Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1695178-Rigor-Mortis-Part-1
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Death · #1695178
He woke up with no memory of the past and enters the city of death and zombies.
         The only group of thoughts that had settled its self in his mind was his own existence. But this case was different. It was not a matter of how….but of if. For what seemed like eternity, these thoughts have flooded and sometimes overflowed into insanity. He tried to remember, a past, a visual focus of his visage, or even the simple group of letters that were his name. Nothing came to him but more questions.

         He concentrated hard. He figured if he did hard enough it would all disappear and he can finally live unbothered within the nonexistent confines of reality’s void. Harder and harder he tried. Thinking of the many facial expressions someone would be able to make he pictured tightened eyes and the jaw clenched hard enough to send cracks through his molars.

         The cloud of concentration he had before was now a ravenous thunderstorm turning into a hurricane. He conjured all thoughts of non existence swirling around to hopefully help him in his quest to live void. His feelings sent him a cold bolt of shakes up to his brain causing him anguish. The thoughts of non existence dissipated and the hurricane broke open.

         His body started to seizure with his arms and fingers stiffened. His head convulsed and he started to jerk a bit before he threw up all over himself.  The stiffness that beheld him now in his spine held him down as he choked on the vomit that didn’t exit all the way. He rolled back and forth on his arms from side to side and his legs flailed erratically.  His lungs gasped for air as the vomit continued to block his airways. His legs now starting to come to a stop for the lack of oxygen. The blackness approached in his mind. It came like a blanket that slowly covered more and more of his mind. Hopelessness rolled in as his eyes closed slowly.

         In his mind he awaited for the cloaked figure blacker than the inside of his dying mind. The thoughts all stopped and he lost consciousness. He blacked out. His body sprawled out and loosened up….his head turned to the side and the vomit poured out his mouth. A few seconds passed before his breathing came back. He then a minute later woke up thrust his body up into a sitting position. His eyes bulged and he started breathing heavy but quickly slowed down. Vomit dripped down and out his mouth which landed on his shirt and the floor around him. He stopped his thought process for a split second and lurched forward to guide out the rest of the vomit. His black jeans were soaked and in the vile and after he cleaned himself off it looked as if he wet himself.

         He wiped his mouth off and looked around him. His vision was a little bit blurrier then it normally was but he shook it off from him being sick. The brisk breeze blew against his face and spread the scent of his sick around the air that vacated his nose. He crunched it up a bit from the smell. His eyes stared off into the limited desert of dirt and grass patches. Beyond the barren vacuum of life laid a warmly lit city. It seemed humble he thought but it his eyes opened more till he heard the sound of car horns and crashing. The smoke and from different areas of the city came up like emergency flares. Screaming was audible among the ringing of semi automatics and handguns. The occasional shotgun was heard but quickly dissipated among the latter.

         As he gaped open his mouth the rhythmic red siren light was flashing off and before he had a chance to see the source of the sudden light the alarm went off like a warning for a bomb shelter. A fenced in building was behind him and behind the fence was a tall wall with an open steel door. From the looks of the men that came out it seemed to be a science facility. Two men came out donned in science coats. One with glasses the other not. They pointed at him with a faint voice that he could not make out. His head turned to something passed the steel door and 3 heavily armed enforcement came out in full riot gear. From the looks they weren't police but weren't military either. The insignia on the overprotective body vest was unreadable from where he was but this ensured they were a private organization.

“TAKE HIM DOWN, BUT DON'T KILL HIM! WE NEED HIM ALIVE!” Yelled one of the guards as they charged like bulls with odd shaped guns.

         Still running at him they shot but missed. The ammo rounds were long and cylindrical with a thick point at the middle. It was a tranquilizer shot. He had a delayed reaction to get up but when he did he bolt out of there. His body was still stiff but he pushed beyond the limits his limbs allowed him. There was no obvious direction he was taking but he figured he needed to get away from them as fast as he can. He saw the city and for the current situation given to him he thought it would be better there then it was here so he started running towards the destruction within the city.

         With the guards still on his tail, he pivoted his head in all directions to look for a way to get further away from his want-to-be captors. It was a 10 full minutes before he seen a road that seemed to be going in the general vicinity of the city but it was still from the looks of it a while away.  He figured he would make it since his body was being fed a constant surge of energy. He was not sure why but he figured his panic switch shoved a pipe into his spine that pumped energy within his body allowing it to go the mile and a half he ran.

         As he pelted his legs amongst the emergency lane, the dim lights of a pick up truck were getting brighter as they pulled up to him. He stopped as quickly as his feet would let him. The truck didn't stop immediately as he did but stopped three seconds after he did and backed the truck up in full speed and seemed to aim at him. He dodged it and looked at the driver who was getting out of the car. He looked up in hope but his smile twisted into horror as the driver held a pistol to his head. He covered his face with his hands and looked down. A shot rang out and he flinched and paused for a second. He looked at body and felt among his forehead for a sign of a shot. There was none present. He heard another shot ring and he covered his face again. It was the guards with their tranq-guns still charging like bulls on parade. He looked up at the driver but was shocked to see him missing. He got up and looked around and found him with a shot in his head knocked out or dead. He didn't take much time to savor the moment so he shot himself with his adrenaline and dove for the drivers seat of the car.

         He went to turn it on out of instinct but didn't realize in fear from the guards it was already on. He pushed his foot on the pedal and the doors swung outwards from the sudden momentum that the the drivers side door broke off and left the passengers door hanging off the rusty hinges it was built upon. He grabbed hold of the sweaty steering wheel and drove towards the three guards. All three stopped and raised their guns and opened fire on the windshield. The thick glass stopped them in their tracks and the needles shattered on impact but cracked the windshield with each and every hit. When the guards saw the truck wasn't stopping they tried to dodge it.

         Two of them ran away but the other one tried to throw himself out of the way. Then he steered the car towards his direction and before the guard could react the tired pummeled over his body. His ribs cracked down and were crushed by the tire. The fast speed of the tire flung skin and flesh amongst the lower rim of the truck like it was running through a muddy puddle. The second tire came in and crushed his head like a grape. His eyes ejected but were also crushed in less then half a second. Bits of brain and his skull were plastered onto the tire and were being dragged off into the dirt tire marks as he drove off toward the rest of the two guards.

         He sped as fast as the car would let him and knocked backs with the other two guards before having one go under the tires. His organs were being pushed out his mouth like a tube of toothpaste and his head exploded from the pressure of the sudden surge. The front tire flew half of the body under the back two tires and crushed it as the squishing of guts was heard. The second guard went on the hood and smashed his face into the windshield making a larger crack compared to the needles. Blood leaked through the cracks on the windshield pouring onto the dashboard. The car braked and his body went flying like a physics rag-doll. The apparent noise of his neck snapping echoed through the night and his body lay in a pile of flesh unnoticeable by his face on the floor in front of the car.

         He took a breath and turned the truck around without thinking and drove toward the city and to get help that he needed so.
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