Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1703045-Lady-stoked-to-find-a-not-so-perfect-job
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest · #1703045
After trying valiantly to find work, she finds herself grateful to sling coffee
The rain outside did not bother her at all. She sat at the window day-dreaming about long boarding through the streets of D.C., meditating on the political chaos that was around her. She had traveled to Virginia to rewrite her past and gain a bright future. The adventurous life had its many pleasures but, it was time to stick to something.
She showed stunning promise at first in a new field that was full of men. She was the 3rd highest grossing project manager for her company and her future looked bright......
Her plans and the plans of the world did not match and she soon found herself on the rocks. Being un-employed and living in a hotel room her creativity started to gain strength after a wave of nauseating depression and an extreme Hagendaz bender. I shall reinvent myself, surely the world will have a place for my vast expertise.
She after all had managed several companies poorly, executed self will at every corner and had trudge her own road every step of the way. She had traveled all over the country, lived in over 20 states and surely had worked at least 3 jobs in most of them. Such is the life of the traveling lady, this experience should land me at the helm of vast enterprises.
She beefed up her resume to fit any realm with the exceptions of Astronaut, Nuero-Surgeon, Fluffer, Burger aficionado, Street Pharmacist, Bull rider, and suicide prevention specialist. Its not that she did not feel as though she were qualified for a few of these, just not interested.
After several painful interviews, she revamped her resume and only omitted the things that she truly felt undereducated to do, and resumed the self deprecating role of groveling into a paycheck. Another round of interviews and the game plan needed to change.
She decided to get simple again. A fervent promise that would make Thoreau proud. I shall slim down and make things as simple as possible. I will quit my addictions, fire my boyfriend, and quite possibly retain the services of a girlfriend. Mid-life crisis at 28. I will sell anything that cost anything, and I will slim down the wild life of the unemployed.
The job search was painful at best.... The only apparent option that remained was the only job prior to the last that she had ever been fired from 10 years before. The exceptionally wonderful world of the barista.
The last time was at a trendy non-corporate house of caffienation. This time would be in an extremely corporate, not tattoo allowing, nazi-esque chain that is addicting even to the people that cannot stand the place..... Yuppie Hell or heaven depending on your place in the spectrum.
Her green tea smelled of peppermint and chamomile as she filled out the job application. Trendy jazz played over the speakers and she could see the newest Kate Perry album for sale right next to the logo driven gift cards. Her mantra mainly was focused on the fact that health insurance may only be 90 days away if she could stomach the place that long with out committing any violent felonies.
The job interview was conducted by a very sweet albeit, serious young lady that took her coffee very seriously. The interview questions were the level that a president should have to answer prior to showing up to work. The background questions were as though she were applying to be the head of the CIA. With a very stern smile she was welcomed into the world of corporate hell and a sense of ease over came her, immediately followed by extreme feelings of “if you would have told me 10 years ago”.
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