Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1730979-Why-not-to-get-rid-of-alcohol-ads
Rated: · Assignment · Business · #1730979
will ruin our economy and raise unemployment! Underage drinking will NOT stop, might go up
Advertising alcohol products are all over, not just on TV, but on the streets, buildings, at events, in stores, and it is a huge part of the economy. You are looking to limit underage drinking, but no matter what you do they will drink. Parents, older siblings and friends do it all the time, and while that does not make it right it also means that every where you turn, a kid sees it. You walk into a store, and you see alcohol on shelves, you walk through a carnival and you see stands selling alcohol; there you go, just that is another form of advertising. Not to mention, alcohol is on movies and in TV shows; yet another advertisement. We cannot possibly make it illegal to watch those shows and movies, and eliminating the advertisement goes against a lot of things such as freedom of speech! A business should be free to advertise their products, and not allowing them to do so is depriving the right to freedom of speech and less customers and income. Next, you will want them to close their businesses and make alcohol illegal, which when they last did that, it only made matters far worse. They found it caused more crimes, more trouble and returned alcohol; history repeats itself and is this much different?
         Businesses hire producers to advertise commercials which pays actors and the crew, and brings more people to buy their product which brings in income and more employees have jobs. That allows them all to buy other things, bringing others income and jobs and this chain continues. There you go; the economy would surely be affected. We spend all of our time thinking about how we need to fix our economy and how it is shattering, and there is only so much the economy can take! Eliminate things that bring in money and jobs? How is that going to fix our economy, really?
         Commercials are produced by people and acted out by people and sometimes not even regular actors but average joes. Either way, if we eliminate alcohol ads that raises unemployment and don't we already have enough issues with that as it is? If you want to be discrete, you would have to ban gun commercials, sexual commercials, and anything else that causes 'trouble or problems' and eventually, you might as well just shelter the world and raise your hands and say "forget jobs, forget the economy, let's just pointlessly attempt fixing issues that are just here to stay." Go down the street of Rochester, New York and ask a group of underage drinkers what they would do if they banned alcohol advertising and even went so far as to ban alcohol all together. They would most likely call you a fool and tell you that that surely is not going to stop them. Then after you go there, go into a store and ask who they get their advertising signs from and how much they cost and how much money they bring in. Someone makes those signs too. What about people who sell alcohol to parties, weddings, people who make alcohol-advertising clothing and all of that?Going to tell all these people that they cannot have jobs because we want to limit underage drinking or that they cannot advertise to bring in more money? Going to tell their little children at home why their parents no longer can buy food for the table because they have to spend the little they have on bills to have a warm house this winter?
          Think about it, say you're 13 and your parent works at a alcohol-based job, actually say they're a producer of budwiser commercials, and they bring in food, pay bills and buy everything. Even worse, say that parent is a single-parent or three children. We ban advertisement; the parent loses their income and job, and say they cannot find a job fast enough or at all to pay bills and the rent is due. Where are they going to live, what are they going to eat this winter?
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