Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1702064-Miram
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1702064
" I will love you, no matter how, no matter when. I will and NO ONE will stop that."

Today is a good day; I finally have the energy to get out of my room. For some time now I wasn't up to walking my dog, Raff, getting up for school or eating but not today. I got up even though it was a rather chilly day, colder than others but I didn't care. I got Raff, put on his and mine winter coat and headed out the door, ignoring the unusual look I got from my mom. Although truthfully, I think she was happy that I wasn't lying in my bed feeling helpless and tired. There was no need for any therapy today.

         A usual routine of mine.

As I walked out the house toward Jaded Ave towards Augur Road with Raff, a sudden though hit me. This is what we usually did but lately it has been different, maybe because of my mom’s late hours at the hospital, or because of the indifferent personality but whatever it was I felt free today.

I was walking through the winter fog that always came through my little town in December, in two blocks from Augur Road, and I would make a right to reach Dean's house.

Oh Dean,

How we can't be together, because of ...well let’s not just says, uh, to be with you I will be forever happy. When our hearts are together they are filled and I don't feel hopeless. However, you're with HER, I-I just want to scream! How could you do me like that huh Dean? Well I guess it’s not your fault Dean, I will still love you and visit you continuously like I always do.

I came out of my deep thought as I was stopped on the corner of Dean O’Conner’s house. Suddenly, warmth came over me, the same sudden thought I had before. I smiled while Raff was licking the ice off the sidewalk, and chuckled but had to focus on Dean again. I began to walk to his house, just like I normally would; he'll invite me in, have a drink and I'll head back to take Raff home and come back. I haven't done that lately, probably because that abominable of a “girl” that was there the last time I came. But the idea that seemed unthinkable became a really good idea, overzealous I headed back home, happier now that this thought had come upon me.

I strutted my way back in and proceed through the house, I cut on the light to my mom's office to get the keys to the other car. In laughter, I headed down the hallway to the garage. I looked back to my house and hoped for the best as I embark for the endless mission that would change Dean's life for the better. Greg's Hardware store is where I found myself, I thought of three reasons to not do this: the pain it would cost, the trouble I would get into, and what if it didn't work. Then I thought of three reasons to do it: the joy it would bring Dean and I, the reward, and no barrier between me and my love. It was clear that this may be crazy, but was it really?

All I wanted was Dean.

I greeted the cashier as I checked out; I was overjoyed with happy at that particular moment even though the cashier was suspicions of what I was doing. I ensured him not worry as I grabbed my stuff and headed back home.

Once home, I put everything I had “stolen” back. Then I thought of one reason to not do it: 1.

One reason to do it: 1.

I just stood there in a deep thought of nothing to say or think, but time was running out I had to grab my mom’s hospital bag and leave. If my calculations were correct she should be at home.

I decided riding my bike was the safest at this moment. It also would be easier to put my stuff in a backpack and go on the same path I took Raff. As I rode, thoughts of my plan arose and how even though many might disagree with what I was about to do, I had to so I could be happy for once in a long time. Maybe what I did would be concerned a crime but to me it was the only way. The only way to know that Dean will be mine, finally.

In the crease of the little woods close to her house I parked my bike so it was hidden from anyone who could have possibly following me. It was also an easy access when I departed from her house. I took my backpack off and got my necessary tools and gloves. I put everything together, the faster I can get this over with the sooner. All I need was three things: something to harm, something to last, and something to that wouldn’t make this heard. I headed to the side of her house; I crawled under the windows to the gap between them. Idle was there in the kitchen reading. Idle was her mother she was alone downstairs, to confirm I peaked in the other window to make sure. With a smirk on my face, I crawled back to the front of the house. As I thought, Idle answer the door and greeted me, I told her how I couldn't stand not being Lee Ann's friend and I wanted to surprise her with my deepest of apologizes. She agreed and let me in because she knew how good of a person I was and how I only want the best. I agreed with that thought she had, but the only dilemma about her thought, was that it was in best interest of Dean not Lee Ann.

I went upstairs to Lee Ann’s room, she wasn’t there!

         Breathe Miriam Breathe. Head under the bed, and get ready. Ok, are you fine now?


Good, why are you doing this?

         Dean, I love him, I think about him when I don’t try. He puts a rock in my stomach but in a good way. I know where hangs out, I could predict him in every way until Lee Ann came.

         What did Lee Ann do?

She came in and tricked him, all I wanted was him! All I wanted is him! She took him!

I heard her footsteps, as she lay on her bed. If I was going to do it, it had to be now. I crawled from under her bed and stood there for a couple seconds, looking at the girl I abhorred and she looked back shocked.

Quickly I clamped the pillow over her head, she squealed but it was enjoyment to watch her legs bang against the bed, she screamed under the pillow, and I pushed harder and harder. She tried so hard to scratch me off but I just laugh until she passed out. Once she was quiet I got out the insulin needle and injected a dose of it into her, too bad she's not diabetic. Soon her body will try to eject the poison but sorry to say, Lee Ann it will not help.

I looked at her laughed once more, and left from her balcony. I ran back to my bike and rode down the road right to his house. I stopped and let the winter air hit my face, I was finally free. I could be myself. I knocked on his door, and there he was smiling with his winning smile. He knew it too, that nothing will stop us.

“Hey, there my girlfriend,” he said as he kissed. That moment I knew that it will be live happily ever after with Dean.

Oh Dean, Oh Dean. You soon will see that you and I can forever be.

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