Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1649539-The-First-Quarter
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1649539
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He wasn’t exactly indifferent to the other gems but instead none of them stopped him, not like that peridot had.

As he paused to look at a large uncut amethyst the guard that had provided him with information at the front door approached him.

“Sir?” The guard whispered at him.

Marcello turned. “What can I do for you?”

“Captain Yijiru has notified me that she has spoken to the King and Queen. They wish to see you as soon as you are able.”

Marcello nodded.

“Are you free to now? Your companions have already been taken to the mansion.”

“Oh yeah, sure”

It was a short walk from the museum to the mansion. In a way it was what Marcello expected of the city but he was also partially expecting a large castle or citadel rather than a mansion. The mansion just blended in; it looked like every other building and had no distinguishing features. People walked round it and treated it as if it was any other building too; this was something that Marcello wasn’t used to, aside from the fact that all other royal or governmental buildings were far from the people and where they lived the people in all the other cities he’d been to, had a certain amount of awe and admiration for the building’s where their ruler’s held residence.

Mentioning this to the guard he replied with a grim smile that the people in Alquimista held the belief that everyone around them was an equal, including royalty or government. Though, he did mention that though they felt that way they still held respect for the beliefs of the other cities, they were after all the only people in the Four Quarters to have such a principle.

At the door of the mansion only a single guard stood watch, and after approving the guard’s identity, by fingerprint in ink, allowed them through. The guard then left him in the hallway to go back to his duties, where he was met by Yijiru.

“Marcello, sir, please follow me”

Yijiru led him through some very crowded rooms and up a flight of stairs to a set of double doors that were very busy with people. As a result it was very noisy within the mansion and most if all detail had vanished to him. He hoped he would not have to find his own way out of the mansion; he would without doubt get lost otherwise.

Yijiru opened the doors and announced him. Walking forward he thanked Yijiru and found quickly that the doors were shut behind him with a snap with haste. After the level of noise outside, the room he was in now seemed eerily quiet. Marcello noticed Jase, Zhi and Oughtnal all sitting in front of the man and woman at the desk and the other end of the room to him.

“Please come and sit down” A woman said gesturing.

She had risen to greet him.

“You must be the Queen” Marcello said doing as she had requested.

She dipped her head once.

“I am Queen Aderes.”

Queen Aderes stood at just over 6” and was slim. Blond hair adorned her long face and rested in the middle of her back. She wore a blue and silver dress, long, covered and detailed; it accentuated her beauty and brought out her sapphire blue eyes. She had the face and air of responsibility and logic.

“This is my husband, King Conlan” She said as they sat.

Her husband looked to be about fifty in age and therefore grey flecked what used to be dark brown, wrinkles snaked out underneath his eyes and around its corners. His skin was pale and any blush that reached his cheeks was a baby pink. His eyes on the other hand were dark like his hair. He seemed to be his Queen’s opposite, dressed in a robe of gold and black.

“Now we’re all together,” The queen smiled “We can get on”

“Yes,” the King said. He actually had quite a strong stature, Marcello noticed. “You are here because the Caden Siofra has kidnapped young Brianna, yes?”

The four of them bobbed their head in assent.

“There are things you should know; about the group and of Herschel.”

“What’s to know, he’s a cruel killer, that won’t stop unless…unless he-”

“Marcello, please” Queen Aderes soothed. 

Marcello pouted but remained silent.

“Yes, well, we can confirm that Brianna has definitely been kidnapped by this organisation.  We know as a sixteen year old boy, came to us late last night, and had managed to steal away some files. They are files for potential victims. We have managed to move the four women away and are in protective custody. The young man would not tell us too much, he’s is too frightened, there is quite clearly a threat on his life, but he is not afraid to speak of Brianna.” Conlan explained.

“Yes, Herschel is reacting rather strangely with her. In that he hasn’t killed her yet. Usually Herschel keeps his woman for a maximum of a week then kills them, if we try and work this out logically; she has been with him for a few months now at the very least. He is keeping her for some unknown reason, and treats her rather kindly as far as we can get from the boy. Some of the other men of the Caden Siofra had raped her, annually, and he brought them to justice according to the boy.” His wife continued

“Justice, how?” Marcello asked feeling sick, wishing sorely that he could be with Brianna. If he were there perhaps they wouldn’t have even be able to lay a hand on her, let alone rape her.

“He killed them. The man that hung above our gates; he were one of the four that had had their way with her.”

Marcello felt a small amount of compassion toward Herschel at this information. He would act that way too…he would act that way too.

“He likes her” Zhi suggested

“I was just thinking that, I would have reacted that way, I want to even now they are already dead.” Marcello whispered.

Aderes frowned.


“That’s difficult, unexplained; confusing” Aderes muttered.

“How come?” Jase asked

“Herschel kills women because his mother and a group of women did nothing but rape and abuse him. His murders are like revenge. Though mostly it’s under speculation that he preys on women because he finds them mistrustful and manipulative; that they are below men, whom are strong and intelligent i.e. they deserve death, and he is only too willing to grant them it.”

“A defender of men?” Oughtnal suggested

“Yes, exactly, he feels justified.”

Marcello felt sympathetic, but then Herschel had still committed crimes that were not to be waved off or forgotten and worst of all he had taken, Brianna. He had to be brought to justice.

“Where is he?” Marcello asked softly.

“We still don’t know. The boy is, understandably very reluctant to say anything more. We are trying to calm him, to get Herschel’s whereabouts.”

“What are you planning to do with him? Imprison him?”

The king and queen looked at each other.

“We haven’t decided; we’ll do what we must.”

“I see.”

“Marcello I hope we don’t have to remind you that you shouldn’t kill unless he forces your hand” Aderes warned severely.

“So what are we supposed to do to find this place?” Zhi asked

“You’ll have to be patient,” Conlan said “We’ll get through to the unfortunate boy soon.”

Chapter Nine – Attack

Herschel sat in his study as he did usually, now that his number had been reduced by four. He had shut himself off from the world, writing constantly; reports about other women that were on the ‘to do’ list to kill. Mostly he was keeping himself busy, trying to forget about what those men had done to his Brianna. Since he had killed the four men that had raped Brianna, he had resurrected a barrier of energy around her cage. It would be unwise to leave her so unprotected, especially after last time.  Unfortunately however, this barrier constantly sapped his energy, he was always tired and always having to make the conscious effort to keep it up. He only slept when he had to and at times he realised what he was doing for her and why; this hurt him more than anything. He was a heterosexual man, there was no point trying to deny this, but he did not deserve love and women didn’t deserve him. Not even Brianna.

He sighed and paused in his writing; thinking about her.

His train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door of his study.

“Come in” He said going back to his writing with a pang of guilt and annoyance.

A man in his mid-forties entered the room and cleared his throat a little.

“What can I do for you, Sullivan?” He asked turning around in his seat.

“I have some unfortunate news.”

“More?” Herschel asked rubbing his face in frustration.

“Jonas has escaped to Alquimista. He has confirmed to the authorities that you have Brianna. He has not yet said where we are” Sullivan said wincing slightly as he finished speaking.

“Then we don’t have long” Herschel sighed.

“You will kill her?”

Herschel didn’t answer straight away.

“We need to get someone to Jonas, to kill him” Herschel said finally “who’s the stealthiest?”

“That would be Sheng.”  Sullivan said. “You might also like to know that the group that had been tracing you are in Alquimista; co-operating with the authorities, when Jonas talks he will have told them as well as the city’s authorities.”

“Oh great,” Herschel complained “You will have to take some guys with you, follow them out of the city and kill them. Take Brando, Donnelly and Ari. They can’t ruin this for me.”

“Shall I tell Sheng to kill Jonas as well?”

“Please do.”

Sullivan exited the room, sighing. Herschel had changed; he was no longer the anger filled revenge taker that had formed their murdering group. He had always been calm but when he lost it he lost it. There was nothing left in Herschel any more but sorrow, Sullivan would have left him and his little group already, if it wasn’t for the fact that he had noticed that killing was still one of the things Herschel was happy to do and took pleasure in. He knew Herschel would still kill him if he gave him a decent reason to.


Marcello was pacing in the room that the King and Queen of Alquimista had been kind enough to provide them with while they waited for Jonas to break. His companions all watched him with interest. Oughtnal looking partially concerned, frowning at him almost looking as if he wished to say something; sitting a relative distance away from them. Jase, stood leaning against a wall, studying him carefully, was wondering what must be going through his poor friends head.  Zhi cleared her throat unexpectedly causing the three others to stir.

“Something bothers me,” She begun.

“Hmm?”  Marcello muttered deep black bags evident under his eyes. These were the bags that came from stress and profound emotional turmoil rather than tiredness and the presence of them somewhat made Jase start.

“Herschel hasn’t killed Brianna and killed men that caused her pain.” Zhi said.

“So?” Jase asked feeling slight annoyance that she was bringing this up again and in front of Marcello when he was quite clearly in pain.

“Well, isn’t it obvious to you?” She asked sitting back in her chair so she to some extent, swung on it.

“No.” Jase shook his head.

“He loves her.” She shrugged.

“How can you be so sure?” Marcello finally asked.  “He may have killed them through a fit of anger; that his toy had been played with. He may not care that she had been raped-” He paused and swallowed hard. “It may have merely been a little boy that doesn’t like his toys to be taken from him; a spoilt brat.”

“Besides we have already discussed this, yes?” Oughtnal said. “It is a possibility, but how does it change anything?”

“If he does love her, surely you can appeal to his sense of decency? This doesn’t have to end by blood.”

Marcello scoffed at this.

”Decency? That man has none; otherwise he would not do as he does.”

Zhi sighed exasperated.  “Marcello, I respect you and what you must be thinking right now, but you are biased; just as much as he is, in fact. You aren’t thinking you’re merely acting on emotion.”

Marcello fell silent at this.

“I need to go for a walk.” He muttered at last. 

Night had long since fallen when Marcello finally crawled back to the mansion. He hadn’t exactly been anywhere but was listening, to everything. The people whom were out either with their families, or shopping, chattering mindlessly on the streets, children running around playing, those whom weren’t out seeking moral happiness and were rather looking to line their pockets or pick up pleasure for a few coin or even darker to seek out violence. Wildlife was nearly non-existent, save for a few birds that chirped in trees outside of Alquimista.

He didn’t expect anyone to waiting for him when he got back after all, they must have noticed that right now he didn’t need company but rather to be solitary. Walking up the stairs slowly he noticed that a light was on. Jase’s light, maybe he had fallen asleep and left it on by accident? Quietly he looked through the small gap that the door had been left open to and found him awake and with Zhi, Kissing her. Taking a step back, Marcello blinked, he supposed he should be glad that his friend had found companionship, but all he could really think about was how much he longed to be in such a position with Brianna. The image of them together, so happy and content within each other’s warmth still emblazoned in his mind’s eye, he wondered what would have happened if he had admitted to Brianna that he loved her sooner.

  Sighing he walked up the stairs, feeling his eyes well up with tears. Crawling into bed he did not sleep feeling both perfectly awake and thoroughly tired.

Chapter Ten – on the pursuit

The next day the four companions sat at the King and Queen’s breakfast table. Zhi and Jase were chatting happily to each other, while Oughtnal spoke conversationally to Alquimista’s monarchy. Marcello on the other hand sat chewing toast as if it were too hard to swallow, directly opposite to the two lovebirds.

A guard approached the King and whispered something into his ear, something which Marcello did not fail to notice as he put down his half finished toast.  King Conlan nodded grimly then stood, beckoning them all to follow him.

He led them down through a few staircases into the dungeon of the manor. It was dark and dingy, looking generally wet and morale-bashing. Marcello was hopeful that finally, the boy had decided to tell them where it was that Brianna was being held. Sure enough they were led to the cell of a very young man, whom looked scared out of his wits.

The king smiled warmly at the boy as he approached.

“So young man it appears that you have something to tell my friends, here?”

“I-I know where Brianna is,” He begun “It’s closer than you think.”

Marcello approached the bars and held onto them expectantly. The boy cringed from him.

“I don’t mean to threaten you.” Marcello said suddenly. “Please carry on.”

“You are Marcello? Aren’t you? I heard her mention you sometimes.” The boy said causing Marcello to tremble slightly. “You know the museum here? There is a peridot that has been carved into the shape of a heart that is on display. It is the Blessing of this city.”

Marcello looked at the King in surprise.

“The best place to hide something is in plain sight.” He shrugged. 

“There is a door there, you have to use the peridot to open it, but don’t leave it there, once you have opened the door remove the peridot; you will have about ten minutes to get in there before it shuts again.

“They’re in there?” The king asked frowning.

“You know that place?” Marcello asked.

“Well yes, it leads to the Black Crystal caves. It used to be a city of sorts for the miner’s, when our main trade were crystals for magic; when black and white mages used crystals for magic.” The King said “Which as I’m sure you know was quite a while ago now.”

“At least a few hundred years” Jase confirmed.

“Well there isn’t any use wasting time!” Marcello said brightening up considerably.

“You seem happier now” Oughtnal commented.

“At least now I can do something.” Marcello said “I think half an hour to get ready, then we should meet in the main hall of the manor, is that agreeable?”

Nodding and murmur’s of assent marked a plan.

“Will you need some re-enforcements?” The king offered leading them back up the staircase, to the main hall.

“No, no, we should be o.k. as we are.” Marcello said brightly as he thanked the King for his hospitality.

Marcello walked up to his own room and re-packed all the stuff that he had removed over the course of his stay, which was actually a surprisingly large amount.  As he continued to pack, Jase knocked on the door and let himself inside.

“So how are you holding up?” Jase asked as he picked up a discarded vial that lay at his feet.

“I’m fine, Jase. Now that I know I can take her away from that place.”  Marcello said taking the vial that Jase had offered him.

“Good, I’m glad.”

“I noticed that you have got rather close to Zhi.”  Marcello said attempting to make conversation.

“Does that bother you?” He said quickly.

“Should it?” Marcello asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well, no,” Jase said leaning against the back of a nearby chair. “But I thought it might be wrong timed, you know, what with Brianna being out of your reach. I thought that maybe if we were outward with it you would become resentful or upset.”

“If you were that bothered you would have held off, for at least a little bit.” Marcello said with a small smile.


Marcello laughed.

“You would have to be stupid to think that it wasn’t going to happen to be frank” Marcello said grinning.

Jase smiled slightly. “Well I had hoped that it would.”

Marcello nodded before saying; “Anyway if you’re ready, let’s go.”

They walked back to the main hall of the mansion together chatting casually, Marcello now outfitted in his armour, and Jase with his sashes tied at opposing ends.

“Keep your mind while in there, won’t you?” The queen said to Marcello, slightly patronisingly, almost as if he were a child on his first day to school, once they had reached the main hall.

Marcello merely smiled at her. He did not appreciate her tone.

“Yes, well,” The King fumbled, trying to remove the awkwardness. “Obviously you will need the peridot for the door, but you don’t need to return it. Keep it; we are more than happy to give this city’s blessing to you and your family.”

“Oh well, thank you.”

Once they were out of the city, Marcello touched the amulet that Verona had given him that still rested around his neck. 

“What’s the big deal with these Blessing’s anyway?” Marcello wondered aloud

“The Blessings are part of some very old elven magic,” Zhi began “Created long ago when the elves were the dominant race of The Four Quarters. They were created to protect the various cities, in fact at the time they acted as an almost physical barrier not allowing any hostile creature through its field. As I’m sure you have guessed, now they are not so strong and hostiles get through without hindrance. In that old time that I mentioned, the elves would give the blessings to those in which they believed could protect them, I.e. their rulers, governors or even their war generals, which is how they earned their name, they were also felt to ensure victory and I mean, with a barrier that was often tens of miles wide they often were. Although it was not often that they were all given away to one person. There were counsels that came together to discuss whether they should give the Blessing’s to one proven hero, but as far as the history is still intact they never acted upon this, just talked about it.”

“Then why are they giving them all to Marcello, then?” Oughtnal asked.

Zhi shrugged. “Perhaps it’s just consequence. The governments and monarchs of the First Quarter are not currently ruled by elves, nor are they advised by elves, so the chances of them fulfilling some sort of ancient, dark pact are ridiculously remote.”  She laughed.

“It’s strange though isn’t it?” Oughtnal muttered.

“Well there’s no denying that.” She muttered her face falling slightly so she looked on grimly.

Marcello, both interested and insulted that his companions would speak of him as if he was not present turned and walked into the museum feeling a little queasy.

“Sir, the King has sent a message forward about what you are to do here. Don’t worry we won’t intervene and will keep civilians out of here.”

“Thank you.” Marcello said walking away.

He retraced his steps through the museum, glints and twinkles, blinking into his eyes, partially blinding him. Eventually he came to it, the peridot; he unsheathed his katana and put its pommel through the glass, turning away from it as the shards fell to the floor, with a large crash and then a soft tinkling. Reluctantly Marcello put his hand forwards and grabbed the peridot. Relatively heavy and cold to the touch it was perfectly polished as far as he could tell. It was large and flat but, he had expected it to be cut like a diamond. Holding it firmly he turned back to the rest of his company.

“Now we have the key, we need to find the door. I suggest we split up; two groups of two, a mage with each group.”

“I’m with you.” Jase said almost immediately walking to Marcello’s side.

The two groups parted, looking to the walls; each mage illuminating the wood panels as they went; Marcello probing for some sort of recess, with his fingers. Suddenly Marcello cried out and withdrew his hand as if he had been stung.

“What? What’s wrong?” Jase asked alarmed.

“Here, it’s wet and goo-y but there’s a depression here.” Marcello turned his head towards Jase “bring the light over here.”

Jase did as he was instructed to reveal the alcove that Marcello had felt. It was the perfect shape of the peridot which Marcello was still clutched though it was filled with some sort of gelatinous ooze, that although clear would prevent the peridot fitting properly.

“Well we know that it’s not harmful.” Marcello said wiggling the fingers which had touched the goo.

Grimacing Marcello scooped the goo out of the niche depositing it onto the floor. He cleared it until it was nearly all free from the mess. Turning away he asked Jase to use his magic to wash his hands. A gush similar to that from a high pressure hose spurted out of Jase’s palms and rid Marcello of the gel. He turned back to insert the peridot to find that the recess was now full with the same clear like paste, though now it was hardened. Frowning he tried to prize the hardened mass from it but to no avail. 

“What now?” Jase asked.

Marcello frowned feeling a little down-trodden when suddenly somebody laughed. It wasn’t a laugh that Marcello recognised.

“I thought the guards weren’t allowing civilians in here?” Jase whispered.

Marcello shrugged turning from the recess his expression clearing, the laugh had echoed over what seemed like the whole building and sent an unearthly shudder over him.  Doubling over into a defensive stance, Marcello withdrew his Katana.

“Something isn’t quite right here.” He muttered.

Inching forward a few places, Jase took his place with his back to Marcello so neither could get attacked from behind. As Marcello reached the end of the display case he stopped and peered around it, there was no-one there. They started at a shrill scream reached their ears.

“Zhi.” Jase whispered, before crying out suddenly.

Marcello turned to find Jase pushing a bolt of lightening through a man’s chest. The man’s body jittered,  falling to the floor, drooling, but to their surprise he rose again, only slightly hindered, wiping his chin of his spittle.

Dodging the man’s first slash which was dampened slightly by the man’s apparent dizziness, Marcello brought his Katana over his head and cut him across the chest before sinking it’s blade through his heart, once he had fallen to the floor.

“What do you think?” Marcello asked looking down upon the body. “’Do you think he is one of Herschel’s men?”

“It’s more than likely.” Jase said, forming his water bird like he did outside Jocose. Again he whispered into his head and sent it flying.

They waited for a few minutes before the bird flew back to them and muttered to Jase.

“I’m fine, Jase, we were attacked but we managed to kill them, but…well you ought to come see. The door will have to wait. The bird will lead you.”

Once the bird had finished its message it flew up to the height of the display case and flew away at a pace in which they could keep up with it. Exchanging a curious look they followed the bird, back to Zhi and Oughtnal.

As they had reached her, Marcello noticed that she had her back to them, in a place that he hadn’t been before, this must have been the way that herself and Jase had gone when they’d arrived.

“Zhi,” Jase said as they approached. “What’s going on?”

She turned “You’re here.”

Jase walked a few places toward her.

“Look,” She said dismally, pointing toward the floor.

Marcello approached her to look to where she was pointing along with Jase to find his sight met with the motionless corpse of Oughtnal. He was staring, widely toward the ceiling an expression of surprise imprinted into his face; a sword poking out through his ribs. His weapon lay in his open, outstretched hand tainted only slightly with blood.

Jase looked away from the corpse, Marcello didn’t know what to say, and couldn’t help but feel that he would get prosecuted more severely for the crime in which he did not even commit in the first place.

“Could you not save him?” Jase said.

Zhi shook her head sadly, “he’d lost too much blood and the infection would have been criminal. The blade was poisoned. He had no chance.”

Jase put an arm around her shoulders.

Sinking to his knees beside Oughtnal, Marcello reached over and gently drew his eyelids shut, muttering a short blessing.

“We ought to keep going.” Marcello said rising. “We can pick up his body for a proper burial later.”

“Hang on” Zhi said suddenly. “We should loot that assassin’s body. Jase said you were having trouble with the lock; maybe he’ll have something of use.”

Zhi clambered over Oughtnal’s body and came to the body of the man that had killed him.

“How did he die?” Jase asked following her

“I bashed him over the head with my staff” Zhi said demonstrating.

She carefully lowered to her haunches and put a hand into each of his pockets in turn. Eventually she sunk her hand into his inside coat pocket and closed around an object that she didn’t recognise by touch. Pulling it out with some difficulty, she opened her hand to reveal a stone that was small in comparison with the peridot. This was blood red and glowing slightly, giving it an ominous image.

With a disgusted outburst Zhi almost dropped the stone, but instead ripped some cloth from the assassin’s jacket and held it with that.

“What’s wrong with this stone?” Marcello asked “Will it help us?”

“You remember that King Conlan and Jase mentioned that black and white mages used to use crystals for magic, when we were talking to that poor boy in prison?” Zhi asked

Marcello nodded. 

“Basically this is one of those crystals. It’s worrying for a few reasons. Namely, why does this man have one, where did he get it? What I do know though is that this stone carries the blood of those that he has assassinated.” Zhi said.

“Well it will open the door won’t it?”  Marcello asked.

“Perhaps,” Zhi muttered, but that doesn’t really explain why he has it nor what he was intending to use it for.”

Marcello looked down into the man’s face wondering what he must have been thinking.

“Wait!” Zhi exclaimed suddenly “That goo-y stuff that was in the indentation; what did it look like?”

“Well it was clear and relatively thick.” Marcello said.

Zhi pulled an extremely disgusted face. “Cerebrospinal fluid,” She muttered. “It’s the liquid your brain sits in.”

Marcello heaved slightly, looking away, conscious of the fact that he had put his hands in it.

“He was trying to resurrect something.” Zhi stated. “Combining this stone with that liquid, it would produce magic strong enough to resurrect, something.”

“Necromancy,” Jase understood “But what would he resurrect?”

“With a stone this size,” Zhi sighed “Anything between the size of an elephant and a blue whale. It could however resurrect somebody who had been dead for thousands of years.”

“Would it bring Oughtnal back?” Jase asked.

“No, he’s too recently dead” Zhi said “unfortunately that’s not how this works.”

“How do you know this stuff?” Marcello asked.

“Marcello, I am a seventeen year old princess an only child with a mother whom will soon die, I was barely allowed to blink without being locked in bubble wrap. I spent most of my time in the library; it’s interesting what you find in a place that has been around for many generations”

“So what do we do? We can’t resurrect anything especially if it means harm to the village here” Marcello said “The liquid won’t leave the recess.”

“Let me look at it,” Zhi smiled “There maybe something that I can do that neither of you can.”

They led her back to the door in silence. Marcello felt slightly insulted by what Zhi had said, but then it made sense; she had, after all, been raised amongst the best white magic experts in the First Quarter whereas Jase had only been taught amongst others of his own ability.

“Oh, you have made this a bit harder.” She smiled upon seeing the recess.

She scrutinised it for a while, muttering to herself and touching the lock.  Sighing, her face melting into relief, she put her fingertips onto the hardened shape that was blocking their progress, and shut her eyes. After a while a white-blue light travelled down her arm as if it were running through her veins and ran across the shape in ripples gradually breaking it down as if it were made of powder. After she was finished she rubbed her hands together ridding them of the dirt.

“All yours” She said.

Marcello stepped forward and slotted the peridot into the niche, slowly a part of the wood panelling slid upwards enough to allow a lady of average height to pass through unhindered.

“The two of you first” he said gesturing them forward. 

Zhi walked in first, Jase flowed having to bend over to pass through. Taking a deep breath Marcello removed the peridot and darted into the opening.

Chapter Eleven - Herschel

Putting the peridot into his bag he looked upwards to find himself in a large open cavern. They were stood on the outskirts of a city completely made of rock, as if it had been carved out of the mountain in which it now lay. It was not ridiculously remarkable and instead of being impressive it was practical. They were quite clearly temporary homes for the labourers; however there was one building in which looked as if a lot more time had been spent on it. It stood higher than the other buildings and looked to be the basic layout of a castle, with high towers.  The only thing that hinted at what this cavern had been used for before it had been abandoned was the occasional patch of crystal which grew upward to roughly waist height. They were black and murky as if something wispy were floating around inside them.

“Where do you think he is, this city must be miles wide?” Jase said

“Well he’s obviously in the castle, isn’t he” Marcello said laughing slightly. “It’s reinforced and large, it would keep an infiltrator in one place and it’s a place that he no doubt know like the back of his hand; Including possible side passages and servants’ passages.”         

Jase grimaced to himself following Marcello as he unsheathed his sword and began their walk toward the castle. They weren’t far from the entrance when they saw a few men leaving the castle. Although looking upon them hatefully, they did nothing to suggest they had any intention of attack.

“Marcello.” The man most near the middle muttered. “Herschel wonders whether you would be feeling lenient today.”

“I would appreciate an explanation” Marcello muttered.

“Then please, follow me.” The man said

“You sound very bitter.” Marcello observed as he followed the man through the doors and into the stone castle.

“Humph” The man grunted angrily.

He clearly was not interested in talking to him, so Marcello changed tact.

“I thought you guys were killers, what’s changed? Why haven’t you attacked us yet?”

“We may well be murderers but we have always ever had a social structure, just like anybody else. Our leader ordered us not to attack you so we shan’t.” The man spat “Simple, is it not?”

“Yes, it is, but you sound very eager to abandon him.” Marcello told him.

The man merely looked away from him at this comment. 

They were led through a few very wide bare halls and corridors all as unremarkable as those outside it.

To Marcello’s surprise, however the three men escorted the small party downward, further into the earth rather than upwards. Marcello was expecting to find Herschel up in a tall tower or a grand room that was littered with the spoils he had collected from his various murders. Instead he was lead into a dingy dungeon that was only faintly lit by the small black crystals that lined the wall spasmodically. Soon the steady stairway descent fanned out into a relatively large jail; cells lined its walls barred by thick strong metal.

A man stood in the middle of the room, wooden tables and chairs looking to be hastily pushed the edges of it. He stood with an almost hunch, looking tired and weak, his long blonde-white hair smeared with dirt along with the thin robes he wore and his bare feet. The man looked to have rather a strong build, but his weakness was so apparent he did not look to be able to pose a threat. Marcello realised that he must have been sat on the floor for long periods of time un-concerned by the muck that he had been sat in. 

“Herschel” The leading man said crisply.

The man turned to face them properly.

“Ethan, thank you.” Herschel said “You, Lexis and Kieran may go now.”

“But Herschel you are in no-” The man named Ethan began

“I said go, NOW” Herschel muttered forcefully.

The three men walked past the small party and back up the steps, resigned. 

“Marcello” Herschel said. His voice was somehow not what Marcello expected in fact it almost sounded gentle.

“Where is Brianna?” He demanded briskly

He smiled sadly. “Sometimes, I forget that you love her.”

“Where is she? I have travelled for months all over the First Quarter looking for her, suffering torment and injury. You will not get in my way.” Marcello warned.

“No, no you’re right I won’t. I’m not strong enough any more.” Herschel sighed. “She speaks of you fondly…”

His voice broke into silence at this, frowning.

“What are you getting at? Why are you so keen to keep me talking? You wish to ambush us maybe?” Marcello asked

“No” Herschel repeated “I have ordered all my men away let them hide and rebuild, they don’t deserve to end by my hand.” He walked a few steps before continuing. “I just don’t understand this.”

“What do you mean?” Marcello asked quickly.

“A man risking everything for the woman that they love; I would understand if you were doing it for a man, but a woman? It makes no sense.”  Herschel scowled.

“Doesn’t it?” Marcello asked eyeing the dirt, the weakness of him.

“No, men have something to be desired, don’t you think; intelligence, strength, natural leadership. What do women have besides weakness, manipulation, hatred and discord?” Herschel asked.

Marcello looked into Herschel’s eyes and noticed that the elf before him was genuinely confused, frustrated. It caused Marcello to feel pity towards him.

“Besides everything you have just listed; under both genders?” Marcello asked. “I mean look at yourself; intelligent, strong, a leader, weak, unhappy, grim and completely besotted.”

Herschel looked towards Marcello, fire emblazoned in his eyes for a fraction of a second before it died.

“You’re right.” He whispered finally.  “I…should take you…to-to her.”

Herschel walked towards them then turned sharply left so he faced a wall. Withdrawing the strangest shaped key that Marcello had ever seen from his innermost pocket he sighed. He slotted this strange key into a lock that was invisible to Marcello, whom stole a look at his two companions then approached Herschel who was pushing the heavy stone section of wall forward with great effort.

There wasn’t much space between the two rooms, in fact the next cavern, although smaller was almost right next door. Brianna was sat in a wooden chair at a desk, scribbling into some sort of journal or parchment, but she started and looked up as the small party entered her little cavern. She did not look too worse for wear, and seemed to live in rather a hospitable room, which was complete with a few pieces of furniture. However a rather large cage did sit in the corner of the room.

For a while there was silence. Marcello merely looked at Brianna and she only looked upon him. Neither really knew what to say or do, where the line was laid or what their host’s intentions were.

“Marcello you should take her away from here.” Herschel said suddenly.

“I thought you killed women” Marcello said clearing his throat slightly. “Why couldn’t you kill her?”

Herschel raised an eyebrow, to which Marcello swiftly looked between him and Brianna before speaking.

“Oh I didn’t mean that you should have I would have…I don’t know what I would have done if you had, I mean I’m just curious.” Marcello rushed blushing.

“Because I- well I think you already know that, don’t you.” Herschel muttered turning away from him towards a corner of the room.

“You know that you must be brought to justice, don’t you?” Marcello asked.

“You can’t!” Brianna said quickly rising from her seat eyeing Marcello still withdrawn Katana. “He’s a good man, just misguided, you can’t kill him.”

“The King and Queen of Alquimista don’t wish me to kill him.” Marcello said sheathing his Katana. “Providing he will come without a fight,”

Herschel nodded. “Of course, they will wish to know where everyone is hiding, which people are in danger.” He laughed “I’m not sure I can do that.”

“Herschel, you must.” Brianna said. “You said that you could not stand this anymore; then end it.”

“Hmm,” He turned back to them “You know I think I might just do that.”

He placed a hand against his chest, looking grim, unhappy. Before anyone could really move to stop him Herschel showed great effort and pain in his face and charged a thick shard of ice through his heart by magic; it emerged from his palm and impaled him. Brianna screamed and charged for him as he fell, Marcello not too far behind her shocked to the very core. She caught him, easily and lowered him steadily; Marcello noticed that she was in tears, making him feel slightly threatened and very confused. He died quickly choosing not to speak, nor to even open his eyes; he did though look tranquil as if he was asleep, some of the tiredness disappearing from his face somewhat. 

“Brianna?” Marcello whispered, after giving her time.

“He’s dead” Brianna said. “I can’t quite believe it, I am distraught…but I’m also…glad.”

She shook her head. “I feel so awful for feeling that way.”

“Don’t.” He muttered. “He captured you with the intent to kill, he would have met justice somehow or another.”

“He used to come to me, after he dealt with those men that raped me,” She whispered, great fat tears welling from her eyes, stroking his hair from where he lay in her lap. “And talk, just talk. About what his mother did to him, about his missions and everything”

Marcello laid a hand against her back to comfort her, opting not to speak, he did not, after all hold much compassion for the elf.

“We need to leave” Marcello said gently. “Take solace in that now he is at peace, hmm?”

He rose and offered her his hand, which after laying Herschel down gently she took and stood, composing herself.

“So you came for me then?” She asked after they once again faced sunlight.

“Naturally,” Marcello smiled. 

“Actually, your farther shot him and ordered him to get you.” Jase interjected, grinning.

“What? Did he really!?” Brianna demanded looking shocked.

“Well yes, but I would have come for you sooner had I known that you were missing.” Marcello gushed. “We’d only talked to you the previous night,”

“Oh yes, I barely remember it.” She smiled. “There’s one thing that bothers me.”


“Marcello, on one of those times that Herschel came to see me, he mentioned that you had something that you had not told me; something very important. Do you know what he meant?”

After hesitating profusely, Marcello finally explained everything that happened, with Verona and Herculean. To his surprise she did not react overly shocked by the information. Expressing her disappointment, she explained that she knew that something like that had to be going on, but she also made it clear that she would not condemn him for his mistakes.

They stopped in back at the manor of Alquimista before taking their leave and starting the long ride home. Oughtnal’s body attached respectfully against the back of Jase’s horse while Brianna shared Marcello’s horse. It gave them perfect opportunity to talk as they used to, when he lived properly within the castle. However he was always discouraged from this, so the conversation that they held on their way back was freer, allowing them both to be perfectly comfortable around each other. Brianna found herself to be laughing, enjoying herself and thinking deeply at Marcello’s words; more than she ever thought she would.


Much time had passed since the small party had returned to the Village of the Lupus, almost four years, in fact.

Brianna sat in a rocking chair gently swaying a babe in arms. The soft gossamer curtains were blowing on the curtain rail, letting a soft summer breeze into the baby room.  The baby’s crib sat beside her, filled with thick woollen blankets and pale sheets, ruffled and messy from where she had removed him.

She stroked the baby’s head that was already laden with substantial black hair and thought.

King Abhey had died during the time in which Marcello and she had been away from the castle. This was believed to be stress-related at the loss of his daughter, however the guard claim to have seen a shady man leaving the city very late at night, though no one had seen the man anywhere near the castle and had assumed that he merely had partaken in a rather less violent crime such as prostitution. Most of this was scandal however and he was not proven to have participated to the king’s death nor was the man ever seen again.  As a result, on the other hand, Brianna had taken her father’s throne. This had meant much rejoice from the cities people, especially those whom lived in the poor area. Her first decree was to renovate and clean up the poorer parts of the city. The town now gleamed like the rarest gem, with much of the city enhanced and perfected, including the construction of a large fountain that sat just outside the castle; that of the cities talisman, the wolf. 

It hadn’t been long before Jase and Zhi had wed, and they had decided to move to a more wealthy section of the city, although Zhi was expecting her mother to die of her age before long, so they had begun to make preparations of a move to Ceres Aesculapius city very soon.  Marcello was unhappy about this naturally but, she held the ability to console him.

He and Brianna themselves had not wed till roughly six months ago, realising they had been blessed by the presence of child during the wedding plans. It was a happy time, relieving that everything had finally starting tying together, working simultaneously and without sadness.

She looked back upon her baby. Identical to his father, he was, except for the thick black hair and blind, white eye, to her she could not have asked to be blessed any more. Brianna knew he would grow up to be someone so very important, it was part of her instinct as his mother and well, the city was more than protected by five amulets; yes he was meant for greatness.

Terebrus; Warrior King; she liked the sound of that.

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