Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1694236-Beginning-to-fall
Rated: E · Other · Death · #1694236
A man revisits a place that can comfort, and yet destroy his very world....
The wind, of course, was oblivious to the small green car which pulled up, resting on the path which lead up to the cliff edge. The day was cold, yet a strong sun managed to battle its way through the white clouds forming, defiantly mocking its soft rays with violent downpour. All was quiet as the car door opened softly, and slammed shut. Luke Parsons walked slowly down the path, his feet crunching delicately on the small stones, each an almost barrier to his journey. He had promised himself that he wouldn't linger for long; just one more look before he left for good. The cliffs edge was the place he had proposed to Sarah, his beautiful wife, of 15 long, happy years. He had tried to convince himself that it was not best to end it all now, to leave her for good...15 years, and 3 adorable children that he fathered kindly, at least he had hoped. He thought of them now; Johnny, just 5, spitting image of his brother Danny, 10 his cheeky chap, and grown so big now... And of course little Lucy, only 3, starting to sing like the angel he knew she was... But he was not happy. It was a number of things; the stressof his job, the pressure of supporting them all the constant illness that he never recovered from... He breathed in the wind, the freshness of it. The thing he loved about the cliff, and its fresh sea air. He thought back to the day he proposed to Sarah. It had been a day not unlike this one... They had been fighting alot, the stress of work captivating them both, blocking the love which should have been supporting them... The car had driven up the same gravel path and parked in the same spot in which lay resting now. She had got out, needing fresh air. Luke had followed. He absent mindedly retraced the steps now, thinking how ironic it was, those small steps which had started it would now be the end. he had offered her a fresh start, along with a fresh breath of air, and she had hugged him tears of happiness in her eyes, as she repeated yes again and again. Luke slowly wrapped his arms around himself, wishing the memory of her sweet embrace could comfort him in the task ahead. She had given him so much love... It almost broke his heart to part from her, to just leave, without even saying his goodbye... It was feelings like this which made him want to run, to turn back, to go home to his beloved wife and kids, to hug them and kiss them, tell them it's all going to be okay, everything will be just fine now. But he knew in his heart of hearts, that truth was the basis of another lie, waiting to so easily escape from his damaged mouth. They didn't know, and why inflict them? Let them carry on living peacefully, instead of ending 4 lives, instead of 1... They thought he was at work, quite comfortable in life, in his little desk, not a worry, apart from the next paycheck... So why waste an illusion? Luke checked his watch... Then looked over across the powerful ocean beneath him... It glittered blue, so inviting enticing... Breathtaking...It was almost time to leave this place for good. Down at the ground, a small white flower grew defiantly up. A single tear rolled from a dying mans face onto the delicate petals. As Luke threw himself from the cliff, it was her face he thought of last. The sun had started to hide itself, almost unwilling to witness the tradgedy... The taunting clouds opened, and the first drops of rain began to fall.
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