the hotel. He also listened in on the conversation between the two officer, despite the loud gunfire.
“Are mission was to assist Hunter B-3 while they enter the Diner In restraunt and extract are POW. Problem is, Hunter B-3’s heli got shot down and the team is unable to fight.”
“Yea, so your team has new orders. You need to rally up your team and extract that POW. Well give you cover fire while you move up, understood?”
“Yes sir, moving out.”
Captain Driscoll moved out of cover and pulled back “Team on me.”
Hunter B-2 regrouped with the captain and he gave the team the mission update. Some groaned while others remained motionless but Burns just nodded. As an Eagle, he had to be ready for anything, even a sudden change in plans.
“Alright Eagles, lets get out there and show these Rebel pigs that messing with the Eagles was a bad move. Hooah?”
“Hooah!” The team yelled in reply, raising there weapons high
Burns looked at Poole and gave him a simple nod, he got one back.
Good, I still have my battle buddy, he thought to himself and gave out a silent smile

“Cover fire, cover fire!” An Eagle on a rooftop yelled out while shooting a mounted machine gun at the rebel filled hotel. That was there indication to go. The rest of Hunter B-1 also laid down heavy fire at Hotel while Burns’s team moved out into the street. Burns and the rest of the Eagles had to cross the street, go straight across the hotel and over a bridge to reach the restraunt. Now was there chance to make a mad dash across the Hotel.
“Move now!” Captain Driscoll yelled to the troops. Burns stood from cover and sprinted right in front of the hotel. Rebels spotted them and began laying loose unaccurate shots on the team. Burns fired his gun while sprinting and began running faster, praying he wouldn’t get hit.
An Eagle in front of him turned around to lay down his own volley of rounds when a lucky bullet from the rebels caught him right in the eye. His eyewear shattered and blood mixed with glass hit the sand, along with his body.
“You bastards.” Burns said through grinded teeth. He turned around and shot a whole clip into the hotel, hoping he would kill at least one. Eagles who have already reached the bridge began giving cover fire to the Eagles who haven’t made it yet. Once everyone did, Burns scanned the squad and saw that they had lost two men. Angry, he continued running in till he reached the restraunt.
The restraunt was quiet. There were no hostile fire…yet.
“Breaching formations people, lets do this.” Captain Driscoll said while catching his breath.
Burns and Poole stood on either side of the door, while the rest of team stood by the walls ready. Poole kicked open the door with extreme strength and Burns quickly filed inside. In the middle of the restraunt was the POW in a chair. Besides him was a rebel with a pistol pressed up against his ear. The rebel quickly turned the pistol towards Burns, but was shot down before he could pull the trigger. The rest of the Eagles joined Burns in the restraunt and pulled the prisoner out of the chair. Burns could see he was beaten and tortured, the rebels probably tried to get him to talk about the position of the next weapons freighter. After the building was secure, the team went outside and waited for their extraction.
“Good job,” Poole said, patting Burns’s back.
Burns smiled “yea, you too man.”

When their helicopters arrived, the team filed inside them and they were off. In the sky, the city of Treadsin looked like a total mess. Firefights were forming all over the city now and now thousands of Eagles were fighting their way deeper in the city in till every last rebel laid dead. Burns found himself reciting the Eagles motto over and over again “Mess with one Eagle, prepare to mess with all.”
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