Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1725664-Mr-Rabbit--Mr-Wolf---The-Sea
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1725664
Mr Rabbit and Mr Wolf decide to spend a day by the sea and oh what a day they have!
Once upon a time Mr Rabbit rushed into Mr Wolf’s house. It was very early in the morning and Mr Wolf was still in bed.

‘Wake up, wake up!’ shouted Mr Rabbit. ‘ I have had a wonderful idea. It is going to be a very hot day today so let us go to the sea.’

‘Why?’ asked Mr Wolf sleepily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

‘ Everyone goes to the sea in summer. It is cooler there with the sea breezes.’

‘Mr Rabbit,’ said Mr Wolf as he jumped out of bed. ‘ That is brilliant. I hate it when it is hot. I could hardly breathe yesterday in the middle of the day. It was so hot!’

‘ We will have a picnic at the beach,’ said Mr Rabbit, rubbing his hands in anticipation. ‘ Only this time we will take plenty to drink,’ he added when he saw the wary look on Mr Wolf’s face.

‘ It should be a good day,’ answered Mr Wolf. ‘ I have never seen the sea except on TV and it looks like everybody has fun there.’

‘ We will have fun too,’ said Mr Rabbit. ‘ You will see.’

Poor Mr Rabbit and poor Mr Wolf did not know what lay in store for them!

They packed quickly and caught the early bus that went all the way to the sea. It was a long trip and everybody got bored on the bus and started to sing songs which was fine until they sang about Big Bad Wolf who blew the pigs’ houses down and also about Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. Mr Wolf was a bit upset even though he wasn’t a bad old wolf.

When they arrived by the seaside it looked beautiful with the beach full of people, and the sea full of people, and the shops full of people. In fact there were so many people that you could get lost amongst them all.

At last Mr Rabbit and Mr Wolf found a nice spot and sat down on the sand. This was a mistake because everybody knows you are supposed to put a blanket or towel down first and sit on that. The sand went into their fur and was very itchy and Mr Wolf, who had sensitive skin, nearly went crazy scratching himself.

They went down to the sea and Mr Rabbit jumped in straight away and found out that he could swim. He paddled around and splashed some water on Mr Wolf.

‘ Come on Mr Wolf, jump right in. This is fun!’

Mr Wolf shook his head. He didn’t like all this water. It looked cold. As he stood there at the edge of the water a large wave rolled in and knocked him off his feet. As he lay on the sand another wave rolled in and after most of it had tried to go down Mr Wolf’s throat he choked and spluttered it out.
Mr Wolf went up away from the water, definitely not having fun at all.

A sudden cry went up and down the beach. A shark had been seen. Everybody swam back to shore but Mr Rabbit had paddled out too far from the shore and was trying hard to get back in. The shark chased him all the way in and it was a close call as one bite took part of his tail. He was shaking when he made it back to Mr Wolf.

‘ Look at my poor beautiful tail,’ he wailed in anguish, looking around at his backside.

‘ Don’t worry,’ Mr Wolf tried to console him. ‘ It will grow back eventually. At least you didn’t finish up as the shark’s lunch.’

Speaking of lunch made them feel hungry so they opened their lunch packs and spread all the food out in front of them. This was a big mistake as a flock of seagulls came down and carried all the food away. Their drinks were fine so they drank their lemonade but this made them even more thirsty.

They decided to go for a walk but nothing went well for them. Mr Wolf screamed when an army of crabs surrounded him and with their sharp claws bit his toes. It was lucky for him that he was a fast runner and he managed to run away from them. He kicked the sand in anger when he got away and was then chased by children whose sandcastles he had knocked down without noticing.

As they lay down in their spot having a nap the children found them and buried them to their necks in sand. When Mr Wolf and Mr Rabbit woke up the sun had burnt their faces and after a long struggle to dig themselves out of the sand they decided that they had had enough.

They packed up their things and took the bus back home. When they were nearly home the bus broke down and they had to walk the rest of the way home.

Mr Rabbit and Mr Wolf never went to the sea again and if they happen to be watching TV and the sea and the beach come up they switch it off. Can you blame them?
© Copyright 2010 C.A. Miller i (aikinforme at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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