Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1627787-nightmares-and-reality
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1627787
this is from a series that i am working on call the bloodrigth series. love 2 hear from u.

 nightmares and reality   (13+)
this is from a series that i am working on call the bloodrigth series. love 2 hear from u.
#1627787 by Jayden Melicore

                                                                      bloodrigth series

                                                                      Last of the Magi

                                                                          Chapter 20

                                             Nightmares and reality.

                                         By Jayden Melicord.

As the morning broke the darkness of the forest refused to yell to the ever fighting light of the sun. “Who are you and why do you haunt me so, clinging my dreams, turning my sweet dreams into ever unbearable nightmares. Why won’t you fight like a man? You sickening, veil, coward.” yelled soul at the top of his lunges to the heavens.  “I will fight you just come to the field at the end of the forest.

Soul took off running moving throw the forest barely missing a tree standing right in his path of travel. He was followed by a child with black hair and dagger hanging at either one of her hips. “Soul you need to stop! What do you think you are doing! SOUL! Just then a hand grabbed at Souls wrist and spun him around. 

“Soul don’t you dare go doing anything stupid you are need here!” said Asion here eyes burning into Souls fire amber red eyes. “Asion you don’t understand that is the man the reason that my parents are dead. He is the one who killed Reilly while I was forced to stand there and watch. Don’t you want vengeance for a fallen comrade?”  Said soul looking in Asion calm crystal blue eyes.  “Yes I do but I don’t want to lose you either.” said Asion as a tear rolled down her face. “Soul don’t you get it I can’t lose you I will die from the pain. She continued. 

Soul felt a small tug on his cloak which caused him to look down and his eyes to fall on the Kiki’s eyes which burned like to yellow suns causing him to fall to his knees. “Soul, do not go you have to take care of me, you are my soul and I don’t like seeing you and me Asion fighting.  “What if I was to tell you that I would be here when it was over and we will live happily ever after? I promise you that.” said Soul looking at the brown haired little girl before kissing her on the top of head and standing up looking into Asion’s eyes. “You and I will be married after this is over. This will end tonight and you and I will be in married.” said Soul to her as he leaned in and gave her a hug. “Soul I am going with you! I have to help you.” said Asion. “I need you to keep Kiki safe by taking her up to the top of that hill.” said soul pointing to a hill overlooking the forest. “No matter what you hear or see I need you to promise that you will not get into the battle.

         Soul looked at Shauna and Sodu and smile while Asion and Kiki went off in the other direction. “Soul why did you let her go we could have used her in this battle?” asked Shauna. “It is simple really I could not lose her and the little one needed to be safe. Said soul almost amused at the ignorance of the question he was just asked. “What is our plan Soul?”  Asked Shauna. “ it is really simple, we go in there and kick some purgatory but back to the deep ,dark pits of hell where they belong.” answer Soul. “Sounds good to me! Exclaimed Sodu. 

         With that the three of them took off to the edge of the woods. Soon there once heavy footstep were drowned out by the sound of water being pound on the rocks below its cliff.  Then the oppresses forest gave way to a vast field to which the hill turn into a waterfall before it and on the other side of the field were several small cave in the side of another mountain meanwhile all of this was boxed in by the forest which spread out on both the left and right sides of the field.  In the center of this field stood an impressive army all dressed in black robs. “I see you have finely decided to come and face me.”  Said a voice form the crowed... The voice hung heavily and seemed to suck the air from the field. Soul knew at once who had spoken and his mouth curled into a devilish grin as his eyes scanned the crowed for the body that went with that voice. Then he spotted the tall black cloaked body in the distances. “You know Unkano; you really have let yourself go. I mean can you even scare a fly now. You look like an old baboon standing there.” said Soul with his hand on the hilt of his sword while at his side booth Shauna and Sodu stood without speaking a word. 

         Not even a leave on the trees rustled as the groups stood there waiting for the other to make the first move.  “You know there are three of you and twenty of us.” said Unkano with an evil laugh. “Yes it doesn’t seem fair to you dose It.” said Soul with the same demented evil laugh. “You don’t even stand a chance and you know that.” Unkano said with a venoms sting to his voice.  “Enough with talking it is time to end this wretched age of ternary.” said Soul as he pulled his sword and felt the all too usually felling of nothing but air in his hand. The blade glowed red and his phoenix guides emerge for a flash of fire. Shauna and Sodu fallowed suit unsheathing there weapon and there was a flash of green light from Sodu’s battle axe as a white bangle tiger came roughing to life. Then there was a flashes of silver and blue as two eagles came out of the tips of Shauna’s sai’s.

Just then the wall of darkness broken and ran at Soul, Shauna, and Sodu. “Hold your positions.” said Soul clam and heartless. The group came closer and closer and Soul could tell that he and his comrades were outnumbering five to one. “Hold your position!’ Soul repeated as the group came even closer. Now the group way only a few yards away and the spirit animals took off running into the darkness coming at them. In only a few moments the screams of death filled the air but some of the darkness was able to slip throw and soul twisted the blade in his hand. “Now” said Soul to the others and with that all three of them lunged into the fight. Soul saw a flaming sword coming at him and without thing throw his blade to the right and could see blood running from under the attacker coat. Then a second attacker came from the left but before Soul could even react he saw the shine off the side of a battle axe make contact with the neck of the assailant. Soul heard Shauna scream as one of her Sai’s was thrown from her hand. “Fira ingintian” Scream soul at one of the demons that was about to thrust his blade into Shauna throat and with that the demons head caught on fire. Shauna kicked in to the demons chest and turns and grabbed her Sai and jumped to her feet thrusting it into the demons heart which caused the demon to ignite in to flames. Soul looked away and refocused his eyes on Unkano. “Your mine!” he muttered as the next nine demons came running at them. Soul swung is sword and knocked out seven of them. “Soul go we have got them bring him to his knees.” said Sodu and with that Soul ran up to Unkano.

         “Now Soul it is just you and me the way that it should be!” said Unkano his voice as clam as ever. “I have waited for this moment for so long. I hope that it is like the way I have had it replaying over and over in my head for all this months since you kill Reilly. You will pay for his death I promise you this.” Said Soul never taking his eyes off of Unkano. “Soul don’t you think you should put that little pointer away.” Unkano said. “I have had enough of your arrogant attitude all ready. Let’s get it over with all ready.” said soul getting upset. “Well I agree but first let me tell you of how your pitiful mother and father died at my hand. Do you know that they cried like babies and that your father scarified your mother to die before him the coward?” Said Unkano laughing. “How dare you! You never mention their names again! They were not coward they gave their life’s for their country.” Said soul as his eyes turned from black as night to the fire ember red again. “Did I hit a never?  Am I going to make baby Soul cry?” asked Unkano with his dark eyes glaring at Soul.  “I am going to take pleasure in killing you!” said Soul. “Well then let’s make it a fare fight no magi and no demon powers.” Said Unkano with a smile on his face.  “And how do you propose that we do that?” asked soul.  “Simple you make a dome that will kill me use if either one of us use our power.” said Unkano.  “Sounded like a plan to me “surrounda doma” Said soul and with that a dome appeared surrounding them. 

         Meanwhile Asion how looked down on the battle from above on the top of the waterfall heard footsteps behind her. “Kiki behind me now!” Asion yelled as she draws her Katana from its sheath. Just then seven demons ascended the crest of the hill. “Enjoy this breath for it will be your last.” said one of the demons to Asion. “Asion jumped into the air and brought her Katana down into the first demons chest causing the blood to stain her cloths. “Oh great, this was a new dress.” said Asion as her eyes locked on to the next guard. Before his he could move her Katana meet his though spinning for him her momentum carried her throw the rest go the group. On the last one she looked down and smiled saying “Now, who’s last breath was it.” 

          The clank of steal echoed through the air as Souls and Unkano’s sword meet causing both of them to spin away. Soul ran at Unkano swing his sword from left to right to Souls surprise Unkano caught the blade and flipped him over. “You are a fool to fight me when you have a child on the way!” Said Unkano. “I have no child” snapped Soul as he jumped and dodged Unkano’s blade. “Asion is with child you fool and you will never see it born.” said Unkano as the blades hit again.

          Asion fell to the ground because of a pain in her stomach.  “Kiki I need help go find Soul.” said Asion and with that the little girl took off at a run.  “What is wrong? Why do I hurt like this? “Asked Asion to herself.

         The little brown hair Kiki slipped throw the legs of another demon that was fighting with Sodu. When she came throw on the other side she turn and threw one of her daggers at the demons back with just when up in flames. “To me” said Kiki to the dagger which came flying back at her till she caught it. “Kiki where are you going?” said Sodu grabbing her. “Let me’s go I have to get to me Soul.” said Kiki. “No we cannot interfere with Souls fight.” said Sodu.  “I am warning you put me’s down NOW!” yelled Kiki. “No” said Sodu. “Well I’s tried being nice’s to you’d now branch.” said Kiki just then Sodu hit his head off a branch in the tree.  Sodu body hit the ground very unpleasant manor and with that Kiki ran off looking for Soul again. In a few moments she saw Shauna in battle with four demons herself. Kiki pulled her daggers and throw them, both of which hit their makes with easy dead in the center of the foreheads of the demons. They fall dead and Shauna cut off the others two head. “Back to me’s” said Kiki. Shauna looked at Kiki and asked “Were you going?”  “Oh, greats not’s this again. I have to get to me Soul.” Said Kiki.  Shauna grab the child “No we can’t interfere with Soul fight.” she said. “Puts me down nows.” said Kiki. “No” said Shauna. “Pebble” said Kiki and Shauna felt something hit the back of her head.  Kiki looked at Shauna with surprise think to herself it didn’t work.” “Rock” said Kiki and a fist size rock hit her in the back of her head causing her to fall to the ground face first. Kiki got to her feet looking at Shauna’s now unconscious body and stuck her tong out and raspberries her and with that she turned and ran further up the battlefield.       

Once again the air was filled with the sound of steal against steal. “You’re not Soul! I must admit I thought I would kill you faster than this.” said Unkano. “Never underestimate your opponent or overestimate yourself.” said Soul. Souls and Unkano’s fight had them dancing around the dome like it was a maypole on the first day of May. Unkano swung low which cause Soul to jump and flip over him. Upon landing Soul caught a glimmer of midnight black. “Kiki” Soul thought to himself. “No, it can’t be she is with Asion on the top of the hill.” he continued as he dogged Unkano’s blade coming at him whom he saw from the corner of his eye.  He countered with a high jump and came down like a bolder falling down a hill. His attack missed his mark but now the glimmer cried.  “Soul Asion needs you! How do I get in her?”

         Kiki ran that the dome with her dagger out hitting the wall and bouncing off not even leaving a scratch on it. “I’s don’t like’s this thing’s. Disappear” commanded Kiki and nothing happen. Kiki stamped her feet in a fit of rage and drew her daggers and throw them at the dome which caused them to bounce off and head right at her. “Opp’s” said Kiki ducking before they behead her, but the horse and rider that had just walked out of the forest were not so lucky both laid dead a puddle of blood. “Back to me’s” Said Kiki in a shy voice. “You’s are very’s bad’s” said Kiki to the now blood soaked dagger in her hand.

         Soul who had turned his attention to the comical antics of Kiki now felt a piercing and burning pain in his right side. He looked down to see blood flowing like water from underneath his red cloak. Soul fell to his knees because the pain increased as the blood decreased from his body. Unkano laugh and Soul lunged at Unkano’s side and missed the moment caused Soul to leave a trail of blood on the ground. “Don’t you see it is over? You have lost! Soul you are nothing more than a child and they sent you to fight me. You are going to die there are no two ways about it.  Now that my work here is done I think I will take my leave! Said Unkano and with that he disappeared. The doom began to close in on itself while Soul was trapped inside to weak to get out or stop the magi. Then there was a red flash and Kiki was thrown back away from where the domes use to be. When she landed she hit her head on a rock lying on the ground. She closed her little eyes and the world faded to black.

         “Kiki are you ok?” Asked Asion. “Yea, I fine but were is me Soul.” asked Kiki looking at Asion, Shauna and Sodu. At his Asion walked off and climbed back up the mountain leaving Shauna and Sodu with Kiki. “Kiki, Soul did not make it! He has gone to Summerland.” said Shauna in a soft voice that was cracking as she spoke. “I’s wants me’s Soul.” said Kiki starting to cry. “I can’t blame you for not believing me but also I can’t bring him back little one.” said Shauna looking down at Kiki as she tried not to cry as the little girl was. “I wish there was something I could tell you to make you feel better but words are betraying me at the moment.” said Sodu who was holding Shauna and the little girl in a hug. “All I can say is that Soul spirit animal was a phoenix and the phoenix is an animal that is dyes in a ball of flames and then is reborn from the ashes of that flame.” continued Sodu.  With this Kiki looked up into Sodus brown eyes and gave him a little smile before she began to shake violently and her little feet left the ground. Shauna and Sodu looks on in wonder as a bubble of white light surround the little girl. The blinding light burned with the intensity of a thousand suns. “Kiki, what do you think you are doing? I need you to get down here NOW!” Yelled Shauna. Kiki looked down and was suppressed by the fact that she was now twice as high as the others. “I’s would if’s I’s Knew How’s! I’s want’s me’s Soul back’s now’s and I’s want’s down’s! Said Kiki with a crying wine in her voices. “Kiki clam down and maybe I can get you down little one” said Sodu.

         With that Kiki started to cry harder and harder “ I’s want’s me’s Soul back now. You’s said’s that Soul was a phoenix he’s would’s be reborn’s where is she?” “Kiki that is not what I meant. I meant that some day he would be back someday?” Said Sodu. “I’s want someday to be today.” Said Kiki as she started to go higher and higher in the air and the light around her grew brighter and brighter. 

         Meanwhile in the center of the forest stood a white skinned young boy with pointy ears that protruded from his brown hair and stunning with white teeth and eyes of emerald. The boy took a step and the lighting in the sky flashed. “What is that light in the sky destroying my rest .Maybe I should go see?” said the boy with a smile on his face.

         “I want me’s Soul NOW!!!” cried Kiki as a lightning bolt shot down from her bubble and hit Sodu knocking him into a tree.

         In the flash of light Asion saw the boy from the forest walk out. “There you are! You murder your mine!” she said jumping of the top of the waterfall. “Watera Speara “yelled Asion and the water from the fall gather and obtained a sharp tip and shot at the young white skinned boy.

         The boy waved his hand and the water disappear before him  without hitting him and then the boy pushed his hand out in to the air and Asion was shot backwards. “Watera cusiona “said Asion and a globe of water surrounded her. At this the boy smile coyly and opened his hand bursting the globe of water around Asion. Then he flicked his hand out and Asion was flung into the rock of the waterfall with a thud. Asion’s now limp body fell to the lake below.  “Now that was no fun!” said the boy with a hint of depression in his voice.  The white s skin boy jumped in the lake and swam out to retrieve Asion now near lifeless body from the lake. Upon reaching her he throw one arm around her and started to swim back to the other side. “If I had known you were this heavy I would have let you down.” complained the boy as he struggled to get her to the edge of the crystal blue lake. Then at long last the boy could see the sight of green coming into view very swiftly.  When he reach the edge the boy lifted Asion’s body onto the grass and begging to push the water out of her lungs, stopping only to blow a breath of air in her mouth.  This continued for a few minutes but each time he stop to breath in to her mouth it there lips touched for longer and longer. Asion coughed and pushed the boy off. “I beg your pardon. But who are you and why did I wake up to you making out with me?” said Asion slapping the boy across the face.

         “My name is Tween” said the boy who was now blushing and rubbing his face from where Asion had hit. “Tween you say. You know you look a lot like my comrade that just fell his name was Soul.” said Asion.  “I was in my forest just minding my own business and waiting for a visitor that now is very late, which is very weird because he is never late him and his horse were spotted not that long ago leaving that side of the forest pointing the forest on the other side where the dome that Soul and Unkano were fighting in had been, and I saw a flash like lighting in the sky and decided I would come see. That is when you jumped of the waterfall and attack me so I fought back.” said Tween. “Tween I am sorry but like I said a comrade of mine has just died and I thought you were I one that killed him.” said Asion now embarrassed. “NO, like I said I was in the forest over there and I just came out to see what the lights were about.” said Tween.  “Oh by the way that reminds me I have to go see what that is about. You are free to come if you want.” said Asion.  With that Asion and Tween walked to the rest of the group. “What happened to Sodu now? “Asked Asion laughing. “Oh, he was trying to get Kiki to come down and she fired him.” Said Shauna laughing.  “Did he try this? Kiki Maria get you but down here now.” yelled Asion.  “Yes mama.” said Kiki starting to cry and her bubble started to float gently down. When she had both feet on the ground as ran to Asion jumped into her arms and then her eyes fell on the new guy. “whose is you’s?” asked Kiki. “I am Tween.” said Tween.  “Oh, a new play toy” said Kiki with joy in her and an evil smile on her face. “What does she mean by that? Asked Tween. Kiki smiled and said “Big rock” with that a giant boulder lifted off the ground and flue to above be Tween was standing. Tween looking down saw the shadow of the boulder which caused him to look up and see it floating above. “That is not good I think I know what she meant now!” said Tween move to but it did no good the bolder simply moved with him. “Can you get her to stop this!” said tween with a hint of panic in his voice looking at Asion. “She has yet to hurt anyone with it. She is just playing with you that are all.” said Asion with a laugh.

         Sodu blinked his eyes and laughed at Asion’s comment. “Speak for yourself Asion she seems to have a way of hurting Me.” said Sodu.  Sodu blinked again and this time everything came into focus. He could see Asion standing there with Shauna and Kiki and then he could not understand what he was seeing. “Soul what are you doing here?” asked Sodu running after Tween.  Tween did not even have time to react before he was on the ground with Sodu on top of him. “Will you get off me already!? Asked tween.  Sodu got up allowing Tween to get to his feet and brush himself off saying “you big dummy!”  Sodu grabbed Tween’s arm and spun him around. Sodu’s mouth drop open as his eyes fell on Tween’s white skins. “You’re not Soul! Who are you? Eartha canona.” said Sodu and the ground beneath Tween’s feet rose and shot him into the air and smashed into the rock that was still hovering above their head. “Sodu that was not very nice!” yelled Asion.  “Never said I was nice and by the way he was standing there I thought he was Soul’s ghost.” said Sodu. “You know he might have a valuable allay!” said Shauna with great hatred in her voice.

         Tween’s now limp body fell with a thud causing Kiki to jump and the bolder that she that she had been keeping in the air to fall onto tween.  The bolder hit the body and by all right the tween should have been dead but instead his hand twitched and the bolder  lifted off him and set itself down were hit had come from. Tween got to his knees and stood up. “At the risk of being hurt again I think it is time to take into the village. Just please don’t throw rocks while you are in the village, especially at me!”

         With that the group moves to the forest were Tween had come from.

“I hope this will be over soon before anymore of us dying” Thought Asion to herself. 

© Copyright 2009 Jayden Melicore (jerrylaber at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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