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by Heiss
Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1686740
The first of the series, Tales of Ulvos. (Character P.O.V alternate every chapter.)
(Just so you know, Saunti isn't the only main character. All six of the explained characters are all main characters, including: Frost, Ebony, Dagart, Lyle and Serah. There is another, but she won't come in until the second chapter. Also, Saunti's point of view stays for two chapters. )

Chapter 1: Introductions

Hi! My name is Saunti. I'm a female, white mouse, but not like the type from Earth. I live on a planet very similar to it named, Ulvos. On this planet, there are no humans, for a specific reason. All inteligent inhabitance of Ulvos are all what humans call anthropromorphic. Yeah. That would include dragoness', Nekos, Naga. Though there are SOME animals like the ones on earth. (Examples: Poultry, pigs, some types of birds and fish, but not like Earth's animals.)

My ears are shaped more sharply. Almost like a rabbit's, but rounder. Instead of the fur stopping at my hands and feet, it completely covers my entire body, even my tail, which is wider than a usual mouse's tail. If it weren't for my miniscule size of 2'4" feet tall, some might be calling me a half fox, half mouse, just because of my tail and ears. I've got the Average, everyday girl body. My eyes are light green and my long hair is white. I'll usually wear a pink tank top and jeans out of school. Frost's brother refers to me as being 'just another pretty face'. I don't know weather to take that as a compliment or an insult. I'm very smart, but because of my size, I'm fragile. I'm about to be 18 tomorrow. This means that my size is going to change drastically. When Mice on Ulvos reach the age of 18, they hit a large growth spurt. If I'm lucky, I'll finally be big enough to put Misty in her place. Sure, it'll take three days to be completely done and I'm probably still gonna be one of the shortest people in my class, but that's better then being the pip squeak. (Fun fact: Her race of mice get up to 4.11 feet tall, but if their lucky and were born at a more normal size, they may get a HELL of a lot bigger. Weather that's good or bad depends on their personality.)

Anyway, today started out mostly like it would for any mouse. It's rough for us Mice, but most aren't as lucky as me to have a best friend like Frost.

He's a white snow dragon. Sometimes I wonder if he's just my friend because of my white color, but it's not true. He's too kind, too trusting and too overprotective of me. He has a much shorter muzzle than most dragons. His silver horns are faced backwards and are both evenly crocked. He has brown, untaimed, short hair and orange eyes. He has strong fox like legs, very unusual, and feet with sharp toes, almost like they were claws. He'll stand on his toes rather than flat because of his condition. He can't stand flat. His tail is about 3 feet long. Like all dragons, he has sharp clawed hands and teeth and is VERY strong, maybe even too strong, even for a dragon. He can be very gentle and coming from me, that's saying something. He's a land type, so he doesn't have wings. He never wears long pants, only black or khaki shorts or short jeans as well as short sleeved shirts, mostly silver or white. His feet are completely covered in bandages. This is due to his feet getting 'scraped' on rocks. I don't believe that's the real cause of injury, because I've seen him run over rocks without subcoming to injury at the least. He is 7'8" feet tall and is 18 years. He also knows a great earth fighting style from a famous Earthling. They are called Martial Arts. He only gets to use it in street fights and tournements. He won't get into either without a reason. Only he and his brother know this style on our planet.

Our friend Ebony, a female brown bunny, was with him. She was kind of clumsy for a bunny and even worse when nervous. She has a pear shaped body, no surprise since she is a bunny. yet she's completely oblivious of that because of her modesty. The only spots that weren't brown, but cream color on her stubby, little feet, small, straight fured under tail, the long, downed fur around her neck and the edges of her down bent ears. She usually wears a short sleeved shirt with a mid-length skirt or short orange pants, like the ones she was wearing now. She is also surprisingly well mannered and very nice. Maybe too nice. Most guys actually like her for her attitude more than her appearance, but there are some who just like the way she looks. She had been my friend longer than anyone else, because we grew up together. She is about 5.4 feet tall and 16 years old, the shortest and youngest bunny in the Senior grade, because she started school early.

She recently confessed to me her crush on feather dragon, Lyle. He's a friend of Frost's. Though Lyle has been abscent for a while, because he's having a strange sickness. It happens with every one of his kind, but never at the same times. By the time the sickness is gone, their feathers change colors and they sprout their wings, although the experience is very painful. Telling you what Lyle looks like NOW wouldn't help very much. Though I will say that he's a very quiet person, but also generous and outgoing. Ask for something from him and he'll do, so long as it's within reason. He's 6'4" feet tall and 17 years old.

We were at school sitting at a lunch table outside. I was sitting on Frost's shoulder.

We were discussing what happened in our last classes and DANG did Ebony ever have a vent. Nora more than just pissed her off by calling her fat. That was a mistake. Next to talk was Frost, but he didn't say very much. He looked a bit depressed lately. He stopped twice in the middle of his sentences, then when he looked to the left and he completely stopped, stammering as he did so. After a moment, he looked to his bandaged feet. I saw him looking at his brother.

He was the literal dark side of Frost. His brother looked like him for the most part, but his scales were black and his attitude was the exact opposite of Frost's. His hands were bandaged instead of his feet. His horns were golden, his eyes were red and he has white, spiked hair. His name was Blaze and he was a black fire dragon. They are exactly equal in both hieght and age.

Right now, he was giving Frost a dirty look of disgussed. All Frost did was sigh. Then his brother continued walking away.

Frost closed his eyes and bowed his head, on hand over his eyes. Ebony snapped her fingers in front of his face and he snapped back into reality. He returned to his normal position. He looked to me in his shoulder. Then he finished with a quiet tone, "So how was your day, Saunti?" in his normal, quiet and calm voice. I looked at him confused, but still answered.

"It was okay. Still, I'm happy that I'll be turning 18 tomorrow. I've had enough of that snobby Misty." I admited up-beatly. He couldn't help but smirk, containing laughter at how happy I was for it to nearly be my birthday. Ebony made a happy smile.

"Can't blam you for the Misty part." Then he sat there thinking for a moment.

Ebony tilted her head to the side cutely and said, "Still, It is going to take me some time to get used to your new size." Frost then looked to Ebony with curiosity.

"Hey, uh, How tall and old is Misty?" He asked her. Ebony thought for a moment.

"Umm...I think she's..4 feet tall and 18 years old." Taking an educated guess. That was correct, actually. Frost let out a "Phew!" leaning back in his chair.

"I don't think I could take her bragging about how much bigger she is than ME. That wouldn't seem right, me being a dragon and her being a mouse..." He paused for a moment, imagining it, then shivered in disgust.

I giggled with a smile. Did I forget to mention, he's afraid of giant rats and mice? Unluckily for him, Serah was just that, a giant, pink mouse tall that him. It gave him chills to look at her in her big eyes, but she was much like ebony where her attitude was conserned, but she had more of an hourglass shape. Her ears were naturally curled up and bent down and backwards. Like me, she was completely covered in her pink fur. She had light brown hair and blue eyes. She is 7'11" feet tall and 18 years old. She would try to wear the least amount of clothing she could in public to keep herself from getting hot. She was embarrased of sweating, because of what happened last time. She's a loving person and very playful. How she expresses it is very awkward, unless your related to her. Even more, once I saw her kiss Frost. His face was as red as an apple. It's not like she has a crush on him or anything, that's just one of the ways she shows affection. She even kiss ME once.

I heard that she was studying in study hall toda-

"HIIII!" Came Serah's mid-pitched, femanen voice, yelling. Frost nearly jumped from his seat. He would've if she didn't hug him right before he could.

"Oh lord! Don't do that!" Frost scoulded her. She only smiled and giggled. She was used to his reactions to her. Right about now, I was thinking she was being too loving. Perhaps I was wrong about the part where she wasn't crushing on him, because she never blushed before and this was about 30 second into the hug. "Serah." He said. She opened her eyes, her blush got much heavier as she saw his now serious face. "Please...let go." He said trying to stay as calm as possible. Serah's was embarrased. She let go and sat down in the chair beside him. Frost sat there for a moment regaining his composure. After that, Serah seemed worried. Frost saw this, but only looked down at his feet again. I finally realized that he was feeling shame, not depression. "Saunti...could you and Ebony go home alone today?" He asked me.

I was confused, but responded, "Sure, but why?" He took a long pause.

"I need to be alone for a while." He said getting up and leaving. In moments he was out of sight. Then came Serah's question.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked. I shook my head, still looking in his direction.

"No, it has nothing to do with you. I think it has something to do with his brother." I confessed. All of us knew that his brother was always one to hold a grudge. I didn't care for Dagart very much. He was a jerk.

Hopefully Frost will be okay...

Chapter 2: A Strange New Friend
(Warning! Contains nudity.)

We walked through the jungle around the school. If you weren't careful, it would be easy to get seperated and lost, but we both knew this jungle.

I lived deep within this jungle. Strange, right? Maybe even maybe even dangerous for a young mouse like myself. It wasn't like I had much of a choice, though. I had no family to depend on. They were killed in a fire when I was 16. I don't know what caused it to happen either.

Ebony and her family took me in and even when she left her parent's house this year she still didn't mind me living with her. Frost and Lyle helped us build a house out here, pretty close to town and school.

About 3 minutes later, we finally came upon a large opening and there was home sweet home. It was a nice, mid-sized, white house. It had three windows on the front, two sets of windows on both of it's sides, and two in the back. Like most houses, it had both a front and a back door, both painted maroon. The roof was layered with black shingles.

I went to open the door, but was stopped by the sound of leaves rustling behind me. Me and Ebony turned to see a large bush shaking and trembling. Someone was obviously hiding in it.

I walk over to the bush, slowly and while doing so, I could hear wimpering coming from in the bush. I stopped for a moment. It sound like whoever it is was either scared or sad. I continued toward the bush. When I got there and looked inside, I did see someone, but...

I looked to Ebony and told her, "Go and get some of your cloths." Ebony was confused, but before she could ask why, I told her, "Just do it and also get a towel and the first aid kit." She nodded and ran into the house. I looked back to the person in the bush.

It was a girl of about 17 years of age. She was a light blue Lizard...or maybe a dragoness. She had white scales which started at her nose line curved downward at the end of her jaw, down the front of her neck, covering her chest, on her under arms, covering her stomach area, and ending in between her legs. They were also white in her pointed ears, on the palms of her hands and on the bottoms of her feet. The scales were also very smooth and shiny. She had a pretty short muzzle with one very sharp tooth sticking out of the right side of the muzzle. She had big, blue eyes and very long, silky silver hair that reached below her waist. Her legs and feet were shaped more humanly, but her feet had four sharp clawed toes. Her arms and hand were shaped exactly like a human's. Her tail had to be 4'3" feet long and she herself was 6'10" feet tall. All and all, she had a more than average body that most guys might just kill to see...other than her being naked and badly wounded, as there was a large, bloody, sideways cut lengthing along her entire stomach. It must be causing her so much pain. That's when I saw the trail of blood starting at where she was, then leading further off into the woods. She'd been bleeding out for a while, now. Her eyes were flooded with tears.

I put a gentle hand on her back. That only made her curl up into a fetal position, trembling. She was scared and confused. Who would do this to her?

That's when Ebony returned. in her grasp was the first aid kit and a few towel. She was running to us. I put a hand up, signaling for her to stop, while still facing the hurt girl. She did, confused.

"It's okay. We're trying to help you." I told the girl. She slowly looked up at me, confused, tears flowing down her cheek. When she saw my face, she seemed calmed. Ebony was now behind me. She placed the kit and towels next to me and ran back inside to get the cloths.

I offer a hand to the girl. She began to reach, but paused for a few second. "It's all right. I won't hurt you." I reassured her. She managed a weak smile through her tears and took my hand as I led her out of the bush. "Please, lay down. I need to treat your wound." I told her. She didn't question me. She just layed back flat, hands at her side so that they wouldn't get in the way.

I took the smallest of the three towels and pressed it against the wound, soaking up the exess blood. It was a bit painful for her. Soon, the blood finally stopped gushing from the wound. I removed the towel and started to apply a numbing ointment. "Let this set for a few seconds. It'll make the wound numb so it won't hurt as much when we dress it in the bandages." I explained. She just looked at me for a moment, confused.

She had stopped crying. Then she spoke in a quiet and clear, mid-toned voice. "Thank you...for what your doing for me." She said. I smiled full-heartedly. After a few second I told her to sit up. She did so, keeping her legs straight.

"Please keep as still as possible." I told her. She nodded. Then, I took a elastic bandage roll out of the kit and started dressing her wound, rounding her waist as evenly as possible. It was still a bit uncomfortable for her, but that was only normal.

While I was finishing up, I spoted a strange oval shaped device on her upper arm. It's metal ourter ring was silver and the transpearent glass casing was light blue, like her scales. As I finished dressing her wound, Ebony came back out with a full set of sets of cloths. A light blue, short sleeved shirt with white short pants and a white and pink striped bra and underwear. These were cloths that didn't fit Ebony, because they were a bit too big. I thought she had returned them.

I told her, "Dress into these...your...kinda exposed." Ebony gave her the cloths. The girl just stood there. "What's the matter?" I asked. Then it hit me. She might not want us starring. "Oh! Sorry. We'll turn around" I said a bit embarrased for my stupid mistake. That was made obvious by my blush. We both turned around while she go dressed. After a minute or two.

"I-I'm done." She said, stuttering a bit. We turned around and were astonished by how good those cloths went with her. It was like they were made for her. Though there was one thing. She wasn't wearing the bra. "Sorry. It didn't fit; and also, the underwear are a little uncomfortable." She appologized. I looked to Ebony, who started blushing and twitling her thumbs.

"Th-They were the only other clean pair." She confessed. I opened my mouth to talk, but she interupted and told me, "Don't ask." I closed my mouth, a bit confused. I just looked back to the girl, no questions asked.

"So what your name?" I asked her. She smiled happily.

"Rena." She responded. Rena. What a great name.

"That's a great name." I told her smiling back. "My name's, Saunti."

"I'm Ebony." Ebony said smiling nervously.

Our happiness was abruptly interrupted by a loud crash! We all gasped in surprise. The sound came from the right. We could see an ominous black smoke coming from the direct center of the jungle.

None of us uttered a sound, but I knew we were all thinking the same thing. What was happening over there?

Chapter 3: The Black Ash
(Frost's Point of View)

I awoke from passing out surrounded by a thin black vale. My body jerked as I felt myself choaking. I grabbed my neck in pain as I coughed over and over. Out came out some of what looked like...black ash!

I jumped to my feet looking about at the black veil I now knew as the same ashes from earlier. I needed to escape from this vale or I would soon be infected by it, like the many others!

I started running left as fast as my legs would currently allow. In mer seconds, a huge, infected black mass rushed in front of me and roared it's montrous roar. The roar reminded me of grinding metal. It was deafening! I ran to my right and didn't slow down for anything. I could hear the black mass's thundering foot steps right behind me until I was clear of the black vale of ash.

The black mass had followed me out. I now recognized it as some kind of creature. It's head was the most unusual thing about it. It's upward curving ears were flat at the ends. A sharp, upward curved horn portruded out of the back of it's head. I couldn't recognize what it's eyes and mouth looked like, because they were covered with the black infection, but I could see that the muzzle was middle lengthed. It had the quadreped legs and paws of a fox, but it's claws were much sharper and larger. The body was fox like as well, but it had three spikes on the two shoulders pointing upward at an angle and four spikes pointing downward, also at an angle, and backward. The tail was much like my own. On all fours, this thing easily reach up to 10' feet high. It if were standing, it would probably be 25 feet tall. If it weren't for all the spikes and it's claws, it would have resembled a kilofox.

I got into fighting stance. Then it roared again, but long. It raised a paw and went to slam it down on me, but I dodge out of the way right as it was about to hit me and instead hit the ground making a crater. I rush to it's side and jump at it, then roundhouse kicks it's side as hard as I could. It flinched in pain, letting out a low yelp. I landed, but unevenly. The foot I had just used to kick it was now covered in some of the black ashes on it's body. It was trying spead! I kicked with my foot twice, but the ashes stayed glued to my foot

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it's paw coming down again. I rolled out of the way as it hit solid ground again, making another crater. I had to use my control of ice now if I was going to stop it's movement.

I charged icy energy into the palm of my hand and aimed at the ground below the paw. I shot a blast of ice energy out at it, hit my mark, freezing it's paw to the ground in a glacier of ice. It tried to free itself, but I thought ahead and shoot another blast at it's other front paw, freezing it to the ground as well. It couldn't turn what so ever now, but it could still attack. It went to try and bite, but it was too slow and I was able to dodge it. By now, the black ash reached half way up my leg and was starting to numb it. I had to end this now. I charge a larger concentration of ice energy with both hands, forming a sphere of energy, but before I could throw it, the creature's tail lashed out at me and hit me. I flew through a tree before hitting the ground and rolling to a stop. I struggle to get back up as it finally freed it's paws from the ice. I was still on my hands and knees when it raised a paw. Just as I came down, I suddenly felt a strong surge of energy and my entire body started glowing white. I put a hand up and stopped the paw from crashing down. Instead of the ashes seeping onto me, they started to burn away, revealing part of the true creature's paw. It's paw retracted as it seem to roar in intence pain. The black ashes that were on my leg was now burnt away by this new found energy. I jumped up at it's head and delivered a hard punch in the middle of it's head. I sent it tumbling back into trees. It stopped a few hundred feet away.

I walked up to it's now visible face. The black infection was completely gone and so was the horn in the back of it's head. Blue fur covered most of it's face, but the fur around it's eyes and on it's eye lids was black. It really was a Kilo Fox. And a female at that.

It began to open it's eyes weakly as it let out a weak cry. It looked at me pleadingly. Then it closed it's eyes once more. It had pleaded for me to remove the rest of the infectious, black ash. I took pity on the poor creature and walked over to it's black ash cover chest. I pressed my hands against it's chest and the black ash began burning away. The Kilofox cringed in pain as the black ash and spikes were being burn off of it's body and when it was completely gone it relaxed into a deep sleep. I now saw it's true form. like most of it's face, most of it's body was covered in blue fur, with the exception of it's front paws, it's hind legs and the tip of it's now normal, large fox tail being covered in black fur.

After I took my hand off of it's chest, I began to feel very tired. The white glow faded away. My world felt like it was spining and then, the next thing I knew I fell down on the ground, on my side. My vision began to blur and grow dark as I saw three figures came into my line of sight, standing in front of me. One was white..another..light blue... the last.... brown.... Then....I saw......only black...........

Chapter 4: The Request
(Ebony's Point of View)

We had brung Frost back home so that we could monitor him. We layed him down onto one of the two guest beds.

I agreed, if not a little arduously, to look after him while Saunti and Rena went to Lyle's house to check up on him. Frost was hurt pretty badly. The worst of it was his cracked ribs, but that shouldn't have made him pass out.

What was even stranger was what we saw him do. It seemed like he healed that female kilofox that followed us here. Although I am still wondering what that black stuff was. It seemed alive...

I shivered as a whisp of cold air hit me from the side. I looked to the left to see that the window was open...

"...But how did..." I whispered to myself. Then a clear, mid-toned, male voice spoke.

"Well It may have helped for you to seal them shut." I jumped as I heard the calm voice that came from behind me.

I turned around to see a man sitting on my mini dresser clothed in a blood red ninja's outfit, without the mask. He was some sort of red fox who had blonde hair with white bangs. He had tired, grass green eyes that seemed carefree. all and all, he looked pretty handsome. His long tail was unusually flat and shaped much like a tie with the end being white. He had to be about 18 and was about 6'2" feet tall. He had two sheithed katana strapped to his side and a giant runic blade. Leaning on the dresser at his side. He was smiling ear to ear.

"The weather is lovely today, is it not, Amor?" He asked. I starred at him in awkward silence while he only continued to smile. ...A spanish ninja...or was this guy some romantic. Then something seemed to click with him. "Oh, where are my manners. My name is Chorus, and you might be...?" He paused. I quickly jumped up and grabbed the broom from the corner, aiming the bristled end at him at him.

"Stay back! I-I'm not afraid to use this!" I warned him, but I was trembling. He had swords! What could I hope to do with just a wooden broom?

"Oh my! It seems I've made the wrong impression. I mean no harm." He said un fastening his katana from his belt and letting them drop to the floor. "See?" He said putting his hands up. I was fairly confused.

"I'm confused... Why come in here armed if you don't want to fight?" I asked, lowering the broom to the ground.

"It's complicated, but I do have a reason for coming here." He said, his eyes now with a look of seriousness and his smile no longer present. "The one who sent me was Emperess Samitia Alorona." He claimed in a serious tone, no hesitation in his voice. I was shocked. What would the emperess want with us? "The Emporess has requested a meeting with you, Frost Drakoth, Dagart Drakoth, Saunti Hultaph, Lyle Ventora, and your new friend, Rena." He told me. He knew everyone of our names, even Rena's.

"...Wha...What does she want with us?" That was Frost who spoke. I turned to see him sitting up in bed, eyes only partly open and a blank expression.

"Your awake." I said. Chorus got of the dresser, holding the giant runic blade, upside facing down and reaching into his pants pocket.

"I cannot answer your question. I was only told what I have said and to deliver these." He said taking five strange devices, much like the one strapped on Rena's shoulder, out of his pocket and putting them on the table at the side of the table and putting the sword leaning on the side of the bed. The strange thing about the devices is that they had no color to their glass screens. "The sword and the devices alike are now yours to use as you please. Strapping a device to your shoulder with give you immunity to the Black Ash's infection." He then stepped onto the window ceal and looked at us, now smiling ear to ear again and his eyes now back to their tired look as he raised a hand making the peace or 'V' sign. "Now, I bid thee, adue." He finished then he jumped out the window and disappeared into the forest.

We were both silent and a bit confused.

"Well. I guess we need to meet with the Empress, now, huh?" Frost guessed. I simply nodded, then we looked to the devices. We picked one up and looked them over. They had a velcro strap. We strapped one of the devices on as their screens lit up with our main colors, white for Frost and brown for me. He grabbed the sword and leaned it over his shoulder to carry. After all, there was no sheath included. We exited the house, looking in the direction of Verita City. "We need to get to get to Verita as fast as possible. Stay close and don't lag behind, Ebony." Frost told me as he walked on. I nodded and followed close behind.

The Kilo Fox got up and started to follow us as well. We stopped and turn to it. It was wagging it's tail happily. I smiled and looked to Frost.

"Seems like it likes you, Frost" I told him. Frost smiled and chuckled.

"Looks like we're ALL going." He said, then thought for a moment, humming. "Hows about I call you...Azura!" He said. The kilo fox nodded and gave him a big lick. "Heh heh! I'll take that as yes." He said, then we all continued onward to Varita City.

Now, only one question crossed my mind. What was the Black Ash?

Chapter 5: The Secret of Rena
(Coming Soon...)
© Copyright 2010 Heiss (crysto201 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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