Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1699571-The-Vampire-Hunters-Best-Friend
by Lester
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1699571
Trinity has a best friend who suddenly goes missing, what happened to him?
I use to blame myself for things I knew were not my fault. I had these dreams that were like visions which I use to shrug off as déjà vu until they actually started coming true. Then I knew they were something more. A couple nights ago I dreamt that I was arguing with someone, and that argument caused them to leave. Then I could feel my heart shatter and my whole dream went black. I woke up screaming not wanting to believe that this vision, like all the others would come true too. Anytime I was around anyone I cared about, Duke, I'd be cautious of my temper. But my temper was always something people called me out on. I would get angry at the silliest things. So trying to keep myself from blowing up was very tricky. I was doing great at it, and nothing set me off. Until that night, I made one mistake and my whole world was crumbling in on itself. That's why I knew for a fact that it was my fault, if only I had prevented the dream from coming true. Now he's gone. Forever.

I really wish he were still here. Call me selfish but it's not like I want him to be here so he can suffer. I want him here so I can care for him, and love him like no one ever could. I don't think I can survive without him, I feel as if a part of me died when he left. I remember falling in love with him for the first time. His smile is what I loved the most about him, he had a smile that couldn't even be compared to sunshine. Everyone says we're meant to learn how to move on to become stronger. That letting go is what makes is better. But we never move on, do we? That special thing will always be left a permanent mark in our hearts, that's why it meant so much to us. If it didn't, then there wouldn't be much to cry about in the first place. Thinking back, things would've been different if he stayed. But if he stayed nothing would've been right. I used to not carry regrets around with me. Until now.

I'm Tri, pronounced "tree"; my real name is Trinity Clarice Bellazar. My parents work in real estate; they sell houses across the country. I rarely get to see them, and when I do they're always too exhausted to spend time with me. You'd think with all the money my parents have I'd be a happy camper. I really have no care for expensive items and being the prettiest, I just want to have a family here. I doubt my parents even remember how I look like half the time. As a child I was raised by the help, the maids and butlers, they watched me take my first step, heard me say my first word, potty trained me, and taught me how to read and write. At times I wish my parents were able to be here for me but I've really met some wonderful people in my life. Whether they're here for the money, or for me.

I have a best friend named Duke Ize. Like every girl I know, I've fallen in love with him. I met Duke back when we were in diapers. He was the son of Angela. Angela was our maid back when I was young; she always brought Duke over to play, which meant we were raised together. After I became ten, Angela decided to quit because she wanted to live in New York. Two years passed and she moved back with a twelve-year old Duke and a new husband. Duke and I saw each other at school and immediately we fell into being best friends. We'd walk to and from school together, always hanging out on the weekends. We went through everything together, even if we were both only kids when all of it happened.

Duke and I always went our separate ways when it came to school. He'd go to dances, games, bonfires, and parties with certain people and I would stay home alone. But he always ended up at my house. After he'd drop off whoever he went with to these places he'd drive over to my house and tell me about his day. I always imagined myself as the lucky girl who got to spend the day with him. Sometimes I wondered why he never asked me to go with him then I thought that it didn't matter because I always got to be with him. I got to be the last one to be with him. Until he left the next morning to go get ready to hang out with his other friends. The only reason I'd ever let him leave was that I knew he'd be back later that night.

I've always been lonely; anyone who gets to know either uses me for my money or never really sticks around. I'm not sure if it's because I was just destined for loneliness or if I was just setting myself up so no one would hurt me. It's been this way for the eighteen years I've been existing. I say existing and not living because I don't have much of a life. I go to school and I come home to do homework then eat, bathe and sleep. Besides that the most exciting thing I do with my life is breathe. With a best friend like Duke you'd think I have fun now and again. But that's not the case; Duke is always in a relationship. He's never without a girl friend. Kind of like the opposite of me with the whole no friend thing. I think he feels the need to be loved. Even if that means he gets hurt in the end and comes running back to me. That's just how Duke and I function, that's why we're best friends. When no ones there to be my friend he always is. And when no one is there to love him, I always will.

Duke and I always hung out on Fridays. We called it our Friday Movie Nights or 'FMN' for short. Having money meant that I owned a lot of DVD's. This also meant that there were many options to choose from. Duke always chose since I was always so indecisive. I just micro-waved the popcorn. Duke never skipped out on FMN. Not even when Gwen, one of his ex-girlfriends, was throwing a party and offered Duke a little after party. He declined and spent the night with me. Even though I had never offered him any after parties. Duke and I were truly best friends. Nothing could separate us. I had let anger rule my life though. I hadn't been able to control myself. Which is why I had lost it all. I lost him. To something unimaginable, something I knew would happen. I still remember the expression on his face as we were arguing, I still remember how much it hurt to see him go, and I will always remember the words he said to me. The ones that made me hopeless.

"What movie would you like to watch?" I asked rummaging through some shelves that were stacked with movies.

"I'm in the mood for horror." He smiled.

"We have way too many horror movies for me to choose one. Come over here and take a look for yourself."

"You were always the horror fanatic." He grabbed a blanket from my bed and wrapped it around his neck. He leaned down to where I was sitting and covered the lower part of his face with it, "Tri, I vant to suck your blood."

"Alright but just to let you know, I got a blood transfusion awhile back, so it might taste a bit off." Laughing, he picked up a movie and started reading the back of it.

"The title's a bit wacky, but I think we might get a decent sex scene." He looked over at me and winked. I blushed pointing at another shelf, "Go take a look over there. I figured that there's mostly comedy but I'm sure you'll be able to find a few horror movies in there too."

After a bit of looking he finally removed something from the shelf, "What do we have here?" He said opening a book that I could've sworn I threw away two years ago. I cursed myself for being a procrastinator.

"Uh, what's that?" I asked even though I knew exactly what it was.

"It's 'Girl, get that man you want in less that thirty days!' Sounds exciting. Let's read it." He flipped open the first page and started to read, "Was there ever a man that you could not impress no matter how hard you tried?" He looked over at me and batted his eyelashes, "Oh my god girl, yes!"

"It didn't work, I forgot to return it." I moved closer to him in hopes that I could take it away before he continued humiliating me.

He moved away from me and kept reading, "Question number one, what kind of man are you chasing?" He looked over the categories then read the one that I had circled. "Mister I'm In Love. This is the one who claims to be in love with everyone, except for you." He kept up the female voice and I had to laugh at him. "Question number two, now that we have what kind of man you're chasing read what you can do to get him." He looked over at me and held up his finger as I was about to interrupt him, "Mister I'm In Love always wants the girl he can't have, this is why he claims to be in love with everyone except the one girl who actually loves him. You! What you have to do is make it obvious that you want anyone but him. Then he'll want you for sure." I remember reading that book two years ago and going out with one of Duke's close friends, Matt. The guy ended up being a jerk and just wanted to get in my pants. He claimed he had gotten what he wanted from me, until Duke knocked some sense into him. More like, knocked some truth into that boy.

"Enough playing around Duke, at this rate we're going to be up all night looking for a movie." I laughed awkwardly. I scooted towards him to take the book away from him; he didn't take any notice this time.

"Question number three, time to get personal! Tell us your man's name…" My eyes grew wide with shock as I jumped up tackling him and the book.

"Whoa Tri, I thought we didn't keep secrets?"

"Yeah, well this was an old crush, very embarrassing. Not interesting anyways." I tore the page out and ripped it to shreds throwing it up like confetti, "All in the past, see?"

"I don't care if it's not interesting, or if it's embarrassing. I'm not here to judge you Tri; I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything."

An idea popped into my head, "Well, I did tell you who it was. At the time that I liked him. I'm surprised you don't remember. It's not my fault you can't think of who I used to like."

"Oh yeah, I keep a list of all the names. Of course I'd forget Tri, if you don't like them anymore than they're not important to me either."

"Well, it's not like it's very important. I don't like anyone at the moments and that's all you need to know."

"Tri, are you not into dating? Is it just not your thing?"

"What? I don't think that's any of your business." I started blushing.

"I was just asking. Isn't there anyone, anyone at all you'd at least find attractive?" he said looking at me questioningly.

"No." I said simply.

"You found Matt attractive. Then you rejected him when he wanted to do the wild thing with you."

"I didn't find Matt physically attractive; I found that his personality was attractive."

"You're a liar. Matt has about as much personality as a rock."

"No, he was funny. Funnier than you. And, he never laughed at his own jokes."

"That's because his jokes weren't funny, at all."

"I'm not attracted to anyone at the moment. So shut up about my past."

"I bet I know why you don't find any guy attractive." the tone he used was so serious that I turned to look at him, "It's because…" he sighed heavily looking me in the eyes, "you're a lesbian!" After his crude statement, all he could do was laugh loudly. I stared at him with an ice cold glare.

"I'm not hearing you deny it?" he kept pressing but I ignored him. "Come on Tri don't you trust me?" he was making me feel guilty, I trust him so much that I loved him but he couldn't know that.

"I'm not a lesbian and there is someone but I doubt you'd care." I said nonchalantly.

"Come on, you know I care, I'm you're best friend. Stop being such a girl. Is it that time of month again?" He stifled a grin.

"No, it's not that time of month!" I said angrily. I hated when people called me out on things just because I was a girl, the nerve of people being so sexist. I was going to get back at him for that. "But you know what Duke?" I said letting my anger get the best of me before I could stop.

"Yes, Ms. Bellazar?"

"You sure are one to talk; you're always having mood swings. Sometimes I wonder if you're even a real guy. You're always complaining to me about how your girlfriend always wants physical things from you. Want to know why they do?" I didn't wait for him to question me or to cut me off, "Because all of your girlfriends are sluts! And you can not keep it in your pants!" I huffed.

"Can't keep it in my pants? Wow, you're just jealous because the only person I wouldn't do anything with is you." he smirked at me triumphantly.

"That is obviously not true; I was your first kiss. Also, we're best friends why would we do anything to make it weird between us, stop being a hot head." I could tell he was getting mad because he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down biting his lip. "I bet if we were just strangers that you'd most likely try to be getting with me."

"Is that how a girls mind works then?" He glanced over at me suspiciously.

"Yes, if it moves you'll screw it!" I started loudly, "you know I'm surprised you're not over at Lexi's right now. What is form of satisfaction can I give you tonight?"

"As you pointed out we're best friend why would I ask anything like that from you?" This really started getting my blood to boil, I hated how the littlest things got to me, and I had to remind myself not to yell a confession to him. "If all girls thought that way then why does Lexi let me stay over here without being jealous or angry about it?" His lips turned up into a cocky smile.

"She let's you stay here because, well because you're a gentleman. I mean really, you treat girls so nicely and you open up to them, you're so sensitive but all they ever want from you is a good time. I can't wait to see you come crying back to me when Lexi breaks up with you. It's the same thing with every girl you've ever dated." I felt the smugness wash off my face when he looked up at me, his eyes were seeing through me as if I was no longer standing in front of him. "Don't look at me like that, you know it's true. You can't keep love within your grasp to save your life. That's all you want, love. But you will never find true love because you're too stupid to realize where to find it." He would never realize that he'd find it in me.

"You know what Tri, I'm done. I just wanted you to open up and trust me, but all you do is stand there and mock me. I thought we had something great between us; this friendship is dead as of now. I'm out of here." He was turning his back to leave when my cold voice made him stop dead in his tracks.

"You wanted me to open up? That's funny, because you're the one who started mocking me first. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, right?" I gave him a knowing look. "See if I care, leave and don't you dare come back!" Getting up, I threw a pillow at him which thanks to my horrible aim missed him.

He stared at the pillow then looked up at me, my insides churned with what I saw in his eyes. They were those of an enemy, filled with so much hatred that you could actually feel it in the air. I tried to return his gaze but my glare looked more like a scared puppy. It didn't matter though because he was about to speak the words that I knew would break my heart, "I trusted you when I came to you with all those things Tri, I guess I shouldn't have if I'd known you were just secretly laughing at me behind my back." He shook his head walking toward the door, when he got there he placed his hand on the knob and stood there for a minute before turning around, "I really hope you're proud of yourself. All the girls that did damage to my heart, they could never do it the way you have." Those were the words that were ringing in my ears as I heard the door click shut.

That was the last time I saw Duke before he walked out of the door. I wanted to stop him, I wanted to yell, I wanted to do anything that would make him come back to me so I could hold him and tell him it'd be alright. The fact that I was frozen with shock was one of the reasons why I couldn't get up; the words he said were like a stake driven through my heart. I felt as if there was a time bomb in me that had just reached zero and everything inside me was obliterated into nothing but my body was still here, not moving. I realized that just like every other girl, I didn't realize what I had until it was gone.

I don't know exactly when I fell asleep. That night I dreamt of nothing. I heard my phone ringing as I rubbed my puffy, red eyes. At first I thought it'd be Duke but sighed as I realized who was on the other line,

"Trinity! Thank God you picked up!" I heard a preppy, squeaky voice exclaim. "Have you seen Duke? He was supposed to meet me this morning for breakfast, but he hasn't answered any of my texts or called me back. I know that he stays over on Friday's so I just thought you'd know where he might be."

Clearing my throat I spoke into the phone, "No, he left here last night; I thought he'd be with you? Are you sure he's not just sleeping? That boy is a heavy sleeper."

"I'm sure Trinity, I'm actually at his house right now and his truck isn't out here. His mom was the one that suggested I call you." I could hear that she was chewing gum; it was so annoying when Lexi chewed gum because she was the type that popped her gum over and over again. "I'm not sure then, just keep waiting there for him, he'll show up eventually." I muttered staring at the door.

"Oh, well thanks anyways."

"I know Duke. He won't keep you waiting for too long."

"You're right Trinity, I shouldn't worry about him. I bet he'll be home soon. Bye!" She hung up and I started wondering where in the world Duke was. I knew something very serious was up. I hadn't dreamt last night, and that usually meant that something unplanned was happening. That had me even more worried. Hanging up the phone I jumped out of bed slipping on my sandals while tying up my hair. I ran downstairs grabbing my jacket and keys.

"Going out today Ms. Bellazar?" One of the bright eyed-maids asked.

"Yes, heading over to see Duke." I tapped my foot impatiently wanting to run out of the house as quickly as I could.

"Isn't that the boy you like?"

"How'd you know?" My eyes widened.

"You talk in your dreams when you nap on the couch." She giggled to herself.

"Oh, well I'm in a hurry. No time to talk."

"Anxious to see him?" She gave me a sly wink.

"Yes, very." I bit my lip.

"You wouldn't want to go out looking like that, would you?" She appraised me with her eyes making me feel uncomfortable, "It doesn't really matter." I said.

"Now, in my days we always dressed up for the boys." She went on about some nonsense, rambling about her teenage years, which meant it was information that would not be useful in this life time.

"Well I really have to-"

"Let me go get my things, I'll make you beautiful!" she turned away from me to dig through her bag.

Taking advantage of this moment I ran out the door and into my car in a flash. Buckling my seatbelt I saw her come running outside flailing her arms around screaming. Looking at the time on the dashboard as the engine started I reversed the car and sped away. The plan was to take the exact route Duke would've taken from my place to his.

I had to turn off the radio because the radio stations decided that today would be a great day to play love songs. Waiting at stop signs were agonizing. I contemplated driving past them but I changed my mind.

I decided to get some coffee before continuing my search. As I was leaving Matt walked in with Lexi on his arm. She was staring up at him when he leaned down and gave her a quick peck on the lips. I stared at them shocked, I was about to hide when Matt looked up. Matt gave me an awkward wave and Lexi looked down.

"Hi Lexi, Matt. Funny seeing you two together."

"We're looking for Duke together." Lexi said suddenly.

"Yeah, and Matt seems to be doing a good job searching for Duke in your mouth, right?"

Lexi gave me a mean sneer and Matt just started to look around, probably looking for a way out of this confrontation, "Don't you dare tell him anything Tri." Lexi's voice sounded threatening but I doubt she'd do anything to me.

"Hey, it's your business. Not mine. You can tell Duke and break his heart yourself." I walked past them. Of all the people Lexi could be with she chose Matt. I don't have feelings for him anymore but the fact that he's Duke's male best friend makes it an even bigger betrayal. I didn't even have to think if she'd tell Duke about this. I knew she wouldn't. Sitting in my car I had to remind myself later to tell Duke about Lexi and Matt. There was a knock at my window and I sighed in frustration thinking it was Lexi or Matt. It wasn't either of them. It was some handsome looking man; he looked as if he were barely twenty. I rolled down my window to see what he wanted.

"Miss, I couldn't help but overhear that you were looking for your friend?"

"Yes, let me get a picture, I'll show you how he looks."

"Oh no, ma'am I already know who Duke is. Trust me, it's not worth it."

"What's not worth it, sir?"

"Finding your friend. He's not in trouble. I can tell you that he is better than you think. Don't make trouble trying to find him."

"May I ask why I'm not supposed to be worried about my best friend, sir?"

"I know about his family. Or his dad I should say."

"You know Duke's dad?" Duke would definitely want to meet this guy. He always wanted to find out more about his father. If this guy had any information then Duke would pry it from him.

"You could say that. I had a run in with him awhile back." He looked away as if he was giving out too much information.

"What do you mean a run in? So you're not friends?"

"We're far from being friends. You should really stay away from that boy."

"Thanks but I'm fine with choosing my own friends."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Do you know where he is now? Duke's dad I mean."

"Of course I know where he is. We all know where he is. He's with Duke right now. No doubt about that."

"How do you know? How am I supposed to believe anything a stranger tells me?"

"I know Duke's father, he always gathers them up when they're eighteen. As for believing me, that's your choice sweetheart."

"Gathers them up? So you're saying Duke's father abandoned him and any other child he had and then comes back for them when they're older? I'd rather not believe that."

"Fine. Don't believe me. Just promise me one thing."

I stared at him not knowing whether to say yes or no, he didn't wait for me to say anything before he started talking again, "Stop loving Duke, it's better that way." The man walked away and I stared at him dumbfounded. What did he know about Duke, about me? Why was he trying to discourage me from finding out what had happened to Duke. How did he know that I loved Duke? I regained my composure and fixed my mind on one thing, finding Duke.

I drove down one of the familiar bridges that connected the town I had driven out of to Duke's neighborhood. Then, sudden shock ran through my veins, my heartbeat quickened as I saw his truck. "Duke." I whispered to myself. At first I didn't feel relief, I felt as if I should've turned around and go back home. I stopped my little maroon car right behind his yellow truck in the middle of the road. I sat in my car for a few seconds waiting for my heart to return to its normal pace. Once it did I stepped out looking around for a sign. I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. I took a slow, deliberate step forward. Silence filled the cold November air; I could hear nothing but my heart beating against my chest. Each cautious step I took didn't seem to get me any closer to my destination. Breathing in deeply I steadied myself and finally made it to his truck.

Taking a moment I regained my breath, I noticed all the windows were fogged up. I tried wiping at the windows and taking a peak but I couldn't see anything. Mustering up my strength I reached towards the door and pulled it open, to my surprise it was unlocked, very unlike Duke. He loved his truck and wouldn't leave it a target of a car break-in. I breathed out and shut my eyes for a second. I started to hope that I'd find him asleep in the back or that he'd scare me and tell me it was all just a joke, then laugh at me for worrying. Nothing happened.

I pulled myself up sitting on the drivers side. Closing the door behind me I noticed his keys were still in the ignition. I turned it trying to start the car but the engine was dead. I shook my head wondering if Duke thought he was too manly to be stranded out here. I got out of the car and walked to the front of it, I realized I had no clue what I was looking for. Now my thoughts were in a whirl wind of chaos; I had no idea what could have happened to Duke.

I ran back into his truck. I decided to investigate; taking a look inside there was nothing wrong. Nothing misplaced, nothing out of order. It looked totally normal. He never really let me touch anything inside his car so I had to take advantage of this situation. I opened the arm case which to my surprise had a picture of him and I. Smiling to myself I looked further in seeing the CD's I'd given him, books I bought him and a pair of sunglasses I had left in his car the summer we had gone to California. I shut it. My heart sputtered wildly, I would have to check my blood pressure some time soon. I opened the door, hopping out of his truck. I cautiously looked around feeling as though someone were watching me.

I ran to my car opening the door to get inside. Sitting there I looked around again as I locked all the doors. I just might have been going insane. I turned the keys but my car wouldn't start. I cursed to myself and sat down pulling out my cell phone. Of all the luck in the world I would be the one to have absolutely no service in this area. Especially at a time like this. I sat there waiting. I guess I was hoping he'd just appear before my eyes.

Waiting had become so boring, the longer I waited the less hopeful I became. I was tired of having been up all night. Going over my conversation with Duke in my head. The more I thought about it the more worried I became about everything we had said to each other last night. I thought about him leaving for good, I didn't think I could keep on living a sane life if he did leave. I couldn't find any special meaning behind his words. Either that or I was as dense as I felt at that moment. If it was asking too much to have Duke back, well then it might as well be the very last thing I ever asked for.

Then I came to the conclusion that if he left, he'd find someone else. I could be clingy sometimes and I would always seem slightly annoyed when he would start talking about other girls. Still, it was me he would come to with his broken hearts and teary eyes. It was me he shared everything with. In the future, if I ever saw him in trouble I'd always wonder, who did he share those thoughts with? What happened that would cause him to be sad? Would the boy I knew since birth just leave me like that?

I knew I was going a tad bit overboard and was starting to sound like a jealous girlfriend rather than a jealous best friend. If you had to listen to the guy you were in love with talk about another girl, you'd feel the exact same way I did. Defeated.

My thoughts switched gears suddenly. What if he's with someone else right now? What if he's with a different girl and he's sharing his feelings with her? What if he's telling her about last night and how stupid I was to misinterpret his feelings? Maybe he planned it out with her to break my heart, to make me hate him, to force me to let go. Maybe he's laughing about my pain right now with this mystery girl. I was breathless just thinking about the possibilities. My thoughts weighed me down, my eyelids drooped, and they felt very heavy. My eye sight started getting blurry. As I fought against sleep I could vaguely make out a fast moving figure walking towards Duke's truck. I couldn't keep my eyes open, they closed heavily shut and I drifted off to sleep.

I dreamt that I hunted a vampire. Not just any vampire, but I had hunted Duke.

© Copyright 2010 Lester (lesterg at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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