Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1625046-History-is-Key--Be-sure-To-Know--Loved
Rated: · Other · Mystery · #1625046
Paige Baldwin
Kyle Bridgeman is a 21 year old bachelor from Forks Washington D.C. Kyle is not bad looking for a bachelor with a violent and horrible past. He’s 5’9" with a dark brown complexion, light honey brown eyes and a smile that can kill. Kyle can be the sweetest guy you know with a temper that tops it all. Kyle’s style is more of the laid back type; he dresses to impress when it is necessary but only wears dark blue, black or grey. His family came from Bermuda when he was about 15 years old, due to a series of horrible issues that occurred. With his past you would be surprised by just how deadly a smile can be…

It was the day after the 4th of July, and Kyle wanted to take his girlfriend Jasmin out for the day, to one of his friend’s cabins in the beautiful Washington Woods for the surprise of her life. The cabin was forty miles deep in the Washington Woods; and there was about 70 miles between each cabin. The cabin had two stories with cedar shingles on the outside and black shutters. All you could see around it was the drive and trees for days. On the left side was the tool shed which hasn't been open for years. Inside the cabin was an oak wood floor, dark red furniture, with black tables and counter tops.

Kyle has been dating 18 year old Jasmin Wilson for about five years on and off, because of Kyle’s temper. They recently got back together only because Kyle had promised Jasmin that he no longer blows up when he gets mad. Once they arrived at the cabin Jasmin suddenly got chills, not because it was cold because it was far from being cold. Jasmin got the feeling that something bad happened at this cabin but couldn't put her finger on it. JASMIN! Kyle yelled trying to snap her out of her trance. "Are you okay? You look kind of shook." "Yes. I'm fine I just get the feeling something weird happened here". How long did you say your friends lived here? "Don't worry about that; let’s go in, it's getting to hot outside." As Kyle and Jasmin got situated in the cabin everything was starting to feel better to Jasmin. Well not everything. Kyle saw she was still a little uneasy so he cuddled up with her on the sofa and smiled at her. For some reason every time he smiled it made her heart melt and feel so much better. After a few hours Jasmin fell asleep and Kyle slipped out. About an hour later Jasmin woke up to take a shower but noticed that Kyle was gone. "Maybe he just went to the store." she said to herself. As she walked past the hall way closet she heard a loud squeak under the floor board. When she looked down to see if there was an opening to the basement or a crack in the floor. There wasn't any hatch to a basement but she could see that the floor was able to be lifted up. Jasmin's curiosity got the best of her and she pulled up the cut out piece of the floor and saw there was a hidden door. So Jasmin pulled up the little door and saw stairs leading down to a room. As Jasmin began to walk down the stairs she smelled something so horrible she almost gagged. She felt for a switch and turned on the light. OMG! What is th---" before she could finish Jasmin had pasted out. In the room there was a wall with shelves and on the shelves there was a dead body on each with a bloody cover over them.

When Kyle returned back to the cabin he listened out for Jasmin but heard nothing. He figured she would be up and about by now, but no nothing. Something felt very wrong Kyle rushed and checked in the bedroom because Jasmin was no longer in the living room sleeping on the sofa. He didn't. Kyle really started getting scared because this wasn't Jasmin. She wouldn't just leave without telling him. As Kyle turned run up the stairs he saw the shadow of a small door at the top of the stairs. When he reaches the top he saw the small door wide open. He hoped to God Jasmin didn't get hurt and fall down the trap door being noise. JASMIN! Kyle yelled "JASMIN ARE YOU OKAY!" he kept yelling as he approach the trap door. His fear was met with his face to face with him. Jasmin was at the bottom of the stairs lying on the ground. Kyle immediately panicked and rushed to her aid but was stunned by what he saw. As he walks closer to the back wall with the shelves his eye widen by the site of the bodies but was immediately shut by a hard blow to the side of his head. As he went down Kyle heard foots steps come closer then stop. All of a sudden Kyle heard a deep slick voice that said "You should have stayed out of this" then the voice was gone and the trap door was shut. After being knocked out for two hours Jasmin finally woke up and realized she was pasted out next to Kyle. It was dark down in the basement, with only the light from the upstairs peaking through the crack of the door. As she looked around to try and find out what was going on Jasmin's site stop on a bloody baseball bat lying beside Kyle. Jasmin decided to reach over and take the bat but changed her mind when she realized she will need that to find out whom or what killed all these people down here.

Jasmin starts to panic realizing that she can't find a way out. As Jasmin walks around the room Kyle starts to wake up, the only problem is that Kyle is unable see clear nor get up because of his injury to the head. When Kyle's sight starts to clear up and he is able to see, all he sees is Jasmin walking around in a panic with a bloody baseball bat in her hands. Kyle struggles to get to his feet. He doesn't want Jasmin to know he is awake, just in case she decides to finish him off. Jasmin hears a quiet grunt across the room "You better get away from me or I'll kill you I swear I will" she say to Kyle not knowing it's him. "Jasmin what are you doing?" It's me Kyle. "How did you get down here Kyle? Where did you go? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Jasmin asked as she started to cry. Kyle starts to walk closer to Jasmin trying to give her his famous smile, which always used to work when she needed to be calmed down. "Back up Kyle I asked you if anything weird happened here and you said no". "Calm down I'm trying to help you, I don't know who did this me” Kyle yelled back. "Last time I checked you're the one swinging the bat at me" Kyle said. "WHAT! Kyle you brought me here" Jasmin stated. All of a sudden they hear foot prints coming closer to the trap door. Jasmin turns to listen, then remembers that Kyle who she thought was the killer of all the bodies was still in the room with her. She quickly turns back to realize Kyle was no longer there. KYLE Whe--! She yells, just before a loud crash in the far corner scares her. Jasmin rushed over, to see that it was just one of the buckets that got knocked over. Still in a panic Jasmin tries to calm herself down by breathing slowly, but is interrupted by a forceful push from the back into the wall. As she falls she hears a deep unrecognizable voice say "you should have minded your %&#@ business". When Jasmin goes to yell for help the deep voice slits her neck. Just enough, for her to slowly bleed to death.

As she started to black out she heard foot prints leaving the room. Still struggling to breathe, Jasmin attempted to open her eyes. All of a sudden the lights turned on exposing the dead bodies and some things she could use for first aid. Struggling Jasmin inched her body to the mini table with the thing she can use for first aid. Trying not to breathe too much Jasmin reached the table, grabs the alcohol and some cloth and dabs the alcohol on the cut to stop the bleeding. Then she wrapped the cloth around her neck to slow the bleeding. “If I’m going to die I definitely want to find out who killed all these people and who is trying to kill me”. After a half an hour went by with Jasmin trying to find a way out. An idea hit her, Jasmin was going to make a lot of noise to get him to open the door and come down then hit him with the bat. Jasmin started to search for the bat she had earlier.

While upstairs the deep voice that Jasmin heard talking to her was Gabriel, someone she did not know but very close to Kyle, closer than anyone would ever know. “Kyle, how come you didn’t let me finish her off; she is going to ruin the fun for me” Gabriel said. “NO! I told you not to hurt her. If I knew what you were thinking of doing to her I would have never brought her here”. “What are you talking about; you always know what I’m thinking”, “We’re one of a kind Kyle. You can’t stop it and you won’t stop me”. “I’m going to finish what I started whether you like it or not you really can’t stop me”.

Gabriel went to leave the living room where he and Kyle were talking; he had with a gun and headed to the floor door that leads to Jasmin underground nightmare.” Hope you had fun with your little girlfriend because she’s mine now” Gabriel yelled as he reached the door. And just when Gabriel bent down to open up the door. BAM! Gabriel fell to the floor. Not realizing what just happened to him Gabriel struggles to turn around to see who just hit him. It was Jasmin with the bat. “Kyle?” “Oh My God, you lied to me Kyle, why after all we been through, and everything I did for you why would you try to kill me”. Still dizzy Gabriel looks up and said “what did you call me? I’m not Kyle. I’m Gabriel. I control everything that goes on in our head”. “What are you taking about Kyle who’s Gabriel there is only me and you here. You are Kyle .I know it because we grew up together, you sick &^%$”.Bang! Bang! Jasmin fell to the floor blood spilling out of her forehead.” Ha she is crazy if she thought I loved her.

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