Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1636267-Chapter-Two
by Raven
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1636267
Andress needs to find out the truth, but will he get the chance?
Chapter Two:

         The bright sunny day soon transformed into a beautiful night. The chirping birds were now singing crickets. It was a warmer tonight, with an early fall breeze that hugged the trees. The leaves swayed under the moonlight that casted shadows over one another in the ground below. Towards the edge of the busy city existed a three-story apartment building. The owner of it made sure the place looked and worked the best. It had been freshly painted white with cloud blue shudders, new locks and doors were put it. The owner paid the post office to install new mailboxes for the tenants and also replaced two water heaters. He had even helped one of the tenants fix their ceiling.
         Enter into the front door of the building and climb two flights of stairs to the third floor. Apartment number 4C was Andress’ domain. It was a corner apartment, which held windows in the kitchen and his bedroom. Black silk curtains hung in his bedroom; they were closed tightly to keep the sunlight outside. The room itself was very plain, and no pictures were displayed that would have given it that homey feeling. Inside the room, the furniture was a cherry oak that he saved from a fire about a century ago. It was an antique bedroom set that had rays sprouting outwards towards the edges. There was the headboard and footboard for the bed, the armoire and the side dresser. He did not need much more. He lived alone and it was safer that way.
         Andress sat with his back to the head board. In his left hand held a short glass, a tattoo of a three-left clover on the skin between his pointer and his thumb. The outline and veins in the leaves were a forest green, the leaves filled in with lighter green. The tattoo looked as if it was brand new, but it was not. His glass was just ice now, but an empty scotch bottle sat on the side dresser next to him. The blankets on his bed were folded down but the silk black sheet laid over his waist, the shirt from the night before was wrinkled but unbuttoned. A silver pendent made into a shape of a sword piercing through a shield hung on silver chain around his neck.
Andress’ right hand fingers crawled to grab the small children’s book that sat with him. He pulled it onto his lap and held it up.
          “Na Toirtís agus na giorria.” The Tortoise and the Hare. Andress placed the empty glass next to the empty bottle and let his head fall back against the headboard. The ceiling was too plain to look at so he closed his eyes. Why was he getting tortured? Was it possible? But a strip club? Of all places, why a strip club?
          “I do not know why you keep this place when you have your own room at the cottage.” A voice sounded within the room. From the position of the tune, Andress sensed it came from the closet area of his bedroom.
          Andress eyes shot open quickly to make sure the voice matched the person he thought it was. “I keep this place for precisely this reason…to be left alone.” He stressed the last word. “Something no one has knowledge on in the cottage. At least here I get some peace from the hell there.” Andress rested his head back against the wall again, leaving his eyes open this time. He could feel a pound in his temple begin. A migraine was coming on.
          “Tu-I mean Andress. We are your family now, and have been for years. You know this. We look out for one another just as a family does. There is really no reason to keep wasting money on this apartment.”
          Andress huffed. “Morbus, a family makes you feel secure and shows compassion among themselves. If Letum, ever showed compassion I think it would kill him. I know it would shock me. I might give up drinking.” Andress snickered.
          “Andress you know he cannot die, he is the devil himself.”
          “Morbus, it was just a joke. You need to get out of the cottage more often.” A breathless chuckle escaped Andress’ lips.
          Morbus shook his head then moved forward to sit on the edge of the bed. “Drinking won’t make the memories disappear.”
          “No but it helps. It may be just a little but it is something.” His eyes closed momentarily. The effect of the alcohol had almost worn off.
          “Good thing you are not human. You would have gone through six livers already.” Morbus let a grin spread on his lips.
          “And killed six people who needed it…” Andress suddenly rose from the bed walking towards the bath. “Good evening Morbus.” He said closing the door and turning on the shower.
          Morbus sighed with a small frown, “Good evening.” With his head hung, he shimmered from the room, disappearing from sight.


         Andress emerged from the apartment building and down the concrete steps. He had decided upon a crimson colored button down shirt, which had short sleeves and a pair of black jeans. He replaced his trench coat with a leather jacket. His hair was still damp from the shower but slicked back with some gel. With each new decade he had decided to update his wardrobe but he always kept pieces of clothing that were his favorite.
         He did not have any particular place to be or go so he thought about just walking the town. Maybe he would visit Charlotte since he left quite abruptly the other night. She probably thought he was out of his mind. Yes, she was a beautiful girl, but he needed to find out the truth first. He needed to find out if his suspicions were correct. If his suspicions were true then it was a good thing their episode did not occur. His thoughts had continued and he had soon arrived in town, the journey a blur. He glanced around at the crowded streets. Andress started his way along the sidewalk heading towards the Club that he had walked Charlotte to the other night.
         A woman, that was slightly shorter then Andress walked past him slowly. His eyes had caught every detail of this young woman. She had long straight blonde hair that touched the small of her back. Her eyes were grassy green that were surrounded with black lines and deep green brushed on her eyelids. The powder around her eyes gave them an accent and made them stand out. Her nose was small and slightly pointed while her lips were painted a dark red with shine added to them. Her body was covered with a knee-high silk shamrock green dress and silver belt that squeezed around her waist. The dress was had spaghetti straps and was low cut to show off most of the woman’s cleavage, which would had attracted most of the men in the city.
         As she passed, she glanced over her shoulder expressing a smile that no one could resist. She added a wink to pull him into her clutches. From the strong jawbone and her features, Andress figured this girl could not be a day older then nineteen. A slow grin expressed his lips and he changed directions, following her footprints down an alleyway. She had leaned up against the wall pretending to tend to her makeup with a compact mirror.
         Andress closed his eyes for a moment catching her sent. It was so pure, so sweet. He could almost taste it kissing his tongue and crawling down his throat. He could not resist and closed the space between them.
         She closed the mirror and tucked it back into her small pocketbook. “Well, don’t you look lonely tonight? Do you need some company?” She asked.
         “I might be a little lonely tonight. What are you going to do about that?” Andress asked, his palms moving over to rest on her hips as his eyes wandered to take a glimpse down her dress.
         The female’s hands fell from his shoulders down along his back and to his waist. She left them lingering there for several seconds before a wide grin painted on her lips. It showed the whiteness in her teeth and an almost perfect smile. She suddenly lowered to her knees and unzipped his pants. Before he could say ask a question, she had brought his length into her lips and began squeezing her cheeks in for a sucking motion.
         Andress could not push back the moan that echoed in his chest. It had been some time since he has had any company. He was quite surprised how eager the girl seemed to be, but he knew better to think that it was solely her idea. He was sure she probably had someone she had to check into and give half her payment too.
         When he finished, she swallowed his secretion. She licked her lips and stood while he covered himself up. Their eyes met and there was a grin in hers. His lips went to her neck before she had the chance to kiss him. The woman draped her hands on his sides and laid her head back against the brick of the building exposing more of her neck for him.
         Andress’ lips slowly skimmed down along her neck and to the crème swell of her breast. The craving taste for her blood lit his throat on fire. He wanted the intoxicating liquid to freeze the flames.
         “You shouldn’t trust strangers,” he slipped from his tongue, before extending his fangs and piercing into her fragile skin. Each drop of blood made him drink deeper as a red ring formed around his black iris’. He released his clutch, leaving just one drop in the body as he let the corpse fall to the floor.
         “Damn virgins, get me every time, but they are truly satisfying.” The back of his hand wiped his chin clean. He turned on his heel and exited the alleyway.
         “You just can’t clean up your own mess can you?” a deep monotone voice said from behind him.
         This made Andress spin instantly. “Letum!” he growled. “What I do in with my time is none of your damn business.” The growl grew into a threatening hiss as he went onto the defense.
         “But you know better than to try to expose us.” Letum warned. Letum was in the ritual robes-black, ankle length cloth. They reminded Andress of graduation gowns; however, their robes had hoods and the sleeves were longer.
         “I was not going to expose anything. I am still a vampire. I still have to feed! Plus, I was not finished, but of course, you have to come and interrupt me. Like always. Why can I never be left alone for a night or better yet a week.” Andress snapped his fingers and the girl vanished. “Done.”
         “I forgot you love to play with your food.”
         Andress finally took notice that Morbus and Bellum were standing behind Letum also dressed in the same color robes. Andress had one himself, hanging in the closet of his room that was back at the cottage. He kept it there to avoid the constant reminder of who he was. Who he agreed to become and that regretful decision that he now had to life with.
         Andress took a step forward, getting ready to lunge at Letum but was stopped by Morbus.
         “Andress stop.” He said with such calmness, Andress was shocked that he was stopping him, again. A little wrestling would not do any harm, but Morbus seemed all business.
         “Morbus it is not Andress. It is Tutaminis!” Letum grinned with such pleasure that made Andress want to claw off his lips.
         Morbus shook his head and looked to Andress stepping in between him and Letum hoping it would stop the nonsense they continued with. “Andress we need you to complete a task.”
         That was a statement Andress dreaded to hear. It brought sickness to his bones and made his body want to shut down. He was trapped in a hell that he would not be able to escape for eternity. He glanced away, his shoulders rising and immediately falling.
         The four of them shimmered from their place in the alleyway to the cottage. The others appeared in the basement while Andress appeared in the bedroom. He had to change into ritual clothing. Andress stood in front of the closet and to his left was the door to his bedroom. A small side table was to his right by a full size bed that sat in the middle of the room then a window on the other side of the bed. Then there was a tall dresser by the bedroom door with a few picture frames and odd and ends.
         He opened the closet door. The closet was mostly empty except a few shirts, a suit and a couple pairs of shoes. Then, of course, his robe. He reached in and pulled out the robe. He slowly turned the hanger in his hand. The same black robe as the others, except his on the back had the symbol that matched his pendent—a sword piercing through a shield. The symbol was white and easily noticed against the black. Andress took off his leather jacket replacing it with the robe. He left the hood down as he closed the door to his room. He waved his hand over the wall, a door appearing. Before he could just disappear from the place his feet walked forward, as he passed right through the door without opening it.
         Andress followed down two flights of stairs covered in black carpeting and very faint light, which consisted of a candle every several feet. The stairs led him into a large basement with red walls. The color reminded him of lava. He also wondered who the decorator was because he or she really should have retired before he or she started their career. Over the lava paint in black were markings that covered three out of four walls and the floor, which was also painted red. On the empty wall was a small table, counter high covered in bowls and jars. Above that were shelves of containers filled with herbs, spices, and many other items that should not be in a jar. In the center of the room settled a five-foot in diameter goblet with a heliogram earth floating above. It was their way of watching over the world and probably him.
         The three that had disturbed Andress stood close to the goblet, talking among themselves, and paused when Andress entered the room. Andress slowly made his way over in the familiar room, that were one of many things he wished to destroy.
         “What took you so long? We could have been done already.” Letum complained.
         “No we could have not been done! We are on a schedule and the time has not come yet!” Morbus pointed out.
         “He is trying to prevent the inevitable.” Letum countered.
         “You mean the inescapable, miserable life that makes me stuck with you.” Andress responded with towards Letum.
         “You two are impossible! And I wonder how I live with it! Do I have to put you both in a corner and face the wall! Why can’t you two get along?” Morbus said with frustration as he threw his arms up in the air.
         The motion made Bellum hide a breathless laugh to not fuel the fire.
         Both Letum and Andress crossed their arms about their chest and shook their head. In unison said, “That is never going to happen.” They, then looked to each other with a stare that could kill.
         Morbus sighed and his arms fell at his sides. “Can we be getting back to business?”
         “I’m with Morbus,” Bellum chimed in, and everyone rolled their eyes.
         “It’s funny Bellum you never say a word unless it is business.”
         “I cannot believe I am saying this but I agree with Tutaminis,” said Letum.
         “It is Andress.” Andress shouted at Letum. “Say it with me, Andress. A-N-D-R-E-S-S” he also spelled it out trying to make a point. He hated his given name.


         “It’s time!” Morbus shouted.
         The high tone woke Andress up from falling asleep on the wall out of pure boredom, get Bellum from his daydream and Letum from reading the book of the past.
         “This is my sleep time. It is morning. The sun is up I should be sleeping.” Andress stated in a yawn.
         “After this you can.” Morbus instructed.
         His excuse to leave did not and would never work. He did not want to do this but he was bounded for eternity to this life.
         The four of them stepped up to the goblet. Letum waved his hand and the ghostly world zoned in onto the east coast of the United States of America.
         “Tutaminis or Andress you have to drop the sensitivity on the metal alarms on Flight #93 in Newark, New Jeresy, and Flight #11 & #175 in Boston, Massachusetts and Flight #77 in Washington D.C.” Bellum ordered.
Andress’ eyelids closed over his eyes and he looked down to the ground. With a heavy sigh from his chest, he raised his hand. He paused for a moment then his fingers snapped. Four ghostly lines came shooting from the sound waves to the destinations that Bellum spoke. His eyes finally opened and looked towards the globe. “It is done.” He said with a whisper echoing despair in his words.
         “Letum have you decided on a number?” asked Morbus.
         “Yes, I thought large would be good and I came out with the number of 2,928. This includes innocent victims, police and firefighters.”
         Andress seemed to get paler and thought he was going to get sick to his stomach. There was nothing he could do now. It was out of his hands. And he started this. This tragedy that would occur.
         “How many locations?” Andress asked quietly.
         “Three…” Letum answered with amusement.
         “Only one plane will just kill passengers, which is why we need you to build up the confidence of that plane…” Bellum again, gave instructions of his role in this task.

                   An trua níl tar, cad tá chur á tá chur á
                   Very sorry can’t come, what is done is done.
© Copyright 2010 Raven (poisonx2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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