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And still, it continues |
Chapter 6 A sheepish look came over Dakota’s face. I could see the ornery wheels in his head turning, assessing the situation. “Is that your man? Your boo? Your “all-I-ever-wanted-in-this-lifetime”? Your reason for breathing and smiling?” And then he winked. God, they learn that annoying skill at an early age. Ken had the audacity to put his arm around me. “Aren’t we the cutest couple?” I’m not sure how I did it. But they both got my death stare at the same time, or as my middle school students call it, “Taylor’s Torture”. Ken’s hand slid off my shoulder; Dakota stepped back looking around for shelter in the event he had to take cover. My voice was more of a hiss when it finally escaped my throat. “Both of you listen carefully. Dakota, if you even think of texting or breathing one word of this to anyone, I will find out. And I will put a curse on you. A curse that will make you fumble every football you touch, be dateless to your Senior prom, and cause you to break-out with acne on all important events of your teenage life. And Ken, you will now go pull the car up to the entrance, take me to my sister’s, and never touch me again or I will find where you live, wait until you are sleeping, sneak in, and cut off a vital part of your body. Then I will fry it up and serve it to your precious cat, Sheila. I strongly suggest you leave now, before I lose control of these raging emotions boiling inside of me.” Wow, that felt good. They looked at each other and started backing away. I think they were afraid to turn their backs to me. “Dude, why’d you bring her to the zoo? Thanks a lot for putting her in a bad mood. Are you an idiot or what?” “Nah, she’s just a little tired. I think the spitfire in her is adorable.” Dakota looked at Ken with a knowledge that I’d never seen on him before. “No offense, man, but you are an idiot. I don’t know who’s crazier, you or Ms. Taylor.” Ken patted him on the back. “Someday you’ll understand women, little man.” I could see Dakota cringe at his touch. I knew that feeling. He turned to go in the opposite direction of Ken; he couldn’t taint his reputation by being seen with such obvious stupidity. “By the way, old Dude, you aren’t supposed to bring your cat to the zoo. They have animals here you know!” he shouted over his shoulder as he half-jogged down the path. I wondered if he was going to see the pandas. I rolled myself to the front entrance. I couldn’t wait to get out of this wheelchair. My ankle throbbed with pain, and looked like it had lost a fight with Mike Tyson. I noticed most people were avoided even glancing at me. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the uncomfortable feeling people get around what they perceive to be handicapped people or because of the dried cat feces on my shirt. However, one brave soul approached me shoving a sheet of paper in my lap. Zoo memberships half off now through Sunday. Panda exhibit opens in two weeks. Don’t miss out! I wadded the paper, prepared to throw it at the next person that walked by. Lucky for them, Ken pulled up and honked. “Really? You are honking at me? I’m in a wheelchair with a sprained ankle. How does it not occur to you that I might need some help?” He leaned out the window, yelling much too loudly. “I’m not supposed to touch you anymore, remember?” “Ken, get your happy ass over here and put me in your truck before I start yelling to whoever will listen that you are commando and flashed your hair hinny to every child at the zoo several times just today.” As he helped me hop to the truck, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to humiliate him further. “Hey, nice surprise you had for me at the panda exhibit. I’m so glad you talked me into staying so I could see it.” The liar didn’t even pause. “You are the one that wanted to leave, dear. I mean . . . Yeah, you are the one that wanted to leave.” Sliding into the truck, I looked him square in the eyes. “The exhibit doesn’t open for two weeks.” He actually laughed. “Well, that would have been a surprise! Be careful, don’t sit on Sheila.” The ride to my sister’s house was quiet, except for Ken rattling on and Sheila howling in fear. By “quiet” I meant torture. I wondered if I’d ever think about this date and laugh. It seemed incomprehensible. Murphy’s Law was a dark cloud above my head. Boom! Suddenly, we were jarred to a stop. Awakening from my pity party, I screamed in pain and shock. “Holy hat! What the hell?” “Baby, are you alright? I’m so sorry. I didn’t even see his brake lights. I guess I was distracted by our conversation. Are you alright? Where’s Sheila?” Panic was in his voice for the first time today. “I don’t know where that damn fur ball is. Is my head bleeding? I think I hit it on the dash.” “Just a little. I have a blanket in the back. Do you want it?” “Why the hell would I want a blanket? It’s about 100 degrees outside!” “I don’t know. That’s what they offer people on TV so they don’t go into shock.” “Ken, trust me, I’d welcome shock to overtake my body and mind right now! Go see if the other driver is okay.” He looked scared, lost even. “Baby, I have a feeling this isn’t going to be good. It might put a damper on our date.” I raised my eyebrow. “Talk about shock; there’s one for you.” WC - 992 Total - 5179 |