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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1707448
Part 2 of my recent action/horror story of a man with a mysterious, and deadly, secret.
  "Get ready, this guy already took out two of our men." An armored soldier said, hiding behind a doorway. There were exactly 20 soldiers on the outside of where Johnathan was. This could end badly for him. But so far, he's been able to kill two soldiers, and he doesn't even remember where he learned to fight like that. Johnathan grabbed his assault rifle, and began to walk out the medical room's door. Before he left, he looked at the black window that was in the room. He saw his reflection for the first time.

  He had jet black hair, pale white skin, and dark circles under his eyes. Let alone, he had black blood veigns showing from under his skin. He knew there was something wrong with him. He just couldn't figure it out. The only way he was going to get his answers, he figured, was if he got out of the facility he was being kept in.

  "Alright men, this is it. Get read--" Before the soldier could finish his sentence, a bullet flew through his left eye and sprayed bits and pieces of his brain across the wall.

  "SHIT! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Another soldier screamed, not knowing where the bullet came from. As he finished his question, a bullet came for him through his heart. Two down, eighteen to go.

  "I found him!" A soldier yelled, pointing his gun down the hall where Johnathan was standing. Johnathan lifted his gun and let out another bullet, this time shooting through the soldier that found him, and hitting three soldiers behind him with the same bullet.
Kind of like dominos, except with bullet-ridden bodies.

  "FIRE!!" Screamed another soldier, letting loose rounds of ammunition onto Johnathan. Through Johnathan's eyes, everything slowed down. The bullets were going as fast as a turtle. He moved out of the line of fire without a scratch on him. When the bullets passed, everything went back to it's regular speed. "What the hell? How'd I miss--" Another one down, another bullet in a soldier's head, and more dead bodies to come from Johnathan.

37 minutes later:

  Twenty bodies layed at the feet of Johnathan. Twenty soldiers he had killed with only one round of bullets. Johnathan looked down at a soldier's body, and saw some of it's intrails hanging out of it's side. Suddenly, not knowing why, not knowing how, without even a reason, Johnathan had a sudden hunger. The organs of the body seemed to hypnotize him, and make his mouth water.

  Kneeling down, Johnathan opened him mouth next to the body. A row of razor sharp teeth began to form from his gums. His eyes turned bright blew, and shined eerily. Reaching his monsterous mouth over towards the organs, Johnathan took a little nibble of the blood soaked gut. After that, the nibbles turned into bites, and the bites turned into an animalistic feast upon the body intself. Devouring every bit and piece that was inside of the body, like a dog feasting on raw meat.

  After he was finished, his fangs went back inside of his gums, his eyes turned back into their normal blue, and he found himself with another question that need an answer. What the hell was he?


  A blond haired, pale man walked into a high tech office on top of a 40 floor building. "Mr. Clomor, you wanted to see me sir?" The man asked.

  Over behind a highly crafted, very expensive desk was a white haired, african american man. "Yes," the man known throughout the world as Mr. Clomor said. "I wanted to see you Chris, please, have a seat."

  The blond man sat in the leather seat that was next to him. "What is this meating about, sir? I have another meating in thirty minutes, and it's kind of important."

  "Chris, let me ask you something." Mr.Clomor said to him. "Do you like your job?"

  "Well, yah." Chris answered. "I'm the head of a billion dollar office, and not to mention I get thousands of dollars each month. So yah, I think it's fair to say I like my job."

  "That's good to hear." Mr. Clomor said. Reaching under his desk, he pulled a silver desert eagle pistol from the desk's drawer. "Now, if you like your job so much, then please explain to me why I'm doing this right now?" Mr.Clomor said, aiming the gun at Chris.

  "Mr.Clomor, what the hell are you doing!?" Chris panicked.

  "You let a prize possession of mine go. S-13, or as the medical facility likes to call, 'Johnathan'." Mr.Clomor said.

  "Please, Mr.Clomor. It wasn't my fault, I--" At the pull of a trigger, at the sound of a bang, Chris's life was ended in a bloody bullet hole through his chest.

  "Chris," Mr.Clomor said, talking to his new corpse. "You have to understand. When something goes against plans, EVERYONE in the plan is responsible. It was your medical facility, your security, and your fault."

  After that, a cleaning crew was called in to retrieve the body and clean up the blood. Mr.Clomor looked out his office window, which was the size of his office itself, and looked out over his city. "Johnathan. Where are you?"

Next: Part 3
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