Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1674786-Not-Another-Vampire
by inujin
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1674786
Sample chapter from book in progress....its not what you think.
An excerpt from "Not another vampire" - still working on the title.

        Seth Ryan felt the usual irritation as the annoying blare of his alarm clock woke him out of deep stage four sleep.  He tried to slap it off without opening his eyes but only succeeded in knocking the clock off the shelf and onto the floor out of his reach.  With some effort his eyes opened and focused on the small white plastic piece of annoyance.  Grabbing the cord he pulled it close and turned it toward his face.  Five pm.  Time to get up.

         Slowly sitting up he thought the same thoughts he always thought, nobody in their right mind slept during the day and stayed up all night.  It just wasn't human.  It just wasn't natural.  He had been doing it now for as long as he could remember but his body still did so under protest.  A deep breath helped bring his mind fully awake.  The coming events, once forgotten in the dreams of sleep, now loomed before him.  He continued to work on keeping his breath slow and regular.  It never paid to show anxiety or fear.  His disciplined mind rapidly gained complete control and calm descended, quieting any unrest he felt.

         Standing up he took two steps forward and then dropped to the floor warming up his mind and body with a series of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.  Once warm and totally awake he padded over to the shower turning on the hot spray.  He showered in the cold for years before finally getting the school to agree to let him have hot showers.  He considered it a major success and also the beginning of his doubts.  The shower felt good, as it always did.  A fleeting, but very real and indulgent pleasure.  It was a few moments of privacy, solitude, a time when he didn't have to think about or do anything.

         The steam from the shower rapidly heated the small bathroom making it comfortable for him to step out and dry off.  Reaching into his closet he initially grabbed his light gray pants and white shirt, the usual uniform of the day, but then remembered the Summoning required him to wear the black pants, white shirt, and black long coat.  It wasn't his favorite outfit, but it fit and looking in the mirror he thought he looked pretty good.  He had a long shock of dark hair, deep blue grey eyes, and a face that would could be both ordinary and mesmerizing at the same time.

         Stepping back into his room he noted it's rather spartan appearance.  The bed was a standard twin, much too small for someone his size.  The dresser plain and unadorned stained mahogany.  Hanging on the wall over the bed was a large picture of a predatory bird known as the Eurasian Eagle Owl or just plain Eagle Owl.  It is large, even for an owl, rivaling some of the largest eagles in size.  It hunted only at night though and it's flight was completely silent.  It was deadly, efficient, and often hunted small deer more then 3 times its body weight.
        Seth had seen one, once while on a field trip.  As was often the case his field trips were at night.    Sitting up in a stand his task was to observe a patch of forest for several hours.  Most of it was a study in monotony and while his Observer was close by watching over him he was left to himself and had a hard time staying awake.  Knowing the repercussions that would follow should he miss anything significant was the only thing that kept him awake at times.  About four hours into the observation period he caught movement out of the corner of his eye.  Off to the right he noted a large rabbit hopping into a small break in the trees.  One, two hops then stop, browse, hop again, browse.  The pattern repeated itself several times.  A fox moved into view, its movement slow, deliberate, silent.  Feeling the wind Seth could easily see it was approaching down wind.  The rabbit would never know what hit it.

         Seth held no illusions about life and death.  He had learned the lessons extensively in school.  It was simply the natural order of things.  He knew he shouldn't feel bad for the rabbit, but something within him made him want to shout, to scare the poor thing off.  He looked over to the fox again and was surprised to see it suddenly drop flat to the ground like a soldier under fire.  Then a shadow within a shadow swept silently by and Seth turned his head just in time to see a large silent flyer sink its claws into the rabbit.  For a moment it looked like both would fall to the ground but the large wings pulled hard and the owl and its prey rose slowly into the air and disappeared into the night.
         Breathing hard, Seth was mesmerized and terrified at the same time.  For some reason he had the chilling thought that this is what they brought him out to see.  Predator, prey, life, death, one silent, fierce and deadly, one painfully unaware of its inevitable fate.  It hearkened back to early times, the times learned about in school.  That was years ago.  When he was finally allowed to have one piece of art work he decided to have the Eagle Owl.  To remind him of the way things are, the way things had to be.

         Closing the door to his room he walked down the hall.  Today was going to be interesting.  Up until this time he appeared before the Council once a year.  At that time they reviewed his progress, tested him mentally, physically, and emotionally and then he never heard from them until the following year.  This summoning came earlier then expected.  He wasn't due for five more months.

         He began the slow walk down the several flights of stairs to the main floor of The School.  He preferred to walk, elevators making him feel both confined and weak at the same time.  He wasn't claustrophobic, just the confining space made him feel a prisoner.  Maybe it came from living in such a confined environment of The School for all of his life.  It wasn't like he never left The School.  He did go out into the world and had even made trips to the great cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, and New York.  But it was never truly free.  Kai Alden, his observer was always with him and he usually brought friends.  Finally he reached the second floor.  Checking his watch, he noticed he had at least twenty minutes before he needed to be down to the commons.  He opened the second floor door and walked down the hallway.  As usual it was deserted.  It was a school for one, him.  Here he spent most of his days.  Behind each door was a different room, each representing a different class or subject.  Rooms for art, history, biology, math, physics, philosophy, theology, language all passed by him as he continued on.  He had many fond memories here, unpleasant ones too.

         Finally he stopped at a dark, mahogany door.  The handle appeared to be more of an entrance to a crypt then a school room.  He briefly knocked, hoping Mattias was in his office.  His hope left him as the door remained quiet and Seth had to breath deeply to quell the dissapointment.  Mattias might be his counselor but he was also his friend.  It was one of the few times he knew he wasn't under close observation.  The time spent in this room would always be some of the best of his life.  Mattias was a relative new addition, joining the staff only three year ago.  He was brought in after Seth was struggling with serious depression and coping alone with his changing body.  It had never been tried before but the Headmaster seemed pleased with the results.  For Seth's part he could not imagine going back to a time without him.
      Glancing at his watch he started to make his way to the Commons.  It took him only a few minutes and he opened the stairwell door to the face of Kai
         "Taking a little detour on your way down today Seth?" Kai stated more then asked.

         "Just checking to see if Mattias was in."

         It was no secret Kai disliked Mattias immensely.  There was no direct personal conflict between them, just a clash of philosophy, of their belief in the right way to live.

         "Unfortunately, I hear that Mattias will be gone for the next week.  He is off visiting relative or something up in Canada"

         Seth noticed Kai spoke with his usual complete lack of emotion.  No one had ever seen Kai so much as smirk, let alone smile.  And if he laughed, Seth was sure earth would likely stop revolving.  On the other end though there was also never any anger.  Kai had never even raised his voice at Seth in all the years he had known him.  Even when Seth had disobeyed the rules and had to be punished it seemed Kai never took pleasure in it.  It was just the way it was.  Kai was a black and white rule follower.  For him, grey did not exist.

         Seth thought about asking Kai about why the Summoning occurred, but experience had taught him the request would be met with silence.  So he wandered over to one of the benches and sat down.  Here in the commons there would be social gatherings with music, food, dancing.  It was one of the few chances he had to interact with people outside the school.  Of course those invited had been rigorously screened and tested, and Seth was sure there was always and abundance of observers mixed in with crowds.  It just would not do for there to be an accident. 
         Kai stood looking out the front window, his silhouette the perfect projection of grace and power.  Even for an observer Kai was fast, strong, and had an intuitive knack for making the right decision.  Seth really did not understand what motivated men and women like Kai but at times he was grateful for his almost selfless dedication to keeping Seth safe.  Kai was the reason Seth was alive today.  Looking at the back of Kai the memory stirred within him.

         He was only ten years  old.  A child. Ignorant of the true nature of the world.  He had been ever so tired of always being kept at The School.  His studies had taught him of the world outside.  Bright, full of free places to run, to hike, to play.  He knew the school was was nestled close to a small town that used to be known as Berlin, Ohio.  Since the Cleansing the area was largely unpopulated and Seth had thought time and time again if he could only get out for a few hours he would feel better about being kept here.

         One day, Kai was called off to do something at another location.

         “Teacher”, the boy Seth asked, “will Kai be by today?”

         The teacher was a pleasant appearing middle age man but known for his temper and lack of patience with anything but the utmost of effort.  Young Ryan had gleaned from overhearing conversations that the man was a football coach prior to the Cleansing.  He watched in secret one night when the Teacher and one of the school administrators watched what was called a Superbowl on the view screen.  There hadn't been a Superbowl in years but Seth could almost hear excitement, wonder, and almost sadness as the two talked about the game they had seen many times over.  Now, in retrospect it seemed the Teacher hadn't quite turned, had not fully embraced his new life.

         “Seth, Kai had a task to attend to today.  He should be back tomorrow.  But not to worry, I will keep an eye on things until another observer can arrive.”

         Seth saw his chance.

         “Well, it's my exercise time, I'll see you in a few hours.”

         “Be prompt as always, today I am going to have you dissect a frog.”

         As Seth walked away his already intelligent mind shifted into high speed.  True he had exercise time, but Kai was is usual instructor in all things physical.  Sometime he was left alone in the gym to do what he wanted and the Teacher must be thinking this would be one of these times.  That gave him about ninety minutes to find a way out of this place, if the Teacher didn't come to check on him.

         “Oh hello, Mary.” Seth nodded to the young woman who prepared his food.  She was pushing a small cart loaded with foodstuffs for the coming week.  Loaded with fruits of all kinds, a variety of vegetables, meats, and breads topped with a large sack of cinnamon rolls, Seth's stomach lost all desire to run out into the wild and free world.

         “Mary, Kai is gone can I come with you to the kitchen”

         “You should really get to class, the Headmaster does not tolerate any misbehavior”, She replied, her voice not unkind.

         “I'm not skipping class.” He had learned that word from one of the few fictional novels he was permitted to read.  “Just wanted to swing by on my way to the gym so I can grab a snack.”

         “I quite sure you had a very large breakfast, but I guess you are growing.”

         True, Seth was entering puberty early.  Perhaps a consequence of hard conditioning, excellent nutrition, or maybe this was just his DNA following its preprogrammed instructions.

        “Yes, ma'am, I am just hungry all the time.  I think I might need more frequent snacks.”

         Mary paused.  Her mind thinking slowly as it always did.  “I will speak with the Headmaster and see if he will authorize perhaps a snack center for you.  Mind you it will only be filled with your usual healthy foods.  None of that junk kids used to eat.”

         “Oh, follow me,  don't tell nobody and get to gym as soon as I get you a snack.”

         “Thanks” Seth replied.  Being ten and being hungry caused all thoughts of his great escape to disappear.

         Shortly after arriving in the kitchen Mary brought Seth a plate with half a chicken sandwich, two pickles, and a small piece of cinnamon role.  Mary wasn't nearly as strict as the others in this place.  While sitting at the edge of the counter he was eating with the energy that only a ten year old can when he caught a glimpse of light from behind the trash compactor which sat open.  Mary was up front getting something out of the refrigerator, the one used to prepare the staff food.  Glancing back at the opening he thought he could likely squeeze through.

         “Thanks again Mary”, he called out, “I'm heading to gym.”

         “Not a word now about my little bending of the rules for you.”

         “I promise, not a word.”

         And with that Seth quickly hopped behind the compactor tray and slipped outside.

         Bright dazzling light assailed Seth's eyes, running quickly away from the back corner of the school he gained the tree line.  Exhilarated he looked around and back towards the school.  He was free.  Stifling a shout he ran, branches whipping past his face as he followed the gentle sloping hill down.  He had seen small river off in the distance and thought that would make a good destination.  As he ran his senses were assailed by the scents of fresh earth, new young grass, and bright green trees.  Unthinking he continued to run.

         Sometime later Seth stopped.  For some reason he had not come to the water  yet.  The trees seem to close in about him and for the first time today fear crept into his heart.  Standing taller, breathing deeper he lifted his head up, Kai had always said even pretending to be confident when you really feel afraid brings strength.  He quickly found out he felt better.  Thinking through the problem he looked around.  Trees in every direction.  Different slopes.  Minimal sky and no distant landmarks.  The school itself long behind him.  Debating what to do for only a moment he picked a direction and began walking.

         Several hours passed and Seth sat on an old rotting stump.  His confidence gone.  His fear returning.  It was getting dark.  It was getting cold.  The high pitched squeal of a thousand frogs began to send a throbbing through the dusky sky.  As the night grew the noise grew louder.  Seth fell backwards on the edge of a stump and struck his head as the yap and howl of a coyote startled him.  He felt slightly dazed, the sound seeming to come from everywhere.  Scrambling to his feet he began to run, branches tugging, tearing his shirt.  Stumbling again the top of his forehead caught the tip of a broken branch.  The wood still sharp and fresh gouged deeply and blood ran down his face.  Looking at his bloodied hand Seth began to cry, staggering forward and further away from the safety of the school.

         The coyotes must have caught the scent of blood in the air.  Coordinating their attack with a series of yips several of the pack began to follow the boy's trail.  It would be an easy kill.  The smell of human blood seemed only a pack memory, but it was real and present all the same.  Their feet light on the ground they almost skipped through the brush, a series of gray four legged ghosts carried by the wind.  Looking ahead the leader saw the boy stumble to his knees in a small clearing just ahead.

         Seth looked back seeing several gray moving patches in the fading light.  From what he had studied he thought they were probably coyotes.  It happened so fast time felt slow.  The first coyote bit deeply into his right forearm, Seth tried to hit it with his free hand but his hand was quickly caught by another coyote, biting hard, grinding what could only be the bones in his left hand.  Still struggling to get free the coyotes pulled his arms in different directions holding him fast.  Seth tried to remember to control his breathing but all he felt was fear and the gradual building throb in both of his arms.

         He looked up to see large coyote walking towards him, ears back, teeth bare.  It stood there for a moment, almost looking puzzled and then Seth screamed and closed his eyes as the beast lunged for his throat.  He felt and heard, rather then saw, something collide with coyote.  Opening his eyes he saw a blur of darkness dancing amongst the gray ghost like shapes.  Every where the figure danced another coyote fell.  An occasional yelp pierced the air, but mostly there was just the desperate stillness of the struggle to survive.

         The coyotes who held Seth released him to help their brothers but fell just as quickly as the rest.  He thought briefly what terrible force of nature could do such violence to creatures whose very nature required them to kill to live.  His thoughts collided with reality when he felt strong arms lift him up.  Opening his eyes he found himself looking into the unreadable face of Kai Alden.  Then he slept.

         “Seth,” Kai called out to the young man for the third time, “transportation has arrived.”

         Coming back to the present, Seth looked briefly down at the scar on his left hand.  Forever a reminder of that day, of life and death, and of the deadly beauty that was Kai Alden.  Kai might not be the friendliest person he interacted with but he always knew he was safe. Seth Ryan then walked out the door and got into the black M5 BMW.  He closed his mind on the past and began to think about the future.  Kai sat next to him, quiet as always.  The driver quickly pulled out of the parking lot and turned on deserted road heading towards Columbus.  He glanced back at Seth, and with a smile that was more then a little strange said, “Boy, are you in for a surprise.”
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