Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1687250-A-Final-Meeting
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Religious · #1687250
I tried to make a final meeting between two character. Hope it isn't confusing.
         “Can’t you see that you have failed,” he said. “Look around and you will see

my kingdom in all of its glory. No one remembers you or what you stand for and

more importantly no one cares.” He leaned forward on the table for effect.

         “It is true that your kingdom has grown after all these centuries,” the other

replied, “all the wars that you staged claiming that they were all in my name. All

the people tormented and butchered under the banner of your choosing. Your

pride, your arrogance drives you, but I must ask is hatred really all that fuels you?”

His eyes flashed quickly with anger and after a moment said with a sly smile, “no

you won’t use that against me again. In fact, I won’t waste time discussing this

with you. All you will be allowed to do is watch as I win.” He stood and turned

away from the other and waited for the reply. He could not contain his rage when

all he heard was:

         “Is there something wrong?”

         Angrily he spun around and slammed his fists onto the table, “of course

something is wrong,” he screamed, “you are supposed to give me some smart

remark just as you did centuries ago when I offered you the world and you said ‘It’s

not yours to give’” He looked at the other and utter and complete amazement when

he replied.

         “I am only doing as you ask: to sit here and watch. Your anger is a poison

and is weakening you.” The other leaned back and added, “Have you ever

considered asking for forgiveness for what you have done instead of holding fast to

your belief that you were somehow held to a lower esteem?”

         He was angry now, so angry that he was having trouble breathing, “Ask,” he

started, “for what? You want me to scream to the sky that I am sorry that his

favorite was swatted aside for these weak corrupt things.”

         The other raised his hand, “Be mindful of what you call them for I was once

one of them.”

         “Yes and believe me it shows,” he hissed. “But fine. If you insist on dragging

this out I don’t mind.” He paused and then looked at the other with a smile that

dripped venom, “Let’s reminisce shall we? We can discuss my great victories over

you and your greatest failures.”

         “If you wish,” the other replied his lack of emotion to the subject added more

anger to him. “I shall begin. Now while my death was not your doing I know you

enjoyed it.”

         “No I did not enjoy it,” he said, “I loved it. Watching you slowly bleed to death

while the mob that you yourself tried to save just watch. I wish those animals had

advanced their technology so I could be able to see it again. Perhaps add one of

those laugh tracks when you said those words, ’For…,’” he started.

         “Do not presume that I will sit idly by while you mock me,” said the other with

rising anger. “Yes you enjoyed watching me die, but my death has changed this

world more than any other.”

         “I think you mean your death has CAUSED more deaths than any other, but

that is neither here nor there.” He sat down slowly and with a smile said, “I see

you still have that temper. You can’t stand it when something that is supposed to

be pure is desecrated.” He pointed at the other and said, “It is my purpose to

desecrate everything and anything you hold dear, and I’m good at it. I can take the

noblest kindest soul and twist them into miserable wretches faster than you can

make them noble in the first place. Something you can’t seem to grasp is that it is

so much easier to destroy something than it is to create it.”

         The other nodded slowly, “yes I must admit that it is a lesson that has been

painful to learn. It would appear that everything I lived for has been corrupted.

Something has been bothering me that perhaps you can help me understand. How

did you possibly do it?”

         He leaned back completely and utterly shocked by the question. He did not

expect the question and was not prepared. However, he never missed a chance to

gloat, “Well, it was not easy at first. Many people were still clung to the notion that

you were a savior, so I decided to help. I showed certain leaders proof of your

power and sure enough, they were mine. They were not interested in peace or love

but power and that was the beginning of your downfall.” He saw that the other was

still watching intently so he continued, “In time more of those vermin were

exploring the world. That was when I went into action spreading beliefs that any

ideas contrary of they believe can’t be good. Oh, you should’ve seen the

bloodshed. Entire cultures wiped out and to this day, the vermin blame you for it.

That must hurt.” He added a mocking tone that if it affected the other it did not


         “Yes you certainly did your share of mischief,” the other said, “but let us

jump ahead. You were instrumental in the shaping of this century with the use of

cruel weapons and then having my father’s people butchered. After all these

centuries, now is the time that truly shows the power of you kingdom. You must

be proud of your creation.”

         He leaned back and smiled, “of course I’m proud. My kingdom will stand the

test of time and there is nothing you can do to stop it.”

         The other stood and said, “Do not be so certain, though it took you centuries

to create this kingdom it will take me much less time to destroy. After all, it is

easier to destroy than it is to create.” The other started for the door and said as he

put a hand on his shoulder, “Farewell, Lucifer, remember father will forgive when

you are tired of this game, but now I must destroy your kingdom.”

         Lucifer watched with a paralyzing anger as Jesus walked out. All of his

planning had come to this point where everything Christ stood for was twisted, and

yet he was still to be defeated. Never did he consider that roles would be reversed.

That he would become the creator and Jesus the destroyer. Now he looked out

before his kingdom and felt a very real pain of sorrow. “Damn you Jesus.”
© Copyright 2010 Pat Roison (patroison at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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