Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1692965-Chasing-Paradise-Chap-5-Vampires
Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1692965
What are these beings that greet and threat the injured wolves? Will more die?

                   “How long does it take just to look around in there?” Alex asked annoyed pacing back and forth.
                   “Just be patient, Alex,” Jeremy told him.
                   “I can't just be pa-” Alex began, but Willow interrupted him.
                   “Shh. Someone's here, and they aren't human or werewolf either,” Willow whispered, turning white.
                   The whole group fell silent and scanned the place where they were sitting. It didn't seem like any of the adults had sensed something unusual around them because they kept on talking as if nothing was wrong, and then they saw them. Out of the barrier of Dwelling of All Sanctuaries came two hooded shadowy figures; it didn't even look like they were walking, but hovering right above the ground.  Then one of the figures lifted its head and Peter saw the ugliest face he'd ever seen in his entire life.
                   The being had bulging eyes that were perfectly round and pure black with narrowed white pupils,  no eyebrows, its nose was scrunched up and looked like a pig's nose but on a smaller scale, its mouth had no lips just rows of sharp yellow fangs that were bloodstained and dripping with a transparent green substance, four of its fangs(two on top and two on bottom) were longer then the others, the top ones almost reached to the bottom edge if its mouth and the lower ones almost reached the tip of its mouth, and the being also had high cheekbones. Its companion had the same likeness, but his pupils were an icky color of yellow.
                   Alex was frozen in place at the horrifying and bloodcurdling appearance  of the two beings that had appeared before the tribe.
                   “Well, now, what do we have here, Killian?” one of the beings asked its comrade, and attempted evil smile spreading across its face, which only increased the wildness of the two animals.
                   “Who are you and what do you want with us?” one of the male grownups said, having the guts to ask the two monsters.
                   “Oh, we don't want anything do we, Vaughn?” Killian answered with a wry smile.
                   “Of course no~oooot,” Vaughn said in a slithery voice.
                   The next thing Alex knew Vaughn had flashed behind the werewolf who had spoken out, and blood gushed out of the stomach of the werewolf. The werewolf's eyes widened in shock and then they went blank, and he fell to the ground. Women gasped under their breath and turned their children's heads so they wouldn't be able to see the gore-filled spectacle before them.
                   “That's just a warning to stay out of our way. If you don't, there won't be one werewolf soul left on this earth,” Killian told them licking his bloodthirsty fangs.
                   As Alex glanced over at Willow he saw her eyes widen in fear and her whole body started to shake at the viciousness of the threat. Don't do that, Willow, they'll see you and come to you, Alex thought to himself as he took in the swaying figure of Willow.
                   Just as he'd suspected Killian floated over to her and said,”Now, Now. Don't shake like that; we won't lay a finger on you.”
                   He ran a long boney finger with an ugly black, long, chipped fingernail down the curve of her jaw,”Oops! Too late,” he said devilishly and sniffed her,”Hmm, on second thought, you smell rather nice and sweet. You must taste good too.” Killian, saliva now dribbling out of the corners of his mouth, looked over at his companion and Vaughn nodded.
                   Killian's eyes filled with glee and he sank his sanguinary fangs into her small neck. Willow fell to the ground on her knees; her head dropped onto her chest. Alex's eyes were ablaze with fury and he clenched his fists, knowing that at he couldn't do anything to stop him from sucking her precious blood.
                   Then, Killian did something that surprised everyone. He forced himself to stop drinking her blood and knelt on all fours on the ground puking up the cups of blood he'd drunk from Willow.
                   Vaughn rushed over to his accomplice and asked him,”What's wrong?”
                   “I don't know.....her blood is......different.....there's something......in it....We have to......report this to......them,” Killian managed to tell his comrade through globs of freshly puked blood.
                   “We are leaving now, but beware of us in the future, and don't forget what I told you,” Vaughn shouted at the frightened werewolves standing around before he and his companion both disappeared.
                   “What's going on here?!” asked Holly as she ,and the rest of the werewolves, stumbled through the barrier ,taking in the scene in front of her, the minute the vampires had vanished.
                   “Vampires! There were two of them; they were standing right there,” Alex said to her motioning to the exact place she stood,  as he ran over to Willow's side .
                   “Willow? Willow! Can you hear me?” Alex said frantically as Jeremy and Lily leaned over Willow's still body laying on the ground.
                   “Vampires?! That's impossible! They've been extinct for hundreds of years,” Holly exclaimed in disbelief.
                   “Believe what you want, but Henry's dead and Willow had her blood sucked by one of the monsters,” Jeremy retorted back at her and pointed over at Henry's dead body. Henry had been the wolf who had spoken out against the vampires when they'd shown themselves to everyone.
                   Her eyes narrowed ad she stiffly turned her neck in the direction of where Henry was, and saw him lying a puddle of his own blood. Her once angry eyes now turned to pools of sadness and mourning as she took count of another dead werewolf.
                   “Someone quickly drag him into the brush and cover him with branches and leaves; we have nothing to dig a grave with and we don't have much time anyways,” she ordered and then walked over where Willow laid unmoving on the ground,”Everyone, please, give me some space.” She knelt down on the ground next to Willow and tenderly touched the four small bit wounds.
                   “She, thankfully, didn't lose too much blood, but enough to make her faint. She should wake up any minute.”
                   Just like Holly had said, Willow started to stir after a few minutes and she opened her eyes up a bit. “Alex?” she whispered as her eyes saw his face staring down at her, and then her eyes shot wide open, remembering what had recently occurred,”The vampires! Where are they?”
                   “They're gone; its okay,” Holly told her before Alex had the chance to,”Do you think you can walk?”
                   “I think so,” she replied as she attempted to stand on her two feet; as soon as she was up her legs wobbled and she fell back down.
                   “Are you okay, Willow?” Alex asked her worriedly and offered her his hand, but he knew she would refuse it like she was just about to.
                   “Yes, I'm fine. I don't need your help,” she said stubbornly and pushed aside his awaiting hand. She'd always been that way; never wanted anyone's help, and always thought she could do it on her own. She tried standing up again, but it was in vain; she fell back down again.
                   “She's still weak from the sudden loss of blood and shock. Someone needs to carry her,” Holly said.
                   Once that was arranged, Holly ordered for the tribe to move out; they wouldn't be staying at Dwelling of All Sanctuaries.
                   “Why didn't we enter Dwelling of All Sanctuaries?” Alex asked Holly as they continued to travel that day.
                   She sighed a heavy sigh and then said,”Because there was nothing in there anymore. Everything in there is burnt and dead: trees, bushes, flowers, everything. It's like dead-man's land in there now.”
                   “Why? How come it isn't like you said it would be?” Jeremy asked catching up to them.
                   “I don't exactly know, but I think it had something to do with the fact that the two vampires, Vaughn and Killian, entered it without being a werewolf. It may not sound like a very good reason, but that's the best guess I've come up with so far,” she replied.
                   “Sooo, where are we going now?” Lily asked, joining the conversation.
                   “Now, we are going somewhere that's not too far from here; at the most it will take another day's travel to get there. It's a house owned by a veterinarian who sympathizes with werewolves. He owns many acres of land in his property and hos donated that land to us; it's kind of like a preserve for us, in a sense. The good part about it is that he lives on the far outskirts of a small town, so there's little chance that we'll be discovered. But, like everything else, there is still one small complication: there are other werewolves living on that land already;the fifth tribe of werewolves.
                   “The fifth tribe of werewolves was once known as the Central Tribe because their territory was located in the center of all the other four tribes, but now we refer to them as the Lost Tribe.  The Lost Tribe ,a few years ago, was having problems with the humans that were living nearby; the problems began to get worse and worse until finally a fight broke out. The fight raised complications for the rest of the tribes as soon as the news had traveled to the townsfolk living nearby in their territories, and they promised the humans that they would take care of it so that it would never happen again. Well, William, without holding a huge council, decided to banish the tribe to the piece of land owned by the veterinarian. Let's just say that that decision did raise the hackles of some of the werewolves especially those of the Lost Tribe. After that we never heard a single word from them again.
                   “So, I'm hoping that, even though the Lost Tribe is staying on that land, that his property will be big enough, so that we won't have to run into each others' tribes,” Holly informed the three children crowding around her.
                   “How long will we stay there?” Lily asked once she'd finished.
                   “For as long as we need to,” she stated firmly, and the subject wasn't brought up again the rest of the day or the next day. 
                   Alex pushed through the last remaining trees and bushes that blocked his way as he made his way out of the forest to join everyone else stopped on the other side of the treeline. Once he had successfully made it through to the other side it opened up to a narrow island of grass that was next to a long narrow dirt road and the forest that was behind him. On the other side of the road was a large light blue house that was about 3 stories high(not including the attic), had a wrap-around porch with some wooden white steps leading up to the completely wooden front door, and a bench swing on the front porch that seemed to be molding. The house's backyard was completely wooded, and there were no houses to be seen anywhere down the road that Alex could see.
                   The grass surrounding the house was long and scraggly, as if it hadn't been cut in months, and a few yards away from the house was an unappealing gray broken down shed. Hanging on a post above the door was a big wooden sign that had chipping steel blue paint with white letters that read “Dr. Rogers' Clinic”.
                   “Doctor Rogers?” Jeremy asked unimpressed.
                   “Hey, it may not be much, but it's all we have,” Holly said,”Okay I'm going to go in and see him; everyone else stay to the edges of the trees. I'll be back as soon as I can.”
                   Everyone nodded their agreement and headed back to the protection of the trees. Alex watched as she walked up the white steps and then knocked on the door,and a negro woman in a plain long black dress with a white apron and cap greeted her at the door. They spoke for only a few seconds and then the lady let Holly enter the house. Alex watched until the door closed behind her and he could no longer see the outline of Holly's back. Now all that was left to do was to wait.
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