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by dave
Rated: · Sample · Religious · #1661539
Are we a Creation of God or is God a Creation of Us?
So this theological discrepancy is really the only thing that holds me together. Because I do see a certain amount of sense in the world, I cannot believe that things are without purpose. There exists a gentle, guiding force in our lives if only we would listen. Different religions have different beliefs regarding the spirit of life, but I have an excellent analogy that I thought of just the other day whilst waiting in line at the Family Dollar Store.

Imagine being the only living thing in the entire universe and being immortal so that you did not have to rely upon consuming organic material for survival. You are looking around at a world that still exists, but in no way is alive. Wouldn't that get kind of lonely? This is why the Creation Myth suggests that the Creator breathed life into a clay figure, thus bringing it fully alive. I think this is a lot like how life in the universe was first formed. Possibly the spirit of life itself was breathed into the material world by a higher power. The Creator is alive, but requires Creation itself to be alive as well out of a need for companionship, or at least a need to recognize the difference between life and lifelessness.

Now, I know this Creation myth goes head on against hard core Evolutionists, but even if life started from basic carbon molecules and electricity, we still do not have a full understanding of what electricity is, we only know what it does. We don't really know what evolution is, we only know what it does. Will we ever fully understand the creation of life itself? Perhaps, but it will be a man made facsimile of the true origin of life in the universe. It will be a copy of what was already there.

Well, the problem most people have is thinking of God as real and not just some human concept. You have to get over yourself as a human being and realize that there is more to life than mere material existence. Even more advanced beings must have had some kind of Creator or creative force. It is acceptance of this which makes it possible to feel the real presence of God in our lives. It seems to me like even the greatest philosophers are struggling with this simple realization. Having God in our lives can make us tremendously happy, but we tend to assume that it is our ego that is being fulfilled. This leads only to sorrow. These days I intentionally glance in another direction whilst momentarily experiencing spiritual beauty. I know that it is only temporary and simply enjoy it for the fleeting glance that it is. To hold too tightly to the clouds in the sky or the moon up above is somewhat futile. We have to let that moment go, over and over again until we come to realize that like a faithful pet, it will return.

I know I have been going on about philosophy a lot recently. I left off with Schopenhauer and the East meeting the West. As we move up into the Twentieth Century, the philosophy becomes somewhat rigid. There is an analysis of language itself going on and also that of logic. It is as though philosophy were turning away from God and towards scientific understanding as if these two concepts could exist separately. We have also the Utilitarian movement which is basically just political empiricism. When someone like Pirsig comes along and writes a book like 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance', it is a real refresher course on the history of philosophy itself.

I could go deeply into any particular philosopher, but that is not really why I started this thread. I was merely looking for a practical outlet to the problems which haunt us all in our day to day lives. There are some ancients who believe in the goddess or Mother of Creation and then there is a majority who tend to think of the universe as having been Fathered. It is only because we tend to see these things as separate events that we struggle with the concept of oneness. The Mother and the Father are simply two sides of the same coin. How can a single coin have two sides? It is rhetorical, is it not?

So at the most basic level, people in general are beginning to put a lot more faith in science and a lot less faith in God. They refuse to think of their automobiles as being like God. How can a lifeless machine in any way resemble a spiritual event? We have to remember that it is a man made vehicle. Since we ourselves were created from the Heavens, there should be no trouble in accepting that which we create as containing the same basic essence. The more we adhere to science, the more we are likely to come to depend upon it. Science itself is not bad or wrong, but there is a Biblical warning about worshiping false gods. Our Cell phones and laptops are like false gods. We tend to worship them in the same way that we should be worshiping God. I know that if you don't believe in God, this argument becomes pointless, but I don't translate scripture literally. No one can convince someone else to believe in God. It must come from deep within. It is the realization of an acceptance of supreme power and authority. This can be frightening to the sinner within us all, but God is forgiving. I don't assume that disaster is aimed directly at us. I know it happens though. What we are touching upon here is ethics and not really God. We could blame it all upon Satan, but then would need to chastise ourselves for lack of faith.

The point I am trying to get across is that at the same time we are warring with each other over differences in ideology, nature is waging it's own war in producing the survival of the fittest. Compassion is our strongest ally against the forces of darkness. Moreover, the image of a parent is deeply psychological. This is why Pirsig referred to Quality as the parent of the subjective/objective dilemma. He had no idea that he was creating another subjective dilemma at the same time. Until we embrace Quality fully and entirely, we will never know what it means to be free from subjective/objective observances.

We will never know what it feels like to see all motion as relative; such as Einstein did. We will never know how it feels to be like Newton observing the splitting of light into the colors of the spectrum. This science is magic. This strange magic is science. I am beginning to wonder about the future of philosophy, but I think it has become somewhat predictable. It is mostly concerned with morality, ethics, religion and virtue.

All of the major quandaries between scientific objectivity and moral subjectivity are about to clash head on in an evolutionary revolution. What would Nietzsche have thought of X-Men? Or Sartre of cyberspace? This philosophy is no philosophy that is culturally human. We must always return to the wisdom of the sages in our everyday lives.

I am a pretty happy, crappy, simple man, but I am getting older. I've had conversations with my Father man to man and we both agree. Life basically pretty much sucks. I have boiled it down to a formula or routine for my daily Existence and am more stable and less erratic, but most people don't have the time to discuss what is really wrong with the situation. There just isn't enough time in the day and I thank God that people like yourselves actually do take the time to reflect upon my writings. I am conscious of the shortness of time itself and like the most of us, have a constant Doomsday clock counting down in my head. It just seems like the people I bump into on a daily basis wouldn't even notice if I was gone. That's about how deep our modern society is. People are easily excited over any kind of interesting activity, but never have the time to follow through to an end result of freedom and peace of mind.

It has been an exhaustive effort to simplify an understanding of religion, science and philosophy to the point where just about anybody with an average intelligence could understand or grasp what I am driving at. The question is whether or not it will stick. I suppose I would need to publish a Blockbuster novel or series of essays in order to gain this sort of household awareness, but even then, not everybody would be paying attention to the actual issues and I would probably start more fires than I would extinguish.

The simple truth is that I am cloistered like Thoreau in 'Walden'. Even if the entire day belonged only to me in a super advanced, super convenient, ultra modern society, I would never be able to reach out to the whole. There just isn't enough time and trust me, I know what it means to be productive and efficient. Back in the day when huge volumes were published on major philosophical issues, they didn't have anything better to do and so could devote themselves entirely. Nowadays we have too many distractions for this sort of cloistered appeal. People would rather go camping and forget about the whole thing than actually sit down and analyze the problem. It could be for the better or it could be for the worse. It's difficult to say because everyone understands Truth and Goodness from their own particular perspective. Although sometimes we can basically agree with what is happening in the moment, there will come a time when we need to say goodbye to that moment and return to the chaos of the ordinary, modern world.

So for people who struggle with how life can be such a jumble of confusion and distraction, remember the jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes we have pieces in our lives that belong to different puzzles and get mixed up, forgetting that even though life itself is a whole, there are numerous aspects of it that are not directly related. It is going to take a lot of evolution to agree upon a political solution that everyone can understand and relate to. In the meantime, we should enjoy the melting pot ideology of our forefathers in the United States of America. One day, the entire world will become a Melting Pot for all non-hostile species in the galaxy if we are lucky. Think about how much culture we could share if only we weren't so concerned with trade routes and international borders. These issues have always been the cause of war between nations. These issues along with differing religious and political ideologies.

I'm not sure the world needs Imperialism or Totalitarianism, but this is what seems to be going on. I really wish these politicians could agree on the big issues like Global Warming and Limited resources, population explosions and Terrorism. You would think people would be more willing to cooperate, but there is a song that sings - "Everybody Wants to Rule the World"
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