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Probably my most violent story up to date (not yet done writing) |
Note: currently being written, so do not expect to read the whole thing right now.....sorry, but for now I will put it under short story till more of it is done (P.S This is a 1st draft) Warning, while there is no sexual content this story but it holds massive amounts of blood, minor cursing, and several detailed depictions of killing and deception, as well as beatings. Please turn away from this page if you can not handle this, if you can then enjoy….or be scared, what ever works best. Rubber Eyes and Broken Teeth Connect to everything I lay against my soft bed in a hazed state, tired from a day of thinking, my mind failing me to come forth with what I truly needed. I sighed as I stood back up walking the dark empty halls of my home, pictures of family hang dark on the walls. Stopping at a closet pulling out a pencil and taking a spiral notebook from it, written in pen on it the words ‘writers notes’ hang in sloppy print. My name scrawled illegibly to the lower left. ‘Justin’. I sighed as I walked down the halls, my feet making the old floors creek, the sounds of my parents snoring the only sounds of life in the darkness. I slipped into my room quickly dropping them to the side desk and dropping into my bed, rolling the cover around me and my mind slowly blanking as I fall asleep, the shining lights of a digital clock illuminating the dark room. “The train will be coming in five minutes please stay clear of the yellow zone to allow passengers to leave the train, wait at the white line if you wish to board, Thank you.” A woman said on a intercom shut down the the sound of it off cutting off clear in my ears. My sight swerved around waves of people walking left and right, the echo’s of their conversations coming in cut parts. Then my eyes turn to a black haired man, his face seeming shaved yet faint stubs of hair shown leaving a pale outline. “I always hate these meetings, I already know they are going to publish it.” He muttered, his voice visibly American held a seeming high class tone. “All they are doing is wasting my time and trying to suggest how much of a time limit I have for my next book to be finished.” The man said as he stepped up to the white line. A red headed man pushed at his back slightly causing him to look back. “Watch it bub!” The man yelled as he turned back around from shoving the black haired man. My eyes hang on this man, noticing under his red locks a deep scar circling his top. “What ever.” The black headed man said as he looked back at his ticket, forgetting that he had been bumped into. On the ticket two words seemed almost bold to me, ‘Justin’ and ‘5/14/17’ my eyes struck back at the mans nearly black eyes, half unsurprised to see the name as I saw more of myself in this man that my dreams were hanging over. His eyes seemed to follow me lazily as I lifted up higher then turned as the sound of the train came closer. The Intercom buzzed on “Please wait for the current passengers to exit the train before you enter the train, thank you.” It buzzed off just as the train stopped a faint hum of electric pulsed as the train came to a stop. My eyes following my dream self as I start to walk to the train doors, glancing down to see no wheels on the track, lines wiring the sides. The doors opened, a small blast of air hitting this older dream me, causing him to blink and stop for a second before looking around to his left and right seats filled with people, my eyes drew up and followed as I saw a single empty seat. Drawing back to myself I saw he had spotted it and walking to it yawning weakly. As he took a seat my vision blurred a faint yell of a woman echoed into my ear’s. Then everything grew dark as I started to see once again, my eyes were following over the man from before, his red hair reflecting brightly off the street light above him, yet before my eyes lowered I saw a unnatural red, clinging in balls in his hair. The crimson light of it, making me feel a fear and uneasy sensation. “You think you have a right to stop my work, huh bitch?! Well!” I heard a girl yelp as he slapped his hand into a unknown face. My eyes moved to her, her face seemed litter with cuts and scars, her eyes seeming glazed over. A bright red mark shone where he had slapped her, her own hand laying softly over it as if for a weak protection. “I didn’t mean to, he didn’t even look like he could hurt anyon-” She said only to be stopped as he stamped on her hand. “Listen to me, I took you out of the cold and gave you a home….Don’t you dare say you have any idea who is bad or good, when I tell to you break someone’s hands I don’t give a damn if your fucking in love with them!” He slapped her again knocking her to the ground as she was starting to get up, in his aggravation I saw him stamping on her back. Each stomp along with a word. “Don’t, Disobey, Me, a-gain.” My eyes just dwindled watching this violence wishing to wake up, scared by this act of violence. Yet as I tried to pull on my eyes, he looked over, the mans eyes glaring at me seeming hold a smile. The mismatched eyes seemed to reflect a faint light, red and green eyes shining like glazed over balls. I stopped fearful that somehow he could see me. It felt as if a minute rolled by before my vision turned, a man stood looking at all that had token place. He seemed to be looking away fearful of that glare I thought he had given to me. “Looks like we have a witness.” I heard him say then saw has he walked through me to the man, he seemed to laugh as he god closer my vision blurring as I hear a shot from a gun fired. Colors swirled around me as I heard what I feel was a older me talking. “Hey just called to say I am finally out of the city.” He said, my sight flashed in, ears seeming close to the receiver as I heard a faint sound on the other side some girl I have never heard of. “When do you think you will be home?” She asked, her voice seeming to hold a drowsy tone. “Around two or three hours if I can get through traffic in time.” He said in reply only to suddenly get a beep in his ear, “Crap stupid signal.” He muttered under his breath, as he pressed the break the traffic signal turning red. I looked at myself, seeming to hold a grim face as he seemed to glance over at my sight. As the car started to move he looked back, my eyes by a unknown force were drawn around the car. It’s seats seeming to be littered with notes, books and paper. The faint sign of a long lost meal stained the back of his seat. My eyes swerved as the dream me flew into a sudden stop, a crash of glass coming to my ears before I saw it. The dream me's head was slammed into a now open air bag, shattered glass resting over the car as the horn of another car blared into the background as people slammed to a stop to avoid the mess. My eyes looked away from my dream self to a truck that had slammed into the car, softly hovering backwards till dropping slowly to the ground off the road. The sight surprised me to see that no wheels were on the car. Before I could think on it my eye sight was starting to fade again. Around me the sound of a ambulance was blaring in the distance piercing through the sound of the horns. Right before I lost my vision I saw dream me lifting his head softly a large deep gash on his forehead, glass visibly sticking out of the wound. Once again I could not see as the world flashed by my minds eye, waking up to a old rickety house, it looked as if no one had been living in it for years save a large grey lump that sat on a plate, light from a single candle illuminating it. “I have something for you to eat, sorry its not much,” a unknown male voice said, “but it will keep you going.” my eyes were unable to move, the soft voice of a children hanging in my ears as they spoke. “It’s okay,” another male voice said sounding even younger then the first, “But what are you going to eat?” My eyes still had not moved yet a small boy entered their vision his scruffy blown hair stuffed under a old baseball cap, cracked black stains clinging to the blue fabric. “Its okay, I ate something yesterday so I am okay,” Said the older boy I had yet to see said, “So go on eat, I don’t know if it will taste very good though, but it should be okay.” The little boy sate down in a creaking old chair and poked the grey substance before nodding over to the left at someone unknown. He ripped a chunk from it and started steadily stuffing the food into his mouth, shaking at the bitter taste. The boy pushed his chair back from the table, the weak legs almost giving out. "Careful" the unknown older boy muttered. "This stuff isn't getting any younger." "Brother?" The young boy said, his voice almost a wispier. "Yes?" The elder boy said, stepping half way into my sight his brown hair lined with white strands like he had run into a spire web. "Can we really do it?" The younger said as he glanced back at his food. "Do what?" The elder muttered. "Avenge our parents." The boy said. At that I heard a faint knock at the door, a voice faintly hinting in the air. "Hello? Is someone in there? Who ever you are get out now this is private property," The voice said before pushing on the door, "Damn its locked." The two boys looked at the door before grabbing their oddly sharpen food and rushed for a window. My eyes followed them as they both jumped out the window and faded into the distance. The sound of a old door creaking behind me as my sight faded again. |