Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1663618-Magic
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1663618
A story I may or may not continue. :)

The summer of my eighth grade year, I had just gotten my first real boyfriend. His name was James Onell. I don't really know what drew me to him at first. Or rather, what drew him to me. I'd heard from bunches of kids at my school he was sweet for me, but I didn't pay no attetion to that. The rumor mill at my school was always runnin', always findin' some way to end a poor child's social life. I didn't wanna fall into the pit of endless lyin' and all that. One day, in Mr. Reilly's science class, James asked me to meet him on the boardwalk of this ol' abandoned house. I told him I'd be there, and without checking in with Surry or Micha, I just went to the boardwalk. James wasn't sittin' there, on that bench he'd promised he'd be sittin' at when he told me when to come in science class. I started to up and leave, feelin' like the fool I was. I didn't even know the boy! I mean, I'd had a few classes with him, but that was as far back as we went. But before I could leave, James arrived and sat on the bench. I parked it next to him.
"So what did you want me to meet you here for?" I asked him, still a little confused about the whole situation. He smiled at me.
"I'm gonna be awful forward, and damn if you don't feel the same way, but I really like you, Holly." He blushed. I could feel my face getting hot, but for what? I didn't really like this guy... So why was I suddenly noticing his eyes were brown as chocolate, or wanting to trace his freckled face with my finger tips, right to his soft as silk looking lips...
"Holly? Hello-oh? Is anybody in there?" James asked me, bringing me back down to earth.
"Is that all you wanted to say?" I asked him, knowing that I was kinda likin' him back too. He looked at me, confused.
"Well, don't that mean nothin' to you?" he questioned. I blushed, realizing that it meant a helluva lot to me. Way more than before this little rendezvous.
"Well James Onell, I really appreciate your honesty..." I said sincerely.
"Not a 'But'. An 'And.'" I corrected him and smiled when his face brigtened up. I figured, I'm only yound once, so what the heck!
"And I like you too." I kept a sweet smile plastered on my face. James' smile was ten miles wide, and bright enough to blind you.
"Well, then, let's be in like." he suggested. I'd never been in like with someone before then. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, he kissed me. And I didn't recoil, which surprised me. Instead, I kissed him back. It was brief, but the moment made me feel like I was weightless, and like I was flying. Of course, I was unsure of what to do, considering I had never kissed anythin' but the ground after an occasional flight. So I just shut my mind off, and lathered my body with the great sensation. James and I pulled away from eachother, and he rubbed the back of his head, as if he had just done something to be ashamed of.
"I guess I'll see you around school then," he said real simple. But I objected.
"Actually, why don't we take a walk down the beach?" I suggested to him. It was cliche, but we did it anyway. And boy, was that fun. We splashed eachother, poked at jellyfish with sticks, and I avoided the ghost crabs he would pick up just to freak me out.
Later, when the sun was setting, we both lay down up against a sand dune, and watched the pink sky turn slowly blackish blue over the Atlantic ocean. Just as we were, my cell phone rang. It was Surry. She started yelling at me for not telling them where I was, and that I wouldn't be home. Told me they almost called the police. Oohwee! Would I be in a lot of trouble. I told James I needed to get home, but not before a final goodbye kiss. I gotta tell you, that second one was way better 'an the first. I hugged him and ran down the beach, not eager to get home, but anxious to eventually tell Surry. When she cooled down of course. The whole walk home, I was floating.
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