A study in adding small and large WritingML tags to text boxes. Not an exhaustive listing. |
This started as a test of adding various WritingML tags in the new Folder Summary box on one's Portfolio page. "Small" tags were allowed while "large" tags were not. But what constituted a small tag? The results of my trial and error method are below. This is not an exhaustive test; check your own results if you have time. I believe these results (that is, which tags are small and which are large) will work in any windows that accept only WritingML small tags. [Update: The WDC Send an Instant Message window is another box that seems to accept "small" tags.] Generally, all tags within the Basic Tags, Member Tags, Font Type Tags, Font Size Tags, Font Color Tags, and EmoticonTags will work within the Folder Summary (and I suspect any other boxes in which WritingML may be used). Only selected tags within the Item Tags, Product Review Tags, Shop Tags, Miscellaneous Tags, and Notes n' Quotes can be used within the Folder Summary. None of the AmazonTags or Merit Badge Tags could be used within that Folder Summary. The results are displayed below: 1. Item Tags: Any tag that cannot be displayed as programmed will show in the Folder Summary are indicated in RED. They will be displayed as a Rated Item tag no matter which form is used. Other listed tags can be used normally. a. Item: "Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold" b. Big Item:
c. Clean Item:
d. Genre Item:
e. Line Item: "Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold" by Jeff f. Line Rating Item: "Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold" [18+] by Jeff g. Line Time Item: "Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold" - Last Post: 09-19-18 @ 11:28am h. Line Description Item: "Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold" 18+: A romance/erotica contest from The Talent Pond. i. Rated Item: "Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold" [18+] j. Double Line Item: "Paradise Cove Writing Challenge-On Hold" [18+] by Jeff A romance/erotica contest from The Talent Pond. k. Time Item:
2. Product Review Tags: One tag can be used normally. Two tags that cannot be displayed as programmed will show in the Folder Summary are indicated in RED. They will display only as {LPR:xxxxxx} depending on which form is used. a. Product Review: "On Writing" b. Line Product Review: "On Writing" , a product review by Diane c. Big Product Review:
3. Shop Tags: Two tags can be used normally. The one tag that cannot be displayed as programmed will show in that Folder Summary are indicated in RED, and will display as a Small Shop tag. a. Small Shop: Shop: "Writing.Com Book Darts" b. Line Shop: Shop: "Writing.Com Book Darts" : Much more than a bookmark, you can keep the exact line on your page with these bronze Writing.Com book darts! c. Shop:
3. Miscellaneous Tags: The tags that cannot be displayed as programmed will show in the Folder Summary are indicated in RED, and will display as {photo:xxxxxxx}. or may not be displayed depending on which form is used. The remaining tags can be used normally. a. Embed a Poll: b. Forum Post: "Sample Post..." c. Post (Line Format): "Sample Post..." by The StoryMaster d. Book Entry: "Journal Entry Editing Change." f. Interactive Story Chapter: "Taking off" g. Snapshot: "Sliders Snapshot #101042" h. Specific Newsletter: "For Authors Newsletter (February 15, 2006)" i. Newsletter archives: "The Writing.Com Newsletter Archives" j. http://www.writing.com k. Writing.Com l. Image: ~~Image #138890 Sharing Restricted~~ m. Any photo: Invalid Photo #1458319 n. YouTube Video: o. Emoticon window: List of WDC Emoticons p. WritingML window: WritingML Help 4. Merit Badge Tags: This tag cannot be displayed as programmed in the Folder Summary. It will display as {badge:xxxxxxx} in the window. 5. Amazon Tags: These tags cannot be displayed as programmed in the Folder Summary. They are indicated in RED, and will display as {Amazon:0743455967} depending on which form is used. a. An Amazon.Com Product: b. Image Only Amazon Link: c. Text "Order" Amazon Product: [Order On Writing from Amazon.Com] d. Text "Buy" Amazon Product: Buy On Writing @ Amazon.Com! e. Text "Priced" Amazon Product: On Writing: ($9.97 from Amazon.Com) 6. Notes n' Quotes Tags: These tags can be displayed as programmed in the Folder Summary. However, the Pop Notes will not work as designed; the The StoryMaster is aware of this issue. a. Pop Notes: PopNotes b. Quotes: Then your quote goes here c. Footnotes (places these at the bottom of your page): 1 Footnotes |