Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1701432-Expiermientosis-Prolog-chapter-1-and-2
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Dark · #1701432
this is about a little girl named Sam *samria* who was badly abused and has an odd ability
"NO! PLEASE STOP!" Sam screamed, feeling the blade pierce her skin. Screaming even louder she felt herself go numb, limp. Looking up at the flashing overhead light. Blood pouring from her right collar bone. She never felt pain this intense. Who ever this was, loved seeing her life pour from the wounds he caused her.
Another painfilled needle slipping into her arm. Sam let out another long painfilled scream she felt somthing slip through her vaines. Feeling her legs and lower back slowly go numb. Flailing her legs the best she could before losing complete feeling in them. She never know someone could cause this much pain on ANYONE. Sam forced her eyes open. Seeing nothing but darkness. Smelling nothing but her own blood, vomit, urien. Feeling the erdge to voimit increased once more.
She had to escape. Just had too. Seeing the man walk away from her. Sam was forcing herself to sit up. What ever he had injected into her made her immobile from the waist down. Even as her body fell to the hard blood stained tile floor. Sam forced herself to move with her fingertips. Like a zombie trying to get to freshmeat. Hearing the formilar footsteps of the man starting to run at her. Sam tried even harder to get to her knees.
Sam was crying now, trying as hard as she could to get to her feet. The mans pace as started to run. Just when she started to drag her feet. She reached the door handle...the door...was locked.
"NO!" Sam hollared the overhead light flashing fast as if someone was flashing the light on and off. Her hand jiggled the handle as the man came from behind her grabbing Sams' throat. Throwing her hard aginst the stone wall. Feeling her head crack aginst the impact. Sam threw her head down and vomited. Blood...pure bright red blood and earlier's meal came from her throat. The normal sting was worse.
"You think you can escape this torture little child? remember your just an experimient in a little game of life. Can you hang on just a little longer? you little rat!" The males dark voice travled over Sam's body. For days...months...hell maybe even years she suffered now...its the time for her to fight back. Sam forced her self back up, fully aware what she was doing. Forcing her feet to drag aginst the floor. The formilar grimey feeling of the tile aginst her feet. Blood slipping from the conors of her mouth.
"you....you will pay." Sam mummbled out as she shoved the guy hard enough for him to fall back into some sort of machine. The machine turned on, causing the male to scream. She looked over at the door. Light! She saw light! For the first time in years she saw real light! Sam forcing herself to move as fast as she could out of the room, before the other person...who she knew wasnt fairly nice, came to the rescue. Sam noticing the feeling coming back into her legs as she started to pick up her pace. This time almost to a fast walk. She heard another female scream loudly. As Sam stopped to look. There...a fairly older woman then her. Chained by the waist, flashing light, her reaching up. Noticing she wasnt alone, the woman looked at her. Screamed for help, as she fell face first, into a small pile of needles. Sam cringing at the thought of her death, started running down the endless hall. Blood splatters every were, the stench of, vomit increased....so did the smell of dead bodies.
Sam feeling herself fall down the flight of stairs, as she got back up forcing herself to run, her hands and arms swinging, having a limp. Her hair, gone, shaved. Naked. As her small breasts moved with her running. Tatered with old blood, bruised and mangeled with old scars, cuts, scrapes, and dried shit and piss on her body. Her lips busted and eyes swollowen. Her collar bone still bleeding as Sam forced the needells out of her hands and arms as she ran as fast as she could. Hearing the two men scream. Police sirens going off as Sam fell a few times as she cried.
Finaly getting to the main road, Sam was screaming for help over and over. Two people from a near-by house came out only to gasp at sam's apperence. One ran out to her wrapping her in a warm blanket as the other man started calling the hospital from his cellphone. Comepltely dumb-founded at this poor girls state of physacal apperince and mental state.
Sam looked behind her as she closed her eyes. She swore that she would get her revenege even if it ment killing someone...she swore it.

Chapter one
"CONNIE, dearist, since your Sam's freind...why dont you go find her..? She wasnt here for dinner, OR lunch. You know more about her then we do. Has she talked to you since she arrived?" Dr. J asked Connie.
Connie has been at the oprhanarium for the last three years, as soon as Sam came there, they instantly clicked. No one talked to her, no one played with her. But Connie. There was nothing Connie wouldnt do for Sam. Sam was her only faimly. And Connie was Sam's only faimly. Connie a short black hair little girl. No older then eleven and Sam...was only nine. Connie loved Sam like a little sister. And would protect her with her own life. After Sam came here...she always got hurt...or had horrible nightmares.
"No sir. And yes sir i'll find her." Connie said. She completely hated Dr.J always thought that Sam was 'crazy' or will soon be 'phycopathic'. Connie completely detested that. Connie's soft hazle eyes traveled up the empty staircase. She ran up the staircase her soft black shoes making light patting noises on the stairs. "Sammie!? Where are you Sammie?" Connie called as she ran all the way down the hall and made a left to Sam and her's room. She herd soft whimpering.
Instantly Connie knocked the door open looking at the light blood trail that lead to the bathroom. Connie ran in almost knocking the door over seeing Sam lying there crying her wrists bleeding. "Oh Sammie....don't do that.." Connie said softly walking in ripping off a peice of shower curtian wrapping it around Sam's wrist.
"Sam...did you do this?" Connie asked, knowing the awnser.
"N....no Connie...i didnt! the girl did...th...the dead girl in my dreams!" Sam said in a choking reply. Connie knew all about the dead girl, that stuff that the crazy man did to Sam...rapped her...hit her...hurt her! Instantly Connie was filled with pure hate and rage. To Connie that man deserved to die...but all he got was sent to the phycoward. He really needed to get killed...
"Listen Connie...don't tell Dr.J about this god knows what he would do.." Sam said in a plea as Connie shook her head. Her black hair to her shoulders. Sam was just now starting to grow her hair back...very short. Boyish. Connie thought it looked really cute on her. "I promise i wont Sammie. I swear." Connie said standing helping Sam up as she smiled walking over to their bed. It was alredy passed their bed time anyway.
"Come on Sammie lets go to sleep...i pormise to keep the nightmares away tonight." Connie said kicking off her shoes and taking off her socks as she got into the bed as she pulled the other side up. Sam taking off her blood covered nightdress and slipped on a diffrent one as she crawled in cuddling aginst Connie. Connie pulling the sheets over them as she cuddled aginst Sam.
Sam finaly felt herself relax the make-shift bandage's causing some feeling of comfort. The only comfort she felt was the arms of Connie around her rubbing her back. Sam slowly fell into a trubled sleep as Connie still held her sleeping.

Dr.J came into Connie, and Sam's room to wake the two sleeping children as he sighed. He could tell another incident happend. The blood in the tub and the blood stained dress. Her shook his head. He was a old bald man no older then sixty five...but did people in this orphanarium care at all? No...no one cared for poor Sam. Only Connie...Sam used to drift around doing nothing, eating nothing....till Connie came around and started talking to her. Even if Sam didnt reply.
After being rapped, beaten, you wouldnt expect less then that. Sam alredy knew that the man who done this too her was in a insane asylum. He looked over at the two girls...just like sisters. One older then the other. Trying to teach the little ugly duckling that she is loved. But who was this so called 'dead woman' that Sam was seeing and supposivly 'hurting' her? Could memories come back and hunt you?
"No thats crazy...." Dr.J said a little to loudly as Sam slowly started to wake up looking at Dr.J as she screamed flailing falling out of bed. Connie shooting up grabbing a small make-shift knife from under the pillow and aimed at Dr.J. Dr.J dropped all his things rising his hands. This had been a relfex to Connie, to save poor Sam.
"Hey calm down...its just me. You know, Dr. Sunshine. Or Dr.J." He mainly refered himself as Dr.Sunshine....but everyone else called him Dr.J becuase of his first name...Jared. He watched Connie put the knife back under the pillow as she glaired at him. Getting off the bed kneeling next to the crying Sam...she really hated when she cried.
"You know she has to go to my office...to be evaluated." Dr. J said slowly watching his words. Somthing stung in Sam as she screamed holding onto Connie as if she was the last lifeline she had screaming and crying as she shook her head in denile.
"NO! PLEASE! DONT HURT ME! DONT RAPE ME! PLEASE!!!" Sam shouted crying hard as she shook like a train in Connies arms as Connie glaired up at him. Pure hate filled her eyes.
"LEAVE US YOU OLD BASTERD!" Connie yelled as the doctor picked his things up walking out of the room. He looked back only to see that Connie was rocking Sam back and fourth singing to her a soft melody her mother used to sing as Sam slowly started to stop crying and shaking. Sam's eyes were a dark milky green. But when she cried, they were a dark black. Thats the only way people could tell she was, has been, or did cry earlier that day. And Connies hazle eyes turn brown when she was pissed.
Connie looked down at Sam as Sam had fallen back to sleep. "Hey....Sammie...wakey wakey...we need to go downstairs." Connie said softly as Sam yawned sitting up wiping her eyes. Her eyes a dark milky green with specks of black. No one ever knew what that ment. Sam stood as she stretched her back cracking. She turned from Connie. This would be the first time she had ever showed anyone her scars. Sam lifted off her dress. Connie winced hard and gasped as she coverd her mouth.
All down Sam's back nothing but pure soft pink tissue stayed. Connie slowly got to her knees looking over the scars. One you can tell was a deep stab wound. Sam turned around her front side was even worse...a deep impression on her collar bone...another stab wound. Her face...was alredy scarred enough. Connie's eyes drifted over Sam's small breasts as she saw little darkened dots that laied upon her skin...must have been from needles. Connie shooked her head in disbelife as Sam put a new dress on her. Today was going to be a long day...
Chapter 2
WHAT HAD BEEN what had happen. To Sam and Connie it was just a fucked up story. Sam was now eighteen and Connie was now twenty. Sam knew that Connie really loved Sam...but what could happen to either of them if they do what needs to be done? Sam looked down at her histroy report that was due on tuesday next week. Sam sighed as she turned her chair around to look at Connies naked body lying on the bed watching T.V.
For some reason, her need increased...her heart started to pound fast. Connie's perfect rump, her wounderful curves...she wasnt fat...but she wasnt skinny. She was perfectly petite. Nothing could ever stop Sam from loving Connies hazle eyes as well. Connie turned to her side noticing that Sam was looking at her.
"Yes Sammie?" Connie replied. Her voice was alot softer then before. And her wounderful smile...drove her mad. Maybe...she did love Connie more then just a sister. Connie had wounderful full breasts...pefectly rounded. Sam...had...somewhat of full breasts. Slightly on the small side, however more then a handful. Connie also had a tatto in the middle of her breasts too...a wounderful pentagram that showed off her religion. Wiccan. God did Connies long stares fill her with so much need.
"Connie...did I ever tell you that I thought you were amazingly pretty...?" Sam said shyly as Connie sat up. Her hair died now...to a deep red, past her buttocks as she smiled up at Sam. Connie stood as she walked over to Sam. Kneeling down on her knees as she looked up at Sam.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love you Sam?" Connie said smiling her wounderful smile. A rush of hottness filled Connie as she felt her cheeks warming heart pounding. Oh god...she did love Connie more then a sister.
"I love you too Connie...I really do..." Sam replied even more shyly as Connie stood leaning in kissing Sam deeply on the lips as she ran her hand down her cheeks. Sam held the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Connies neck. She did love Connie...more then ever.
There was a soft knock on the dorm door as Connie broke the kiss running to the bathroom for her bathrobe as Sam stood up walking to the door. She opened it with caution like she always does now. The feel of the rough carpet came on her feet as she peeked from the crack of the door. "Hello...?" Sam asked slowly.
"Hey Sam...Its Veronica...i just wanted to say you might want to leave here soon...the princable is getting a little suspicous about Connie being around you so much. And since i'm the only one knowing that you and her both are lesbien you might wanna hijack the road." Veronica whispered as Sam sighed. Connie let out a very agrrevated noise.
"Oh...Hey connie!" Veronica said laughing lightly. It amused Veronica about how fast Connie got annoyed and it made her laugh. Veronica was the only person outside of Connie that Sam could trust. And knowing Veronica...she was a closet lesbian herself...so she kept her true self secret and dated guys...even though there nature disgusts her.
Sam closing the door as she took off her shirt, bra, tripp pants, and underwear she climbed into bed as she turned off the bedside lamp. Connie walked in still naked as she climbed into the bed as well. She got ontop of Sam as she smiled. She leaned over whispering to Sam's ear "This time...I shall show you how much I love you...and let me take away your pain."
Sam felt Connies soft hands travel down her body. Felt her kissing every scar she had. As if Connie held her words...Sam felt as if Connie was healing her every scar. Sam felt her fingers probe in area's that she, Sam, has not ever touched. She felt Connie kiss in places that she never thought people could be gental too. Soon she felt waves after waves of pleasure. Feeling her body convulse in pleasure gave to much to Sam. She arched her back as she shivered in pure pleasure. Next thing Sam knew...she was exploading, moaning, screaming out Connies name. Screaming that she loved Connie.
She...Connie...was making love to her, the bruised, battered, and broken Sam. After that she was done...Connie came back up smiling down at her moving her still somewhat short hair, away from her face as she kissed her lips very lightly smiling.
She felt so happy, so complete that when Connie laid beside Sam, Sam cuddled up to her, laying her head on her full breast and fell asleep.
THE SEVEN THIRTY BELL RANG, causing Sam's body to jump as she got up getting dressed as fast as she could. Connie was alredy up, things packed as she brushed her hair quickly, putting her hair back in a small bandanna. She never felt this fresh before. For once when she took one last look into a mirror she saw the old scars on her throat, face, and collar bone. For once...she saw them as nothing.
"Come on Sammie! We have to get out of here! people mostlikely heard us last night and we dont want to hang around here much longer!"Connie said very ergent like as Sam grabbed her bookbag that held the shotgun. Sam was no longer affraid. She was going to do this. Suddently hearing a loud clap of thunder Sam rushed out of the dorm room grabbing Connies hand as they both ran down the stairs out the main hall and out into the pouring rain.
© Copyright 2010 shannonlovesraves (shannonraver at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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