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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1628820
this is the end to the second book in my series. The bloodrigth series the lost son
 Dark days end of book 2 of my series   (13+)
this is the end to the second book in my series. The bloodrigth series the lost son
#1628820 by Jayden Melicore

                                            The blood right series

                             The lost son : chapter 30

                                       Dark days

“ It is done sir” muttered Tween rising from a great bow. “ you have broken the Silver Centrum sword in two?” said a dark cloaked salute in the corner. “ ye, yes sir” stuttered Tween. “You were being to worry me I mean it has been almost two  year after your last report.” said the cloaked man with velvet soft voice. “ I am sorry but I had to find a way to lose that girl Asion. I felt her goodie goodie eyes on my all the time after I stole the her sword and spilt it. Don’t even get me started on the little brat that they call Kiki” said Tween. “ one should be careful how they talk about another for you never know when you may be talking to there family.” said the cloaked person. As he held out his hand and made a fist and  with this the elf’s normally white skin turn blue.  No matter hard the elf struggled he could not free himself from the grips of the magi that now was choking him. “ sir before I die what is your name?” choked out Tween. “ My name is Kaiki!” said the cloaked man.

         Asion and Shauna both awoke with in an ice cold sweat. “ what is going on?” asked Asion.  “ I don’t know.” said Shauna breathless.  “ did you just have a dream about Tween?” asked Asion. “ yes and he said some thing about it is done  what does that mean?” Asked Shauna. “I don’t know!” said Asion . “ it was probably just a bad dream. How about we got back to sleep?” asked Shauna. 

         “ Now that it is done lets see how well the elf did!” said Kaiki with a fire burning in his eye’s. “ Elvyst come forth and take the soul of the of the welder of the sworld of darkness. “ he countuied beending down and lighting a black candle and as he got to his feet he took a hand full of dirt and throw it in the air. “ dark lord of fire and earth this is my will mote it be!” said Kaiki.

         Shauna awoke with a start to find her hand burning and  a strange fealing were the heart had been. She got up and moved carefull not to wake any of the comrades . When she was away from the group her hand fell to the hilt of the sworld at her waist. Drawing the sword she felt complete.  When the sword was above her head she felt it shake and there was a red flash of light. “who or what are you?” asked Shauna stumbling backwards. “ I am your destiny! You and I will be great and unstoppable together.” said the black dragon floating in the sky. “ Why should I trust you?” Asked Shauna .  “ You will trust me because I am you! Are you not sick of being in your sisters shadow? Don’t you want to be the one that is in the eyes of greatness?” asked the dragon. “ What is your name?” asked Asion. “ my name is Evlyst.” said the dragon.  “ yes I would think it would be better  to be the leader then the underlign.” said Shauna and with that were two bright red lights in the sky one that surroned elvyst and the other that surroned Shauna.  When  the lights that skys dissapared Shauna was Standing in the clearing alone Evlyst had dissapard.  “ now this more like it said Shauna with a grin and with that she sheathed the black bladed sword to her side again.

“ Shauna were are you? Don’t you know that is not a good idea to me running in the dark alone?” cried Asion’s voice in the distance.  “ If you think it is dark now just wait till the nigth really begains to fall!” repiled Shuana to herself.  “ I am over her Asion! I had to um.. Do some traning with my new weapon.” said Shauna into the air and with that she begain to walk back to were the others were standing.

“ Shauna are you ok? Asked Sodu as as walked upto him. “ yes, I am just worried about little Kyra.” said Shauna. “ soon hun this will be over and you will be able to hold her in your arms again!” said Sodu. “ Sodu we have been saying that for 4 years now and what do we have to show for it?” said Shauna. “ we have made serval impersive blows aganst Unkano’s fources in the past four years.” said Sodu. “ yes and we have lost some of our best figthers out there! We lost Reilly, and Soul.” said Shuana walking over to give Kiki a hug. “no” said Kiki as she stepped away.  “Kiki are you ok?” asked Asion. “ There is some thing worng with Shauna. She is not acting like her!” said Kiki reaching down and grabing the helt of her daggers.  “ Kiki, it is me you silly little girl! Why would you say such a thing about me?” asked Shuana taking a step forward to the young girl. At this Kiki pulled her daggers and spun them in her hands. “ I am warning you there is some thing not right with her.” said Kiki.

“ you are right my little sis there is some thing that is not right with her. She is now mine!” said a voice from below there feet and with that the earth below them spilt and cracked. Kiki and the others wacthed in amazement as the crack between them and Shuana opened wider and wider even thougth the earth creaked in an unpleasurable way as if to protest the invastion into it wholeness. The crack glowed a haunting shade of orange,one that remind them of a pumpkin, as it grow larger and larger. Just then there came what looked like a puff of black smoke from the crack. The smoke cirled around and round in back of Shauna untill a black hand materalished from it. “Kiki what is that ?” asked sodu his hand now falling to the helt of his battle ax. When Asion saw this her reasponce to place her hand on her katania.

Now were the hand had been stood a little boy with light brown hair and yellow eyes just like Kiki. Asions mouth fell open looking at this little boy because expect for the fact that he was a boy and dressed in all black he was the spitting image of Kiki. “Kaiki it is nice to final meet you.” said Kiki coldly. “ yes it is, but it is also very depressing that this will be our last meeting my good good half godess sister.” Said Kaiki.  “ Now Shauna finshen them off but save Kiki for me.”said Kaiki and with that Shauna pulled the black blade that hung sheathed at her side.

         Shuana advanced to attack Asion and Sodu while they unsheathed there weapons. “ Shauna you are my sister and I don’t want to do this please don’t make me have to figth you.” said Asion. “ Either you figth and you die or you die or you stand there and die with out without a chance.” said Shauna coldly. “eartha exploda” yelled Sodu and rocks in front of Asion flung themselves at Shauna. “ Aira replea” Said shuana and the rocks hit the air in front of her and were shot back. Asion and Sodu jumped to avoid the rocks now hurdling at them.

“Kaiki what have you done?” said Kiki. “It is simple little sis I have given Shauna everything she has every wanted.”Said Kaiki. “ At what cost?” asked Kiki now beging to get upset at her brother coyness. “ At the same cost as father and I. How did we get bond to hell and made immortal enemys of the gods and goddess while you lived the good life. You are a Halfling also!” Said Kaiki. “ I ,my brother am a demi goddess. A bean of light not and of dark like you and our father.” said Kiki.

“ Shauna are you not listing to us. We don’t want to figth you!” said Asion as Shuana lunged at her swinging. “ Asion we cant just let her kill us!” said Sodu. “finnly we have someone with a brain.” said Shauna lunging at Sodu. Sodu knocked her sworld away and the sound of steel on steel rang out in the early morning.  “Sodu I do not want you get out of here.” said Shuana. “ I gave my word that I would figth along side all of you and I am not going to let you destory my leader.” Said Sodu standing in front Asion. “ I said get out of her Now! Yelled Shauna as she throw out hand wich caused Sodu to be lifted of the ground and thrown over to the edge of the mountin. Sodu looked over his sholder and saw that they were at the very top of the mountain. It look as if you could fall for every and keep falling only to be stopped by the water of the river that ran throw the vally below.

“ What you want Kaiki?”asked Kiki. “ I want what is mine! I want my bloodrigth. I should be a demi god not a demi demon.” said Kaiki.  “ Brother it was your decission to fallow fathers footsteps and head to earth with him. Mother tried to save you to no hope. The gods felt that were you had left with father you were no better then him. I f you would have stayed with mother and I you would have had your bloodrigth but you gave up your bloodrigth to go with father.” said Kiki who now was shakening form head to toe. ‘ mother never tried to save me! NO, she didn’t. father told me so.” said Kaiki. “ Father lies don’t you know that by now.” asked Kiki. “ quite this is getting good.” said kaiki pointing at Asion and Shauna.

“ I have had it with you being the one that get to lead the group all the time.” said Shauna swinging her sworld at Asion. Asion who now had had it with trying to reason with Shauna pulled here Katana from its sheath. “ I hate to do this. Goddess please let her soul rest in peace.” said Asion as she staired at her sister.

“ Wont it be funny when both of them blow up?” said Kaiki with a evil smile on his face. “ What do you mean? asked Kiki with a growl in her voice. “ simple little one. When thouse to sworlds are activated and they touch they both will die!” said Kaiki. “ oh and just for add messure to keep you bussy I have a friend that would like to say hi.” he countuied and with that Unkano appered with ten demonds. “ great just what we need at this moment. Asion do not activated Sarowa whatever you do.” yelled Kiki running to get next to Sodu.

Sodu looked down at Kiki and said “are you ready little one?” “ I’s am ready‘s. This time Unkano you’s die’s for Rielly’s and for Soul‘s.” said Kiki as her little eyes hardend. “ Kiki demi goddess time.” said Sodu and with that Kiki’s skin began to glow.Kiki flick her wrist and a gust of wind flu into the demons rushing at them knocking several of them down wich cuased them to be trampled by the others.  There was a flash of green light and Sodu’s white bangle tiger jumped into the figth.  Kiki opened her mouth and a cyclone of fire came out. 

         Meanwhile Asion and Shuana countiued there figth. Shauna swung her blade at Asion side wich Asion was able to dogge by steping to the side and then she drawn her katana into the up she hit Shuana  the left arm. “ that is enough of this playing. Elvyst come fourth!” called Shauna and a black dragon erupted from the tip of Shauna’s new sword. “ at you service my master.” said the dragon.  “ kill her” said Shauna and the dragon turn to face Aison. Asion’s katana began to glow blue and then Sayrowa came growling out of the tip of the katana. The black dragon looked at Sayrowa with amazement before taking of into the air. “ deactivite the sworld while I go after him!” Said Sayrowa before taking off after the black dragon.  Asions katana stoped glowing blue and blocked Shauna’s sword in mid air.

         The blue light had caught Kiki attention “ she atactivated her sword.”  said Kiki to Sodu as she throw her dagger into one of the on coming demon which made him exploded into flames. “ why are you worried  about her activating her sworld?” asked Sodu. Her katana was more then just a katana it is  the most powerful of all the elfing made weapons it ,my friend, is  the siliver centrum sword with out it we will not be able to stop Unkano.” said Kiki. “ how do you know this? Asked sodu. “ my brother had that sword slipt for a reason and that is the only reason he would do it.” said Kiki. “ your saying that Shauna has half of Asions sworld.” said Sodu throwing his battle axe and killing two demons at once. “ yes the evil half.” said kiki throwing her last dagger and hiting a demon in the eyes cuasing it to exploxed.  “ back to me” said kiki and the daggers came back to her. Kiki help can you get my axe.” said Sodu. “ Axe” said kiki and Sodu’s axs appered in her hand. “ there you go!” said kiki handing the axe to Sodu.  “ I really need to learnd how to do that Kiki.” said Sodu. “ it is to bad that you cant “ said Kiki throwing her dagger to the right and  killing another demoned.

         Sayrowa growled and swung her talon at the Evlyst. In response to this Evlyst shot fire out of its mouth at Sayrowa causing sayrowa to shot water out of her own mouth. The two elements meet in mid air absolving them in mid air. “ why do you which to hurt me little one. We both are the last of race.” asked Sayrowa.  “ I am not of your race. I am a higher breed then you. I was the most powerful dragon to ever live and my life was cut down in my prime.” said elvyst.

         The sound of steal on steal once again rang out as Shauna’s now active blade hit Asions katana. Asion jumped and came down sticking her katana in Shaunas side. Black blood ran from Shuanas side but it did nothing to slow her down. Seeing the blood Shauna lunged and almost hit Asion but Asion spun her katana and sent her sisters sworld flying away from her.

         Kiki and Sodu smiled and laugth as they looked upon the now betten and brused remainer of the the demon army. “ well this has been fun but I feal like I should taking my leave my job here is done. “ you coward! don’t you want to kill me also or can you only kill someone when there not looking at you.” asked Kiki as her white skin glowed even whiter, the type of white that would have made Christmas snow jealous.  With that Unkano and the demon that were on the ground dissapared. “ don’t think that this is over! Some day I will take you up on that offer my Little Kiki.” Echoed Unkanos voice with a venomus sting that hung in the air even after he left.  “ why does he always leave in the middle of a figth?” asked Sodu. “ Because he is a coward and is afraid of fighting a demi goddess.” said Kiki. “ Asion.” said Kiki looking into Sodu’s eyes. “ we have got to save her.” said Sodu and with that the two of them when running to were the sound of steal on steal was coming from.

         Sayrowa dove into elvyst with her talones out and her nails riped the soft underbelly of the black dragon. The same black blood that ran form Shuana ran from the the black dragon wound.

         Shuanas stomic started to bleed in the same spot that Elvyst was bit. “ Shuana what is going on I didn’t hit you there.” said Asion. Shauna fell to her knees because of the pain.  “ I don’t know what you did wicth but you are responsible for this. “ said Shuana as her face begain to hardern with determation.

         “ We need to help Asion!” said Kiki looking at Sodu who was shaking his head in agreement and with that Kiki and Sodu ran up to the area were Shauna and Asion were fighting. When they tried to step onto the battlefield they were thrown away from the area. “ I would have never thougth my sister would throw honor to the side and try and interfer with anothers figth.” said Kaiki. “ who are you to lecture me about honor and the honor code.” yelled Kiki at Kaiki.

         Meanwhile Sayrowa dove at Evlyst once again this time she caught his wing in her mouth and pulled. Everyone heard a lound crack and the black dragon begain to fall from the skin. “ for one so old I would have thougth that you would have be able to see that one coming.” said Sayrowa. “ you are a evil little beast with a few surprises up your wings.” said Elvyst. “ I am neither good nor evil I am a dragon and completely netural in this figth.

         Asions katana started to glow blue again.  “Asion no that will be the end of the figth if you active your sword.” yelled Kiki. “ would you be quiet already.” Asked Kaiki now with a hint of dessuct in his voice.

         Kiki’s worlds fell on death ears for Asion was already activating her sword causing her katanas blade to glow bright blue. Shuana attacked and Asion blocked in the seconds that the two blades touched a white light began to from. Then the light began to glow brighter until it surroned Asion, Shauna, Sayrowa and Evlyst and then its light turned yellow.

         “ they did it! They have created a nexus.” said Kaiki in amazement. “ Oh, no” said Kiki. “ what dose he mean a nexus?” asked Sodu.  “ A nexus is a spot in the ground were both good and evil have stood. For you see good and evil can not touch or both will be destored and that is what has happen here.” said Kiki.  “ So you are telling me that both Asion and Shuana will now die? Asked Sodu.” yes” said Kiki stuned by Kaiki plan. “ well I guess that I will be off now!” Said Kaiki and with that he disappeared as the crack in the earth sealed itself. “ What do we do to stop this?” asked Sodu.  “ there is no way to stop a nexus once they have started, all you can do is just let it go.” said Kiki on the vergue tears.

         The light in the sky grow brighter and when it seemed that that it could not glow any more the light started to decrees. The light moved inwards and shrunk and then it exploded sending the peaces of the blue and black blades into the sky.

         Kiki and sodu looked upwards in amazement as the shathered remains fell from the sky. “ another comrade down! Goddess my there souls rest in peace.” said Kiki. While Kiki looked down a blue light fell on Asion and Sayrowa flu up into the into the light.

         Meanwhile in the newly rebult city of Fira:two young children lay in there room sleeping one had on a blue crystal pendent ,that his mother had given him, around his neck, which a blue light fell upon and the other a little girls slept in the other bed in the room. As the child layed there sleep a smile fell on his face as Sayrowa flu into the pendent but not before stoping to kiss the child upon his head and saying “ I am home my little one. Never again will you be alone Solice.” 

         Later that nigth these two children were visted by another animal the eagles from Saunas sai’s. The eagle kissed the girl on the her head and said “ I will miss you my daugther.”  then the Eagle flu out the window and into the waiting field of emeral green grass and the ever flowing waterfall.

         “ Sodu, I need you to go and grab both halfs of the swords and take them to my mother.” said Kiki. “why me?” asked Sudo. “ because it I touch the swords it will just create another Nexus. What part of demi goddess do you not get? Asked Kiki.  “ that is a good point” said Sodu as a tear fell from his eyes and hit the ground. “ Sodu I know you hurt as I do. You have to stay strong and do this for me!” said Kiki as she also started to cry.  “ were are going two?” asked Sodu. “ I am going to look after Solice and Kyra.” said Kiki.  “ Good. That sounds like a good idea” said Sodu as he went over to get the two broken sworld and placing them in this clock pockets.

“ take care little one” said Sodu as he and Kiki hugged. “ I will see you when you get back Sodu” said Kiki looking into to Sodu eyes on last time. Then each off them took of in there own direction. Each looking over there shoulder at were there two comards had fallen.  Each one of them had a tear falling from there eyes.

          “ oh what dark day that have befallen us.

                 Go with the godspeed and rush.

                 Great days that are calling

                 Allies are falling.

                 Oh, dark days befallen us.”

                   Said Kiki as she started down the road away from the hellish ground. 
© Copyright 2009 Jayden Melicore (jerrylaber at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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