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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Religious · #1707223
My thoughts of the bible story of Joseph and his brothers. not what's in the bible !

Part 1

Once in jail they started to think about what the man said. He seemed like I knew him he said that he had another name that would explain who he was. Now we are in the prison and arguing with each other like that would get us anywhere with ten of us yelling at each other , I was just worried that a guard would come over but none did. Then Judah Said something that made everyone stop talking “what if this is god punishing us for what we did to Joseph?" “Stop dwelling on the past Judah that was a long time ago and none of this has to do with anything else" said Simian. And then I heard something from behind the one wall. Someone was laughing at us but when I looked I only saw a flash

of white cloth turning around the corner. Then I started to think about when we were with the governor he seemed to know us but I don't know how he could we are just shepherds and he rules in Egypt, maybe we saw him before he was in such a high position. I don't know if we will ever find that out but it did seem like he knew what we said without his servant translating for us. All I know is maybe this is because of what we did to our brother, after all we did sell him to people on

their way to Egypt maybe this man knows something about him it wouldn't hurt to ask. So Rubin went to the door of their cell and asked one of the guards to speak with the jailor. So the guard left

but quickly returned with orders to take me to the jailor. So another guard came to tie my hands and take me to the jailors office, only then did my brothers ask what was going on but I never answered them. When I got in to his office I saw that he was not alone across from him at his desk was the governor himself! So I bowed down though it was a bit hard with my hands tied so I just bent at the waist, then the jailor spoke “you asked to see me. What do you want?" “I wished to ask for an audience with the governor “I said bowing again.”Well" he said “that’s up to him. What do you say?" “Yes that is fine" was all he replied. "well" said the jailor" what do you want to say?!" “Well my lord” I started but I was cut off.”Not here I will speak to you at my own home." then he go up and turned to leave and told me to come with him so I got on the chariot behind him with a guard and went off to his palace.

Part 2

When I got there I followed him in to a room it was well decorated and had pillows and couches out so to have guests over and to talk with friends. He ordered the guard and his servants to leave the room then he sat on the couch. I bowed down to the floor in front of him, then he spoke saying with kindness "you do not need to bow to me like that, no one is here so it doesn’t matter to me. Please get up." so I did as he said and stood in front of him. “Come closer to me " he said. So I did, then he grabbed my hands and untied the rope that bound them together saying "I don't know why your hands should be tied for I do not think you will hurt me." "How can you be so sure"? I responded you wanted to talk to me not hurt me, so what do you want to say?" "Well my lord I wished to know I'd you did understand our language because it seemed like you knew what we said by your reaction to our words?" "Yes that is true I know your language and you I see know some Egyptian" "yes I have picked it up over the years. And I was also wondering please don’t be offended by what I'm about to say my lord but after giving us your name to think of I must ask have you ever meet a man called Joseph?" why do you want to know?" he asked so I said " my lord he was our brother and I thought that since we had sent him to Egypt maybe you knew him. One of my brothers thought that maybe it was because we sold him as a slave that this has happened to us. So if you knew him I would beg you to tell him how sorry I am for what we did

it was a cruel thing to do and he was our brother." "So then" he asks "do you want me to ask him to forgive you?" "No my lord I could never ask for that only to tell him that his father is alive sad for he lost

his son but other than that he is well." "Hmm" he replied after thinking “so you don't want to clear yourself just give him a message? Why?" "I don't. Deserve any more I tried to save him but I failed

him." then I look down at my feet "very well then if that's what you want I do know him and what he's been through you and your brothers should know that he suffered as a slave." “My lord are you friends

with him?" "You could say that I suppose now would you like to guess my name?" "Yes if my lord will allow it. Are you perchance my brother Joseph?" he is silent "I did not mean to offend you my lord..." "It’s ok you did not offend" he says calmly then I know it must be him so I

bow till my head touches the cool stone floor. "Please my brother forgive me for failing you and if you wish to punish me.....""Enough of that he says Rubin get up I forgive you and our brothers I do not wish

to harm you at all." I can't believe this it is my brother that was lost for so long and he starts to cry. And he asks me if I have lost my one daughter "yes how did you know" "well I found her...” then Joseph asks me to take a walk with him so I do. We walk past a garden and walk to a bench where a young girl of 17 is sitting with a slave attending her and when she sees them coming she gets up and runs

over. "Father Father "she cries and I realise that this girl being treated like a queen is my daughter. So I run over to her and pick her up "what? How? Your ok I'm so happy." turning to my brother "when how?" "Well… let's just say our family's not that creative... ““You mean?" I say and he just nods. "Thank you, thank you, and thank you!" "She is my nice as you are my brother so of course when I found out who she was I made sure she was comfortable. I've given her all she wants and a slave" he points to the young boy of 17 who's on the ground "get up" he tells the boy. "Go to the kitchen and tell them I will have guests at dinner". ”yes master” he says bows and leaves."Aw uncle but we were just about to go play a board game" "he will be back soon my dear go amuse yourself for now."

Part 3

Maya (niece)

Why did he have to send Aaron away to the kitchen? I think as I walk to my room and sit on my couch waiting for him to be back. Then he appeared at my door, I call him in and tell him to sit down "yes mistress” he replies and sits on the floor next to the chair I pointed to. "I asked you to sit on the chair not the floor “get up please" I say. I know he means well he is always so kind and his is also very handsome I do like him and he likes me too but it does make me so sad that we can't be together. "Come sit next to me" I tell him and Aaron dose "please kiss me my uncle will never know please" I beg

him. "You know that I want to but I'm just a slave and you're my mistress your uncle would never approve let alone allow me to be near you again if he found out." "But he won't he never needs to know please just once kiss me" "ok if you want me to" he finally says. And he kisses me finally, it's amazing I love him so much oh why must he be a slave he's a person just like me so why must we be so worried about what my uncle says he is very kind if I asked he might let me give freedom to my love, Yes that is what I shall do. I think while he kisses me but just than I hear a voice at my door "what is going on

here?" oh no it's my uncle. He quickly moves away from me and off the couch. He presses his face to the floor and I can tell he's scared oh how I wished to comfort him but I know with my uncle and father in

the room I cannot, so I speak with my uncle. "What brings you to my chambers? I thought that you were talking with my father." "Yes I was just bringing him to see you." he looks at the boy on the floor "get

up please you don't need to be afraid, was my niece ok with what was happing?" "Yes uncle I wanted him to kiss me" "then there is no harm done." he simply said he was not mad or even about to cause any of us grief. Then he called Aaron out of the room and they both left to give me some time with my father. "Are you ok Maya?" he asked concerned "Yes of course I am father I have been in josephs care he is so nice." "Yes I do don't know why but something did happen in Egypt that changed his ways. For I was sure that this is not how I thought I would be received." "What do you mean father and if he's alive why dose Jacob think he is dead?" "Well my deer let's just say is my fault along with most of your uncles that he is here and that he was not always in such a high position." "What do you mean? He's second to pharaoh what was he before?" my father just looked down "if he hasn't told you I won't it’s not my place to tell you ask him if you want to know."

Part 4


I left Rubin to talk with Maya and asked Aaron to come with me. He walks slowly with his head down behind me I can see how scared he is for I saw him kissing Maya. Now of course I didn't mind what they were doing I can see how she looks at him she loves him. And since I was once a slave I don't mind their relationship as long as it's what they both want I will not object just as long as they both like each other. I lead him in to a private room and I sit down, he gets down on the ground in front of me." please master I apologise for what I have done please don't kill me." he begs me shaking on the floor in fear. I can't believe that I'm causing him so much fear, he reminds me of myself when I was serving Potiphars wife and she kept insisting that I betray her husband and I knew that whatever I did I would be punished. So I told him "it's ok Aaron, get up please and sit down I will not hurt you that was never my intention so you can relax." "Thank you master you are too kind I'm just a slave and for kissing my mistresses I deserve to be punished." "No that is not true I'm fine with your relationship to Maya just so long as you don't go around with it for if it was in public I would be forced to do something about it." After I said that he relaxed and sat down in the chair I pointed to. "Thank you master you are very kind." then one of the servants came in to tell me that everyone was ready to eat. After the meal we all went in to the one reception room so we could talk I formally introduced everyone and then my nice asked a question. "Uncle how did you come to Egypt and what did you do before you were in this position?" around the room people started to look away "you didn't tell her?" I ask "it's not my story to tell brother." then I had to smile "well when I came to Egypt I was about as opposite as you can be to what I'm now. I came here as a slave..." I then tell her about how I was in charge of my master’s house and how his wife wanted me though I did not use their names. For that did not feel right Potiphar my old master and I are good friends now and I don't hold anything against him. I then call the servants back into the room after asking Maya to not tell this information to anyone.

Part 5


I don't know why Rubin left with the one guard and hasn't come back it's he left yesterday and still isn't back. "Do you know what happened to our brother?" Judah asks the guard "no he went with the governor". Now we don't know what to think. But then the governor comes, we are told that we may go take food back to our family's but Rubin will stay as a prisoner till we bring our other brother Benjamin to him so he can tell we are not spies. So we leave to go home but on the way we stop open our bags and find the money that we paid for the grain in our sacks and we get scared for the Egyptians must think that we are not only spies but thieves too. Now with all this worry how can we take Benjamin to him? And if we don't what will happen to Rubin? This cannot be good why must we go through this is this punishment for what we did? Not that I dare say anything it would just get us fighting again.

Part 6


My master is quite strange he is very powerful and he is so kind. I

thought that when he saw his niece and I kissing I would surely be dead But he was not mad when he pulled me aside he only wanted to make sure that's what we both wanted and that no one was being forced into it. He is very kind to me even though I'm a slave. He tells us all to leave him and his guests and tells me to put the money that is on his desk in to the 10 sacks of grain that are waiting there. I don't know what's going on it seems so strange he may be yelling one moment and then calm the next he does not seem like other nobles but I don't know why. Then he lets us back in and I follow Maya to her room. "Are you ok?"She asks me, “Did my uncle hurt you?” “No I’m fine" I say. Then a servant came into the room and said that I was to go see my master and Maya was to go with him who already had with him my mistress and her two children. "What’s happening? Are we going somewhere?" Maya asks "yes my dear" replies her aunt "we are going away for a bit just us 5 your father is waiting" "wait what's going on why can't Aaron come too?" "I don't have time to tell you now just come with us." she just looks at me "go on it's ok" I tell her because I know that's what she wants to hear and then I leave to see my master. I knock on his door and he tells me to come in I bow bit when I look up I can that he is troubled and then he asks me to follow him and says that he is sorry for what he is about to do. Just then two men come and grab us, we are bound and gagged the cover our eyes so we are both completely helpless. We are loaded into a carriage and we start moving quickly, I can hear the driver yelling at the horses then after a while we stop moving and are pulled out on to the ground. Our blindfolds are ripped off and there is a man in front of us, I look at my master’s face but he does not seem too scared. "Realise that one "says the man pointing at me "he is a slave the other though keep him tied up." there are two other men who come over to us and do what the man said. He then comes up to me to make sure I'm ok "so you are this man’s slave?" "Yes sir" I answer. “Tell me is he cruel to you? Does he like to whip you and make you miserable?" he asks "no he is very kind" I say for that's the truth. He is kind and understanding he never yells at any of us even if we so things wrong. "You don't need to worry son he will not be able to harm you we will see to that so don't be afraid to tell the truth. Do you know his name son and what's your name?" "My name is Aaron sir but I don't know his name." "What’s your name dirt?" he yelled at my master. The men untie his mouth "My name is Joseph sir" he calmly said and looks down. This is so strange he looks like a slave not a master. Than the man says “now Aaron you will be treated as a guest of honour and you Joseph will be a slave to my house hold. Got it?" he yells at my master "Yes master as you wish." is all he says looking down while kneeling than we follows the man inside to his manor. But first he has us switch cloths so now he even looks like a slave as well as acting like one almost like he's done this before. I go into the house and

was shown to a magnificent room and given new cloths and I got cleaned up. Then I was asked to come to dinner by my master this is so strange him serving me instead of the other way around. "Master I’m so sorry I can't do anything…" "It is fine I know and please call me Joseph and you do not need to worry I will not be mad at you or do you any harm when we get back." I can't believe what I’m hearing "but you're being treated as a slave how can you not care you are the second most powerful man in Egypt not a slave!?" "I was Joseph before I went to Egypt and I'm still myself, yes I have definitely changed and been on many different adventures so I'm fine with adding this to my list." I can't see how he's just so calm but I go off to dinner with the family. His name is Dominic and he has a wife and three children, throughout

dinner Joseph serves us. As time goes by I realize that he is not what he seems I see him with marks on his back one day and realize that Dominic has been beating him but a few days later he is watching the

children when Sarah Dominic’s wife calls him over so he leaves the kids to see what she wants. She starts talking to him when we all hear a scream, the chariot that the children were on broke and two of them fell into a dried up well. Joseph runs over to help the poor kids who fell; he throws a rope down to him and tells them to hang on to it as he pulls both children out and onto the sand. Sarah runs over to see the children and starts to fuss over them "are you alright my babies do you need anything?" then she turns to Joseph "thank you for saving them thank you so much." but instead of taking the praise he replies " I'm so sorry mistress it was my fault they fell in I should have been watching them.." "yes you should have been!" a voice yells "I send you to look after my children and all you do is get them hurt so now you will be punished severely." "Yes master I know" Sarah looks at her husband in disbelief. "How can you say that? He just saved our children and you will punish him! How is that fair?" "it does not need to be fair mistress I'm a slave so you can do whatever you want with me." he wisely replies while Dominic is shocked "who are you ?! I thought you were a wealthy and important man yet you know how to be a good slave!" "Yes master of course I do for that is what it was before." What. I can't believe what I just heard my master was once a slave how can that be?

Part 7

( Asenath)

we move as quickly as we can and just after we leave our home strange men come in and I see them take my husband Joseph. But I can do nothing about it, I just pray that I will see him again safe now I

still need to do something with my niece tell her something to make her calm for I saw her friend Aaron go with my husband. "Ok now aunt can you tell me what going on?" "Well Joseph found out about some people coming here to cause harm so we needed to go for our own safety. Now I know what you’re thinking but Aaron will be ok the person was only after us not our staff." "ok then what do we do now?"

"well you are going to meet up with my sons and stay at home with them and the servants ok and my father will be coming over too." "What about you and my father?" "We are going to take a little trip ok."

"what where are you going? Why can't I come too?" "I've always wanted to see where you all are from and to see Jacob but of course I could not with Joseph bit since it will be a bit before he comes back so now may be my only chance." So with that Rubin and I pack and leave for Canaan I pack two different wardrobes because I want to see what they think of my husband and we also get Potiphar to come with us because he is Joseph’s friend. Then we set out on our long journey, it takes us one month to get there and everyone is shocked to see Rubin. Then I finally get to meet Jacob and I ask about the history of their tribe I tell them my name is Mary so they won't know who I am, then I ask about why he is sad and I finally get to know josephs history. I learn that Jacob had 13 children 12 sons and 1 daughter, but with four different women two wives Leah and Rachel who were sisters and their maids. But Jacob only really loved one wife Rachel she had two children Joseph and Benjamin and she died giving birth to Benjamin so he favoured Joseph over all his children. To show his love for his son he gave him a fine coat that was very colourful and he showed it to me and I finally got to see the coat that I had heard so much about and it even still smelled like Joseph. And then he told me that one day he sent his son out to check on his brothers but he never made it for he got attacked by wild animals and the coat was all they found. And after hearing that I just had to cry and Rubin comforted me I don't see how his own sons could bare to do this to their father just to see that pain in his eyes. But wait who’s that is that my youngest son?

Part 8


What is this? I took this powerful guy and made him a slave who is lower than dirt but he excels at all I get him to do and now my wife is so happy about him since he saved our children. And now he's telling us that he actually was a slave like that's true he's the second most powerful man in Egypt. "Sure like you were ever a slave hour way too powerful." he looks at me and says "yes it's true I was a slave even though it may be hard to imagine. Would you like me to tell you about it maybe that will help?" "Fine go ahead" I say I’m so ticked off at this point let's see if it could ever be true. “Well I was spoiled by my father and held higher than the rest of my brothers thought ten of them were older than me. But I was arrogant and foolish, it was partly my fault." he looks down and shakes his head and then he keeps his head down and keeps talking "so one day my father told me to go check on my brothers and to report back to them. But when the saw me they wanted to kill me because I was also not modest and talked

about dreams where we were gathering sheaves of wheat and mine stayed up right while theirs bowed to mine, and another where I saw the sun, moon and eleven stars bow down to me. And they did not want that to happen but my brother Rubin stopped them so they threw me into a dried up well but when they saw some Ishmaelite traders the sold me to them as a slave to be taken to Egypt…" "Wait so your own brothers sold you wow like that would ever happen." I say "in Egypt I was bought by Potiphar captain of the pharaoh’s guard. I did well for him but there were issues between his wife and me so I was thrown into prison." "I think I heard about that… that was you who caused that scandal wow so how did you do it?" then Aaron speaks up "what are you talking about?" so I tell him "well a few years ago there was an issue with a mistress and her salve where it was said that he tried to take advantage of her so his master sent him to prison…" "That’s not right” says Aaron "the punishment for a slave to do that to his mistress is death not prison." I nod my head "yes that is the punishment yet Joseph was sent to jail, but why would the husband of the victim not give out the punishment deserving of the crime?" then I could see Aaron thinking over stuff and then "she wasn't the victim was she and her husband knew it." and I just nod "yes he did not believe his wife but since people knew he needed to do something but

everyone learned the truth when the verdict was given, but still how did you get from being in prison to pharaohs right hand?" "Well when I was in prison pharaoh had sent his baker and cupbearer there where they each had a dream and with god’s help I was able to interpret their dreams correctly and the cupbearer was released and the baker was killed three days after the interpretation. Two years later the

pharaoh had a dream that none could interpret but the cupbearer remembered me and I was brought before pharaoh to interpret his dreams. The one had seven fat cows coming out of the Nile followed by

seven skinny sick cows and the seven sick cows eat the fat ones but they remain as skinny as before. The next had seven good ears of corn followed by seven bad ears that eat the good ears but it does no good.

With god’s help I tell pharaoh that both his dreams are the same and are shown in two different ways because it will happen they mean there will be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine..." "So that's why Egypt has all the grain and food to be able to sell you knew about these seven years in advance with good crops so you stored it up." "Yes we stored one fifth of the crops and stored them for the famine so we would not starve. So that's how I got here." I just laugh "Ya right what's the real story?" he looks at me "ok fine” he sighs "I was born into a rich Egyptian family and my father was one of pharaohs advisors and when this slave came along we used his information then killed him and I took his place like a Hebrew prisoner and slave could ever be in a court." then he laughed so I hit him over the head and gave orders to have him wiped then I checked to see how Aaron was doing. I do feel like I'm doing such good I probably just saved Aarons life maybe now that Joseph will learn his lesson.

Part 9


Asenath fits in so well with our family our father has taken to her and she has already heard all of our family's history. I was worried about her plan but it's working out she calls herself Mary though and even though the ask she never tells them who her husband is for she wants to see if they would treat her differently depending on what they think of him. But there is a problem though Asenath comes to me after she talks with my father saying that her one child is here I can't believe it but then I'm told that he is a new slave of ours. Wow clearly this must run on our fathers side of the family because we all have different mothers so this must come from Jacob sadly but at least since none of them are original someone goes missing just check the slave market this is just ridicules. After a minute Asenath decides to go over to him. “Darling what are you doing here? Why are you a slave?" "My older brother sold me but why are you here?" "I came to see Ruben’s family." then her face turns white "wait your brother sold you? Oh no oh no this is so bad what will your father say how can I even tell him that his one son sold the other as a slave of all things ?!!" now I see her dilemma so I tell her son "you can't tell your father about this ok he can never know." "Why?" the son asks, thought I know I can't say anything. "It’s very complicated your father …well he would be very mad if he knew it's about the worst thing your brother could do to him.”Fine I don't want to cause too much trouble. Bye" and he walks off as Asenath approaches me. "I think that tomorrow I will go than come back. I've been treated so kindly and I do feel like part of the family." I just need to laugh at that "I wonder why?" "Well they don't know do they?" "True, true" I just have to give up my argument at that point. So that night she tells the family that she is leaving the next day to go back the next morning she leaves. Later that day she comes again but as herself in fine Egyptian clothes and looking like a queen. She asks to stay with us for a while and at dinner they ask her about her husband but this time she tells them that she is married to the governor of Egypt and my brothers look at her like she is contagious and they move away. When she tries to help she is turned away they do not accept her at all which I can't believe the same person and they don't even give her a chance. But then I know we must talk about her son for we can't stay much longer. “What should we do with your son?" well I don't know right now. But I can say your family doses only have one way of dealing with people next time I lose someone I'll know where to look." "I think it must run in the family on your father’s side because you all came from different mothers." "True but it has caused everyone here a lot of grief." "My end has been through a lot too you know." "Ya but not like us." "Really you know what good it did to him don't you? All that he went through just think." "True but he did grow and learn." "But at what cost? Would you ever want that done to you?" "True enough he is stronger than all of us and he even kept his head through it all. So now look at where he got but still you do win this one." and she just shakes her head "I can't believe I marked into this family it's so crazy." "You know that all of our wives say the same thing you don't just marry one you get the whole family." "oh so true." and we leave it at that because at this point we just need to laugh at the whole thing while our family looks at us like were crazy. Now I'm just asking myself how will we ever explain this all when we are done and reunited and more importantly what will we tell Jacob?

Part 10


I'm now bleeding on the floor of a cell chained to the wall. Even though I told them the truth and he did not believe me so I came up with a fake story of killing myself and taking his place. But that is that he believed so he knocked me out and gave orders to a guard to beat me till I was unconscious. And when could move they just wiped me again and after three more times Dominic came in and yelled at me "have you learned your lesson boy?" I know that it won't matter what I say "if you think so master." is all I can tell him for I know already he does not listen to the truth. "fine I can see that you haven't but since your back is just blood now you will just get no food till you have changed." and he walks off while I'm chained up again and left without food or water. So I pray to god asking him to keep my family safe and to forgive the people here that wish to harm me and that he will help me get through this like the last time. I'm left for seven days and then while I'm sleeping I hear the door creak open and then someone comes next to me and puts a cloth with water on my back to clean it so I turn to see who it is and it's Aaron and I just smile and say "thank you my friend." "It’s nothing" he replies "but if you would stay still it would be easier for me master." "Please just call me Joseph and why are you here anyways how did you get in?" he looks at me as he sits up to face me " I heard that you where being starved and torched so I brought you some food and water." and he points at the basket next to him. “I just told them that I wanted to make sure that you were being punished enough and when they asked about the food I said that I was going to eat in front of you to mock you and they just loved that. Oh let me give you the food it's not the best but it was all I could find I'm sorry…" "Thank you please don't apologise the food is fine thank you. Why are you doing this anyway why did you come here?" "I know that it was your first story was the truth so I know that you are being punished for something that you don't deserve so I came to try to help for I do ow you for you are so kind to all." I shake my head "no I did deserve this I was cruel and mean even if it was not my intention so I'm sorry that I scared you when I saw you with my niece I just saw your face and could not believe that I had put that look of just being so frightened I never meant for that to happen please forgive me." I say and put my head down. "no I deserved it I knew that I was breaking a law so I knew that I should have been killed so thank you and please eat the food." so I at the food and then he leaves saying he will be back later, through the door I hear him tell them that he is happy with my punishment. And I know that we are making a good choice by letting him be with Maya because I know that they both love each other. The next day I'm taken out of the cell and continue working as a slave and I can see that Dominic does not like me at all so I know he would never listen to the truth from me so I must leave soon or he may kill me. But the next day some Egyptian guards come to get me and I see Potiphar with them so he comes to talk me so he can find out what's going on. So after I change and tell him what's going on. "well you know that if you wanted to go back to your

old job you could have just asked me it still has never been the same since you left all those years ago." he said "well you know how well that ended the first time do you want to have a chance of that

happening again?" I say and he just looked at me "true true well we could give you a new name she thinks that you are dead so it would work and I could keep her away and you do have the right to run this time if she comes near to you and if she says a thing you can just go back and this never happened." he says hopefully "no I'm sorry but I can't. Wait why does she think I'm dead?" "Well she thought that you looked like someone she knew and I told her by the way Joseph died in prison a few days ago. I had to say something so I pretended that you where dead I hope that you don't mind too much because besides some of us who know who you are Joseph is dead in some peoples’ minds like your family they think that you’re dead." "It’s ok friend I don't mind by please tell me who thinks I'm dead from now on. And speaking about my family did Ruben decide?" "Oh yes he did he said that yes it's fine." "Good then I will just give it to him when we get back ok it's all ready to go I signed it before we left." "Wait so all this time? And he doesn’t know? Wow but you hadn’t even gotten a reply. So you had already made up your mind." “yes I had for a bit but don't talk about it now people are coming." a guard walked up to us and bowed "my lords, we have captured all of this house hold and we found a slave of yours here too just resting like he was free." he says as we walk towards the courtyard and I see Sarah and her children tied up on the ground the baby on the ground next to her crying. Sarah looks up and sees me in my normal cloths and she goes into shock and falls on the ground and starts to cry so I walk over to her and I pick up the baby and start to rock it till it is quiet and I tell the guard to un tie her children as calmly as I can because at this point I'm so mad that he was this cruel just to let the baby lie on the ground and not let

the mother comfort it. I bend down and untie Sarah’s hands and give her the child and she holds him close and looks at me "thank you so much. Who are you anyways?" and the guard laughs "you don't know who Zaphenath-paneah is? The governor of Egypt second only to pharaoh god on earth himself?" she then looks at me again gives the baby to another one of her children and bowed to the floor "oh no… I I I'm so sorry… I didn't know" "then I get down next to her and put my hand on her back "yes I know it's ok I won't hurt you or your kids." and I help her up to her feet.”My lord?" the guard says "we also have the master of this house would you like us to get him?" "Yes that would be good bring him here." then he motions to two others and they leave "oh good there they are now you will get what you deserve." I hear someone say from behind us and I see a big guard pulling Aaron who's tied up and running to keep up, when they get to us he throws Aaron down at my feet so his head and front hits the marble floor hard for his hands are tied behind his back which is scratched up and I can see he has

been wiped. "Here is your slave I have already started to punish him for what he has done, but at least he just let me tie his hands and bring him here though and he kicks homing the stomach and smiles. Now I definitely know what I'm going to do "give me your whip" I tell the guard and he hands it over smiling but then I started to whip him and that smile left his face so fast and turned into a scream because I hit him harder than I meant to. "Go bring me three horses now!" I yell at him so him and the other guard run off as Potiphar and I help Aaron up and untie his hands "thank you master” he says as he rubs his wrists then the guard finally comes with Dominic in chains and makes him kneel on the ground and bows. "What would you like me to do with him my lord?" he asks "take him to prison and I will decide what to do with him" "sir may I leave him like this to get the cart and come back?" "Yes that is fine." I say and he bows and walks away "well well now you both are back to normal hmm have you already chosen when he will die?" Dominic taunts, but he stops when the guards come back with the horses and I tell them to leave us for a bit. "Now what would ever give you the idea that he would kill Aaron?" Potiphar says shocked "well he already killed one slave to get to where he is so why not another?" then he turns to me "what is he talking about?" "Well he wouldn't accept my first story so I said that I was a wealthy man from a good family and when this slave told us about the crops and famine I killed him and took his place." and with that he just laughs "so let me get this straight. So you killed yourself and then took your own place. Wow so I can't kill you off but you can? And then replace yourself?!" "Ya apparently now let's go home. Aaron do you know how to ride a horse?" "I rode a few times when I was a child before I was sold, I think I remember how to." "Good then get on that one." and I point to a horse "yes master" he replies and mounts it as Potiphar and I do the same. "Wait what is he doing? Egyptian slaves are not allowed to ride horses." Dominic says "yes I know that your point?" I ask him. "Well he is your slave so he should not be up there, so tell him to get down." "I don't need to do that it's not like I could let a slave marry my niece now could I?" Aaron just looks at me "wait you mean? Thank you my lord" he says and he dismounts and bows to the ground next to my horse. "please get up Aaron and get back on your horse we need to get back to Egypt because I think that you might have some news to tell Maya and if you want her you can ask for her hand and you will both have my blessing." he gets up kisses my ring and mounts his horse and Dominic finally gets it "your first story was true wasn’t it you were a slave wow." as the guard cones with the cart and is about to put a now silent man into the back. "Stop that will no longer be needed, am I right?" "Yes thank you my lord" Dominic says shocked as he is released "and you won't do this again?" "No master I can now see that things are not always as they seem." "Now let's go back home ok?

Part 11


Even though u had heard about this family from Joseph it didn't prepare me for this at all when I was called on to go with josephs wife and brother to Cannan it was a completely different world not at

all like Egypt it's so much smaller tents instead of buildings no temples just an alter it's so peaceful. It's so sad how Jacob mourns for Joseph who he thinks is dead and I can see how Asenath loves to hear

their history and be with Josephs family but she uses a fake identity because they shun me fir they think I'm watching Ruben so he won't run but the three of us know I would never do that and she wants to see if she first comes just as herself than herself but also married to Joseph if that would make a difference of how the treat her. So after getting to know them she says good bye and then comes back looking like she always dose like a noble Egyptian and they shun her. After a few days of trying she puts on her other cloths without jewels and confronts them on how the judge people and Jacob is amazed

how true her words where even though others in the tribe didn't see it like that but I got word that they had found Joseph so I left to meet the guards but before I left Ruben asked me If I could tell Joseph yes. So the next day I leave to see Joseph and can't believe that he's a slave again but we soon leave that place and I do admire how he handles things and I learn that the yes was to a boys freedom as we

go back home I just hope that the others will get back first.

Part 12


I don't like how I have just been left here with my cousin and his grandfather where the other one is no one knows but I feel like it's so unfair that everyone else gets to go all over and I must stay even

Aaron got to go with my uncle and he's a slave! But at least I didn't last too long because after about three months my father and aunt came back with my cousin and just a short week later I hear that Joseph Potiphar and Aaron have just entered the city and they will be home the next day. So a grand feast was planned by my aunt and father and they both sounded so excited and my aunt is trying to get me a beautiful dress for if but still each time I ask why they say I can't know. But when they finally get here I run to Aaron in my new dress and throw my arms around his neck as he swings me around and when my feet hit the ground I ask him to kiss me and or once he did and not just a peck a full on kiss and I just melt but he can still hold me up and I look up at my aunt and uncle and she doesn’t look like she should ever let him go again and she's crying. Finally a voice says that the meal is ready so we go in with our guests to eat and Aaron and I are directed to sit next to my aunt and uncle and Aaron actually sits down with me, and I look at him and realise that h I in fine cloth. But then Joseph stands up to make an announcement "hello now this feast is in celebration of the betrothal of my niece Maya to Aaron would the happy couple please stand" I just look at him and Aaron "really? But? You mean?" and Aaron just nods and I grab him and kiss him till he almost falls over. This is the best thing ever I can be with the one I love in public finally and I can marry him now I see what the dress and feast are for. Later that night when all the guest have gone we all sit down to talk Joseph and his family Aaron my father and Potiphar who when he tried to go was asked to stay. "Now tell me what happens to you both where did you go?" my aunt asked concerned. "We went to stay with some people and then came back." "no husband I want the truth what happened to you and Aaron ?" then he told us the truth of what had happened but both my aunt and I could tell that he still hid parts of it and my aunt hugged him when he was done. "Where where you cousin?" I asked "I was with my mother and uncle." he said and I knew I was not going to get an answer. Then beside me I hear a voice that sounds familiar but stronger than normal "master?" Joseph looks at him and smiles “you do not need to call me that you know." "Why?" "Well you heard it from my lips my past and I knew that you and Maya are good for each other and in love you would never hurt her. So when I walked in on you two kissing and how you acted in my presence i knew what I was going to do so I found your papers and singed them that day. But I wanted to wait for my brothers approval for I knew that you would want to marry his daughter so since he did you were free." when I heard this I ran up to him and hugged him while Aaron bowed to the floor. He just smiled at

me and then addressed Aaron "you do not need to do that you deserved this so get up. And I think that we have a wedding to plan now don't we if that's what you both want." so we spend the next bit discussing detailed and decide that Aaron and I will go into town the next day to see the stores for the wedding and to get Aaron some new things. Then we decided to retire for the night when just as we are at the door Joseph said "Aaron? Would you like to go see your family so that they may be in the wedding too? Or just to see them?" "Yes I think I would but may I please bring my sisters back with us?" "yes that would be fine and I would like to accompany the both of you and my brother" as he said my aunt gave him a look that could kill." and my wife?" at that Aaron paused "Maybe it should just be us three not the woman." "No they will come with too." he said and I could tell my aunt would never have it that way. "Ok if that's what you wish but please bring along some guards then. Just for their safety." and he looks worried as we walk off. And we will leave tomorrow he calls. This just leaves Aaron like he’s been sentenced for a terrible crime by going home.

© Copyright 2010 Alex Kelly (girlsrule2424 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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