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Childhood Memory’s Rap Song


Every night before I sleep
I think about old memories some happy some sad some good and some bad
In the past remember those ones who got near
Old friends and family have come and gone we all cry a tear

Jake verse 1

Looking back in the past when I was young
Me and my best friend playing games after school, it was fun
We was little kids playing guns, with just sticks
I was about seven, and Adam was age six
I used to pray that one day mommy would get rich
Single mother working three jobs even working night shifts
Dad left us all behind I was age four
Never heard him say goodbye I just heard the back door
Me and my sister crying on the bedroom floor
Asking mommy why doesn't daddy love us anymore
Mum told us that it’s going to be ok
She took care of us and read us story's everyday
Stories of monsters, princesses and king's
I used to tell mum one day we will get or happy ending
Mum you’re a fighter and I respect that
I saw life for what it's really worth and took a step back
Mom told me it hard to love but it’s harder to ignore it
When you fall in love she better not destroy it
I think your right, I agree but mum it wasn't her fault it was me
I destroyed it I was thirteen just a teen you know the bullshit
I broke her heart but she broke mine too
Mum if you ever see her again tell her thank you
She taught me a lot,tell her I still got that friendship ring
That she gave me at the shops
She was my first teenage crush
Come to think about it she was my first teenage love
I walk lost in the world now I think a lot
I love everything I am and hate everything am not
But the things I hate is what I wish I was
Because the love you give is the love you lost


Every night before I sleep
I think about old memories some happy some sad some good and some bad
In the past remember those ones who got near
Old friends and family have come and gone we all cry a tear

Jake verse 2

I love you mum your always there for me
You’re so beautiful your name alone is like poetry
I remember when I was fourteen saving money just to buy CDs
I never used to rob things because that shit just wasn't me
Me and Kirsty liked to play games at home
We used to sit next to the sofa making prank calls on the telephone
Me and the girls had fights but in the end we all got along
Mum you was always so strong you used to shout at us when we was so wrong
If I ever have a wife and kids
I will never leave them and do what my dad did
He is just an alcoholic whose name is Steve
You have baby's dad and then you fucking leave
I hate you dad you’re just a fucking bum
Why did you not love us and help mum
This anger I have against you goes deep down to my core
It started when you left us crying there on the bedroom floor
You’re just a loser and now I’m older I see right through you
You say you don't need us, well guess what, we don't need you too


Every night before I sleep
I think about old memories some happy some sad some good and some bad
In the past remember those ones who got near
Old friends and family have come and gone we all cry a tear

Adams verse 1

I remember back in the day
Just starting primary school
I fitted in well
Because my mum and dad never raised no fool
I had the nicest clothes
Plus a nice personality to match it
Quickly gained friends
Some of them I still hang with
I couldn’t have dreamed of a better childhood
Until it got to winter I knew Christmas day
Was just around the way it was soon coming up
Preparing to right my list for Father Christmas
But soon realised there was a catch
After seeing my dad at night
Eating Santa Claus’s snacks
And also watching him put my presents under the tree
A tear came to my eye
I couldn’t believe what I’d seen
After this dad you sat me down
And told me all about
Father Christmas the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny
Which I was heartbroken over
Now I think of it, it was kind of funny
But I got over it quick because I still got gifts and the money


Every night before I sleep
I think about old memories some happy some sad some good and some bad
In the past remember those ones who got near
Old friends and family have come and gone we all cry a tear

Adams verse 2

Now I’m getting a little bit older
Starting junior school
Sitting there bored in class
Looking at the clock just waiting for break time
Knowing that soon
We could play wresting on the grass
Got my boy Jake in the walls of Jericho
He was screaming in pain with only the teacher’s whistle to save his ass
He claims that I am the one to blame
Because he’s still got a bad back till this day
And now finally I’ve made it I’m in the high school
Dropped all the sports
As my thoughts suddenly turned to girls
Just waiting patient for one to come along
I finally met her, her name was Jade
I felt a good feeling inside
With all the texting and flirting we made
I remember my first kiss with her, it wasn’t the best
A week later I was lying in bed, with her at her friend Debs
I thought I was in love like any teenager does
It didn’t last that long so I easily laughed it off


Every night before I sleep
I think about old memories some happy some sad some good and some bad
In the past remember those ones who got near
Old friends and family have come and gone we all cry a tear

Adams verse 3

And since then I’ve had jobs and also lost them
Had a relationship with a girl called Ruby
She met me through her brother
Who was one of my best friends
We shared a lot of time together
To me it was good time spent
She was a major part of my life
She taught me a lot
But after one night of arguing our relationship eventually stopped
She planted a satchel charge on me and blew up my heart
Now I’m left heartbroken because you just didn’t feel the same
I know I messed up I’m the one to blame
Now everywhere I go and everything I see
Just brings back memories off her and me
So I want to thank my parents for being there and always by my side
I also want to thank you and God for giving me this life
Even when I got arrested and suspended from school
You stood by me I’m so sorry for all the pain
I must have put you both through
I just want to make you proud and include you in my flows
I’m done with this song now that’s as far as it goes
I’ll forever love you mum and dad my two heroes
© Copyright 2010 jake holder (2pacnasdmx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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