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Marked For Death:The Bloody Siren Chronicles-Episode 3
Marked For Death: The Bloody Siren Chronicles

Episode 3: Kenta’s Declaration of War!!!

Last Episode: Surron, the father of the slain Rennik and King of the Southern Kingdom places an enormous bounty on Sukia’s head in retaliation for her killing the prince. Now every bounty hunter in the Southern Kingdom is out for the instant fortune that will come with the murder of Sukia Durahn, the Bloody Siren. Also, a partial flashback into the origins of Kenta and Sukia ends with Kenta facing a mysterious intruder before Sukia is awoken to a present day threat, Bronson the Devil Mace, the first Bounty Hunter out for the Bloody Siren’s death.

         Bronson swung his heavy mace above his head while keeping his eyes on Sukia, preparing to attack.

“So are you gonna eye-fuck me all night long, or are you actually gonna swing? You’re too far in to get cold feet, tough guy!” Sukia chided, not even assuming a fighter’s stance.

“Hmmm, don’t worry…” Bronson yelled before swinging his mace at a tree “the attack will come soon enough!!!!!”

         The mace seemed to disappear in the tree, eliciting a confused look from the Bloody Siren before her vampire senses alerted her to a threat coming from above. Before even looking up she already scrambled out of the way before the spiked ball came flying down, and disappearing into the ground.

         “Hahahaha” yelled Bronson, “I’m called the Devil Mace, because my weapon will only damage what I will it to damage, anything else will just become a portal so I can attack from another angle!!!! I know that Vamps are Super quick but you don’t even know how to dodge!!!”

         “Well, excuse me if I try anyway!!!! Sukia said, still bouncing around desperately dodging.

         Bronson looked over and saw the still asleep Kenta, “Hmm, that man must be her brother, the Champion of the East….that gives me an idea!” before sending his mace towards Kenta.

         “KEEENNNTTAAAAA” yelled Sukia running to try to intercept the mace, but the mace harmlessly passed through Kenta’s body, just to reappear behind Sukia and land a powerful hit in the small of her back. The force of the attack sent the vampiress flying into a tree.

         “Lucky for you there’s no bounty on your brother’s head. It does me no good to kill a man who’s still sleep…though how one could sleep through this is mind boggling. But anything that distracts you will be exploited” Said Bronson, “and how does my pure silver mace feel, Bloody Siren?”

         The Mace left a large mark on Sukia’s back, that looked similar to a burn mark and her tube top shirt was nearly ripped open. The effect silver items have on Vampires was showing itself, but despite that, she struggled to her feet, and prepared to attack.

“I’ve taken backshots that hurt more, fucker!!!” Sukia yelled, “Now taste my Rain Blades!!!” and threw several of her small throwing blades at Bronson. The bounty hunter knocked the knives aside and yelled “Nice Try, Siren, but no cigar!” but Sukia was nowhere to be found.

         “Aww, a distraction.” Bronson said, “Nice, but two can play that game”. The bounty hunter then dropped his mace into the ground and let it disappear, right before looking up to see Sukia descending with her fighting knives….her “Thunder” Blades extended along with her fangs bared. The mace reappeared and smashed Sukia in the stomach at the same that one of her Thunder Blades slashed Bronson full across the face. The sheer force of the attacks not only sent both of them flying into trees, it finally woke Kenta up.

         Kenta was at the very least, surprised to see what was going on; Sukia, bloodied up, clothes ripped, eyes glowing red, fangs bared, and knives at the ready and across from her, a man in armor swinging a mace on a chain, who noticed Kenta.

“Well, well, well, it seems the Champion is up at last.” Bronson said, chain at the ready, “I’m not a fool, I know I can’t face you both so I think I’ll retreat for now.”

“Retreat?” said Sukia, who at the sight of Bronson’s blood had now went into a bloodlust, “Oh, no, my friend. I told you before, you’re too far in for cold feet.” Bronson without saying much attempted to throw his mace to attack, found that he couldn’t move his body. Sukia used her telekinesis to will Bronson’s paralyzed body towards her.

“You put up a pretty good fight, tough guy, but you made the mistake of letting a vampire see you bleeding. Now I’m afraid that this fight, along with your life, has come to a very, very, very bloody end. Now, be a dear and try not to blink too much. Shit creeps me out.”

         Kenta took one look at Sukia pulling the frightened bounty hunter towards her, and decided that 5 more minutes of sleep never hurt anybody.

About 30 Minutes Later

         “So why the hell was that guy trying to deep-six you again?” Kenta asked

         “I guess somebody decided to put a price on my head, bro. Apparently I’m not very loved around these parts, I wonder for how much though. If it’s a low one, I’m gonna get offended and just murk somebody for shits and giggles.”

         Sukia looked down at the remains of the bounty hunter and saw a piece of paper protruding from his pants. The Bloody Siren pulled it out, and the paper had a rough drawing of what appeared to be her own face. The paper continued to read:

“Bounty! The Bloody Siren, Sukia Durahn. A Daywalker vampire. Highly Dangerous.  Wanted Dead or Alive for the murder of Prince Rennik. 500 million Gold Pieces and a bloodline recognized as Southern Nobility. Known to travel with her brother Kenta Durahn, The East Country’s Champion Demon Slayer.”

         “Well Damn!” said Sukia after reading the paper with her brother. “500 Million, I don’t know whether to be flattered or worried. I’ll take flattered. Of course with that price, every 2-bit asshole with a sword is gonna try his luck. I won’t have a shortage of food, that’s for sure. Still, I guess it would be best to head back North. Whatcha think, Kenny?”

         Kenta’s expression was not that of a happy man. He snatched the paper from Sukia’s hands and tore it to shreds.

         “Mmmmm, okay, happy camper. I’m sure the paper didn’t like you either.” Sukia said

         “Not now, sis, this shit ain’t fair! That perverted prince swung on you first! Now you’re public enemy number one just because you had the heart to buck back and buck better! Fuck that and fuck running!”

         “Running? Kenta, we’ve had this discussion 10 times for every gold coin that’s on my head. Pride is not good!”

         “This isn’t about my pride, Sukia!!! Where can we run to? When this shit spreads, there will be no place we can run to! That bounty is a fuckin’ fortune! We’re not gonna be able to fight everybody, nor will we be able to have anything close to a normal life!!!”

         “Because we’ve had such a normal life so far, Kenta!”

         “No, we haven’t, but there’s only one way to stop this shit! We gotta kill the King!”

         “The King, Kenny? As in the King of the South? Are you aware of what that means if you, the Champion of the East kill the Southern King? That could mean a fuckin’ war…..Shit’s kinda cool that I think of it, but still!”

         “Well, damnit, If that’s what it takes, then fine! As Champion of the East, I declare War on the Southern King for what he’s trying to do to my sister!!!!! Sukia, you down?”

         “Well…you do have a point. We’ll have to watch our backs. I’m sure that Takeo and the gang…”

         “No, No Takeo! What I’m planning on doing is far too fucked up for Kid Sparky! Shit’s gonna get hella bloody!”

         “Kenny, you just said the magic word!!! Fine, me and you versus the world big bro! Now we just need to head back into Brevehn to find the quickest route to the Capital city by getting a map!”

         “Okay…But can we go back to sleep first sis, It’s still a long time til daylight.”

         “I oughta bite your lazy ass!”


         When Daylight broke, the siblings went through town, Sukia, who had now changed into a durable long sleeved shirt and a hooded cloak to help conceal her identity was in awe at the amount of sword bearing fighters who were brazenly studying the wanted posters. The posters seemed to litter the streets as official looking men and women passed them out and stuck them on the sides of buildings. Sukia’s hands stayed on her knives, ready for the slightest sign of trouble to pounce. Kenta, who also wore a hooded cloak (since anyone with common sense could tell that if he was around, so was she) walked in front and went up to one of the officials and asked, “Excuse me, Sir? I would like to know the location and name of the capital city around here.”

         The official looked him up and down, before saying, “You must obviously not know how things work down in our country. Only members of the royal family and the royal court are allowed to know the location of the capital city. Please go away before I have you arrested for trying to find out the location of the city.”

         “Please sir, it is dire, I come from the Eastern Country, and I, um….have diplomatic” Kenta began to say before the official held up his hands.

         “HAH!!! Must you insult my intelligence so? A common thug with half his face concealed, an official? Matter of fact….GUARDSSS!!!!!!”

         A group of knights wielding long spears surrounded Kenta. The official continued, “You are under arrest for trying to deceive an official member of the royal court.”

         Kenta laughed, and replied “Well forgive me if I do not come quietly. I don’t take kindly to threats” as he pulled out his axe.”

         One of the guards yelled “That’s the Axe of the Storm!!!! He’s the Bloody Siren’s brother!!!!!”

         Sukia merely shook her head. She knew this was going to end badly from the moment Kenta actually tried to think he could fool anybody. “Diplomatic? Damn, this is why Kenta should never be the brains of any operation.” She thought. The guards immediately turned and looked at Sukia, and yelled, “That must mean she is the Bloody Siren!” Suddenly the street full of guards and bounty hunters all turned towards Sukia and Kenta, weapons at the ready.

          The Durahn siblings threw aside their cloaks and immediately rushed at the oncoming fighters. Kenta raised his Axe high in the air, and slammed it on the ground, unleashing a blizzard like wave at his oncoming fighters, freezing most of them on the spot, while Sukia used her super human speed to dance in between the guards. The Bloody Siren’s knives glided across the guards throats with ease, as if she were opening an envelope containing nothing but blood, her unquenchable blood lust pulling the warriors towards her. The attacks seemed to move in slow motion to Sukia’s heightened senses, allowing her to dart under over and alongside of them to stab, slash, bite, and otherwise tear through her attackers. Kenta ran and used his near Herculean strength to smash the frozen guards and bounty hunter to bits, ice and blood spraying around in the air.

         The official, terrified by the intensity of the siblings tried to sneak off to the side but Sukia immediately seen him and leapt in the air, nearly flying over to him, and grabbing him.

“We’re gonna do this my way now!!!!” snarled Sukia, “Either you tell us the location of the capital, or I’ll kill you, along with every man, woman, child, and pet dog I come across until I find the answer I want….and 300 More People Just for The Fuck Of It!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Fine, the capital is directly South of this city, it’s a Week long journey on foot!!!! You’ll have to go through the infamous “Black Valley” to get to it, and that’s the most dangerous area in this Kingdom for criminals with large bounties such as yourself!!!”

“I Just asked where it was at, fool, I didn’t ask for the extra shit.” Sukia said, before using her Vampiric fangs to rip half the face of the Official off, and leaving what was left to die.

         A man, wielding two swords walked up and said “Sukia Durahn….I am the Bounty Hunter Damien the Three Blades, and It’s Time for you to die!!!!”

“Cocky one aren’t you?” Sukia snapped back.

Next Episode: The Brevehn City Bloodbath, Part 1: Sukia and Kenta do battle with the Half-Demon Bounty Hunter Three Blades, Who Fights with Lightning Speed and Several Suprises. The Battle Will Get Real Quick!!!!

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