Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1702130-With-Out-You
by Anna
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1702130
Love, Adventure and Fantasy story
It was strictly forbidden. That's what Aunt Zelda told me when I mentioned the word "Magic". She of course said that but everyday at nine o'clock, when she thought that i was in bed fast asleep, she would practice spells from a big book. Most nights I would stay up and watch her, peeking through the crack in her door. I would try very hard to remember the spells she would say but they would always slip my mind by the next morning. She would do all kinds of spells, one that would change the color of her dress, one that makes a bunch of rabbits appear, and one that would change her face completely! It amazed me so much that by the time i was five I had my mind set that I would one day be a great witch like Aunt Zelda.
Now at the age of sixteen my dream had come true. Of course by now Aunt Zelda knew about my dream and she of course helped me with my magic. She started out by teaching me the basics like the spell to change the color of your eyes, but even a simple spell like that could be dangerous. If anybody found out i was doing magic they would kill me as fast as you can say "Witch".

"Now," Aunt Zelda whispered. "Point your wand directly at the frog and say the spell."
With a shaky hand I directed my twig like wand at the slimy frog sitting care-free on the table.
"Now the spell." She whispered again.
"Higidy, Pigidy, Pog, Give me the mind of this frog!" I said with excitement.
Suddenly my whole body seemed to change, and Aunt Zelda seemed to be really BIG!
"What happened?" I croaked. My voice was different too!
Aunt Zelda knelt down and picked me up with one hand. She set me on the table and put a hand-held mirror in front of me.
My body was small, green and slimy!
"Gah!" I gasped. "I-I'm a frog! I thought the spell was suppose to give me the mind of a frog! "
Aunt Zelda shrugged. "I guess you did the spell wrong."
"Turn me back! This is disturbing!" I wailed.
Aunt Zelda rolled her eyes and flicked her wand at me.
Suddenly i was normal sized and human sitting on the kitchen table.
"I don't know how you do that." I mumbled scratching my head.
She smiled "Many years of practice."
She quickly looked at her watch.
"I'm late for school aren't I?" I asked her.
"Maybe... " She mumbled.
"Oh no! This will be my third tardy!"
"You know i could always poof you there." She said smiling.
"No thanks i don't feel like getting killed today.Oh, and could you please find that frog? It was for a science project."
I grabbed my back pack and quickly ran out the door of our apartment. I rode my rusty bike through New York to the place most people would call school, but i call it "hell on earth".The school was big and brick and it sorta looked like a prison, but that's just my opinion.
I walked into my first hour class feeling awkward and out of place as usual. My fellow class mates stared at me as i walked into class thirty minutes late.
"Kiley, its so nice of you to finally join us." My teacher Mr. Brown said from the front of the class.
"It was my.."
"Your Aunt right?" He said finishing my sentence.
I nodded embarrassed at how predictable it is now.
"She needed umm help at the shop." I lied, Aunt Melinda's dress shop doesn't even open until one.
"Well then take a seat, and that's another tardy." He said and handed me a pink slip.

The school day went by slower than the usual slow today.

© Copyright 2010 Anna (annamonkey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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