Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/170745-Vampires-Angel
by L.A.83
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #170745
A vampire is sent an angel to save him.
She could not bear it the human had for weeks bent on destroying himself. He would not eat but brought three women since she had began guarding his life two weeks ago. Then had proceded to commit fornication not that any self-respecting angel would watch but she had heard and no matter how far she had tried to run she had still heard
the sounds. Not sticking around to watch Douglass suck out the human blood much needed for his survival.
Angelique at one of points asked Micheal who this human was, but her much wiser peer refused to answer.
She decided at the fifteenth day of guarding the afflicted human to try to heal him.
Slowly and hesitently she moved to his lair below the large stately gothic castle.
Moving as quickly as she could to give herself no chance in changing her mind. The hard stone steps cold under her thin lace up slippers running down them as if followed by an evil being when in fact she was running toward one.
She fled down the narrow hallway wanting to be rid of the presence of just profound evil. A latched doorway signaled the end of her journey. Angelique slipped her hand through the thick elm door the rest of her body slipping through the portal.
His body was there on the bed surrounded by thick black bedcurtains. She did not see the human but felt his unique presence. Angelique swept aside the curtain lighting up the bed with her inner light.
Douglass Fey was darkness personified wearing black dark hair like her own unlike the golden hair other angels had. Quietly she climbed onto the large sleeping instrument. Looking quietly down at him.
Her heart sped for no reason pounding against her chest. Even more frightening than darkness, but she swept it aside. Angelique put her small long fingered hand over his heart. Listening.
"I hate this life, not being able to see the warmth, golden brilliance, of the sun."
Douglass's heart spoke to her,"I just want to be human again. To be who I was before that night."
Angelique wanted to reply to answer and she could not help herself."What are you now?"
A silence insued the human clearly afraid."Who are you?"
"I am your angel." Angelique answered.
"Are you going to make me human again?" He asked wearily wanting so much to beleive.
"I don't know how until I know what are you now."
"I am a creature of darkness, who survives from the drinking of blood, I am immortal, a vampire." Douglass answered.
"I don't know how to heal but I shall try."

Douglass felt another hand move over his heart. A brightness suffused his mind trying to snuff out the darkness. It was like the sun and it burned him. The hand became like fire igniting his skin. He screamed silently then it stopped. Douglass heard a pained cry and felt part of him rip or tear at the brightness, screams echoed through his mind and he knew he was killing the angel. He made himself break the connection that was killing the very person that was trying to heal him.

"AAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." It was a feeling she never felt before it seemed to break her steal part of her light.
To much she was seeing it, it was his life flashing quickly pain, neck, death, waking midnight, haunting, fear, after years having to drink that foul liquid that seemed so sweet so sinfully good, but had not killed. Years, decades, then three centuries.
Fornication, plagues, he had lived through all.
Every human emotion rushed through her pain, joy, happiness, sadness, suffering, hope, fear, waryness, confusion, then love.

Douglass slowly awoke still feeling that innocence in him. He felt a slight weight on him. The beat of a heart against his abdomin. A soft breath released against his left nipple.
He tilted his head down to see who. It was a woman small soft surrounded by an aura of light. An angel, a real angel, who wanted to save him.

Angelique stirred awake from the dazing stupor that had taken over, finding herself lying on the human she was supposed to guard. She looked up into his gaze the dark turbulant gray eyes capturing her own. "You corrupted me."
"How?" The man asked her.
"Your mind showed me things. The blood, the plague, people growing old dying, yet you stayed young, alive, You were in love, happy, unkowing, then afraid, shunned,
then alone. Your mind showed me emotions."
Douglass looked into her eyes finding them knowing sad.
"Heal me, make me human." Was all he could say.
"I am afraid, it hurt me." Angelique said. "You do not trust and are scared, if you are the same the next time I try it shall weaken me further."
He did not want to destroy her light so he nodded not wanting to kill the goodness trying to save him.

The next night they walked in the moonlight, the irony getting to him the angel and the vampire. A serene smile had taken hold of her features.
Angelique kneeled on the grass and prayed for God to help her in this journey.
With no idea on how to begin, it seemed utterly imposible to heal him. "Please give me the strength."
She looked over at the human she was sent to protect and felt fear. His eyes turned blood red and he held out his hand to her.
Angelique took his hand.

Douglass saw the fear and that hook him she should not be scared. But he saw it all the same.
Was it okay to want an angel?

Angelique drew up her energy and Douglass no longer invited any women to the castle. He looked weaker and seemed to look at her with a flash of something in his eyes, her fear grew.
He had been kind and gentle to her not asking her again to heal him. Douglass waited.

Her lifesource called to him and he was unable to resist. Each day, every time he opened his eyes to see her a hunger took hold of him.
Weeks passed but one day Douglass heard her voice in his mind. "A good human, help him save him. For his sake and my own, I grant my power to thee, give love, life, and miracles to thee."
A soft pressure began on his lips before leaving, did his angel just kiss him?

Love it took over her, not ones love for a child but the kind only shared by woman and man.
"Why?" She cried out to god, why did this have to happen to her. To fall in love with this man would be her downfall.
He was so weak Angelique could see the weakness in his face. He needed blood. Tears ran down her face revealing the weakness within her.

"I cannot watch you die, because I am afraid, take what is within me."
Douglass looked at her, wings, aura, and all, she would give up her strength for him?
"Please, Douglass." It was her first time saying his name aloud.
He did not want to.

She pressed her neck against his lips. Douglass did nothing. "I love you." Sharp pain lanced through her neck, it was not only pain but also a pleasure. Angelique felt her energy drop, ebb from her body. "I give this gift to you, my love."
Douglass released her, and kissed her lips. "I love you, too." It was true, his heart felt at peace.

The next morning he woke and saw the sun's rays touching his body. Douglass looked at Angelique and saw her wings disintergrate, her aura dim, the pure white robe vanish, and the halo disappear leaving only a woman, his angel.
He whispered god his thanks and left Angelique to her slumber.

Modestly was lost on her, she stood naked in his kitchen. Wholly innocent, and although he was not and wanted her deeply he could not take her virginity. At least not until they got married.
He thanked God for sending him such Angelique. Then took his angel into his arms.

The End
© Copyright 2001 L.A.83 (l.a.83 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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