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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1711797
Chapter 4 of my famous story. Rev1
Chapter 4
The Lock-down

         Fantastical dreams, what dreams you ask? Peaceful ones, yes, peaceful ones...
You know those days where you just wake up, eyes closed but you're awake and you enjoy laying there cuddled warm into the blankets? I laid there for a bit enjoying my morning when I feel something soft on my left side. As I groaned a little and slowly opened my eyes I remembered that I brought along Tina with me.

         Looking down at her sleeping body and the calm expression on her face, I couldn't help but reach over and rub her cheek thinking she is a nice girl, when asleep that is.

“Maybe I have been a bit to mean to her, shes just a kid anyways. I guess I can take her with me for a bit.”

“mmm see thats what I wanted from my cousin, the nice loving one who is always there”

         I was a little startled finding out she was already awake but soon I just rubbed her check more feeling the love I have for my cousin in this morning calm. She kinda purred like a cat and nudged her face into my rubbing palm as I smiled and thought maybe it would be a nice day. I soon moved my hand over to her arm and rubbed it as I asked her.

“You wanna stay in bed today or explore the town?”

         I already knew the answer but I just wanted to make sure.

“Can we stay in bed please? I really missed having a morning like this with you”

         I was right, and I wasn't complaining. I laid there for awhile just rubbing Tina as we cuddled close enjoying our time together. Just as I was pulling her on top of me so we can talk more face to face instead of face to chest without it being slightly muffled, My phone goes off. Reaching over and letting Tina fall back to the bed I picked up the phone and lazily look at it to see who it is.

         I groaned loudly as I showed Tina who it is, She buried her head in the pillows and said to not answer, by now you can possibly guess who it is. Tina's mom. I knew this wasn't going to be good in any way so I lifted the phone to my ear and pressed the answer key.

         I answered cautiously.

“You have ten seconds to tell me my daughter isn't with you and that you know where she is”
         Looking at Tina, then at some random spot on the wall I answered her with dread.

“Tina's with me, and before yo...”
         She cut me off before I could explain.

“What the hell are you thinking!?!?Bring my daughter back right this second before I come down there and get her myself and beat you're ass!”
         I knew she was going to fly off the handle, I just had to try and control the situation.
“Please just listen to me, she already bought the tickets and...”
         She cut me off again, I was starting to get annoyed.

“And that gave you a reason to take my child out of state and half way across country?”
         Talking sense to her was like trying to feed a hungry lion veggies.

“I am sending her back today ok? So please calm down”
         I was hoping this wasn't a bad idea in saying it with such a mean tone but surprisingly....

“oh, well if you're sending her back today, then I guess it's fine”
         Now it was my turn to be pissed, she flew off the handle and accused me and now she's acting like it doesn't matter in the lest bit. I just hanged up and looked at Tina and gave her a nod saying things are fine, she sat up and hugged me and thanked me.

         At that time we decided that is was best to get up and moving. So both of us got up and moved to the suitcase. Tina just stripped naked and then lingered around acting like she couldn't find her cloths when they were right there, I just ignored her as I found a plain T-shirt and some shorts and put them on and when I looked over at Tina she smiled at me and puffed out her chest.

         Bopping her on the head and telling her to get cloths on I walked over to the bathroom to wash up a bit and Tina with a sour face unrelentingly put on a green shirt and jeans.

“Tina could you please stop that, you're thirteen now and can't being doing that”
         I said as I pulled out my toothbrush and paste.

“Oh you know you love my body”
         She walked up next to me carrying her toothbrush and paste.

“Were not going to argue right now”
         I started to brush my teeth and so did Tina who rubs her side on mine once in awhile. For the most part I ignored her and brushed my teeth quickly then I set my stuff down and left the bathroom. Walking over to the suitcase to pickup my wallet I had in my pants I took off and threw into the suitcase last night I heard the door bell ring.

         Deciding that I can grab my wallet later I walked up to the door as Tina walks out of the bathroom drying her face. Opening the door I saw a bell hop guy standing there with a “I got bad news” face on.

“Can I help you?”

“Sir there's a situation going on and we would like you to stay in you're room at all times until it is resolved”
         Now this peaked my interest and also I was hungry.

“why what's happened?”

“Nothing to be concerned about sir, if you need anything just use the phone to order it”
         At that he left and I closed the door, not seconds later Tina was up in my face.

“What's going on? Did something happen?”

“Yeah but I don't know what, but we have to stay inside for the day”
         Tina looked disappointed that she wasn't going to get to see the town today, but happy she gets to stay another.

“Ok... Can we get some food though I am starving!”
         I smiled at Tina as I walked over to the phone and picked it up.

“What would you like to eat?”

“Whatever you want”
         She sat back in one of the love seats and motioned to me to sit too, but I stood there and ordered pizza and pop then walked over to the window and looked out over the town. I was just starting to enjoy the view when I got tackled from behind by a giggling Tina. I swayed and held myself steady as I tried to get her off but failing in the end.

“Hey hey! Let's wrestle! Its been awhile and I need something to do since were stuck here”
         After a big smile and a giggle or two she finally got down.

“Can't you find something els to do? I would like to enjoy today”
         I was eating those words soon after.

“Ok I will find something to do for you to enjoy”
         She was half way in taking off her pants when I realized and grabbed them and pulled them back up.

“Tina stop it, go play cards or something I need some time alone to think right now”
         I said pretty sternly. She stuck her tongue out and turned and walked away mumbling. After she was gone I turned back to the window and wondered how I was going to get Tina back home. After awhile I gave up thinking and will just send her home tomorrow.

         It was at this time I noticed it was quite, I mean too quite. I turned away from the window and called for Tina. After getting no answer I called again. But again I got no answer, Starting to get worried I walked to the bathroom and peered inside, nothing, then  checked around the whole main area, then the kitchen, then the dinning room.

         Tina was no where. I ran back into the main room and grabbed my wallet and fumbled around in my haste to find my keys and once found I shoved into my pocket and ran to the door of the place and slammed it open. Breathing hard and thinking something really bad happened to Tina I ran as fast as I could to the elevator.

         Out of order it said. I cursed the dam thing as I made my way to the stairs checking my phone to see if I got a message from her. I nearly fell down the stairs when I saw that I had nothing new and was trying to stuff it in my pocket. I reached into my other pocket for my keys and pulled them out and looked for the car keys when I realized I forgot the company card that you also have to use to start the car.
         At this point I was hectic, sweating bullets and nearly pissing my pants thinking I lost Tina standing in the middle of the stairs when guess who came walking down then stairs? Mr. Prison guy from the airplane. My luck couldn't get any worse at this point. Thought's raced through my head like maybe she was taken while my back was turned, and similar things as the guy just tipped his head hello and passed me.

         After awhile once the guy was gone I slowly headed back up the stairs thinking my life's over, Tina's gone, and started to cry a little as I realized how important she really was to me. I got to the hallway and dreaded having to head back to the room. Dragging my feet along I pulled out my phone to check the date and time and then send a message to Tina's mom saying that it might be a little longer.

         Counting the steps as I walked back I looked up and wondered what I would do if her mom found out her daughter is lost or worse, dead. Upon reaching the room I griped the doorknob with hesitation and slowly turned it hoping when I opened it, Tina would come running up and hug me and babble on endlessly.

         Slowly, with hope I pushed open the door a few inches and peer inside, not seeing much I pushed it open a bit more. Nothing, that's when I knew she wasn't here and that it was pointless to stay at the door forever hoping different. Opening the door all the way I saw a empty room and with it, my crushed hope. I looked in with a defeated face and stepped through the door sluggishly with heavy shoulders and closed the door behind me.

         I walked in and toward the bar in that same manner thinking maybe a drink would help calm me down and make me feel better. Getting to the bar I bent down and looked over the contents. Choosing on the Jamaican Rum I grabbed a glass and set it on the bar and then popped the cap off the bottle and started to pour me a glass when I saw something on the table over in the dinning room.

         Wondering if I should drink first or go see what it was, I decided to just take the glass with me. Walking over there seemed like forever as I thought about what happened to Tina. When I got to the table I noticed it was a letter. After setting my glass down I picked up the letter wondering when this was placed here when it hit me, the guy who I saw earlier could have left it if they did take Tina.

         Swallowing hard I opened the letter. After a few seconds only two words came out my mouth.

                                                           “Oh shit”

Link to First two chapters "The Other Side Of My Dream Chap 1~2
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