Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1620967-Rebound
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1620967
When a guy says that he's not ready for a relationship yet, - believe him.
" I was never into basketball, so when I encountered the word "rebound", I did not know exactly what it means..."

When Cassie finally got her long awaited promotion, she met this certain guy named Hugh. He was like a big brother to her. She always turned to him for help especially for issues that's really complicated.

One day, Hugh asked Cassie for her IM and then, her cellphone number. He started sending messages and she thought that he's just being friendly. Eventually, he began to make sweet talks and she was somehow alarmed. She began to asked herself, " Is he flirting with me?", because she thought he had a girlfriend and she wouldn't want to mess up with guys that are attached.

She didn't know how to react so she asked her dear friends who knew him, for a piece of advice and for unknown reasons, they warned her to be cautious.

Too late for that, she was caught off guard. She just found herself defenseless with his charm. He treated her extra special and she knew for herself that if this thing continued she would definitely fall for him.

She started to get confused because as sweet as he may be to her, she needed to know his real intentions. She asked him if he's courting her and to her surprise he answered "NO".
He told her he liked her though but hes not ready for a relationship yet and he didn't want Cassie to be a rebound.

Rebound? First thing that came to her mind was basketball. " What's basketball got to do with this?" Anyway, Hugh informed Cassie that him and his ex-girlfriend split up a year ago but he still calls her his gf because he can't get over with her. They've been together for seven years.
Cassie felt sorry for him. She thought he must have loved his ex-gf that much.

She told him that if he doesn't have any plans to pursue her, better keep distance because she obviously already liked him and she didn't want to deepen the feelings that she had for him but ....he didn't.
And as expected, Cassie lost herself.

At first, she felt good, to know that someone she likes, cares for her too. Her heart told her to go on and savor the moment but at the back of her head it said that something wasn't right.

"I was with someone I love, I should be happy", Cassie kept telling herself , "BUT WHY AM I NOT???"

Maybe because she knew all along that although he was with her, fact remains, hes not gonna be hers.

Things began to change. Her boss designated her to a different office.

She took it as a blessing. At least since that she won't be seeing him anymore, she was hoping that somehow the feeling would subside. She was wrong. She missed him more and worse he seemed to forget about her.

Everyday, she was hoping that he would text her or would come and see her. Sometimes, he does, oftentimes, no. Consistently inconsistent.

Someone told her once that if a person really likes you, he would find time for you, no excuses. "Well then, maybe he's not just into me." She thought.

Truth hurts. Love hurts. Easy to say but hard to accept. Cassie became miserable.

She was so depressed, she even thought of learning yoga to learn the art of meditation and by so doing she could teach her mind not to think of him.

She came to a point where she was like begging him for a little of his time.

One time, while she was daydreaming, she thought of searching the meaning of the word "rebound".

Here's what wikipedia tells about it.

A rebound is an undefined period following the break up of a romantic relationship.

Someone who is "on the rebound," or recently out of a serious dating relationship, is popularly believed to be psychologically incapable of making reasonable decisions regarding suitable partners due to emotional neediness, lingering feelings towards the old partner, or unresolved problems from the previous relationship. Rebound relationships are believed to be short-lived due to one partner's emotional instability and desire to distract themselves from a painful breakup, and those emerging from serious relationships are often advised to avoid serious dating until their tumultuous emotions have calmed.

A rebound relationship starts with the rebound comforting the other person over their loss, but in the end, the rebound often ends up getting hurt.

"Waahh... I knew it! I've let myself become a band aid. Is he worth it?" She said to herself. She had come to realize and finally understood. She had to decide to end the suffering. She tried very hard to regain her lost self. She prayed that she could get over with it and so she did..

Weeks passed. She heard that Hugh had himself a girlfriend. Pride tried to stop her from texting him to confirm but she had to. She asked him through text if it was true and he didn't reply. For her silence means yes.

Peace at last. At least, the hope that slowly tortured her had died before it consumed her.
© Copyright 2009 Lily White (lilywhite at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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