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A short story about a boy, the reader shall have an insight into his emotions and life. |
One dark morning when the moon was still high, a boy named Alex woke up, just another day. He slowly and reluctantly dragged himself out of bed and rubbed his eyes, so he could see outside, the winters harsh frost smothering dead plants and flowers in his mothers now lifeless garden. Alex got dressed, and went downstairs to make himself breakfast to provide him some energy for the day, and then brushed his teeth, got his school bag and set off to school. Everyday he walked by himself with no friend or companion. Today as he walked to school, the harsh cold nipped at him, the ice cold wind made his eyes water, a group of youths walked slowly ahead of him, Alex felt quite nervous and decided to slow his pace down and walk behind them. One of the boys in front of him wore layers of clothing, grey gloves, grey coat, his skin, very pale, they all wore a black hat on top of their heads, however the rest of them all had different coloured gloves and coats. They suddenly stopped, Alex caught a glimpse of smoke, so he assmumed they had stopped for a ciggarette. Alex's heart started to pace fast, his breathing seemed restircted, he felt as if he was being strangled, fear like he had never felt engulfed him, as he was fearful of what may happen when they see him walk past, Alex held his head low and continued to walk on. Out of the corner of Alex's eye, he saw one of them look at him, the boy with the dull coloured clothes, Alex ignored this and walked to school. Another boring day for Alex, he sat in his maths lesson before break and was drowning in thought. He was thinking of his nan, Victoria. She had recently had an accident and fell down the stairs, she had brain damage. Alex thought of her, she brung him strength in times of trouble, she was fearful of no one, and she would never back down from a fight. Victoria encapsulated everything Alex was not, he was timid, shy, weak, his tear ducts had wept too many times, he let people manipulate and hurt him, he was a shell with no soul, a body with no heart. Alex went to break and as usual, he sat on his own. He decided to sit outside, as hardly anyone was out there. The odd person walking past gave Alex dirty looks or made remarks at him, it went in one ear and out of the other, he was beyond hurt, words meant nothing to him anymore. He just sat and stared at the grey dull sky which started sprinkling snowflakes, one landed in his right eye and it made him chuckle Alex wiped his eye and then he looked to his left to find a girl walking towards him, she smiled, introduced herself, she was called Anna. She had rosey red cheeks, a bright smile and wore colourful clothing. She was nice to Alex, and to Alex's suprise found out that she lived not far from him, so they both agreed to walk to and from school together. To be continued.. |