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Immigrants why do they hate American, but want ot come to america to live?
Where do I start! Lets start with the immigrants. I don't understand why they hate americans, but want to become a american.

Many of them that come over to america are from wealthy families. That makes them able to afford a ticket. Their fleeing to


free. Free from the religous wars, death and, the government. This has become a very serious and deadly religion. In the olden

days a group of men came up with a man made religion that actually kill people. Called the nation of Islam. They hated christians

and the name of jesus that they wanted something that had nothing to do with christ. Alot of men and women have adopted this

false religion because of their surroundings. Even men of importance like Malcom X & louis F. To the point where there fake man

made religion is worldwide. Brainwashing many of people taking their minds off God and the son Jesus Christ. To me they don't

give jesus his real importance. WIth him being the son of god. They only acknowledge him as a regular man and thats not fair.

Yes god has many names, but where in the Holy Bible is god named Allah? They also cover their woman and faces. Making their

women less attractive to another man. Why hide your face from God? God'S children don't hide their faces from the father.

Muslim's also seperate during prayer. Woman go in the back of the mosque and the men go in the back. God wants everybody to

pray together. Why seperate each other. Thats their own rules not God's rule. Who do they think they are? I beleive that they

should keep their asses in their country. I think the group of men that formed this group were gay. I mean their showing that they

hate women in a way. Wanting to cover them up. Wearing dresses themselves and trying to betray a woman. Thats Gay!

Americans make me sick converting over to that bullshit and they don't even have to. Or really understand what it really stands for.

That stupid Obama character, because he is not the president, is the main one nowadays preaching about the nation. In his

speeches I hear him introducing Arab leaders and speaking that every american should be muslim. What the %*&*^%*? Who the

@&*&*& does he think he is? Any body who voted for him thanks but no thanks for inviting this &@#$* anti-christ to run our


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