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the story of snowpaw's adventures |
Sunclan Leaders:Snowstar-white tom, Mousestar-light brown tom Deputies:Splashpelt-black & white tom, Talonclaws-dark brown tabby she-cat Healer(s):Sandfur-tan she-cat Warriors:Weaselfang-gray tom, Soottail-brown she-cat, Rainclaw-bluish gray she-cat, Darktip-white tom w/black tipped tail and ears, Featherstep-slight brown tabby she-cat, Birchpelt-cream colored she-cat Apprentices:Robinpaw-brown she-cat, Blazepaw-orange-red tabby tom, Snowpaw- white she-cat w/black tipped tail, Owlpaw-cream colored tom Queens:Mudfur-dark brown she-cat w/white tail Elders:Stoneeyes-white tom, Dapplepelt-gray she-cat w/white spots Kits:Stormkit-gray tom w/white and black spots, Hollykit-light gray she-cat, Nightkit- black tom, Stonekit- white tom Sunclan Family Trees Mudfur + Splashpelt = Stormkit-Hollykit-Nightkit-Stonekit Birchpelt + Darktip = Snowpaw-Owlpaw Talonclaws + Weaselfang = Robinpaw-Blazepaw Soottail + Snowstar = Featherstep-Darktip, Sandfur Dapplepelt + Stoneeyes = Weaselfang, Splashpelt-Rainclaw Moonclan Leaders:Grassstar-light gray tom, Berrystar-tortoise-shell she-cat Deputies:Mistfur-white she-cat, Shadowtail-brown tabby tom w/black tail Healer(s):Spiderwhiskers-light brown tom Warriors:Rosepelt-white she-cat w/orange patches, Tigerfoot-black tom w/big white paws, Leafstorm-light tan she-cat, Stormtail-dark gray tom w/long bushy tail, Treefur-dark brown tabby tom, Redstorm- red-orange tom, Chipmunktail-white she-cat w/striped tail Apprentices:Applepaw-reddish orange brown she-cat, Puddlepaw-gray she-cat, Waterpaw-tan tom w/black tail Queens:Bluestorm-bluish gray she-cat Elders:Rockpelt-dark gray tom, Silvereye-white she-cat w/gray patches Kits:Blackkit-black tom Moonclan Family Trees Bluestorm + Tigerfoot = Blackkit, Treefur-Redstorm Rosepelt + Stormtail = Applepaw-Puddlepaw, Leafstorm Leafstorm + Shadowtail = Waterpaw Silvereye + Rockpelt = Grassstar-Rosepelt, Tigerfoot-Stormtail, Chipmunktail Chapter 1 It was a warm day in the forest. Sunclan were quite enjoying the cool breeze that blew. On such a nice day, Birchpelt decided to take her kits outside of camp. They didn’t go far, just outside the camp entrance. But it was good enough for the kits. “Wow, look how tall that tree is,” commented Owlkit. “Yes that is the tallest in all the forest,” Birchpelt meowed with a smile. “That’s tall pine.” “Look! A butterfly! Let’s see who can catch it first. Are you in, Owlkit?” Snowkit meowed excitedly. “OK” he meowed back. So the kits began to chase the monarch butterfly. Every time one of them were about to grasp it, it would fly up and out of reach. Eventually the butterfly landed on a leaf. Snowkit was closest and began to stalking towards it. When she was about to jump for it something in the bush nearby scared her which scared the butterfly too. To her surprise it was the group that had left for battle training earlier that afternoon. It was Sandfur, Darktip, Robinpaw, and Bloodpaw. Sandfur had decided to train her apprentice fighting moves today because they were still important even if she was to become a healer. “What a nice day today,” Meowed Darktip. “Yes it is, Darktip. Our kits are quite enjoying themselves out here.” Birchpelt replied. “I almost had that butterfly. If only you wouldn’t have spooked me!” Snowkit complained to Darktip who just smiled at her. “Oh well, there is plenty of butterflies out there that I bet you could always find another one. But it’s time to head back into camp. I hear Snowstar calling a meeting.” Darktip explained. All the cats were gathering in front of the stump that Snowstar and Mousestar sat on. “We, Snowstar and Mousestar, leaders of Sunclan, call upon our warrior ancestors, to have them see these kits that were born six moons ago, and to accept them as apprentices. Snowkit do you promise to listen to your mentor and do as you’re instructed?” Snowstar meowed. “I do,” answered Snowkit excitedly. “Then we give you your new name, Snowpaw. Your mentor will be Rainclaw.” Snowstar meowed. Rainclaw and Snowpaw touched noses and then sat down near the stump. “Owlkit, do you promise to listen to your mentor and do as you’re instructed?” Mousestar asked. “I do.” “Then we give your new name, Owlpaw. Your mentor will be Weaselfang.” Mousestar announced to the clan. Everyone began to cheer for the new apprentices—calling their names throughout the clearing. After cats started to go back to what they were doing, Snowpaw and Owlpaw went over to Birchpelt and Darktip. They were congratulated by their parents. “Now we can go out into the forest, and learn to fight, and go on patrols, and…and…oh it’s so much to look forward to!” Snowpaw meowed breathlessly as she went on. “It was such a surprise; I didn’t think we would become apprentices at least for another few suns.” “We wanted it to be today so we asked Snowstar and Mousestar to have the ceremony today, as a little surprise to you both.” Birchpelt explained. “Now run along and get some rest. I believe you will be very busy tomorrow.” “Thanks mom and dad!” Called Owlpaw and Snowpaw as they ran for the apprentice den where they found their new nests awaiting them. The sun was barely up when Rainclaw woke Snowpaw. They were to be on the dawn patrol so Snowpaw could learn a bit about the borders. She was excited but at the same time sad because Owlpaw couldn’t come along. He would be going on his first hunting lesson/patrol with their father and his apprentice. The dawn patrol consisted of Featherstep, Splashpelt, Rainclaw and Snowpaw. “We’ll be starting from rabbit field to go along the river. Rainclaw you can take Snowpaw all the way around our territory with Weaselfang and Owlpaw when we get back.” Splashpelt explained to the group. “Sounds good to me, it will take awhile anyways to bring them around the whole territory and we don’t need other warriors to waste their time on something so simple.” Rainclaw meowed back to Splashpelt. So the dawn patrol made their usual check of the border and remarked all the old scent markers. It was getting close to leaf-bare time and the river’s water would become too cold to fish in. Snowpaw would have to wait until after leaf-bare to learn how to fish. The patrol didn’t take long and were back to camp just in time to eat because the hunting patrol had just gotten back too. “Snowpaw, you should eat before we go. But first bring something for Stoneeyes and Dapplepelt to eat in the elders’ den.” Rainclaw meowed. “Well actually, I was hoping we could learn to hunt while we are out today.” Snowpaw mentioned.” The hunting patrol already brought plenty of food back to camp and we could always bring back some too. That wouldn’t be against the warrior code.” “I guess that would be ok. But bring the elders something still and Owlpaw can help you.” Snowpaw found Owlpaw talking with Birchpelt about his first hunting lesson. She took a seat next to her mother and listened for a little while to Owlpaw’s story. They then hurried to go deliver fresh kill to the elders before they were ready to go. “Let’s go see if our mentors are ready yet to go.” Snowpaw meowed to Owlpaw as they left the elders’ den. They found them telling Mousestar that they wouldn’t be in camp for awhile. He wished them on their way and they exited the camp. The four cats headed out into the forest. Snowpaw was so excited to go outside of camp she was jumping around as she walked. They headed towards training field for their first stop. |