Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1711725-What-was-I-thinking-Oh-wait-I-wasnt
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Entertainment · #1711725
Having to drop off a CC to mom at the grocery store..and the unexpected drama.
Well, I just got back from the ACME which for those not living in Pa is a  local grocery store owned by Albertsons, I’m sure most of you heard of them. Anyways I was just getting ready to sit down and start writing when my cell phone rang. I was going to ignore it as I usually do when I’m writing but since I hadn’t really started yet I turned it over and noticed it was my mother calling.  Now,  she had left about an hour ago to do some light grocery shopping so I figured I would have sometime to myself which, mind you is not very often unless you count the many trips to the bathroom during the day, some for no reason at all except to have a minute of privacy. (Like I said privacy here is rare.)  So I answered the phone hoping that everything was ok and that maybe she just had a question for me. No such luck. As is happens this ended up being all my fault anyways. You see yesterday I had offered to do some of the shopping for her and after returning home forgot to give her back her credit card that she uses for all her shopping excursions. Thus the call was for me immediately to run over to the acme and give her the card so she could finish her shopping. So I drove over to the acme and parked in front of the store where she had requested we meet and sat there, and sat there, and sat there, and sat there some more. Ok, I said to myself she’s getting older maybe she just forgot. Or maybe she just wrote a check and left already cursing me all the way to her next grocery appointment. I had tried calling her on the cell phone, no answer, and by this time angry patrons of the store were beginning to stare at me as well as store employees started asking me to move. “Why?”, I said “ Who am I blocking?”  “This is a no parking or stopping zone!” said the cart collecting guy who was loosing patience with me. So I informed him that I was waiting for my older mother to give her something and she instructed me to meet her here. “I don’t care if the president of acme told you to park here, now move it!, I had never been insulted or scolded by a 16 year old grocery cart pusher before so I didn’t know quite how to react. So I yelled “Don’t you have some carts to push for $3.00 an hour and then also said with fervor,  “If you weren’t 16 years old I would kick your ass!”…There that solved it. Now, the entire parking lot of ACME was looking at me like I had just completely lost my mind and wondering if they should call 911 before I completely blew up and turned this into the next big story on the 6 oclock news. I rolled up my window turned on the air and tried to look like everything was fine and that I was never even mad in the first place. Finally, my mother came walking out of the store and twords the car. As I rolled down my window she said quietly and quickly, “I was on my way out to meet you, but someone stopped me and said there was a crazy guy outside threatening people and that I should wait until it was over for my own safety. “Really…”,  I said “That’s just horrible.”  “Sometimes I just can’t believe the way some people act.”  I know she said , I’m just glad you weren’t involved.”  So quickly I then passed her the card and sped off on my way back to the apartment before someone filled her in on my psychotic episode to begin writing my entry. Whew I thought, and I didn’t think I was going to have anything interesting to write about or have writers block  today
© Copyright 2010 Shawn Scarano (skee1515 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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