Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1705230-The-Other-Side-of-the-Rainbow
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Young Adult · #1705230
Sarah faces her emotions about leaving her small town behind and going to college.
The Other Side of the Rainbow

Sarah Larson yanked out her hair band and let the brown waves cascade around her shoulders as she ran. The rain was starting to fall but Sarah was too anxious to coop herself indoors and stare at all the belongings she had yet to pack. In two short days, she'd be leaving behind small town Michigan and entering the big city of New York where she'd start classes at NYU. She had only been to the city once and that was to visit the school, but once she got there, she had known instantly that New York University and New York City was the right place for her. She loved the bright lights, the shops, the city sounds, the parks. There were always people about and always something to do! Unlike suburban Michigan, she thought with distaste.

It wasn't that she hated her town. No, she was okay with it. Her family lived there and she had met her friends and boyfriend there. It was just so dull. Everyone wore clothes as muted as the sky that day. People's personalities left her yawning. She just wanted to be somewhere where everyone lived life as large as she did! Sarah was a future screen writer. She knew it in her heart and she knew she would do whatever it took to get there. In her junior year of high school she had won an award for the movie the film club had produced and she had written! Gosh, college and being with people who really understood her would be amazing!

Her best friend, Grace was a total jock and party girl and yet somehow the two had clicked. Still, Grace was probably just going to end up pregnant in college and working at a grocery store. Sarah loved her but this was totally what she predicted would happen. She had just broken up with Josh, her boyfriend. He was going to college in Michigan and although sweet and great, he just didn't understand her drive. Nobody did. She was the one who was going to make it big and put all these small town people to shame!

Sweating and a little out of breath, she stopped inside Panera and greeted Wendy, the girl behind the register. At Panera, they had to wear uniforms but Sarah always noticed how she managed to jazz it up with her make-up, hair, and funky jewelry. “Hey girl! What'll it be today?!”

“I think just a water and small blueberry muffin, thanks.”

“Coming right up!” Wendy exclaimed as she quickly grabbed both items and set them on the counter.

Sarah sat down for a while and ate her muffin. She watched a mom come in with her five year old daughter and order smoothies. When the lady turned to face her, she realized it was Mrs. Dudley, her neighbor. “Hi, Sarah! Getting excited for college?” Boy am I ever!

“Yeah,” she smiled politely. “Definitely.”

“Sarah!!” squealed Katie, the little girl.

“Hey Katie!”

“Check out my ladybug tattoo!! I put in on myself!”

“That's very cool, Katie!” Sarah smiled at the little girl.

“We'll leave you to it!” Mrs. Dudley smiled and she and Katie sat down a few tables away.
After letting her food digest a while, Sarah exited the restaurant and waved goodbye to Wendy and the Dudleys. Walking along the “downtown” she felt a little burst of sunlight and swirled in a small circle, the famous hair swirling about her. A 20 something guy whistled and she gave him the finger and began to run away, giggling. Laughing and sprinting away, she passed Mr. Williams, the old war veteran. Everyday, he faithfully walked his old Golden Retriever, Liberty, and waved the American flag. They both exchanged hellos.

She entered her house about 15 minutes later and saw her mom standing at the door with a scowl. “You need to start packing!”

Sarah shoved past her. “Fine. Whatever.” Once in her room, she began folding clothes and spotted her teddy bear, Bongo, sitting on her bed. Biting her lip, she tried to decide whether to pack him or not. Would her roommate think she was a total nut for bringing him?! She was 18 and a college student now! Still...he had been a big part of her childhood. Smiling a little, she began to day dream about her little brother, Anthony, and her scampering about building towns for Bongo and the bears to live.

“Gimme the blocks! They're mineeee!”

“No, they're mine!!!”

“Fine, you can take your stupid blocks! I'll build a super market under the couch!”

Aroused from her reverie, Sarah looked outside and noticed it was raining. The water started pouring harder and harder from the sky and she grabbed her knees and rocked back and forth staring out the window. Why was she so eager to get away from the town she had grown up in?! Her family and friends she loved?!

Sure, it wasn't the most exciting place on earth but it was hers! The people here weren't bland, they were humans as rich and diverse as the city folk. She smiled thinking of Wendy's bold pink and orange bangles that complimented her dark skin and jingled when she moved. She grinned even more thinking about Katie's pride over her tattoo. Her smile waned a little, thinking about the terrors Mr. Williams must have faced in Vietnam and she held her hand over her heart and felt it beat, slowly. As the rain poured down, she felt the tears begin to fall.

She was leaving home! The place that was familiar and safe to her! Yes, she was excited to do it, but she was also terrified. New York City was a whole different place. It would be wonderful and a great experience...but there was some comfort in the ways of the town. Sometimes the best things in life weren't the wildest or the most exquisite. They were the simplest, the sweetest. Panera's warm buttered blueberry muffins. Her mom's gentle hugs. The tender looks she and Josh had given each other last summer. The way the sun shined through the clouds after it finished raining. Huh. It was doing that now! A rainbow had emerged through the clouds.

Wiping her tears, Sarah sat and stared at the rainbow until faded slowly back into the sky.

I'm gonna climb to the other side of the rainbow, she thought. I'll find my pot of gold. Yet, I can still come back to the side I know and enjoy it. Both sides are beautiful and I can cherish both. A rainbow can't be complete with only one side...and neither can I.
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