Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1665402-Littly-the-Human-Protector
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1665402
a little girl is introduced to another style of life and how to protect people
Littly was only seven years old when she discovered that she can make people think of what she is thinking of by just looking at them. Littly didn’t really care about that power because she thought that it’s not that much effective so she tried searching for other powers, finally she discovered that she can make anything she touch vibrate if she was angry enough, also she found out that she can change her voice to match other voices that are totally different than hers.

When Littly was nine years old she met her best friend Max. Max at that time was thirty years old and worked as a martial arts professor. He taught Littly all what he knows about martial arts and everything about fighting and saving people. When Littly reached the age of twelve he offered her to become a “Human Protector”. At the beginning Littly was very confused because she didn’t know what do these Human Protectors do, so she decided to ask Max who are they. Max answer wasn’t that clear enough, he just told her that they are people who protects humans from any danger that may threaten their lives. Littly agreed and gave her approval to that offer.

Max showed Littly the place where Human Protectors live, and he introduced her to other Human Protectors. Littly refused to stay in the Human Protectors place because she had already her home and parents but she decided to visit or sometimes stay if she got the permission of her parents but, Max didn’t want Littly to tell her parents that she has become a Human protector and he explained that by telling her that it’s unnecessary because by that way she will make them worried about her. Littly wasn’t convinced with what Max told her so she decided to tell her parents ignoring Max’s opinion and his order.

When Littly’s father heard that his only daughter became a Human Protector, he was very nervous and wanted her to go to Max and tell him that she don’t want to become a human protector anymore. But Littly refused to do so and she asked her father why? The answer was as simple as that human protector’s percentage of death before reaching the age of forty is very high and I don’t want to see my daughter’s death. Littly insisted on becoming a human protector ignoring her father’s will.

Littly went back to Max and asked him about the Protectors rules. Max just gave a few simple rules which were one never insult, hurt or attack a human being. Second never fall in love with a human that you protect. Third never use your powers on other protector. Fourth respect and love everybody even those who don’t love you. Fifth human protectors are not allowed to get married unless he or she has reached the age of thirty. Sixth neither smoking nor drinking. Seventh the people that you protect have secrets these secrets you are not allowed to share with anyone else except them not even your partner in protecting who will be Jack eighth there are two rooms for protector’s the men’s room and the ladies‘s room these rooms are only for sleeping if you don’t have a home or a place for the people you protect, no one of the protectors is allowed to enter both rooms only one room of them, and there is also the protectors room where you will find everybody there in the morning till twelve o’clock at night. And that’s all what Max told Littly about protectors’ life and rules. Littly liked the rules and decided to stay and become a human protector and have her partner who was Jack.

Littly became one of the best human protectors on earth. She saved many lives from death and covered up for many her charges especially in their jobs. When she reached the age of eighteen she had her own control room in the protectors’ chamber and most of her friends, family and sometimes her charges themselves come and stay with her in her own control room and one day Littly was suppose to protect an engineer from drowning so, she went to the place where he was going to drown and saved him but unfortunately she fell in love with him and so did he. Littly was afraid to tell Max who became her boss in protecting because she knows very well that he will remind her with the protectors’ rules which is never fall in love with one of your charges so, she decided to forget it until she grow up and become thirty but she couldn’t hide her love all that long so she told her parents and some of her friends. Her father was very happy to hear the news but her mother wasn’t because she thought that her own daughter is too young to fall in love while her father was very happy because she broke the protectors’ rules and by that way she may stop being a human protector and live longer.

One day there was a great earthquake that earth has never seen an earthquake in that strong power before and Littly and Jack saved more than thirty billion people than day of the earthquake. Max was very pleased so he determined to let Littly do whatever she want to do when she reach the age of twenty five and he gave Jack his a control room to make him equal to Littly. During the time where Littly was between eighteen and twenty five she was meeting her lover Lance and Max knew what was going on between Littly and Lance so he decided to agree and become supporting to both of them.

When Littly was twenty-five she married her lover Lance but unfortunately. He was murdered right after their honeymoon. Littly was the first one accused of her husband’s murder. When the police came they found out that the body was sitting on a chair and that he had scratches on its back, purple lips, and a weird hole on the back of the neck that is caused by a pin and that may have caused his death if the pin was poisoned. When the doctor came he scrutinized the body he found out that the death has occurred when Littly was visiting Max in his own control room so, it can’t be her or Max. Then  who could it be? Who is that person who ruined Littly’s life and happiness?

Littly was very angry with herself because she wasn’t able to protect her lover and prevent his death, while Jack and the rest of the crew were supporting her and they made their mind up to find that murderer no matter what it takes. After a lot of investigations Max discovered that there were many enemies to Littly’s lover and two of them were his close friends David and José. They were Lance’s best friends before but after he refused their offer that was betraying his own boss at work and give them the confidential information of the company, they became enemies. Then the police discovered that David and José were with Lance the day he died, but they were just pouring oil on water and clearing up the air. These new information made Littly and Max very suspicious about these two. So they determined to go and pay them a visit and ask them some questions. Littly when she saw them she looked at them in a very mean way and her eyes were full of revenge and hatred on the other hand Max was kind of surprised that they know Littly and that they didn’t blame her about that look she gave them in the beginning, also they were very cooperative with them and they didn’t complain about the way Littly was asking her questions, because they know that they are convicted of Lance’s murder in Littly’s eyes.

Max was very confused in the first time of his life so he asked Littly to use her own power of mind connection and try to find an answer. Littly was not sure of her ability to use that power because she stopped practicing on how to use all her powers since she became a human protector and also she doubted her ability in reversing that power, instead of making them know what she thinks of, she used her power to make her know what they were thinking of. After using her power she discovered that they had nothing to do with the murder and that they really went to visit Lance the day he died just to fix their relation ship with him.

Max ordered Littly to use that power of mind connection on everyone even on himself to know who killed Lance. She then knew that the one who killed her beloved husband was her partner Jack and she told Max about what she knew so he advised her to make him deliver himself to the police by her own way. Littly decided to scare Jack until he confess that he is the one who killed Lance, first thing she did was confronting him with her anger and she asked him why did he killed Lance but the answer was I don’t know what are you talking about the next move Littly did was putting her hands on the chair that Jack was sitting on and used her vibration against him Jack was thrilled and he jumped off the chair because the vibration was very strong that made everything touching that chair vibrate too causing an earthquake in the room then she yelled at him using a baritone’s voice and asking him to answer her. his answer was “yes I killed him because I loved you” but her next question was “ no you don’t love you are jealous because I took that advantage of getting married before the age of thirty don’t you?” he is answer was very surprising that made Littly more angry so she just put her hands on his chest and made his whole body vibrate and unluckily his heart couldn’t hold that powerful vibration so it stopped and caused his death. auspiciously for Littly that Max was listening to everything Jack said before he died and he taped it and when he went to the police with Littly with the tape they believed both of them and since that Littly used her power to kill Jack the police just thought that Jack died because of a heart attack and Max made Littly his personal assistant as a human protector and he forgave her for all the rules breaking that she did and he pondered it as a protection of justice and he thought of it as a part that should be in every protector’s soul.

© Copyright 2010 Nada Philippe (a.k.a: R.H.N) (rhmn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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