Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1733967-Maxy-and-Trevor
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1733967
Maxy needs to be saved. Trevor needs to be loved. Worlds colide and truths are told.

                   The Impossible Love Story of Maxy and Trevor maxy p.o.v                             

                                Chapter 1.                   

                                “Maxima,” My blood ran cold as Mark, my abusive husband, yelled my name in his drunken haze. I quickly made my way out of my bedroom and down the steps, not wanting to upset him. He was on the couch, beer in one hand and pot in the other. Quickly, I knelt down in front of him, mumbling a quiet “yes master” as I awaited my fate. “You have been very bad Maxy, do you know that?”

                    “No master,” I replied shakily. My hands were already sweating with anticipation.

                   “Of course you don’t, you’re just a stupid bitch,” I winced at the words as I felt the sting. Why did it hurt? Mark was right; I’m just a stupid bitch selfish enough to want happiness for once in my miserable life. “Do you know what you did? Do you? I work hard all day just for you, and you don’t even have the decency to make me dinner! Also, what are you wearing? I clearly commanded that you are only to wear lingerie or nothing. You know I like a show.” He winked. This was his normal speech. Mark thinks that this is love. I do everything he says, and in return, my parents get to live and I get a roof over my head. Recently, he took out all of the phones in the house, including my cell phone, so that his cell is the only thing available. I also have no car.

                   “I’m sorry master, I got cold but--”

                   “I don’t care how cold you are you ungrateful whore! Now get upstairs, now!” Oh no. My punishment is always the same. Please not tonight! Sadly, the tightening in his pants showed that yes, tonight indeed. With that he walked up the stairs, giving me a chance to collect myself. Upstairs, he was waiting for me on the bed, where for the second time this week, my husband raped me.


                                              Chapter 2.                     

                            The sunlight streaming in through the windows woke me up. Mark was long gone; off to a strip club or bar. That was his job. I looked down on myself to inspect the damage. Bruises the size of hands covered my torso and thighs, along with what felt like a broken rib. Mark likes it rough. At least it isn’t as bad as last time. Limping, I made my way to the shower and scrubbed my skin raw. I never looked into the mirror, but today, I did. In it, there was a girl, medium height with golden hair. She was covered with bruises and deathly skinny. Her eyes showed no light. They were just lifeless, with no hope of ever changing. I looked away quickly.

                    I got dressed and made my way downstairs for breakfast. Eating was a privilege here, and I think I deserved it. The fridge was half empty, which means another punishment tonight. I sighed and got out the ingredients for pancakes.

                    An hour later, I was on my couch reading naked, not wanting to put him in a bad mood. A glance at the clock told me it was time to start making dinner. Time seems to fly when you’re lost in a good book. I made some steak with soy sauce and romen noodles. The left-over’s would be my meal. I set it down on the table just as Mark sauntered over.

                  “It looks like you finally did something right,” he taunted, gesturing to the food. He looked appreciatively at my body, a ghost of a smile coming onto his face. “And then some.” Happy, he sat down, but not before kissing me roughly and punching me in my already broken rib. I bit my lip to keep from crying. Crying is punishable.

                  Apparently tonight, Mark wasn’t hungry. After eating a few bites, he got up without a word, and went to watch football. As soon as the smell of marijuana assaulted my nose, I knew it was safe. I flew at the food, shoveling it into my mouth, nearly crying from the relief. He’s turning me into an animal! I have to find a way to escape, and I am willing to risk my life to try.

                                                     Chapter 3.                   

                    “Bye Mark! Have a good day at work,” I cried cheerfully. Today, I hid my suitcases under the stairs. Today, I purchased a car with his money and hid it out back. Today, I was going to escape the hell that is my current life.

                    “Um, yeah thanks. Just, uh, remember the dress code and dinner. Bye. Love you!”  So he liked my sudden mood change? Good. If I can’t get out, maybe he’ll be nicer. But I will get out, I have to. The garage door opening woke me from my reverie. I really have to stop thinking that long. With a shrug, I ran outside and pulled the car around. Then, I got the suitcases and put them into the trunk. Now it’s time for the letter:

Dear Mark,

These last three years have been the worst of my life. You have tortured me in every which way I can imagine. Well now I’m done. I am leaving you, and by the time you read this, my parents would have moved away to a place you will never guess. You do not love me and I certainly don’t love you. So good-bye Mark, and I hope you burn in a hell I do not believe in.



            On top of it, I placed my wedding ring. I put the note and the ring on top of his pot stash. With a rev of the engine in my new Subaru, I was off and single. Silently, I vowed I would start over, and never think of Mar—him again.

                                                  Chapter 4.

                                I was still driving four hours later, struggling exceptionally hard to keep my eyes open. The clock on the dashboard said it was just entering the early hours of the morn. So, satisfied in the fact that I had indeed escaped, I pulled into a motel. There, on the lumpy, dirty, albeit soft, mattress, I fell into the best sleep I have had in years.

                                The gleaming morning sun flew in through the windows, but that was not what woke me up. No, what woke me up were the two gentlemen courteously yelling on the top of their polite lungs. I got up to investigate. Peeking out through the keyhole, I could barley make out the silhouettes of the two men. But I’m pretty sure everyone can here what they are saying.

                                  “What do you mean my credit card’s declined? It, for your information, is brand-new! So you need to get your freaking eyes checked!” His voice was smooth like chocolate, even while yelling.

                                    “Look buddy, why are you even here? All last night you never turned off the lights! Plus, it is declined so get over it and fork over the cash before I pimp-slap you!” The other’s voice was gruff, like the voice you have when you wake up.

                                  “You need to mind your own business. Maybe I like to sleep with the lights on! I most certainly will not ‘fork over the cash’ and I’d really like to see you try to hurt me!” Well, by the sounds of their bickering, it was not going to stop anytime soon. So I got dressed in the same clothes I wore yesterday and walked outside. Unfortunately for me, my body decided that now was the best time in the freaking world to be a klutz. I tripped over my own two feet and landed on something hard and cold. I thought the floor had come to meet my acquaintance but I was wrong. There were hands on my hips and staring up at me with shock, was the abnormally gorgeous face of Mr. Chocolate Voice Man. 


                                                      Chapter 5.

                              My breath was coming out in hard, short gasps. This man was unreal! His eyes were so deep it was like I could get lost in them. I tried to get up but his hands were like iron. The shocked expression on his face had left. Replacing it was a wry smile and a mysterious twinkle in his eyes. “Well hello there,” he said, the smile still in place. Curse my blond-gold hair to the deepest pits of hell. I do not need to fall for another man.

                              “Hi,” I choked out, forcing myself to sound rude. Maybe then he would leave. The man he was arguing with had left so it was then I realized something. His hands still haven’t moved from my hips. “Um, would you be so kind as to remove your hands?”

                              “No, I rather like having my hands on such a gorgeous woman. Would you be so kind as to accompany me on a date? Like, right now?”

                            “So do you always ask girls out if they trip?”

                              “No. You seem…intriguing, minus the whole being drop-dead gorgeous.” The way he said “drop dead” sounded like an inside joke. I decided to let it drop. This god wanted me to go on a date and now was not the time to dwell on the past, or yesterday. I realized I hadn’t answered yet.

                              “Um, sure just keep your hands where I can see them,” I said gesturing to his iron-clad grip.

                              “You can see my hands can’t you?” I nodded. “Then we’re good!” He finally released me and helped me up. As soon as we were up, his arm immediately went to waist. I was about to say something when I realized his hand was on my hip, right in my line of vision. With a sigh, I spoke.

                              “You haven’t told me your name.”

                              “Sorry, I got distracted. My name is Trevor, Trevor Swordman.” Ok, that’s the sexiest name in the world.

                              “Maxima Lebowitz, but call me Maxy.”

                              “Maxy.” The word rolled off of his tongue and his eyes closed. That smile reappeared on his face. Trevor led me to a quaint little diner. “It’s not very romantic, I’m sorry, but it’s all they have in this one-horse town.” Then, a question dawned on me.

                              “Hey Trevor, where are we anyway?”

                            “A small town in Pennsylvania, I think. I haven’t cared enough to check.” A chuckle escaped his lips. It was the most beautiful sound in the world. He opened the door for me. It’s time to face the music.

                                              Chapter 6.

            The inside of the restaurant was cozy, but it had the cramped feeling along with it. We talked about everything and anything and as time went on, I felt more for Trevor than I have had for anyone else. A waitress sat us in a booth and flirted shamelessly with Trevor. “Is there anything I can get you and your sister,” she asked, pushing her fake boobs together. Don’t slap her, don’t slap her, don’t slap—wait. Why do I care? I just met this guy. So why do I want to claim him as my own?

            “No thank you and she’s not my sister, she is my fiancée.” You tell her. Wait WHAT! Fiancée? He is in so much trouble! “Isn’t that right honey?”

          “Um, yeah we are.” I decided to play along, just to see the look on her face.

            “Oh I’m sorry,” she said, “So when is the baby due?” Ok that’s it. I stood up, looked at her with a sickly-sweet smile, and back-handed her across the face. I ran outside with Trevor trailing behind me.

            “Maxy! Wait up!” he called, grabbing my arm. Memories of Mark flashed through my head and I collapsed on the gravel. Trevor caught me and held me as I cried, his joking demeanor replaced with concern. “Oh Maxy, what happened to you?” His eyes were so full of compassion that I cracked. I told him about the threats, the abuse, everything spilled out of my mouth. He stared at me open-mouthed. “You-you t-thought I was going to hit you? Maxy, I would never ever hurt you intentionally! We just met but I feel so much for you.”

            “That’s what he said. Then I trusted him and he turned on me and now…” I trailed off, breaking down again. Then Trevor did the most unexpected thing. He kissed me. His lips tasted like chocolate and peppermint and they molded perfectly with mine. Our lips moved together in synchrony until he broke it, leaving me breathless.

            “I am going to kill that vile creature,” he threatened.

            “You can’t! He will kill you first!” My voice bordered hysteria at the thought of him getting hurt. To my surprise, he chuckled.

            “Silly, gorgeous girl,” he murmured, staring into my eyes, “He couldn’t hurt me if he shot me point-blank. I’m…different.” I nodded, urging him to continue. Instead he picked me up bridal-style and brought me to his room. Flicking on the lights, he sat me down in his lap. “Yes, different. You see, I’m not human. I’m a vampire.”

                                                      Chapter 7.

                            I stared at him, slack-jawed. Please tell me he’s crazy! “I’m sorry, could you please repeat that? I swear I just hallucinated about you saying you were a vampire,” I said slowly.

                          “I am a vampire, but not like you see in the movies. Sun doesn’t burn us, it turns us to stone but we can still move. Also, we are incredibly strong so that makes us fast runners, and we also have awesome looks. We don’t get tired or need to breathe and we never sleep. It’s all part of lure, Maxy. Everything about us is designed for the hunt. But I’m different. Human blood only appeals to me if I’m thirsty. Other than that, I prefer animals. You know I’m thirsty when I act drunk. Being thirsty interferes with my brain, ergo causing it to make me act…loopy, I guess. I won’t hurt you, because, well, I’m in love with you Maxy.”

                          “You’re in love with me? We just met! How could you love me anyway? I’m worthless, selfish, and dirty!” His expression turned fierce.

                          “Don’t you ever say something about yourself like that again! You are gorgeous, smart, witty, selfless, caring, everything good and nice! You are most certainly not dirty! That wasn’t your fault and he’s never going to hurt you again. Maxy, you are the epitome of perfection. As for the loving part, a vampire’s feelings are stronger and accelerated. What would normally be a crush to a human is true love to me. I understand if you’re not ready but I want you to know that I’m here for you.” He kissed my cheek and lingered there. His scent was making me dizzy, but I had to think. Was I in love with Trevor? Yes, it most definitely felt that way. But was I ready to move on so quickly, with a vampire? I weighed the pros and cons in my head for an immeasurable amount of time. At last I had my answer.

                            “Trevor, I love you too.” The amount of ecstasy in his eyes was undeniable as he lifted me from his lap and changed positions so that I was straddling him. He kissed me with so much passion; I thought I was going to explode. Trevor sensed I needed to breathe so he trailed kisses down my jaw line and neck. With a wink, he picked me up and plopped me on the bed. That night, the man I loved made passionate love to me for the first time.

                                                  Chapter 8.

          In the morning, I was awoken by the smell of bacon and eggs. I woke up and stretched, feeling a slight ache in my muscles. A note was beside me.

          Dear Maxy,

I’m sorry I was not there when you woke; you looked far too peaceful. Please relax and stay in bed as I will bring you breakfast. Sorry if it’s bad; I haven’t eaten in 60 years. I love you.


        With a contented sigh, I leaned back into the covers. Just as I was about to fall asleep, Trevor burst through the door with my food. On the plate were scrambled eggs and four slices of bacon. I also saw a bowl of strawberries. “Good morning, my love,” he said.

        “My love? What happened to the sexual innuendos?” His copper eyes twinkled with amusement.

          “You already slept with me, so there’s no need to try. Plus, you already know I love you, so why not tell you every chance I get?” He kissed me on the cheek. “Eat up; I want to take you to my house.”

          “Why did you rent a motel room if you have a house? And how did you cook in a motel room?” Trevor chuckled, and I found myself momentarily disoriented at the sound.

          “I wanted a change of scenery, and this is the deluxe room, it has a mini-kitchen.” He winked. It’s hard to believe that two days ago I was trying to save my own life and now I’m in love, with a vampire of all people! I can’t even imagine myself without Trevor now.

            I ate quickly, anxious to see his home. If it fits his personality at all, it must be magnificent. I got dressed in a random pair of pants and Trevor’s stray shirt. It’s not very fashionable, but it would have to do. When I walked out, Trevor eyed me lustfully. “Please excuse my staring. I just find it incredibly…sexy to see you wearing an article of clothing from me.” I shook my head.

          “You are such a guy.”

          “Yeah, I know. However, last night you seemed to enjoy calling me god, over and over and over again.” I threw a pillow at his head, which he grabbed in mid-air. He then proceeded to stick his tongue out at me. See how mature he is? Trevor held out his hand and I took it as we headed out the door to his house.

                                        Chapter 9.

His house was more than I could possibly imagine. However, it wasn’t a mansion; it was a simple ranch house that possessed a magic and luster unlike anything I have ever seen. Inside it was even better. The color scheme was pale on pale and the wall was decorated in shelves of timely knickknacks. It had one bedroom, one bathroom and shower, and one kitchen. I didn’t care how small it was; this is my dream house. “You like it.” He said it as a statement not a question.

“Yes, I love it. It’s like a fairy-tale.”

“It’s only the best for my princess.”  He kissed my hand. I rolled my eyes at the cheesy line.

“Do you want me to call you my prince?” Trevor shook his head.

“Like I said, you seem to like calling me god more.”

“Bring that up again, and you won’t hear me say it for a very long time.” The look on his face was priceless; it was a look between horror and disbelief.

“I love you.”

“Good boy.”

“You didn’t let me finish. I love you, however, I can always lure you to me, like this.” In a split second, I was in his arms. Trevor winked and then kissed my cheek. Then he trailed his lips down across my jaw line and down my neck. I probably looked like I had no brain, because that’s what it felt like. “See, it works every time.”

“Uhh.” Well what a brilliant response that was. Trevor put me down and my head cleared. “That is so not fair!”

“Life isn’t fair and don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it,” he said with a smirk.

“I can do that back to you, you know.” He raised his eyebrows at me. So, I walked over to him and trailed kisses up his jaw line and to his ear. He moaned quietly. Nibbling on his earlobe, I smiled at the effect I had on him. I leaned back. “I told you so,” I remarked. Instead of the “duh” response I had, he was quick to move. I found myself on a bed with Trevor on top of me. That afternoon, I was very preoccupied for a long time. God I love this man!

                                          Chapter 10. 

I woke up wrapped in Trevor’s arms, filled with post-coital bliss. Suddenly, he moaned, not a sound of pleasure, but a sound of annoyance. “Baby, I’m sorry but my friend Minny has decided to grace us with her presence, and she will quite literally rip my head off if she doesn’t meet you.” Before I could question what he meant, a high pitched voice wafted up into the room.

“Damn straight Trevor! I will rip this door off if I don’t see both of you out here and dressed!” How did she know who I am?

“She can sense when something important is or will happen. Some vampires have extra abilities. I haven’t told you but I can project memories into your mind if I want to. She can project the feeling. Sorry.” I must’ve said that out loud. We got dressed and went downstairs to find a small girl, maybe from the Phillipines but obviously a vampire, bouncing with excitement. “Minny, how did you get inside my house?”

“I picked the lock,” she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. She looked at me. “Oh, it’s so good to finally meet you! How are you? What’s your name? Do you want to go shopping? No, shopping sucks. How about a movie? Great! Want to be best friends? Wait, I can already sense will be! HI!” Minny said this so fast that it took a little bit for it to process.

“Minny, please stop overwhelming my love.” Thank you, Trevor. She waved him off.

“Um, no it’s ok. It’s good to meet you too, my name is Maxy, I’m great thank you, shopping does suck, and sure!” I ticked off the questions with my fingers.

An hour later we were all sat at Trevor’s dining room table, talking about nothing, when a voice so terrible slid into the house. It was the same voice that froze my blood not too many nights ago. “Hello, Maxima.”

                              Chapter 11.

In a small voice I answered. “Mark.” Just the name sent shivers down my spine and made tears spring into my eyes.

“Why did you leave me? Did you actually think I would let you go? Think again, bitch.” Everything after that was a blur. Trevor grabbed me and pulled me behind him as Minny hissed. Mark took out a gun and there was a sharp pain in my abdomen. I had been shot. Minny grabbed me as Trevor lunged at Mark, killing him instantly. That was the last I saw and heard as I drifted into a peaceful oblivion.

“Will she ever wake up?” Trevor’s voice was the first sound I heard.

“I don’t know. Her mind is trying to protect itself. She will wake up when she is ready.” I can only assume that’s the doctor.

“I miss her so much. If only she could hear me…” Trevor trailed off, holding back what sounded like a sob. I can hear you! I wanted to tell him, but it felt as if iron bars were holding me where I am. My mind briefly drifted back to the day we met, Trevor’s hands on my hips and that twinkle in his eye. I miss his eyes.

Slowly, too slowly for my taste, I began to regain feeling in my limbs. I slowly opened my eyes only to shut them quickly. That light was bright! The eye opening did not go unnoticed by my vampire. “Maxy? Are you awake, sweetheart? Can you say something?” I struggled to say them, but I managed three words.

“Light in eye!” He looked confused for a minute before he understood and shut the blinds. I opened my eyes to a darker room and jumped. Trevor’s face was inches from mine. He then kissed me with so much desire it shocked me for a second.

“Oh, my love you’re awake! I was so worried. Are you hurt? Do you need anything? Where’s that damn nur—” I cut him off with the raising of my hand.

“I’m fine. Please stop talking so fast.”

“Sorry….I love you.”

“I love you too, what happened?”

“Well after I killed Mark because he shot you, that son of a bitch, you collapsed. Then, you went into a self induced coma. It was so long that you healed during it, and can actually leave whenever you want.”

“How long was I out?”

“About a year.”

                                      Chapter 12.


“Um, yes?” He was obviously a little frightened at my yelling. I took deep breaths before I spoke.

“I’m ok, don’t worry. So, what do we do now?”

“We just go home, I guess.” After I got dressed out of the hospital gown, Trevor signed me out and took us home. He told me he was taking me out to dinner, so I got dressed in a fancy dress. It was black, short sleeved, and hugged my figure like a glove.

When I went into the living room, Trevor stared at me with lustful eyes. I raised an eyebrow at him. “You look stunning, my darling.” He told me to close my eyes once in the car. His explanation was that he didn’t want me to see where we were going. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

“Baby, we are here.” My muscles ached and my bones cracked as I stretched the sleep off. Trevor opened the door for me and that’s when I got the full view of where we, or I, were eating. It was that little diner where we had our first date. I turned around and pounced on him, kissing him with every fiber of my being. Trevor, being the horny vampire he is, just stared, again.

The inside of the diner was exactly the same as last time. Even though it’s only been a year, I expected it to be different somehow. We got the same booth and sadly the same waitress. “Back again with your…fiancée?” She said the word like it was poison on her tongue. I was going to teach her a lesson. Just like last time, I stood up and smiled at her, laughing quietly as she instinctively covered her cheek. However, instead of slapping her, I grabbed Trevor and furiously made-out with him for two minutes. When I was done, I simply sat down in my chair and acted as if nothing had happened. Trevor muttered a flustered (and turned on) “yes” before giving her a little slip of paper.

She smiled, obviously hoping it was his cell number, before her face fell and she meandered despicably slowly, acting as if she was on death row, over to the intercom. “Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, but a customer has an important announcement.” Trevor made his way up to the podium before speaking.

“Maxy, my love for you is everlasting and undying. Instead of faltering over time it just grows. I see you as flawless, gorgeous, and everything in between. It would fill me with ecstasy if you became my wife. Will you marry me, my silly, gorgeous girl?”

                                      Chapter 13.

The entire room stared at me, anticipating my reaction. Gathering up what little courage I had and ignoring my stage fright I spoke. “Trevor, I would love to marry you!” Everyone erupted in applause as if they were all close friends. Trevor dug in his pocket to reveal a small box. Nestled in it, was a beautiful diamond ring on a gold setting. He slid it onto my fingers and kissed me passionately.

Out of the blue, Minny busted through the diner’s doors, looked at me, and practically yelled in my ear, “Can I be your maid of honor?!” I rubbed my ear and nodded, eagerly accepting one of her famous help-me-I’m-about-to-suffocate hugs.

The next year, I was walking down the isle in a beautiful white gown towards the man of my dreams. He looked like a dream, too. Trevor was adorned in a pale gray tuxedo with a red rose in the pocket. It matched perfectly with his eyes.

My dad put, almost reluctantly, my hand in Trevor’s, and sat down. I can understand why he feels like that, but he could at least make an effort to be nice. Suddenly, the minister spoke. “Do you, Maxima Lebowitz take Trevor Swordman to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.” My voice was high-pitched, and tears of joy were streaming down my face.

“And do you, Trevor Swordman, take Maxima Lebowitz to be you lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.” His words were so calm and sincere; it made my heart swell with adoration. Who knew two words could mean so much?

“The ring?” Trevor slipped a gold ring onto my finger as I did the same to his. The ring on my finger had an inscription that read: “Proof that opposites attract.” Those words were so beautiful; only the two of us (and Minny) knew how true those words are.

“By the power invested in me by the state of Pennsilvenia, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Then, over the deafening cheers and through the rice, we kissed blissfully for the first time as husband and wife. I was finally happy.

            The End



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