Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1678296-The-Assistant-and-the-Pig
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1678296
You know what they say, a dirty book never collects dust ;) By a female for other females!
So, this is my first story. I just felt like there weren't enough women on the Dirty Girl Bandwagon. Gays, I love you too! You'll definitely enjoy some parts to come. Share your thoughts, I wrote this a while ago with  couple of other stories, all grade A in the sexy department. I hope to develop a more emotional plot though so let me know to continue!
So I sat their watching him. Just watching, on the screen of my laptop footage of the camera placed autonomously in an upper corner of his apartment. You see I have unusual hobbies, even though I'm not really that much of an unusual person. I have a 9-5 job, where I dress professionally and tend to wow people I work with with my charisma. However, everybody has a secret. I guess mine just happened to be... kind of kinky.
         He was on the phone, arguing with his girl friend. I turned up the sound a little so that I could hear what he was saying. “Baby, you know I just got off work! I'm  too tired to come all the way down there... no, don't even, you know you owe ME!” he seemed to be protesting.
         I didn't really know what he was talking about, but then again I didn't even know who he was to be honest. That's what made it interesting, the finding out. I watched him take off his shirt, the phone still in his hand. I froze a frame and snapped a picture while the stream continued on my laptop and then zoomed in on his shirtless male physique. He was latino with really unkempt curly hair and two dark inked tattoos on each arm of fierce looking dragons. He looked like the average guy, except he was exceptionally young. Obviously he was over 18 or he wouldn't be living here to begin with, but he couldn't have been more than 20 something. I just peered at him, he was actually nicely muscled, with chiseled arms and a 6 pack with a rugged happy trail traveling north to his marvelous chest.
         “Naw, baby, I'll see you tomorrow. You can meet me at-... what? Whateva. I work hard. I don't know what to tell  you anymore. I really don't have time for this shit, later.” and he hung up.
         Ignoring my personal feelings on the matter, I continued to watch him. He stood and it became obvious he was tall, very tall. At least 6 feet if I had to guess. He then grabbed a dvd and stood in front of the tv at the side of his bed. I'm probably the only person in the world that would even notice, let alone care how un made his bed was, but despite how my attention strayed, my eyes stayed on focus.          My eyes dug into the screen as he inserted the dvd and then undid the belt that held up his baggy pants. He then sat down on the messy bed and untied his shoes, taking them off. He slid his baggy pants off and laid on the bed, where even from my view, I could see the huge erection in his boxer shorts pointing straight up as he laid back.
         “Yeah, eat that pussy out.” I heard him whisper to himself as his rubbed  his hard on through his boxers. He started to squeeze his hard on as it became more and more apparent in his pants. His cock was officially leaking I thought, as I zoomed in a bit more. He stood up and pulled down his boxers to reveal his massive latino cock, standing straight forward from his and since I'd always been good with distance, I could tell it was around eight and a half inches of thickly haired manhood.  I could also tell he hand big hands and he stroked back and forth ever so slowly looking at his what was apparently porn. He started to rub around his body, feeling his arms and chest before returning to his hard cock. I could hear the over zealous moaning of the porn stars as he laid back down on the bed and began to thrust upward into his hand. Eventually he settled and began using his hand to vigorously  pump his throbbing erection. I could see his chiseled chest expanding and contracting from the deep breathing as he tightened his grip. He bit down on his lips and stroked even harder.
         “Aw, shit! Argh!” he yelled out to no one as he thrusted upwards. He kept moaning and continued to move up and down his cock even harder than before, as if that was even possible before cum flew out in a swift forward motion. It landed about a foot and a half down his bed and more importantly on his wrist. He came all over his roll ex watch, the very one it was my job to identify. I zoomed it and snapped a  picture of the frame. He moaned and turned over leaving the porn on and fell asleep. It was really quite strange he passed out like that, but he had said he was tired...

         The next day, when I went to work, I was immediately greeted by my impatient boss. Marcus Rowland  was the chief of the police force here in Miami. Ironically, it was he that actually spent time doing the least work. Between the gym he had practically set up in his office and the thirty or so computer games he stored on his laptop, he spent less than an hour or so a day actually “working” at all, and that's if he even bothered to show up.
         Even though Marcus, or Mr. Rowland to his “office monkeys”, had the tanned muscled body of a god, he was still single. At 27 years of age its safe to assume he still had time to spare, however it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to assume he scared off most women by the second or third date with those beastly eating habits of his, I swear every time he calls me into his office, his mouth is full of something that reeks of meat.
         “Ms. Soriella!” He decided to yell all the way down to my desk instead of using the intercoms we had set up over a year ago. “You've found evidence of the faux watches, I assume.” he stated over confidently as I approached  his office door.
         “Yes, I'm sending it to the narcotics division as we speak.” I stated calmly looking at the chinese food he was eating at nine o'clock in the morning.
         “Good! The gash in the side of that fake Rolex is basically the only evidence those assholes can manage”, he laughed revealing partially chewed food still in his mouth.
          I looked down at my feet and continued speaking, “Is that all Mr. Rowland, Sir?”.
         “Well I have one more question, Ms. Soriella”, he stated as if his first statement was a question to begin with, “as a matter of fact, I have two. One would be have you gotten started on your next assignment? I sent a file to your Blackberry a little earlier, look it over and begin surveillance. A local gang has been linked to copying and distributing counterfeit money. Believe it or not, for a group of high school drop out Mexicans, they're actually pretty damn good.”
         “Um, yes sir,” I said nodding in agreement to his pretty offensive comments. “Is that all?”
         “Let me finish and maybe you'll  find out! Damn!” He snorted still eating, which made me laugh a bit under my breath as he began struggling to speak. “I need you to personally visit their homes and set the equipment up yourself. Unfortunately, I had to let go of our technician, Eric.”
         I could not believe he fired Eric, he was one of the most compliant employes this jar head probably ever had. Who in their right mind would fire him? The most compliant, polite, hard working man this side of Miami? I figured I'd drop by his apartment on  my way home since we did live in the same complex.
         “Yes, Mr. Marcus, and second?” I asked him.
         “Why have I not received a copy of the evidence you have against our drug dealer friend? I do need to see how you identified him don't I?” He questioned me throwing away his food and standing up. I actually blushed through the foundation I was wearing at his stare.
         “I thought it may have been a tad inappropriate for the workplace? I mean a majority of the time, he was barely clothed at all-”
         “I don't care... Send. It. Today.”, He stared at me after strangely breaking apart his words.
         “Uh, yes, I will.” I assured him.
         I turned around to leave and paused when I heard him get up from behind his desk and walk over behind me.
         “Alexis,” He hunched down to whisper in my ear, “I really enjoyed our last date, weekend, I'd be honored to treat you again”. He sat back at his desk as I walked out giggling. Despite his completely hideous habits, he has this incredible charm to him that really made me ignore everything else. A sort of charisma that most women probably wouldn't care for. Despite his utterly piggish appeal, he was social and still hung out with all his college fraternity buddies. Standing at 5' 11” with tanned skin and surprisingly perfectly cut hair, he looked like a greek god, I actually had an overwhelming urge to call him (insert name of man so vain he stared at his reflection all day and night or something).
         Naturally, I went to my desk and began filling out reports and forms on the surveillance equipment I would be using. I figured using an alias wouldn't be necessary since I generally prefer not to put my self in any kind of danger. No, I would just set up cameras and let them do what their built to do.  Instead, I focused on Eric, seeing him later would probably be a pleasant surprise. Considering he lost his job, I figured I might even treat him to dinner.
© Copyright 2010 PinkApples (justanapple at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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