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A vampire girl and a boy that is a werewolf fall in love at the wrong time and place. |
Path to the Eclipse Chapter 1: First Day Gone…Good? You know how first days of….anything…always turn out screwy? Well this day happens to turn out quite good… “Scarlet, get your big butt up!! You’re going to be late for school!” A voice said. “I’m up, I’m up!” I moaned back at the voice. I am just going to tell you straight up that I am a vampire, and so is the rest of my family. I am stuck at the human age of 17, but I am really 110 years old. Today is supposedly my “first” day at a new high school, Arcadia High. My family and I travel all over the world because of what we are. People and vampires are not a good mix. I hate moving to a new school, especially when the people piss me off when they call me “new kid”. Now I know most of you have heard this before, but saying that to a vampire is a really bad thing to do. I didn’t do anything to them; I just have trouble controlling my anger that’s all. Well let’s hope this doesn’t happen at a private school in Tacoma, Washington. “Today class we have a new student with us this year. Her name is Scarlet Crimson. Her and her parents are travelers. Try to be nice and make friends with her.” the teacher said. I rolled my eyes at the “travelers” comment. She didn’t see me. “You can take a seat up in the front, or back in the back, whichever you prefer.” the teacher smiled. “OK.” I whispered, walking towards the back of the room. From what I could tell there were about 20 people in the class. I sighed when I sat down in my seat. After a quick look at the faces surrounding me, I got out pencil and a notebook to write down the information on the board behind the reading teacher. A few minutes later someone said, “Do you have a piece of paper I could borrow?” I looked towards the voice. My jaw fell so far open I thought something might get sucked into it. He was so gorgeous. His dark green eyes reminded me of a night walk through the forest. I pulled my jaw back up. I looked at his paper, his name was Eric Salvatore. “Hello? Are you ok? I asked for some paper, I kind of ran out…..” He smiled, looking at my desk. I wonder if he was trying to figure out my name. I smiled dreamily. “Hello?” he said again. I snapped out of it “Oh…uh…yeah, sure.” I mumbled. I ripped like 5 sheets of paper out of my notebook and handed them to him. He chuckled. “Thanks.” he whispered, giving me a wink. I smiled. Then I sharply turned my head away and back to the board and my notebook. I didn’t pay attention to anything that the teacher was saying. I also may have peeked through my hair a couple of times at the gorgeous guy next to me. I actually peeked so many times, that I was afraid he caught me once. I really hope not. Finally the bell rang, and I could finally get out of the class that kept making my eyes turn the embarrassing color. Yes, my eyes change color according to my mood, I forgot to mention that. Sorry. Anyway, back to the subject now according to the piece of paper that people that go to school, most likely humans, call a schedule, it was lunchtime. ‘Great, lunchtime, I will probably get laughed at again, and I would probably sit alone again as well.’ I thought to myself. The cafeteria was serving pizza today. The line was quite long but I finally got to the food. I looked at the counter in disgust. ‘Don’t they have salad or fruit?’ I wondered. I grabbed a tray full of gunk and gave the cashier a dollar fifty, and walked away. I stopped and looked around. I spotted an empty booth in the corner of the cafeteria, with no person around it. I sighed with relief. I honestly didn’t really want anyone to sit with me, let alone anyone laughing at me. I walked over to the deserted booth that I shall claim as mine. I saw why people never sat at the thing. The table top was a little cracked and the seat looked as if it would squeak so much to where people would go mad. I didn’t care, I am tougher than that, and I will sit at this booth, until I am forced to get off. I sat down, and I was right, the seat did squeak, but not that much. I was a vampire; we tend to be very light. I looked down at the greasy mush that is supposed to be eatable. ‘I am so lucky I don’t even eat this junk.’ I think to myself. Just warning you that I tend to do this a lot. I pushed the tray away and slumped my head down on the table. I was hoping I could hide my face from the idiots surrounding me with their preppy selves. I spoke too soon because someone sat across from me, it was kind of hard not to notice. I peeked through my arms to see who the mystery person was. It was the guy who asked for the paper, Eric. ‘What did he want?’ I wondered. “Hi.” he said, slightly louder than a whisper. “Hey.” I mumbled, stopping my moping. “So….why you sitting here all alone?” He asked. That pretty much started a 45 minute conversation. We talked until the bell rang for our next class. It turned out that we had all the same classes. Lucky me…….I think. So do you have any family in town?” Eric asked. I jumped at his sudden outburst. He chuckled. I glared at him. I sighed “Well…..uh…no…..” I mumbled. “Why?” Eric asked a little shock in his voice. I giggled nervously “It’s…kind of a long story….” I sighed. “I have time……well not now of course….but later.” he chuckled. “There’s not enough time in the world for this story…” I mumbled. He sighed, “You’re not going to tell me are you?” I looked away from him, drawing my attention to the teacher over by the classroom window. He sighed with frustration and turned towards his assignment. I didn’t want to tell him, not now, not ever. We are only friends, friends that just became friends, 20 minutes ago. Not some friend that I have had for 5 years or something like that. I just can’t tell him something that would hurt anyone. I have hurt so many people in the past, that I swore myself that I would not make myself do it again, no matter what the risk. When the class finally ended. “Hey Scarlet! Wait up!” Eric shouted from behind me. I turned slowly around, just to catch him running all the way down the hallway. “What?” I mumbled. “What’s the matter?”Eric asked, concerned. “Nothing.” I mumbled. We got each other’s numbers. I had the gut to ask if he wanted to stay at my huge penthouse that I owned. I asked him because I found out that he lived alone, besides his younger brother. Not that I don’t have any parents, they are in Kenya trying to find a cure for some kind of disease. Yes my parents are what they sound like. They are snooty, and very strict. Unlike them, I am very mellow and I do whatever I can, whenever I can. Let a guy into my house, is a good example of that….I think…….. After walking to their house for them to pack we started towards my house. On the way there I “fell” and I said that it “hurt”. Eric was being himself, I think, and was worried as hell about me. I had to pretend the fall hurt because, to a human, it was supposed to. I wanted to keep my secret, well a secret, you should already know why. He was so worried about me he carried me all the way to my house. I pretended to cry about my “broken” arm all the way there, “struggling” to tell him the directions. His brother was a pain in the ass all the way there, but I lived. I’m not trying to be mean, but I am speaking the truth here. It was kind of hard not to live when Eric’s brother, Zeth, was around. He is more of a bee then a fly. A very big bee….. When we finally got to my house, I told Eric that I lied about my arm being broken. He was somewhat furious but for some reason he didn’t yell at me, not even talk sternly to me. I was hoping, yelling wasn’t his nature. I think Eric is a really nice guy, I sometimes think he is acting like he is more than a friend. It’s just me though…..I think. Well when I told him the truth about my arm, he just looked disappointed and shocked; Nothing more. When we got inside I showed them the house. “Light’s on.” I said clearly. The light’s flicked on. “Whoa, that’s cool….” Zeth breathed. “It’s nothing much….” I mumbled, looking down at the ground. I felt guilty about lying to Eric, who was slumping away to look around “Welcome home, Scarlet.” a voice said. I know you have heard this somewhere else in the beginning of the story but, follow this with me. “Who said that?!” Zeth said, jumping 5 feet in the air. “That’s just the house…” I whispered. Why couldn’t I talk right? I can’t get any louder than a whisper. “Just a HOUSE? What kind of house is this?!” Zeth shouted; he was acting like a little girl. “An expensive one.”I mumbled pulled him away from a glass table before he broke it. “Apparently.” Eric sneered. I turned around to face him. His face wasn’t his usual face; he had a straight line for a mouth. I didn’t like this look on him, it just didn’t fit him. I fidgeted with my fingers and rocked back and forth on my feet. “Let me show you to your rooms.” I mumbled, walking to the hallway. I opened two out of the three doors that were in the hallway. I sighed deeply, “You can choose which room you want.” I mumbled. “What’s the other door?” Zeth asked, nodding his head towards the door that I didn’t unlock. “That’s my room.” I mumbled. Eric was walking to the room closest to mine. I wonder why…….? Man why am I always so………..I don’t know…..asking so many questions that I can’t answer. I just have a lot on my mind I guess…..I don’t know. “Hey Scarlet?” Eric asked me. I turned around slowly to face him. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” I nodded and planted my feet on the ground. “Alone.” he added. “Oh….” I mumbled. He gestured to the room he was going to stay in. I walked in, a little worried. ‘Why does he want to talk to me, and why alone?’ I thought to myself. I tend to do this when I am suspicious or worried about something. The door closed behind me. “Why did you lie about your arm? You shouldn’t have in the first place. That should have hurt…..right?” ‘Oh my god, he’s starting to get observant with me. Well he is right, that fall should have hurt….for a human…….’ I walked around the room nervously. “Please tell me. If something is wrong with you, and you’re afraid of embarrassment, I swear I will not tell.” he said following me around the room. “I’m not afraid of embarrassment. I’m afraid of exposure.” I murmured. I looked at his face. He looked pretty serious about his words. “Tell me….” he whispered, grabbing my arms and turning me around to face him. He bent down so his face was level with mine. “Please.” I looked down at the solid wood floor. I shook my head softly from side to side. I started to walk around the room again. “I just can’t Eric….I can’t….” I choked around tears. I tried to stop the annoying tears from coming, but more kept replacing them. “Come on, don’t cry…..please…..” Eric mumbled. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I couldn’t help but hug him back and just cry. He stood there, cradling me like a little child until I calmed down. “Fine, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to…” Eric mumbled in my ear. I just loved that about Eric, his gentleness in him and his voice. I never knew a guy that had his same disposition, the comfortable feeling I had around him. I just can’t talk to him about my secret……of course I can’t tell anyone about this secret. Chapter 2: Mysterious thought, Starting with a Strange Vision... Lightning was clashing outside the window. The window, of the room of which a child was to be born into the world. There is something strange about the people surrounding the mother. The mother looks strange as well. They are pale figures, as if they are ill. They are all smiling .with joy, awaiting the birth of the child. When you see the people smile they having sharp teeth, and lips as red as crimson. But one person stands out, the man standing over the woman in the bed. The man seemed to be the father. He looked nothing like the other people, as if he was human and the others were not. He was a broad man, big shoulders, tall too, almost seven feet. Unlike the other figures, this man had a little bit of a tan. He had black hair, and from what you could see, blue eyes. The mother was now holding a baby girl in her arms. The girl was small, but looking about 7 or 8 pounds. She had dark hair, cold as black. She was crying, like every child does after being born into a different world. When you look closer the girl had two sharp teeth like the people surrounding her. What were these people? They weren’t human………. The night was clear; a sea of stars was floating above. A light breeze flowed through my open window. I sat there, with a pillow under my chin, watching the tree branches rock back and forth. The birds were softly chirping, getting ready to sleep. I was not in a hurry to go to sleep for two reasons; number one, I don’t sleep, like at all. Number two, how can you people sleep when it is so beautiful during the night? I mean really, the stars are just a blanket of shining specks, that are such a long distance away from you, your curious to know where they come from, how they were made into our world, how they fit in. The smell of the grass, trees, and plants, are just so over whelming to me, that I don’t feel like I need a blink of sleep, even if I can’t in the first place. I also wonder how it feels to close your eyes, slow down your breathing and actually sleep, dream….. There was a soft knock at my bedroom door. I got up from my “thinking spot”, as for that is what I call it. I slowly opened the door to find Eric leaning against the door frame. I rolled my eyes. “Couldn’t sleep, or did you have a nightmare?” I joked. He just kept looking at me, his eyes a fierce green. “What?” I asked again. Then something happened that I did not expect. He leaned in fast and pressed his lips to mine. I almost fell over in shock, but he embraced me. I didn’t react; I didn’t know how to react. The kiss he gave me only lasted a few seconds, but it was wonderful; the taste of his musky breath. He pulled away slowly, and looked into my eyes. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while…” he mumbled. My breath was unsteady. “Is there a reason for that?” I whispered. “You’re a beautiful girl, and are not like the other girls around here…” he whispered. “You have no idea….” I whispered. “Maybe you should tell me then, so I have an idea,” He challenged, “give me a few things about yourself.” I thought for a second. “I am very fast, I tend to be sometimes…..moody, and I am on a special diet, so to speak…” I whispered. My senses were all over the place. I could still smell the musky scent of him. He nodded. “You are so different from other people at that school.” I whispered. He chuckled, “Now you know how I feel…..” I rolled my eyes. “So……uh, was that it or do you have another surprise for me?” I joked. Eric smiled. “Well, I actually can’t sleep…..” he mumbled. I smiled softly, “Neither can I……” He smiled back. “Do you want to come in and….talk?” I whispered. He nodded. We talked about are reasons for not being able to sleep, minus the whole I don’t sleep at all thing, and a little about each other. He kept playing with my hair, twisting it through his fingers. I never really looked straight into his eyes, because he was making my eyes change to the annoying royal blue color. My eyes were going nuts. I couldn’t keep track of my emotions, usually that was supposed to be a bad feeling, but this was a good feeling…He leaned in and smelled my hair. He chuckled, “What kind of shampoo do you use? Smells….floral…” I was silent for a few minutes, still drawing in the scent of him. “Didn’t I just meet you?” I whispered. He pulled his head from atop of mine. “Yes, why?” he said, uncertain. “It’s just that…it’s going a little fast. I…I have had…my...my heart broken before and I don’t want that part of my life to come back and haunt me…” I mumbled. Eric sat up. “I would never do that to you; I am not one of those people who break up with someone without a good reason……” he whispered, blushing. “So you admit you like me?” I whispered. He nodded, blushing a deeper shade of red. I shook my head softly from side to side. “What?” Eric asked, looking down into my eyes, for my face was looking down at his hands next to mine. “I have been through this only once, and I was hurt. I don’t know if I can do it again….” I mumbled. He was silent for a few seconds, probably wondering what he was going to say. “You have it easier than I do. I have never liked someone this much before.” He whispered. I looked at him with astonishment. “You have never liked anyone ever?” I scoffed. He shook his head. We stayed silent for a few minutes. I breathed in. “Do you call yourself lucky?” I asked. Eric looked at me questionably. “To like me.” I finished. He nodded. “Yes.” I chewed my lip. “Why is that?” I asked. He stayed quiet for a little while. Thinking of what to say I think. “Well, like I said before, you are different than the other girls at the school. Where did you move from?” he said. I sighed. “I recently came from London, England. I have been to too many more places then that trust me.” I laughed .Eric smiled. “Your laugh is cute.” He murmured. I felt like I was blushing. “I like it when you blush too.” He whispered, softly brushing his fingers along my cheek. I am blushing. Why am I blushing? Is it possible that Eric is bringing some of my human side back? If I have a human side… “So…how many times have you moved?” Eric asked. He was looking around the room. It was covered with pictures of all the places I have been to. Eric got up and walked over to the wall that was covered with those pictures, for he saw me looking in that direction. “Wow...” he whispered. I was fidgeting in my place, probably blushing twice as much as I was before. “You have been to so many places, most of them I have always dreamed of going to.” Eric said, awed. He turned around, for he noticed I was quiet. I was looking down at my hands, which were in a fist in my lap. “Are you ok?” he asked, sitting back down next to me. I nodded softly. “Yeah, just thinking…” I whispered. I looked out my window. The stars were at their brightest point. I felt a hand grab mine. I looked towards Eric. He was looking at the stars too. He sighed, “I just love the stars….” He smiled. I laughed softly. “What?” Eric asked, looking at me. “I love them too…” I whispered. That’s when he looked me in the eyes, and I could see the inside of him, his heart. His eyes were so beautiful, like jewels. I was chewing on my bottom lip. His face got closer to mine. I finished the job by leaning in the rest of the way and pressing my lips to his. Yes believe it or not, I kissed him. The same as before the taste of him was musky, like the forest. He knotted his hands in my hair, while I wrapped my arms around his neck. Why am I reacting? Why am I doing this? The room was quiet all I could hear was the whisper of our lips moving together. I brushed my hand in his silky hair. His pulse was pounding against my lips. His blood was boiling. I had to pull away, I have to resist. Lucky for me, he pulled away to breathe. Unlucky for me, he pulled my face back, and kissed me again. I struggled against his grip, but I couldn’t help but kiss him, but I had to pull away… “Eric, stop.” I whispered around his lips. He didn’t he went down to my jaw. I sighed. “Please, Eric, stop.” I said. He wouldn’t stop, so I had to use force. I placed my hands on his shoulders, gripped them tight, and pushed. He fell back on his back. “Whoa, what the heck?” he scoffed. I shook my head. “That’s not a good enough answer.” he said, with a somewhat of a growl. “Then what is?!” I yelled. Eric put a finger to his lips. “Shhh!!! We don’t want to wake up my brother!” He whispered. “What other answer is there? You seducing me and all!” I whispered loudly. “I was not seducing you!!!” Eric said. “Then what do you call it?!” I yelled quietly. Eric thought for a second. “I like you a lot.” He whispered. My heart sunk a little. I didn’t want this to happen again, I hoped this would never happen again, but that hope just shattered. “What?” I whispered, shocked. “Have you ever heard of love at first sight?” I stood there, shocked. My head was filling up with memories, filling up with nightmares….. The night was not that cloudy but there were a few fluffy cotton balls floating around the black sky. The moon was full and orange, a lunar eclipse. The trees leaves were crisp and a fresh green color. A muffled cough, maybe a clear of the throat came from behind a girl with a dark blood red dress, with long curly black hair. She turned around. “Yes.” You could not see the girls face, for she was wearing a mask, a mask that you would wear to a masquerade ball. “Uh….you look pretty tonight.” The masked man said. The girl smiled. “Why thank you. You look…dashing this evening yourself.” She whispered. “Would you like to dance?” he said, offering a hand. She nodded and grasped his hand. They walked to the dance floor. They twirled around, as if they have danced since they could walk. The girl always kept her face down, or drew her attention somewhere besides the place she was at. “You dance well.” She said. “Thanks, you’re not bad yourself.” He whispered. He placed his chin on top of her head. The girl breathed in sharply and cringed. She was looking at his neck, staring at it as if it was something to eat. “I’m sorry, I have to go.” She whispered, releasing herself from his arms. “Why?” he said, but the girl was already gone. Something was on the floor. It was a bracelet. The man picked it up. It had red jewels, maybe diamond. He never saw a gem like it. There was something engraved in fancy, old fashioned hand-writing, Blood Red…. I woke up with a start, gasping, with beads of sweat running down my face. “Whoa easy, easy.” A familiar voice said, a hand touching my forehead. I gasped and cringed away from the hand. “Hey, its ok, it’s ok…” the voice whispered. The voice started to sound more familiar. It was Eric. I got up fast, a think a little too fast. “Slowly.” Eric said, holding my shoulders. I looked around me, freaked out. “What, what happened?” I whispered, putting a hand to my throbbing head. Eric put a hand to my cheek, caressing it softly. “You all of a sudden passed out. You looked like you were having a nightmare, but then you started to calm down….” He whispered. “Oh….” I mumbled. “Yeah, and you kept mumbling ‘no’ every five seconds.” “Oh…..” I started to feel like was blushing. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. Eric looked at me confused. “Why are you crying?” he mumbled, wiping the tear away. I held a laugh, “I honestly have no idea…” I said, crying some more. He kept wiping them away. They never stopped coming. He soon hugged me close, and laid his head on top of mine. “It’s ok, you did say you couldn’t sleep at night right?” he said, trying to make a laugh out of it. I giggled. “No, that’s not it…” I mumbled. “Then what was it?” Eric asked. “I once again, have no idea…” I shrugged. Eric smiled. He fixed a strand of my hair, brushing it back behind my ear. I smiled, looking away from Eric. The room was quiet, so quiet you could hear the crickets outside. I felt a hand pull my face back towards the way it first came. The next thing I saw were Eric’s mesmerizing eyes. Our eyes connected somehow, and it felt like they could never come apart. I felt soft finger’s glide down my cheek, to my neck, to my shoulder. A chill ran up my spine. He leaned in and touched his lips to mine. It was only for five seconds, but it was worth it. He pulled away and kissed my forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning ok? Think about tonight…..” He whispered. “Maybe even think about if you want to go out with me or not…” he whispered. I raised an eyebrow. “I said think about it…” he whispered, holding in a chuckle. I smiled. “Ok….” I mumbled. He raised a hand and caressed my cheek. “Goodnight.” He whispered, heading for the door. “Goodnight” I whispered before the door closed. That was the first night I dreamt of Eric Salvatore. Well at least not really…it was more like daydreaming. I was up and moving before dawn, getting the supplies ready to cook breakfast. Would I risk, my own life, the inside of me, for a human that I barely know? I had no idea, and Eric is expecting an answer. I threw down the bacon package on the counter in frustration. “Whoa, what’s up?” Eric asked, leaning over the counter. I looked up, startled. I didn’t even hear him come in. “Nothing.” I whispered, turning around getting a pan from the cabinet and putting it on the stove. “It didn’t look like nothing…” he whispered. I sighed with frustration. “What did it look like then?” I said, turning around to grab the bacon and then turn back towards the pan. He paused for a second. “It looked like you were thinking about something and couldn’t find the answer…” he whispered. I turned around. “No.” I said, turning around, being suspicious. “You’re bad at lying.” He chuckled. I turned around, a hand on my hip. “I could lie if I wanted to.” I whispered. He chuckled again. “So why did you slaughter the bacon even more?” he asked, pointing at the bacon package on the counter. I turned around after turning off the stove. “I guess I was just tired and couldn’t think straight….” I whispered, looking around the room. “No it wasn’t that. You were thinking of something…” he said, staring at me. I looked at him, until I gave up and confessed. “OK, so I was thinking about what you asked of me last night.” I pouted. He smiled softly, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He whispered. I looked down at the counter. I turned around to start cooking the eggs. “I better go wake up my brother.” He said, getting up from his chair. “Wait.” I said, turning off the stove again, and placing the spatula down on the counter. I walked over to him, grabbing his shoulder and turning him around. I placed a hand on his cheek. “I can’t decide, if I want to go out with you or not. I’m just scared.” I whispered. He looked at me confused. “What are you afraid of?” he asked softly. I looked away from his eyes. “I’m afraid of being hurt; I have always been so unsocial ever since then. I promised myself that I would not fall in love ever again.” I sighed. I felt a hand pull my chin back. “You don’t have to be afraid of that. I will protect you from as much as I can. I will also care for you…” he whispered, caressing my face; my cheek, forehead. “That won’t stop me from thinking about it.” I whispered. He pulled my chin up, to look at my eyes. I was lucky it was still a little dark, the fact that I didn’t turn on the lights, because my eyes were probably going bonkers. “That was what you were dreaming about last night wasn’t it? When your heart was broken.” he whispered. “Somewhat.” I whispered. I pulled my head back, and started to walk back to the eggs. “Hold on. I’m not done with you yet.” He said, grabbing my elbow. I stopped and turned around confused. The next thing I knew warm lips touched mine. It was much unexpected. I closed my eyes, and kissed back. I placed a light hand on his cheek, while one arm wrapped around my lower back and another was placed on my cheek. The kiss lasted only a minute. He kissed me on the forehead and walked off to go wake up his brother. I chewed on my lip, and then walked back to the eggs, which were probably cold by now. After an hour or so, we left to school. In my car, which is a black 2010 Chevy Camaro. The boys just awed and wowed all over it, asking questions about it every five minutes. Boys…. When we got to school, Zeth went somewhere to his own little group somewhere. Eric and I just walked to a bench under a tree. I kept to myself, not talking to any of the people who passed by, unlike Eric. “Hey, what’s the matter?” he asked, touching a finger to my chin. I pulled away, from it. “Nothing, just keep this whole thing between us at a low profile ok?” I said, looking around me. “Why?” he asked, brushing his fingers through my hair. I slid over to the edge of the bench. “Just don’t tell anyone. Maybe for the fact that we just met only a couple days ago.” I scoffed. I forgot to mention that, it has been 4 days. “OK, whatever you want…” he whispered, touching my cheek. “This means you have to stop doing that.” I mumbled. He pulled his hand away and sighed. The bell rang. We both groaned. I turned around and found him chuckling. “You don’t want to leave do ya?” he asked. I smiled a small smile and nodded in agreement. We still had to go to class; I liked having all of my classes, except one, with Eric. We sat either right next to each other, or in front of one another. We helped each other with our assignments and talked. After school, we had to walk because my car was under maintenance( It got picked up by one of my dad’s friends I guess), somewhere; where ever my parents are I’m guessing. Eric and I talked the whole way, while Zeth kept staring at girls walking by. One girl, with yellow and red hair, smelled funny, something strange, a hint of my kind of scent, but I didn’t worry about it. When we got to my penthouse I went straight to my room. I closed the door, but I didn’t hear it click shut. A foot was holding it from closing. “What’s the rush?” Eric asked, sticking his head through. I smiled softly, “Nothing, why?”I asked. He shrugged. “I haven’t placed a finger on you all day….” he teased, pacing the room. I smiled, and nodded him to come here. He smiled and walked over. I held his hand in mine. “Is that better?” I said, sarcastically. He chuckled. “I had more in mind…” he whispered. He grabbed my face and brought it close to his. I giggled. “Fine, have it your way.” I mumbled. He chuckled, his breath tickling my skin. He brought his lips down to my neck, gliding them around, teasing me. I pulled my head back. He went all over my neck. I giggled breathlessly. “Is that the best you’ve got?” I whispered. I pulled his head away from my neck and started gliding my mouth all over his neck and shoulders. I felt my eyes change, my whole mood was changing. I knew this was gonna happen, I just knew it but not this soon. I felt my teeth retract from my gums. “Ow!” Eric yelped. I tasted blood in my mouth, Eric’s blood. I saw a dent, a hole in his neck. He placed a finger on his neck, and brought it back up. “You bit me?” he said, a little freaked out. I knew my eyes were blood red right now, but I couldn’t control myself. I pulled Eric’s neck back to my mouth. I sucked on his neck, the warm, thick liquid running down my throat. I heard Eric moan. I didn’t know if it was for the pain or the pleasure. Eric started to drift into unconsciousness. ‘You have to stop….’ I heard myself say. I did have to stop, I was killing him. I pulled away from his neck. I had to heal the wound and then get out of here. I picked up Eric and placed him on the couch. I licked the wound once, and the skin started to form back together. I cleaned up and jumped out the window, leaving it wide open. Chapter 3: The Explanation Start’s Now… Humans make a lot of mistakes that they will regret, and then they will sooner or later have to explain and feel better after they do so. Unlike me…I did something that is very hard to explain…. I was sitting in a tree on the second highest branch. This was another one of my thinking places. I felt a warm tear escape my eye and down my cheek. The breeze was soft and comforting against my teary face, but it also felt cold, sad, and painful. ‘I cannot believe I did that, Eric is gonna sooner or later find out, and I’m gonna be in big trouble. And I don’t think you’re supposed to suck the life out of the one you like or maybe even…love, at least not literally.’ I said to myself. I started to cry again, warm drops dripping down my check and off my chin. I had to go back; I couldn’t stay out here forever. ‘Maybe he won’t suspect anything, there might be a little itty bitty scar but I don’t think it will be that noticeable.’ I thought. I wiped the tears from my face with my sleeve, and jumped of the tree, landing with a soft thud. I slowly walked along the dirt path surrounded by wild flowers of all colors. The breeze was getting colder and colder, more painful. The leaves rustling as if they were trying to tell me something. This seemed like a sign….a sign that something will soon happen. I opened the door slowly; a small creak rang in my ears. I pinched the bridge of my nose. ‘What is with this headache?’ I walked to my room. Once I was inside I saw that Eric was not on the couch in the corner of my room. There were a few drops of blood. I touched the couch and got a strange feeling, the feeling when you think someone is following you. I heard a small knock at my door. “Just a second!” I said. I grabbed a small blanket and placed it over the blood. ‘I have to make it look like nothing suspicious.’ I pulled a shirt from my closet and took the other one off. I had the new shirt half way on. I turned around so he wouldn’t see much and said, “Ok you can come in now!” I heard the door open. “Woah” Eric said, looking at my back. “Oh, sorry I was just changing” I say, pulling the rest of my shirt on. All he saw was my back and my stomach. “Uh…..yeah...” He mumbled eye balling me head toe. I scoffed and threw a pillow at him. He chuckled and dodged it. I laughed too. “So…what happened to you last night? All I remember is that kiss and then you disappeared.” He said, coming over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Uh….you passed out right in the middle of it, I have no idea how, and I went for a walk….” I whispered, pulling myself away from his neck. “In the middle of the night? Are you crazy!?” He says, thrashing his arms towards the window. “Yes.” I mumbled. He looked at me questionably. I rolled my eyes, “I can take care of myself.” I whispered. “Scarlet, you weigh like almost 100 pounds and are not even 6’. Honestly you are a little too small to take on alley drunks that probably weigh 300 lbs and are over 6’ tall! You can’t take care of yourself!” Eric said, grabbing my shoulders hard in his grasp. I cringed away from his touch. Eric was never like this, he was always so kind and sweet, and gentle; I didn’t like him like this. He looked down into my eyes. I guess he saw the fear, the confusion. “Oh Scarlet, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” Eric whispered, holding his arms open. I looked at him, my eyes stared into his. “I really am sorry Scarlet, I just care about you, and I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He whispered, putting his arms back down to his sides. He looked down at the floor. “I really am, truly am sorry…” he mumbled. I looked at his face, even though it was down, looking at his closed eyes. I swear I saw a tear run down his cheek. ‘Come on! Go to him; hold him in your arms. Feel his oddly warm skin against yours’ a voice said in my head, I know it was not me thinking that, feeling that. I ran up to him, almost tackling him to the ground, to hug him close to me. I felt tears run through my hair; they could not have been mine. I pulled my head from his broad chest to look at his face. Sure enough I saw a few tears running down his flushed cheeks. I pulled a hand to his face, softly brushing the tears away. “Why are you crying?” I whispered, feeling tears of my own coming on. “I was just afraid I was gonna lose you there for a second. I lo-like you too much….I don’t think I would be able to move on.” He whispered, his lips brushing against my temple. He hugged me closer, pressing his body closer to mine. “Were you about to say love Eric?” I whispered into his shoulder, smelling the fresh scent, I figured he just took a shower the fact that his hair was damp. He stayed silent for a few seconds, holding me close, as if I was a little 4 yr. old girl. He put his lips to my hair, close to my ear. “Yes, I was.” He whispered, kissing my temple. “I didn’t say it before because I didn’t want you to run away again, I really don’t want to lose you.” He mumbled onto my skin. I sighed. “I wasn’t going to run away, not without a good reason.” I whispered, cupping his chin in my hand. He closed his eyes, enjoying the touch of my skin. I’m surprised he hasn’t noticed how cold it is; although his skin is oddly warm for a human. “I-I think I love you too…” I whispered. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. His lips were warm, a little too warm to handle. He knotted a hand in my hair, pulling my face closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing back. Our lips were little whispers in the morning light…..it was still dark, but the sun was starting to rise. I pulled away. “Uh…we should get ready. Don’t you think?” I whispered around his lips, which were now on my jaw. I sighed. He pulled my hair out of the way to where he could kiss all the way down my neck. “Eric!” I said, pulling his head away from my neck. “What today is Saturday? We don’t have school!” He says, kissing my temple. “It is? I thought today was Friday…” I whispered, confused. “Yeah….” He said, looking a little confused himself. A piercing pain went through my head, like a ringing in your ear but 10 times worse, it sounded like nails to a chalkboard. I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned in pain. “Are you ok?” Eric asked, grabbing my shoulders when I looked like I was about to fall. The pain kept coming, harder and harder, pounding in my head. “Ok, sit down.” He said, helping me to my bed. I sat down, and soon actually had to lie down. Eric kept caressing my forehead, worried. “I’ll see if I can get something to help ok? Stay right there…” he said, getting up from the bed. “It’s not like I can go anywhere without falling on my ass…” I mumble with a smile. He chuckled. “This is serious, I’ll be right back.” He said, closing the door. The sunlight started to peak over the windowsill, and my headache got even worse. The excruciating pain, getting worse and worse. It felt like claws gnawing at my skull. ‘It’s the sun! Get out of the sunlight! Get away from it!’ that weird voice said again. I stayed a little longer, but the headache did get worse every time the sunlight got closer and closer to me. I got up and stumbled out my bedroom door. I ran into Eric right when I got out. “Hey, you’re supposed to be lying down.” He said, holding me up. “Ya know, I think it would be better in a darker room, I think it’s the bright sunlight getting to me.” I say leading him to the spare room in the basement. No sunlight ever gets there. “OK.” Eric said, letting me pull him to the room. My headache started to go way, the pain just fading away but it was fully gone. I have never been this sensitive to the sunlight before. Usually I can go in it with a jacket or something, without the hood even. What has happened to me? “Are you sure you’re ok? Maybe we shouldn’t do anything today. You need to stay here and lie down.” Eric whispered, messing with my hair. He was lying behind me, kissing my hair and neck. He was comforting me. “What were you planning on doing today?” I whispered, closing my eyes. His touch was so soft and smooth, I could even fall asleep. “I was gonna take you to the lake, to watch the sun rise, but since you have a weird case of heliophobia.” He whispered his lips in my hair. “I do not.” I giggled, slapping him with my hand. He chuckled. “So have you thought of the past couple days?” he whispered, brushing his fingers along my cheek. I nodded, closing my eyes to his touch. The warmth of his skin is still a little suspicious, but I didn’t care. “I thought about that question you asked me, and…yeah I will go out with you.” I whispered, turning around. Our faces were a few inches apart. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes, sighing. “I swear I will do all I can to protect you. You have been warned.” He whispered, chuckling. I giggled. I looked into his eyes. I love his eyes; they are a spiral of green and some black. They looked a lot like the forest. That was kinda odd too, his eyes didn’t look human. I kissed his cheek. “That other question you asked I agree with you. I do believe in love at first sight.” I whispered. He grasped my hand, playing with my fingers. I giggled. “What?” Eric asked, nudging his nose to my temple. “Nothing, I was just thinking about what to say about this at school. They could start calling you a freak.”I whispered. “No they won’t they will call you a popular kid.” He mumbled, lying back on the couch. “Your eyes are so beautiful…” he mumbled, skimming his finger along my cheek, right below my eye. “How could you see? It’s dark in here.” I said, looking confused. He shifted in his seat. “Uh…lucky guess. The fact that I saw them before we came into the room.” He whispered, clearing his throat. I got up from my seat. “I’ll be right back.” I whispered. I walked out of the room to my room. I got on my laptop and looked up ‘werewolf’. I had this theory ever since he came into a room without my knowing, and his scent, his eyes, and now just now. Since when could humans see in the pure darkness? I clicked on the most assuring link. ‘Werewolves are often granted extra-human strength and senses, far beyond those of both wolf and man.’ That explains the whole see in the dark thing, and the strong grip I could not escape as easily as a humans. ‘Werewolves are vulnerable to silver weapons and highly resistant to other attacks’. ‘Some werewolves come from Romania and Greek sources.’ That explains the accent, that sexy, deep accent. “Scarlet. Where are you?” Crap. I closed the window. I grabbed yet another shirt and pulled off the one I was wearing, and started the process ‘I was doing nothing suspicious’ thing. “In here.” I said. “Changing again?” he said, eyebrow raised. “That shirt had a stain and it was annoying me.” I shrugged. “You ok?” he asked, looking at me concerned. I probably was looking suspicious. “Yeah, fine. Just a little tired that’s all.” I whispered, putting a palm to my forehead. “Well go lay down.” He whispered. “It’s ok, I’m fine.” I whispered, walking past him out of the room. I went to go sit down on the couch. Thank god those stupid side effects from exposure to sunlight go away quick. I looked at the clock, it was 12:00. “Are you hungry?” I asked. “Yeah, famished.” He said, smiling. He has very white teeth. I swallowed hard. “Any requests?” I asked sheepishly. “Anything is fine for me.” He said. I walked over to the kitchen. I made a sandwich with double turkey and some cheese. I put some fruit for that was all I had, for the side. “Here” I whispered. “Thanks.” I went and sat on the love seat while he was in the recliner. I turned on the T.V. to baseball. |