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this is my baby, my fantasy world and more importantly my own race of creatures. |
In the beginning when the deities of all the worlds and lands danced, played and warred against each other. A certain god of order Orion was inspired by the magical creatures of the arcaneous, creatures that were beneath the gods themselves but still possessed incredible power, and knowledge of the magic’s that could be controlled through the use of the spiritual veins of creation itself (‘the arcaneous’). He began to understand the potential, and intricacies of the arcaneous. Armed with his new knowledge the god used his powers to manipulate the magic, hence the firsts were created among them the elves which were soon to become the first civilisation. An instant favourite too many of the gods the elves were altered and ‘perfected’. Alas not all the gods were excited by the elves and the attention they gained from many of their brethren, thus some decided to embark on experiments of their own, creating all sorts, such as the dwarves, orcs, goblins, demons, fairy folk and mankind. As a result the world and its inhabitants were made to be, but why are there not randomly new creatures popping up all the time I hear you ask well that is simple, for two rather good reasons. As I have said not all the gods were pleased with this new game of the gods especially one such chaotic deity by the name of Darada the night blade. A god of such power and ferocity he had been given the honorific title of night blade because he and he alone is the only god to have extinguished the light of another god, an extremely difficult feat but one that had empowered Darada beyond his kin only together did his brethren stop him from doing the same to them all. Furthermore his kin’s new hobby only strengthened their bond with each other, enraged by these dull specks of life Darada destroyed many a new creation, only to his folly as he had underestimated his brothers and sisters love for there new peoples of the world and so together they forced him to magically bind himself in to never raising his own powers to harm any and all life that was of no inherent threat to him. Bound by the combined strength of all his kind Darada turned his back on the worlds, no doubt to find a way out of his forced accord. As eons passed the creations of the gods grew and expanded, loved and even intermingled with each other, but as was inevitable their differences caused disagreements and they fought against their own race as well as that of others. The gods tried to settle these confrontations but to no avail, it was after all their natures the way they were made, the creations of the gods waged such wars, wars the gods themselves could not believe and many turned away never to lay eyes on the races of the worlds of earth and sea ever again. No more were to be made that was something all the gods could agree upon, for although the races all contributed in creating and showing things of such beauty and superior imagination they also grew in size like a plague multiplying in number until they consumed that part of the land or they were thinned out. Elves the first of all the civilised races were the only race the few gods watching stayed in contact with, they had become the emissaries of the gods and in return were granted eternal life. A gift that Darada was now ready to exploit, he had found away not only to destroy these pitiful life forms but gain more power at the same time. In his study of the life magic of the arcaneous his brother Orion had made, Darada had discovered that once the life was ended the same amount of magical energy used to make said life returned back to the stream. And over the years since this find he had been intercepting the returning energies (souls) combining them to his own, a process that though worked was also impractical, after all not even several million souls made to much of an increase in his power. Immortal souls however held far more potency; however potent elf souls may be though they were immortal and the gods had only made them susceptible to death by that of mortal wounds, something that Darada could not impose upon them. Darada was cunning as he was commanding, and he overcame this as well. Firstly he summoned five dragons, magical creatures of the arcane, creatures of devastating force he had used them before in his greatest accomplishment that of the slaying of his sister nelarius. He then proceeded to forge them into weapons altering the dragons to make them more overwhelming as well as giving them the ability to shift into a form like that of the elves and the other races of two legs. Giving his weapons one core purpose, harvest souls for his never ending thirst. So the soul war began. Although only five Darada’s dragon warriors were obviously the most dangerous beings in the lands, like the elves they were immortal but due to the rules the other gods had blessed around the worlds Darada had to make his soldiers vulnerable to mortal injury, but he had given them mastery over the arcaneous and inherent abilities that made them nay impossible to beat, and so they went through the lands feeding their master with the death of every living thing they could find. Only the collective power of the elven houses armies could the dragon warrior’s rampage be haltered. Immense battles ravaged the world. Thousands were killed, landscapes left in ruins and remnants of monstrous magic’s lingered through the lands. The elves depleted set forth toward the celestial mountain. A giant mountain surrounded by many smaller mountains that were infact huge themselves but simply dwarfed by there father. A dangerous trip but one that was now necessary the bloodshed of the soul wars had teared up the eyes of the gods and not able to bear anymore had closed there eyes ignorant to the continuing onslaught. But inside the celestial mountain lay the means to contact the gods whether they wanted to hear or not. Weakened by recent battles the dragon warriors, which by the way were the third team, the first and second teams of five had been destroyed after much, much trouble. Lay recuperating for they had fought longer then any of there predecessors, war had finally began to wear thin on even the weapons of Darada the night blade. When they were summoned by their master he told them of the elf mission, only the eldest and most powerful of the elves would be taking this mission so it was a two pronged attack one to destroy their communication with their masters stopping any benevolent interference, and two to kill the elf elders, leaving the elven army more vulnerable then it had ever been. Slightly afraid to go up against the most formidable of the elves in such a weary state all the dragon warriors were let us say apprehensive about their up coming mission, but over the many years this team had been at war a few of them had once or twice questioned their gods orders, some had even gone as far as to do more than just question. These incidents had not gone unnoticed by the night blade; heavy, painful consequences were swiftly dealt. Fresh from recent memories of such punishments the warriors of death set forth. One though set onward with a plan. The white dragon warrior known as Gideon had long turned against his master, many life times of nothing but battle and bloodshed had taken its toll upon Gideon, he now was appalled by violence. Life in its entirety was sacred. Knowing he could not rely on help from his kind he journeyed ahead to warn the elves. Tracking them in the mountains wasn’t as easy as he had thought though. Panicked Gideon decided his best bet would be to meet them at their final destination, and then if he failed at least he would share their fate. Fortune smiled upon his efforts as he reached the entrance to the centre of the celestial mountain at the same time the elf lords did, barely escaping fatal injury Gideon was able to explain himself, pleading his honest and good intentions. Mean while the others had decided several attacks of both blade and magic against strong adversaries was suicide in there state, hence the plan was to exert a great amount of energy from a safe distance, the plan was to simply blow the celestial mountain into little pieces the elf lords alongside it. Therefore the ritual began, drawing upon all their power individually then combining it together, sheer power of the gathered magic’s turned everything within half a mile into a deathly grey colour turning all life and nature inside into grotesque forms of there original selves, at the epicentre of the spell there now lies a shimmer, like a distorted mirror that reflects no light. Some say it is a door to other worlds, some that it is the way to the gods world, others that it is the arcaneous in its raw form, all is speculation for any man, woman or child that has ever entered it has never returned. The area is now called darkmare and its horrific centre the fiendish. Once the desired amount of energy was collected they released it against the mountain falling into comas as soon as the magical energies were free exhausted they lay unconscious for several days until Darada revived them. Upon there awakening they were greeted with a horrific sight not only had the magic twisted the lands around them but it had also demolished the area around the celestial mountain the whole continent was covered in ash. Famine, disease and death were sure to follow this calamity. All that remained of the celestial mountain was the crater of its huge base. The smaller mountains closest to the celestial mountain had also been obliterated but between them the destructive magic and the remaining untouched mountains a new treacherous landscape had been formed. Deep beneath the ash canopy valleys lay through now impassable slabs of magically enhanced rock, stranger still the valleys moved changing their destination turning into sudden dead ends, or circular routes. The complete surrounding area of the crater was now a magical maze. This was the act that is believed to provoke the rebellion. Gideon’s betrayal had been discovered by Darada but in his arrogance and jubilation of the recent victory, the night blade made mistakes. Without checking he presumed Gideon and the elves to be dead, he also did not notice the dissent setting into his ranks. First and most shockingly to show his wavering loyalty was lucious the red dragon warrior. Not because of all the unfortunate who got caught up in the blast and the aftermath, but because he was robbed of his challenge, you see above all lucious who controlled the red fire was an out and out warrior, he loved the thrill of battle, elves were the only ones strong enough to allow him to go all out and now the strongest of them were gone they who could have tested his full potential as a soldier had been taken by a cowardly assassination. Unsettled he concluded to be able to fight someone on par with himself he must make them himself. It was not long until a following of all different races was established all training under the guidance of their new master, as he watched, drilling them ever harder waiting for someone or something to rise through his ranks with the prowess to challenge him. Darada petty and cruel soon grew jealous of lucious popularity. Again he made mistakes. Caught by his self importance Darada decided to make an example of his minion. Lucious was the first to understand the power Darada possessed, rendering him helpless with a mere thought Lucious’s body was engulfed with pure agonising pain. As the proud warrior whimpered and finally screamed with pain, Darada told the others thus was the price of disobedience, pain and humiliation, they were to take all life not associate with it. Fear gripped all the Dragon warriors as was night blades intention but it still did not detour his servants, for both Gideon’s betrayal and Lucious’s social activates had ignited something unknown within them all. Curiosity of life. Akinda of the blue fire became to ponder philosophy he studied the intricacies of the other races cultures and concluded that his work was necessary all life must inevitably end or change with the times and ways of life, however his masters will was not in tune with this he merely killed without cause save for his own selfish endeavours. Horus of the black fire was not so much affected as his brothers by the events, he relished in his work dealing destruction was his greatest pleasure, however his pleasure in destroying was only shadowed by his ambition. An ambition for power like that of his master, one to rule over these lands, an ambition he knew his master would not indulge. Azra of the green fire began to live lives in different guises among different societies. He soon became very fond of riches, treasures the luxuries life had to offer especially that of beautiful women; inevitably he fell in love with an elven princess by the name of Glenlothiel. They lived happily for awhile, even to the point that he revealed to her whom he was, although upset by his previous atrocities her love for him was great and she continued to care for him as long as he would denounce his god, which he did without hesitation. Alas it was not long until Darada interfered, furious at Azra’s mutiny and with the elves no less was intolerable an insult to his god. And so Darada cast Azra into the eye of a ferocious whirlpool bound there to live in eternal pain at the bottom of the sea. Inconstant suffering Azra was unable to tap into the full potential of his powers, but over the years he tried something he knew his jailer would never expect bit by bit Azra raised the life in nearby plants growing them until they reached the surface of the sea then slowly but surely he helped nature along creating a small island from plant life, earth and flotsam he helped create a tiny bit of paradise one Glenlothiel had often spoken about making, it was a signal to his love that he still lived, his call was answered and finally the adventure of princess Glenlothiel came to its glorious end as she with great difficulty saved her lover from his watery prison. Hardship for the reacquainted couple were not over as they travelled Darada’s presence was felt and soon Azra’s brothers were on his trail. They fled toward lorien forest an ancient home of the elves. Here Azra’s presence was concealed from the evil deity by the scores of magical wards placed upon it throughout a vast number of years. In lorien Azra was to find something he had not expected in his wildest dreams, and here in lorien would be were the final stand would be made. Infuriated by the sudden escape and then disappearance of his treacherous child Darada commanded the sacking of all known elf outposts, towns, cities and forests. His orders were not to be disobeyed and with a cruel demonstration of brutal authority he made this point clear to his minions before they even had chance to object. Dwellings were burnt to the ground suspects tortured, although Akinda and lucious tried to fight within their morals their masters eye was upon them and his gaze when focused missed nothing. Mean while the elves held council imprisoning Azra and Glenlothiel for bringing down the wraith of Darada and his soldiers. A wraith that had not been so terrible in thousands of years. Azra argued but the elves had come to accept the new way of life Darada’s eye had become unfocused concentrating on other unknown things apart from their world. The dragon warriors had become placid and only destroyed now and again to satisfy their masters whim and keep him from looking upon activates of that world for too long. But now his and theirs was fully trained upon the annihilation of all life again, starting with that of the elves. Somehow appeased the elven council released the lovers and beckoned them to congress. Unsure and naturally suspicious Azra was anxious about the sudden turn of events, yet upon entering the council chambers he was confronted with his obvious rescuer. There stood in the finest the garments made by elf hand stood Gideon alive and well. Astonished Azra barraged his undead brother with questions. It had so happened that Gideon and the elf elders had got to a safe distance before the abominable attack on celestial mountain was committed and they had in fact also gotten away with a ritual knife known as ‘the god bringer’. Gideon answered why the elves had allowed him to leave his cell, Gideon had put to the elves that now they had superior strength, with combined might of two dragon warriors and the elf army three dragon warriors would not stand a chance. True as this was they all knew it was a temporary measure, even if they did win over the others it would not be long before Darada created new soldiers. But together Gideon and the elves had resurrected there plan that intertwined there fates in the first place once safe they would have the time to find the arcane pool in the ruins of the celestial mountain. Why must they find a pool you ask, well because it is the second part to the ritual in contacting the gods. If one desires an audience with the gods he must spill his blood with the god bringer an artefact made and blessed with powers by the gods themselves, but that blood cannot fall anywhere no it must fall into the arcane pool, a pool which is raw liquidated arcane magic the very blood of all life within all the worlds. Then and only then can you summon Orion and the other gods who share in the pact. Appealing to them, pleading for a stop to Darada’s madness and cruelty was there only hope for a stop to this mindless onslaught. The plan was sound chances were good hope over looming death seemed to appear and so they prepared for battle. Wards were dropped so no more innocents would die, and the army stood ready for the marching three monsters that approached. Hesitant the three remaining brothers looked upon the ancient elf forest wishing they could lure them out of the forest so they could make easy work of them in dragon form, but all three of them knew they would not, the elves were well experienced in fighting them and guaranteed they may have dropped there wards of concealment but the wards they used to protect their home from burning and other such horrible magic’s were in full force. No the dragon warriors would have to go in there and fight with blade once they fought there way into the forest past the magical barriers they would be able to use their magic to, but only few truly destructive spells were known that didn’t take to long to cast plus magic wore on the casters physical and mental abilities using too many or too strong a spell leaves the caster fatigued, basically the healthier the mind and body the better and longer the results of the magic. Plus more complex spells mean more concentration, not a good idea to be distracted when heavily out numbered. Not only that but fighting inside the forest also made it difficult to manoeuvre in dragon form, in short considering the dragon warriors superior might as individuals they were at a severe disadvantage. With no other choice the three remaining dragon warriors set forth to do battle with there old rivals not knowing that not one but two of their brothers lay waiting for them. A desperate and horrendous battle commenced as Akinda, Horus and Lucious lay waste too many an elf and the fight seemed to sway in their favour they soon realised that they had been led deep into the thicket of the forest where they were reunited with there traitorous siblings. Under the cover of the forest Gideon and Azra picked at their brothers endurance slowly weakening them, no easy feat as desperation engulfed the three lone warriors they released awful magic’s shacking and destroying the once ancient and luscious forest, the battle became a free for all no strategy was in place anymore as battle raged and fear for survival overwhelmed all who fought. As time went by the out come was becoming more and more obvious, out numbered and by strong elves and there own kind it was inevitable that the elven army and their allies would be victorious. Lucious stood alone fighting an elf lord of extreme power by the name of Sorin, weakened by skirmishes with Azra, Lucious knew he could not win against Sorin but he relished the opportunity to try, the brawl lasted longer than expected but Sorin eventually stood over his opponent as the victor. And very unexpectantly he looked upon Lucious who showed not fear but admiration for his better, then even more shocking Sorin saw into his enemies soul and understood what drove him and unbelievably he respected it, knowing Lucious was defeated he announced his enemies defeat to all around and then showed mercy. Lucious was confused and slightly angry he asked to be treated as warrior; a warrior that had been defeated must be finished in the heat of battle. Sorin answered his plea with simple wisdom that hit home he said ‘why kill such a gifted soldier simply because I have bested him this once, under other circumstances the shoe could have been on the other foot. No is it not worthier to keep my greatest opponent alive so I do not get sloppy just in case you decide to have another round of blows with me. Frankly I hope you do I would relish the opportunity.’ Lucious lay down his weapon and laughed louder and harder then he thought he ever could, in disbelief that with everyone in the worlds including his own followers it would be one of his oldest and most hated enemies that truly understood him. ‘Yes elf I would like that too, but today neither you nor any of your kind should fear my blade I am defeated and proud of it.’ Akinda was steadily being surrounded. He was known as the cleverest of his kind, and in his studies he had become wise, rational mentally strong but death had cast its shadow over him and the abyss stirred a fear in him that even with his normally unwaverable mind his instinct for survival took over and unknowingly he taped into a vast reserve of his energies unleashing a powerful shock wave of blue fire but as he did this his senses soon returned, returning just in time to see that a innocent group of female and child elves lay in the path of his inferno. He reacted and used his power and his body to shield them from harm. In that instant he realised that he could no longer do his masters bidding even if he knew death was necessary, death to those so young just did not seem right or fair to him. And in that moment he knew his master knew that he had gone against his will. As Akinda slowly turned he saw his brother Horus rise from a fresh kill and look toward him. Akinda knew Horus had just received orders from Darada to kill the younglings Akinda had protected to teach him a lesson. In a quick exchange between eyes the brothers surrendered themselves to the fate of what was to happen and in an instant their powers came bellowing toward each other. A fight of such magnitude followed much like that of the one between Lucious and Sorin. Darada screamed with frustration in whatever realm he dwelt. he knew the odds were stacked against his warriors but he had hoped to be fed a lot more immortal souls before the battle was over, and then to be betrayed by now four of his minions just fuelled the rage that churned forever inside him. He had no choice but to unleash his trump card now, thankfully the other deities were paying no attention, for he had hoped to attack them with his trump card, you see over the thousands of years Darada had been consuming the souls harvested by his dragon warriors Darada had learned a few new things. For one he had seen more then his soldiers had thought he had seen the distaste in their eyes he knew that one day they would inevitably betray him, he had also perfected creation magic to do exactly what he wanted, also he had realised that empowering himself with the harvested souls was going to be a long winded process, and patience was not his forte. And by watching the elves constantly linger on against superior individuals and strength he had begun too understand that numbers no matter how much weaker did often enough upset the result. Since this epiphany he had corrupted the souls he earned into demon spawn, ghastly creatures that held no emotion, felt no pain, just wielded terrible power and thirst for bloodshed nothing else but death and destruction occupied their minds. And Darada had created a huge army of them not strong enough to go against the other gods yet but strong enough to make short work of the mortal and immortal creatures of the worlds of earth and sea. |