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Rated: E · Fiction · Religious · #1623482
Let me start by posing the question: How did the universe begin? Scientists claim the world began through what was described as the Big-Bang.  They are right for once, only they do not recognize that they actually say the same thing as religionists who insist on the creation of the universes.  For the Big Bang is really equivalent to the command: “Let there be light” at which a point of light was placed just outside the boundary of the dark, formless creation and the “heaven”, or more precisely, the Divine realm.  Hence the source and origin of the Big Bang can now be established:  It is the Holy Spirit that is the origin and the propelling force of the Big Bang.  Indeed wherever the ripples of the energy passed through during the course of it’s expansion, forms, landscapes, different kinds of spiritual and other beings, including animals, angels, arise.  The universe thus expanded not only from the source of creation into the voids, out also from within towards the outside.  Thus the more you go within you the closer you get to the source of the big bang until you rich the boundary you cannot cross.

And the outermost boundary – at least as far as we here are concerned – is this physical world.  Ours is actually one of the seven universes but let us not pursue that line for lack of time.

Let me not also at this time give details of how the earth was formed, first in the astral and almost simultaneously the physical, the development of primeval plants, and how, through the process of friction and heat through the interplay of radiations, the egg developed before the chicken.  It is also a fact that the earth is not only planet with life.  There are other planets that are lighter or denser as the case may be than our earth.  But the inhabitants of these places bear the form of the human on earth basically, though this form could be ennobled through spiritual lightness.

The development of the planet earth is oblivious of development of the human spirit even though it should go hand in hand with the development of the human spirits incarnated it. The earth’s development goes on to maturity, ripeness, decay and disintegration oblivious of the human spirits inhabiting it.  But the human spirits, in their own developments, affects the lightness or heaviness of the earth through their collective and individual volitions.  Thus the earth passed through various stages of development – for example, the various ages like the ice age, until it now reaches the point where compared to a fruit on a tree, it is now ripe and is at the turning point of decay.  At this turning point, so much incisive happenings follow it.  And, of course, it is not expected to be over in a matter of months.  It takes years for the transition period to take place.  In a gradually quickening process, the geology of the earth is gradually transformed to correspond to the new level of stellar radiations it is now going to face.  This results in drastic upheavals in both the core and the crust of the earth.

But then again, my son, the beginning of the turning point is an exact time, from then a quickening process starts, and the building up proceeds.  The earthquakes, the floods, landslides, volcanoes, keep growing in intensity and numbers with passing years.  Today, for example the news about an earthquake that forty years ago would have graced front pages of newspapers and generated discussions for weeks now occupies a hidden corner of the pages.

The intensities of these things peak at the appearance of a comet in the sky, with a massive convulsion of the earth, forming, as it is a new earth hence fulfilling the prophecy in the book of revelations of the old earth vanishing and a new earth appearing.

The coming of this comet has been the subject of prophecies from various religions and peoples, with different names.  Names like the sign of the Son of Man, the great comet, Nibiru, Planet X, the Phoenix that returns, and many others.

But the earth itself is the actual phoenix.  Consider the earth itself as a gigantic magnet with the centers of force fields.  The force of gravity is the physical manifestations of the law of gravity; which is one of the pillars of the sacred knowledge I bequeath to you, for each plane or level has this law manifested in a way peculiar to the plane.

I have also mentioned how, at the end, disintegration will take place, just like the phoenix fable.

You remember the story of the mythical bird called the phoenix?  It is a bird that does not lay eggs.  It means then that only a specific number of phoenixes exist.  Their mode of reproduction is unique in the sense that every mature phoenix builds a nest, stays in the nest until it bursts into flame and burns to ashes.  Out of the ashes comes out a young phoenix, which flies away to continue the cycle.

Having explained to you the evolutionary life of each celestial globe, I now go into the evolution of the humans in relation to the earth.

Science says that human beings evolved from primeval apes.  How right they are, if in evolution they refer only to the physical body.  For truly we are advanced mammals who evolved from a specie of apes that have now become extinct.  But the fossils finds of ancient skulls found and paraded by the archeologists are not the representations of these primeval apes, for here I am talking of events that took place long before the ice and glacial ages known to history.  In fact, the so called species of dinosaurs whose fossils are paraded in museums may have been the bones of dragons of old, the airplane of the ancient people because the dragons are tame and people were riding on it’s back as today people ride on horsebacks, only that the dragons used to fly, and whenever they get angry, they belch fire through their nose and mouth.  At that time, when the primeval apes were at the peak of their development, the human spirit, coming from above, is just at the lowest level of it’s own evolution.  Thus, the human spirits could incarnate into these apes instead of the souls of these animals.  Since then more and more of the souls entered more of the animals at the middle of pregnancy.

The take over by the soul of man of the animal body resulted in the erect stature of these apelike creatures, since they are attracted by the radiations of the sun, which reminds them of their home in the spiritual realm.

With the appearance of the human spiritual on earth, alien and higher radiations thus enters the earth, in contradistinction to the radiations coming from the forces of the elements and their ilk, which hitherto animated, sets aglow and propels the movement on the earth plane, form the minute atom to the gigantic galaxies.  For beings that came into existence immediately after the big bang as the universe expanded, in their own spiritual activities, unconsciously produces streams of energy that also flows down and permeates the world which arose out of their own volitions in the first place.  These flow down as spiritual energy that takes fine material coverings resulting in the finer particles of atoms, electrons, protons, etc.  It is then clear why they imitate the larger galactic actions of the gigantic beings that control the motions of the universes.

Thus the human spirit, whose volitions and beings results in various hues of colorful radiations, intermix with the radiations of these streams of energy and the transformed rays emanating from the different combinations of these streams of power which form compounds and different objects.  Thus each spirit develops auras peculiar to it in relation to the radiations of the universal environment.

The Native American cultures believe the earth has life, and draws it’s life support from the sun.  How right they are, for the earth possesses it’s own aura and thus pulsates with the universal life force.  But the sum products of the auras resulting from the average volitions of the earthman also interferes with the aura of the earth, and increases or decreases its mobility according to the law closer to dull yellow, the earth tends to become denser and more sluggish in its movements and orbital track assigned to it.  For a purer swinging, it must approach the luminous color of violet.

At the initial stage, the interplay of colors brought the best radiations on earth.  The human spirits in the ennobled body of the apes still wear this cloak uncondensed, thus they were gigantic human beings, the giants of old.  Here I am talking of a far, far earlier epoch than that of the Lemurians, who mythologies and fables call the Titans.

Since the earth and other celestial bodies are spiraling away at enormous speed and distances from the source of the big bang, their movement are expected to become slower and more sluggish.  This will automatically bring rigidity to the human spirits in the earthly cloak, who are using the human body and brain to work on a soil of different consistency from their own, which means they may experience less of the necessary friction that comes from mobility and therefore they cannot mature into flames, being spirit sparks in the first place.  For this reason, rays of higher energy shot out from beyond the source of the big bang down to the earth.  But because this came from sources higher than them, the spirits were attracted to this energy source, which now tended to increase the vibrations of the earthly instrument through which the spirit works in the human brain.  Thus, the brain increased in activity within the boundary of the world of matter, due to the activity of the source of light – for everything is radiations – called Lucifer.

You can now understand, my son, why Lucifer was called the morning star.  It was because at the physical world, he was to influence the rays of the sun, the star that illuminates our own earth, which physically animates and lightens what is here on earth.

Now, it had been timed that at that point where the earth reaches the point of over-ripeness and tends towards decay, a miniature repetition of the big band should take place here on earth.  This entails sending down a tiny ray of the source of the energy that exploded at the word “let there be light”.  This light point had to travel enormous distance from the source of the big bang until it ends up in the material world. For the reason that it is the source of all life, the human spirits that incarnated into the apes as sparks of light, being at that time millions of years old on earth and having passed through heat, friction and movement, are expected to have become flames.  The appearance of the light point – call it the comet, planet X, Nabiru or what you like – creates a wave that extinguishes weak flames and makes stronger flames to become blazing.  However, these blazing ones cannot be sustained here on earth and will have to be drawn back to the place where other flames of like intensity are to be seen according to the law of attraction. It was, however, expected that most sparks should have turned to flames before the period of the turning point.  But things developed differently.

Meanwhile, at the beginning, there were harmonious radiations in our universe until there became an enormous compulsion through the source of light Lucifer to increase the activity of the human instrument of working in material world, without at the same time increasing the vibrations of the animating source of radiations to these instruments.  Disharmony ensued among the weaker ones that immediately succumbed to this new enticement.  The result was the training of the instrument one sided, which cut off gradually the influence of the spark over the body it is animating.  According to the law of reciprocal action, Lucifer himself cut himself off his own source of light.  The radiations from the instrument, the human intellect, started sending out rays and vibrations that resulted in an enormous arrays of short-circuits, propelled by radiations from Lucifer himself.  Hence there appears what looked like a war of radiations in the universe.  Many heavenly bodies went out of tangent and alignment in their traditional course of movements.  The earth itself was pushed out of the normal orbital position. From then onwards, valued life became endangered, and things went inevitably downhill.

Attempts were made to stem the tide.  Many spirits who have already become flames at their point of origins were sent down at intervals to help in bringing gentle winds that will fan the spirit sparks into flames.  These were the forerunners, called ones and prophets of old, found among all peoples and religions.  Some also were rulers and scientists.  These, with their own blazing fires, were able to slow down the speeding up of rigidity.  For the simple reason that they are meant to shake mankind, and by extension the universes, out of their comfort zone, they were faced with hostility.  Many were even severed from their physical anchor, the body, and according to the law of attraction, had to flow back to where they came from.

Things came to a head that necessitated that another part of the origin of the big bang had to shoot it’s rays down to earth and incarnate in a body, as the source of all flames.  Owls and bats from the dark caves rushed out against him and Jesus of Nazareth had to severe himself and re-unite with his homogenous kind but not before he had gathered those of already blazing flames and commissioned them to sweep through the earth in a hurricane of spiritual awakening.  In as much as this did not restore the original order of things, it was enough to successfully stem the tide, to hold mankind and the universe until the arrival of the star of promise.

After that, flames are incarnated here and there to maintain the balance.

Now we live at the period of the turning point, my son.

For over seventy years this miniature source of the big bang has been speeding towards this part of creation. Even as it left, the unhinging effect reared it’s head with many signs.  The stock market crash, the world wars, natural disaster and constant worry over environmental degradation signaled the take-off from source.  At the same time, a revolution of spiritual enlightenment started to sweep through the universe.  So, many flames were incarnated on earth as anchors for sparks that have become flames, some even beyond the big bang origin.  but many flames only ended up becoming stifled by the vortex of dark currents which has developed into myriads of centers.  Thus we saw the intensifications of both spiritual and scientific revolutions traced right down to that period.

Due to the fact that all the short-circuits are meant to be burnt off and the right circuits reconnected, the closer the comet comes the more the increase in natural and man-made disasters, economic, and political crisis resulting in wars and rumors of wars.

The time and date of appearance of this star is not known by anybody, but what is known is that whenever that happens, calculations will show that it just arrived at this material world not a second later or earlier than it should.

With the arrival, it restores the earth to it’s expected speed and track of movement, together with the whole universe, correcting all the imbalance of alignments, and unleash a spiritual wave of fire, wind and water that every strong flame becomes a blazing fire, and weak ones becomes extinguished.  The average ones will need to struggle to uphold the tapers they had managed to build up over millennia, either to pass or to fail.  For these, strong and blazing ones are meant to be anchors.

This is the last judgment rightly dreaded by all, though it could have been a festival instead of judgment if mankind had developed as expected.
Hence the one thousand years of peace is actually one thousand years of enforced harmony of radiations, during which flames will blaze and mostly leave to their homogenous groups in other realms.  Hence the last judgment becomes a period of catastrophe for some and ecstasy for others.

Science has gone a long way, my son.  Their efforts can be compared to the climbing of a mountain from the foot.  With their struggle for knowledge, they had laboriously climbed, over centuries, and at each point of triumph they cling to the edge of the top, swing themselves over in jubilant pride of their achievements only to be greeted and welcomed by a band of spiritual truth bringers who has been sitting there for millennia, some of who even came from the clouds.     

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