Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1705800-The-Morning-After
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Western · #1705800
Two Cowboys, one woman, can only mean one thing; a gun fight.
The Morning After

Candy was the prettiest dancing girl at the Golden Nugget. Men from across the state came to watch her, and she enjoyed the stardom. She made plenty of mistakes in her life, but last night with Jake gave her hope for the future. She could see a house and children, and turning old while rocking in a chair next to the man she loved. But first there was Floyd; did he understand when she told him a week ago they were through?

Candy looked through her window onto the dusty street. Her eyes tried to make out the shadows from the Chinese lanterns strung down China Street. She wished now she had asked Jake to stay with her. His strength might not be able to protect her, but at least they could be packing and heading out of town before Floyd woke. Floyd's night in the opium den would be over soon, and when he heard of Jake being with her last night, Floyd's jealousy would erupt violently.

The sun's light was just beginning to illuminate the shadows, and Candy saw a little China man blowing out the lanterns. Maybe Floyd won't find out. Maybe there is a chance I can catch the stage coach out of town before... her thoughts trailed off as she saw Floyd's figure come into view.

His shadowy form was unmistakable; long trench coat covering his body, and a cowboy hat worn low to cover his face. He walked with purpose, and Candy knew his destination. She shuddered with fear. This will be the last beating, she told herself, after this I'm catching the first stage out of here. Jake will go with me.

Of all the men in her life, something was different with Jake. Feelings of happiness and nervousness filled her body when he was near. Love. She loved Jake.

Sitting on the bed, she stared at the door and waited for Floyd's knock. Candy nearly jumped out of her skin, as Floyd, not bothering to knock, just kicked the door in. Opium sweated out of his leathery skin, and his dilated pupils glared into Candy. "I heard a rumor this morning. Is there truth in it, Candy?"

"Floyd, I told you it was over between us. Last night with me and Jake was a new start," she stammered.

"I never said it was over Candy. You're mine." He swept the trench coat to the side exposing the Colt six-shooter.

"What are you going to do shoot me?" She knew he wouldn't shoot her. He was trying to scare her, and when she didn't give into fear, he would beat her.

"I told you, your whoring days was over. And I'm the Sheriff, I do what I want. How could ya, Candy?" Floyd pulled the pistol from its holster slowly as he spoke.

Until the gun pointed between her eyes, Candy thought Floyd was bluffing. When he pulled the hammer back, it was too late to realize how serious Floyd was.

With his head pounding from the night before, Jake awoke near noon. Splashing water onto his face sent the sweet smell of perfume into his nostrils, reminding him of Candy. Why did I leave you? When Floyd finds out. I never should've drank the entire bottle. I must've lost my mind. Candy, I've got to get you out of town.

Jake quickly dressed; spurred boots, black full-length duster, a Colt .45 on each side, and a worn-out, brown cowboy hat. Floyd was his best friend, the Sheriff, and known for his terrible temper. Candy told Jake that it was over between her and Floyd, but Jake wondered if Floyd knew. He rushed back to town, to stop Floyd from hitting her. I hope Floyd wasn't in the China House last night.

Marty, the town gravedigger, was walking out of the Golden Nugget as Jake hitched his horse. Marty looked up seeing Jake. "Jake," his voice shaky, "You don't want to go in there. There has been an accident."

Jake summed things up within the skip of his heartbeat. He rushed through the saloon's swinging doors, vaulting up the steps four at a time to the second floor. The crowd gathered outside Candy's room parted for Jake's dash to her.

Seeing her body covered with a sheet, Jake reached to remove it. Madam Scarlet's hand stopped him. "Don't Jake. Floyd shot her in the face. There is nothing left. You've got to leave town. He'll kill you next."

Jake dropped to his knees sobbing like a baby. How could you Floyd? She was a woman. It was over between the two of you.

Her wrist lay limply from under the blanket. Jake smiled seeing the gold bracelet he gave her after winning it in a poker game last night. It was the bracelet that started conversation between the two of them. A conversation that though brief continued long into the night in her room, and led not only to sex but love. Until he saw the bracelet, Jake had thought he was the only one who felt the love, but seeing it, convinced him the feeling was mutual. Not only did Floyd kill a woman, he took away Jake's opportunity for a happy future.

"Where did Floyd go?"

Madam Scarlet did not want to answer, but the tone in Jake's voice left her little choice. "Back to the China House."

Jake emerged from the Golden Nugget with vengeance flowing in his blood from his head to his toes. He gripped the bracelet, which he removed moments before from Candy's dead wrist. His eyes squinting to adjust to the blazing noon sun, Jake looked to notice citizens clearing the streets, and closing shutters to their homes and businesses.

A young boy, sitting in a rocker on the Nugget's porch, looked up at Jake, studying the deputy for a moment, before using a piece of charcoal to sketch on the pad in his lap. They were the only two people not inside.

Jake pushed his trench coat back, exposing the six-shooters on his hips. His spurs clinked on the steps as he walked down onto the dirt street. A door on China Street opened in the distance. Good, maybe the opium will slow him down.

Floyd and Jake slowly approached each other, stopping approximately ten paces away. The Chinese lanterns strung down the sides of the street, blowing in a gentle breeze, were all that moved. It seemed hard to believe that just the night before, the street was filled with people celebrating the Fourth of July.

"Why did ya do it?" Floyd asked.

"She said the two of you were no more," Jake answered.

"She lied."

"Your killing her, killed our friendship." Jake rubbed Candy's bracelet within his left fist.

"No Jake. Our friendship ended when you slept with my woman. She belonged to me. You know I'm the fastest gun. You have covered my back in the past, and for that, I give you one chance. Leave town, Jake. Never come back again."

"Can't do it, Floyd."

"Don't get yourself killed over some whore, boy." Floyd's knuckles popped as he opened and closed his hand.

Jake fumed with anger. He saw Floyd's hand flex, and knew he couldn't win. Jake only hoped for a tie. If his final movement was pulling the trigger to put a bullet in Floyd, Jake would die with a smile. Vengeance and nothing else pumped Jake's heart now, and he reached for his gun.

Floyd saw Jake reach for his pistol, and faster than a lightning bolt reached for his. All of time stopped around Floyd. His hand pulled at the pistol, but was unable to pull it from the holster. Looking down, Floyd saw a pale hand holding his. Time remained frozen as he followed the arm attached to the hand up to beautiful Candy's face, "You're not the fastest today."

Time resumed, and she vanished as Jake pulled his trigger. Floyd fell with his pistol still in the holster. The boy on the Golden Nugget's porch finished his sketch of Jake, and he scratched a title below There's a new Sheriff in town.
© Copyright 2010 Ricky Hammond (rickyhammond at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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