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Rated: · Draft · Teen · #1757780
This story is about a pixie a spanish wood elf and a forest elf
Well let us start normally, you know with the introductions, my name is Adalia (I do not know what it means) I am a Spanish forest elf, at least my parents are Spanish I was born in Spain but Mama and Papa came over to England as a gift To our Lord Mayor Jeffreys, they’re slaves you see? The Lord Mayors little village of Battoni, where Mama, Papa, Diego and I live on the outskirts of, is populated by we elves, the Lord Mayor is so thick though that he has not yet noticed what is right under his massive crooked nose. Yes that is right, magic, real magic. Yes, yes, yes, “She’s a Witch Burn Her. BURN THE WITCH!” Yes Witches are real and no I am not a Witch.

Mama says that my magic is stronger than the other elves in our village, I do not know how though. I am the only elf in the village with bright sapphire blue eyes as Mama calls them. You are probably wondering where the village is, yes? It is pretty much right smack bang in the middle of England. It took the Cart driver roughly 3-4 days to get here from the sea. However it is very good farming land out here. Papa’s job is to tend to the crops, Mama is a seamstress for Mrs Jeffreys (the Mayors wife), and Diego sits around on his buttocks all day and does hardly anything, and I? I am a stable hand, yes a female stable hand, probably Old Hernandez’s favourite apprentice.

My favourite horse in the stables is the old Plough horse stallion Bobby. He is big, bay and has really fluffy feet, a baldy face marking, socks, lots of mane and he is a dear old boy. Old Hernandez says that I could spend hours everyday just cuddling him. He has very bad teeth so he gets hot milk and bran mash for supper every night.
“Adel?” It is Diego. Great.
“Yes?” Me.
“Stop, brushing that donkey, and come to supper.”
“Okay Diego, one: Bobby is not a donkey! And two: Hurry up and start doing something with your own life, please.”

I am at supper now.

“So Mama how was your day? Did she like the dress that you made her?”

“Yes Adal, she loved it.” Mama had just finished making a dress for the lord manors wife. It was Cherry red velvet with white lace trim and ruffle, with little silver flowers embroidered in the front. No wonder that she loved it. Mama is thin but large breasted woman with long black hair going back in a tight plaited bun.

“What about you Papa sir? Did you also have a good day?”

“ Not as good as your Mamas, I can say that, Alatea made two crowns today. Bloody rabbits have been eating my crops. That’s what is for dinner though, rabbit.”

I'm brushing Bobby. He's nearly to shiny to look at now.
"Excuse me Miss! Mayor Jefferys wants to see you!" It's a new boy, I've never seen him here before. He is quite good looking too, and he looks about my age.
"Oh, hello. Does Big Nose want to see me? That sounds like fun."
"Yes, he requests to see you right away. Would you like me to look after Bobby?"
"No it is alright, he is shiny enough now."
"Oh ok." Oh oops he looks slightly taken aback.

I'm on my way there now. Bloody Big Nose, I was enjoying myself.
I'm in Big Noses study.
"So Angela-"
"Adalia." Haha his glares funny.
"Adalia. I would like you to have a little stall at the market this week." Pardon?
"A stall sir? What would I be selling?" What would he make me sell? I mean I am more likely to yell at some one who tried to haggle!
"You would be selling the horses saddles and old bridles, your mother will sell my wifes old dresses, your father will sell his crops."
"But Ol- I mean Sir my fathers crops have been ransacked by the rabbits this year."
"Well does he have any left?" Shut it Big Nose.
"I am not sure Sir." By the gods leave me alone!
"Send him up then and i forgot the weapons."
"Weapons Sire?"
"Yes, daggers, swords, bows and arrows, the like."
"Yes sir. As you say sir." By the godesses I hated saying that. Yeugh!

"Sorry, I did not get a chance to introduce myself earlier. My name is Alejandro."
"Oh yes. My name is Adalia.When did you arrive?" Wow I love his eyes they are so green.
Don't stare Adalia it's rude!
"Last night."
"Oh yes, I recall a cart driving past our cottage last night."
"Are you a stable hand?"
"Yes why?"
"A female stable hand. Hmm."
"Just because I am a woman, it does not mean that I am inferior to all men!"
"Sorry I did not mean to offend you." Aaaw he's so cute.
"That is okay, it is just that it annoys me when men think that they are superior to women."

It's the next day and I have made quite the profit so far this morning. I have sold a dress, two daggers, a few rabbits (to little girls i'm not sure why rich little girls need them), a bundle of corn, a quiver of arrows (which I made myself), a sword and an old bridle.
I might actually leave Papa to tend to the stall for a while, so that I can go and look at the other stalls. I made about 50 pounds just this morning.
Oh how cute puppies. 2 pounds each might buy one or two. They look purebred, I'd say The Kings Spaniels.
"Excuse me sir? Sir I would like to buy those two puppies and some bones for them, please sir."
"So, those two puppies eh? And would the little misses father be allowin' this?" I can do whatever I want thank you very much fish face. "Yes Sir." Go to hell ugly!
He got them out of those horrible cages and passed them to me. Then the bones for them.
"That'll be 5 pounds." Wow that is cheap. I pass him the 5 pounds
"Thank you Sir. Oh and are they from the same bitch and dog?" I'll name Them Rosa and Espina. Which in Spanish is Rose and Thorn. " Och no me wife an' I breed 'em, these two aren' actually related but by their granddogs, cousins see?" Haha he has a Scottish brogue. "Thank you my good man." Oooo what is that large crowd of people? Must be a fight, might go see.
It's a fight. Oi don't push him against me you ugly cheating little man! *SLAM* Yeah right in the nose! Ow, that hurt my knuckles!
Hey he tried to punch me in the nose OK, shut up!
I punch him smack in the eye.
Oh no, he scratched me! Bastard!

"Cute pups there" Gee Papa no need to look so concerned I only got in a fight it's all good.
" Yes their names are Rosa and Espina. I asked the man who sold them to me and he said they are from different parents.
"Oh that is great. Little spaniel pups." Papa has a huge grin on his face.
"There is a little toy stall over there if you like." A toy store? Come on do I look 4?
"I'll go find a present for Dirtface."
"Okay then." How great is my Papa? He gets sick of Diego too.

I'm at the toy stall. There are actually some quite good things here. I'm kinda wishing I was little again.Oh now that is just adorable. I think it has magic powers. Wait did I just say magic powers you're wondering. Yes it is practically glowing. It's a little wooden gypsy horse, splatches and all.
"Excuse me? I'd like to buy the wooden horse."
"Ah. You choose well little madam, this horse has very strong magic. But she is very old. Fro the time of good Queen Bess she is." Aaw little old ladies and their tales. "Don't doubt it Adalia. you see it yourself. She is 10 pound." Wow good thing I've got 40 pounds then..
"I thought she would cost more as she has magical powers."
"Oh thank you Ma'am."

Sometimes I hate my family, I really do, see I was having a fight with Diego over ... Actually I can't remember what, and they stood up for Diego! Oh no I remember now, it was because Dirtface came to the stables at the same time as I was mucking out the stallions stall. And it was totally Diego's fault, he should not have been in the stables anyway! But it was pretty comical watching it happen. See,I'd just taken most of the manky old straw and wet manure out to the muck pile which is just outside the stable entrance and Diego, being Diego, practically ran into the stables, and slipped in some still fresh manure and fell backwards into the muck pile. I know I should not have laughed but it was so funny I just could not help myself. I burst out laughing.
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