Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1620543-SpellBreaker-Chapter-OneTwo
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1620543
Personal work. Read it and it will explain itself I promise.
~The Unwelcomed Intruder~
“Come my child. The time is finally here. Join us.” An eerie voice fades into the distance to be slowly drowned out by the screech of a bedside alarm clock.
“Ugh”, groaning and moaning our unexpecting heroin finally wakes to great the day, as she does in this manner most of the week. Cranky, and inattentive.
She pulls at her covers to hide her face from what little sun light is making its way in throw the small window just behind her bed.
“Well, at least the weather shares my mood for the day.” She barriers her face in her pillow hoping for just five more minutes of rest.
“Nivia! Nivia! Are you awake?” a sunny, chipper voice floats down the hallway.
Huffing and puffing Nivia sits up and calls back,
“Yes I’m coming.” Covers and stuffed animals fall to the floor as our cheerful teen gets ready for the day. Pulling on a pair of jeans, t-shirt and a pull over jacket. Then drags her feet to the kitchen where she finds her mother engaging in her normal morning activities. Watching CNN and sipping at her orange juice.
“So is there anything good on?” Niva picks at her eggs and toast.
“Oh nothing much, same ol’ same ol’. You know what I mean.” Marlla doesn’t wavier from the screen.
“Okay mom, see you tonight.” Nivia grabs her back pack and heads out the back screen door to the bus stop.
“Don’t forget to be home by 5:00pm. And find out if Donny is staying, will you.”
“Okay mom. Got to go, love you bye.”
The screen door slams closed.

Nivia walks down the back drive, pulling her jacket tighter around her small frame trying to shake off the cold, damp air.

“Hey you.” Nivia looks up to see a tall, lanky teenage boy walking up the road toward her.
“Donny, are you staying tonight? Mom needs to know. I guess she needs to make sure she has enough food for the weekend. “
Donny scratches his head, “I guess so. I don’t want you to be left all alone with the crazy party hats again this year.” Nivia chuckles. “Alright then you can save me from the party as well. I haven’t a clue what she has planned for this year. But it can’t be good. You know she’s been running around all week like a crazed monkey or something. I even have seen a paper bag from Moonrise on the table. I really think you and your ghost have rubbed off on my mom.”
“Eh, how so? Just because she went to the local occult shop doesn’t mean she’s incorporating it into your birthday party. That would be a little weird. “The rumble of a bus starts down the street, the sound of sloshing tires becomes more pronounced.
“Let's leave this for later at lunch or something okay. I don’t think such a topic is good for the bus ride to school. What do you say?”
Nivia boards the bus with Donny in toe.

“Come my child…Join us….”
Most of Nivia’s day went like it always did. Silent bus ride to school, only with a few snickers here and there from other students riding the bus about her and Donny being the odd couple. The annoying race to her locker and then to her first period class that could be found on the fourth floor which was three floors from her locker. With a few weird happens along the way. Events that make her question her own sanity.
The lunch bell finally rings. Thank god.
“HEY! How’d you do on your math exam?!” Donny skips up all pleased to Nivia’s side holding a folded piece of paper.
“I did okay D. How about you?” Donny hands Nivia the paper. Smile screeching from ear to ear. Math wasn’t Donny’s strong point. He was more the science and history guy. Weird combination but it worked for him.
“Wahoo Donny. C+. That’s awesome. Your Dad will be glad to see you won’t have to go to summer school.”
They each grab a tray and head down the line with their other classmates. Making faces at the food the school expected them to eat and not question. After getting their food and paying the lady at the checkout they head to their normal table on the end of the lunch room. It sits by the far window overlooking the football field and is away from most of the other occupied tables.
“The time has come…Join us…”
Nivia slows her pace, bewildered look across her face… “Nivia are you okay?” Donny sets his tray on the table and goes to help his friend.
“Yeah, I’m okay... Just been…Okay you’re going to think this is strange coming from me. But I’ve been hearing this voice all day. Telling me to join it.” Sheepishly Nivia turns her view down to her food not wanting to sound completely crazed to her only true friend.

“Look what we have here. The Love birds sharing a romantic meal in the lunch room. How sweet.” Standing behind Nivia was the SCOWD. The group of popular girls that ran the school. Loving to torment Donny and Nivia. Taking time out of their busy day of make-up, and boys to spend time sending Donny into a nervous melt down. Sandra being the leader even takes the time to stop by Donny’s locker to torture him.
“Sandra will you grow up. Really, find another day out of the week to piss with us.” Nivia sinks into her chair, have they heard me...This is just what I need is the SCOWD to think I’m a loon. Oh I will never live this down.
“Really Nivia, I thought you would have realized by now. You’re my favorite person. And this is what I do for my favorite people, making their birthdays unforgettable as possible. I’m just sorry you don’t appertain my attempts.”
The cold icy feel of milk running down Nivia’s face sends her into a rage of red. She turns to face Sandra and everything stops.
The entire lunch room is stopped dead in its tracks. Students frozen in time, like looking at a TV screen on pause.
“What is going on?!” Nivia starts to panic. She can feel her labored breathing, as time goes on she finds it harder to breathe or even move.
“My child it is time.”
“Niv! Hey Niv! Are you okay?” Nivia wakes up to the school nurse and Donny standing over her.
“What is going on?” She sits up, pain rushes to her head.
“You tell me. Sandra poured milk on you and you wigged out. Started screaming at her and then you just fainted.” Donny sits down on the cot beside her. Letting her rest her head on his shoulder.
“Nivia Johnson, your mother is here. Time to go Hun.” The nurse holds the door open for her revealing her mother signing papers to release Donny and herself.

All three of them pile into the car and partake in a quiet ride to Donny’s house. Donny runs inside to pack his things for the weekend at Nivia’s house.
“So what happened at lunch?” Marlla turns to Nivia who’s staring out the back window in a daze.
“I don’t really know mom. Today has just been a weird day. I don’t even remember what happened at lunch. “
“Well I wish you would just stay away from Sandra. She’s no good. She has never been. You’re a smart girl and you don’t need to turn to violence whenever you have a problem. Ah here’s Donny. Ready to party!” Marlla starts the car and they are soon back home.

“Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR NIVIA! Happy birthday do you.” Nivia blows out her candles and Donny and Marlla start to cheer.
“Woo Nivia the old lady! How does 15 feel my love?” Marlla kiss’s her daughter on the check and starts to cut the cake.
Everything goes according to plan. They eat their cake, play games, open the few gifts that Donny and Marlla were able to put together and watch an old movie before Marlla sends them off to bed.

“Nivia, did you have fun? I see your mom didn’t pull any scare ghost stuff out from under the kitchen sink.” Donny rolls out his sleeping bag on Nivia’s bedroom floor and lies down.
“I had fun. I guess I freaked out over nothing. Good night D.” Nivia lays her head down and is fast asleep before her head hits the pillow.

“Join us…”

The bang and crash of glass and wood fill Nivia’s room.
“Awaken child.”
“Uh.” Nivia rolls over, sleepily looks to Donny who is asleep on the floor. Then rolls back over and falls asleep.
“Awaken now!”
<That voice. I know that voice. What does it want? Why is it bothering me? Am I going crazy?>
Nivia sits up, looks at her alarm clock it says 3:04am.
<What is going on?>
“Finally, rise child.”
“Who’s there?” Nivia starts to stand, fear making it hard for her to form her words. She can’t see anyone but she knows she heard someone. There must be someone there with her.

“There is no need to be alarmed my child. I will not hurt you.” The voice sounds from the far end of her room, by her closet.
“Who are you then? And why are you here in my room?” Nivia starts for her door,
“No need to alert your mother. I will see her in due time. But first I’ve come to see you.”
“Then who are you? Why are you here?” A Nivia trip over Donny’s sleeping body. The boy doesn’t move.
“Say my name.”
“I don’t know your name.”
“Yes you do child. Say my name.” the voice starts to get testy, aggression shows through.
“No I don’t think so. MOM!” Nivia turns to run from her room.
“NO! I don’t think so. Say my name. SAY IT!” Nivia is stopped dead in her tracks. She can’t move, she can’t speak. <What is going on here?>
Nivia hears her mother’s bedroom door open and quickened footsteps racing down the hallway.
<Good. Now the wrath of mom shall prevail.>
“Nivia, what is wrong hunny?” Marlla enters her daughter’s room, flipping on the light. She gasps.
“Kashish!” In the corner of the bedroom Nivia see’s a blacken shadow of a man, well she thinks it’s a man standing next to the open door or her closet. A chilled feeling comes over her. Dread I guess you can call it.
“Hello Marlla. I told you I would be back.” Kashish steps closer to Nivia, his form coming into focus.
“How did you get in? I baroque the house. I put up spells, scrolls, stones. The works. How the hell did you get in!?” Marlla shakes with anger.
A grin spread acossed the face of our unwanted visitor. A smile that made Nivi’as blood run cold, and shiver from her head to her toes.
“Dear naive Marlla. You already know how I was able to enter your charming home.”
“Kashish! You sick fiend what do you want?!” Marlla’s voice begins to crackle. A reaction that Nivia and Donny were all to use to hearing when she became angry or fell under some kind of pressure.
“Once again, you already know the answer. Why must you play stupid with me? I know you better than that. “The sound in the intruder’s voice became of frustrations and boredom. Nivia wasn’t sure what was going on. She didn’t know what to do…
“Who… are you…Why won’t you answer my mother’s questions?” Nivia breaks into the feeble argument her mother and the crazed intruder were having.
“Child, you don’t know. Hah. Well that’s a laugh. So I shall assume your mother has told you nothing. Which, Marlla that is completely uncalled for.”
Nivia cuts him off, “Who the hell are you?! What do you want?!”
“Well little one since your mother was unable to enlighten you to where you came from, or about your family for all these years, let me shine some light on the subject. Little Nivia, you are my daughter. My true heir to my estate. As you would put it. At the moment of your birth I declared to your mother that the day you became of age I would return to collect you, and raise you from that point on. Raise you in the world that you belong to, not this feeble world that your mother calls home. A more glories place to be, full of creators and beings that you would never imagine. With power you couldn’t fathom. Sitting at your place by my side till it is time for you to take over. Rule you can say. The plains of Dalaria.”
Nivia, confused, unable to speak stands there frozen. (What is he talking about…? Is this some kind of joke? He’s crazy, that is all there is to it. He’s completely out of his mind or Donny put him up to this, poor guys trying to make a fast buck.)
“No Nivia I am not crazy, or some bum off the street looking for a hand out. But, I am telling you the truth. Just ask your mother.” The imposter points a darkened finger toward Marlla.
Marlla sighs, “Yes Nivia, what Kashish is saying is true. He is your father by all rights…”
“Then why haven’t you told me about this, about him?! 15 years of thinking my father walked out on us, then thinking that he was dead. What is your damage?!”
“Honey, I was trying to protect you. All this time, I thought if I was able to keep that part of my past in the past where it belongs then it wouldn’t be able to catch up with me today. And I never thought your father was going to be good on his word. Not with something like this. Taking a child away from its parent was something I thought wasn’t part of his nature. I guess I was wrong.”
Nivia looks from mother to father, then back to her mother. “What am I suppose to do? It’s not even dawn and people are trying to change my life around for me.”
She breaks down and starts to cry. Sitting on her bedroom floor next to her sleeping friend. That for some reason still hasn’t been woken up by any of the events taking place right where he sleeps.
While Nivias sitting on the floor crying/ Kody her trusted friend even more so than Donny comes romping into the room,, sitting by her side with a wagging tail and a face full of kiss’s just waiting to cover her face.
“Ah, I see you let her have the dog at least. And you wonder how I was able to get in, and find you and so forth, Marlla.” Kashish inches closer to the upset child. Not too sure what to do, having never raised a child or even really dealt with one.
Kashish whispers to Nivia in such a soft voice Nivia must strain to hear what he has to say, “The world I offer you is a wondrous place. Full of new things for you to encounter. Things that are just waiting for you to discover. Family you have never seen or even heard of before. Just take my hand and it all will be right there at your finger tips. Just reach…”
He stands up, holding out his darkened hand to the girl, smiling sweetly, egging the girl on. Taunting her to take grasp of his hand and hold on.
Nivia reaches out and touches his cold, hard fingers.
Marlla screams, “ NIVIA NO!”


Dalaria is vast, so vast that in no one spot can you see all there is to see. The mountains are so high that they go past the highest clouds. The ocean is as deep as any could image.

At night after the blazing sun has set a cool breeze will fill the great halls of Malistor. The residences of Malistor are great creators, honorable, loyal and everlasting. This is where Kashish comes from, the great house. As heir he gained his father’s throne after a battle that befell the humans and Dalarian's over a thousand years earlier. Kashish was young, but took on the roll as Empire with ease and grace.

Years had passed since the war and his father’s death. And his rein was true. But he was starting to grow old, with age came enemies. With enemies came the danger of death with no heir.
The high court and Lady Adolria (Kashish's mother) urged him to find a mate. Someone of royal blood.
So Kashish did as he was required. He married a Divin. After a year together the Divin gave birth to an infant girl, by the name of Sedanra. The child was small and sickly so her mother fled freeing the ways of the Dalarians. Unperfected children will never grow to see out their lives.
Kashish looked everywhere in the lands of Dalaria, but found no trace of them. So he headed to the human world in hopes to find his stolen child...But as time moved forward traces of the Divin and child Sedanra were lost.
After months of searching Kashish became enraged. Losing his mind, being stuck in the human world for so long his mind started to go.
He wondered, seasons came and they gone. About a year and a half has past. Now his child that he has seen but once was about 1 and half years old. He wondered how much she had grown. How strong her power must have been by now. Who did she look like, her mother, or her father.
What can a father do...He wondered. So his search began again. This time heading to what the humans called the new country. It had been settles hundreds of years ago. But that wasn't anything to such a creator. 100 years for a human was nothing more than a breath for a Demon. Specially one of his statures.
While searching Kashish came a crossed this expedition. Or so he thought. Humans all around. Wearing odd clothing and listening to strange music he had never heard of. He was hooked. His curious nature had taken a hold of him.
He noticed one human, a female that stood out from the rest. Beauty he had never laid eyes on. No Divin or Dalarian female had the enchanting face and body of this human girl. He followed her day after day after day. Knowing she wasn't able to see him, but he could see her. Oh could he. He would stay for hours hidden in the woods next to her camp and listen to the stories they told and the notes coming out of the girl’s mouth. Hymns that he had never heard. So soft and sweet that they were able to melt the demon heart he possessed.
After the campfire died down and all the humans lay in their tents and sleeping bags was he able to move in ease.

"Hello." a small sunny voice came through the wooden area that Kashish hid in...

"I know your there. I've also noticed you watching and following me...Do you need my help?" the sunny voice still chimed through. Kashish froze. He a mighty Dalarian was frozen and dumb founded by a human girl. This was unthinkable. This was not going to do.

"What makes you think I need your help human?" Kashish slips back into the dark. Knowing all too well what she is. And why he was drawn to her. He remember the stories from when he was small, stories the elders would tell just to scare children into listen to their parents and never entering the human world.
...." There, say other, there in the human world. Lives two kinds of humans. One kind that are nothing to fear. They go about living their pathetic lives not knowing about us. And that is how it should be. But, there is a darker side to humans. Once in a while you get what they call a medium. The name has changed over the years, witch doctors, shaman, priest, mediums, and seers and so on. But be warned my little ones you do not want to meet one. The draw you in like a moth to a flame and when they got you BAM your light goes out and none will hear from you again."

Kashish remembered the old ones stories like no other. With that he slid farther and deeper into the woods hoping to avoid the medium. His attempts were in vain.
When he finally got deep enough in that you were unable to smell the burning wood or the scent of humans he seen her.
More enchanting than before. She was standing next to the brook laid just north of him.

"Human. Why do you follow me? What propose do you have?"

"I just want to help you move on. Return to your own world, where you belong. Is that so hard to understand?" The girl dips her toes in the cool water and giggles softly to herself.

(What matter of beast is she? Acting as if she's innocent and gentle. HAH! Like I would ever fall for that trick.)

The girl now wades in the refreshing water of the brook, her sun dress bubble out at her hips, exposing her small thighs and tiny legs to the enchanted demon.

"Well, if you don’t want me to help you, then how about you join me. Or can't you swim?" the girl hiss's in a teasing, seductive voice.

(What is her game? She's evil. Complete evil I tell you. I shall not fall for this. Teasing me with her small frame. Trying to seduce me. Lead me into temptation. I will not go. As soon as her back is turned I'm out of here.)

The girl wades deeper into the water, drenching the rest of her dress.

"What are you? What matter of creator stocks a person for days on end then fears them?" she pulls her wild mane of raven black hair down, letting it fall and flow with the water.

"Human you are tempting fate here. I could kill you as rather than look at you. Stop your game. Why can you see me?"
Kashish scopes out his rout of escape, planning his moves just right so this odd human girl would not be able to pick up on his energy and follow him. (She will not have my soul; I will not fall like so many of my kind have in the past to these beasts.)

"Well go ahead and be that way. I just thought...Oh never mind...” she submerges herself under the water.

(Here's my chance....)

" Where are you going....Why don't you wish to speak with me...I thought that is what you wanted...Why else have you been fallowing me for days..." she pulls herself up on a water washed, blacked rock at the edge of the brook. Pulling off her wet dress to expose what was to see of her small built frame.

Kashish felt a growl flow from deep inside of him. (This creature is crazed! Undignified behavior even for a human.)

“I know what you are, oh stocker. I do not fear you. And with that you should not fear Me." she rolls to her stomach and scratches a crossed the stone, leaving her back facing the sky, closing her eyes.

"For you are a Demon. Yes a Demon. I have encountered many of your kind. One much more fearsome than you could ever be or even pretend to be. Now, Demon that I do not know what to call you by, what is your name?"

(NAME! Yes she's completely insane. Rule number 1 never utters your name to a human. For if you do your soul shall be lost to them forever. You will be a slave to their every call and need till the end of their days.)

"There is no need for my name girl. Shunt share what I do not have to offer."

By this time the sun was being to rise, and the warmth of the morning sun was covering the brook. And soon the girl’s friends would be looking for her, and she knew this.

“Well, then I will come find you again Demon, tonight after everyone has gone to sleep just like now. Maybe you will give your name then. I will be right here at the brook waiting for you." She pulled herself from the stone, slide the dress back over her body and ran off into the woods.

As the day went on Kashish did everything in his power to stay away from the camp area of the humans. Not wanting to draw attention to him once again from the strange human girl.
Finding himself unable to leave the area and continue his search for the Divin and the child. He was fascinated by this girl. The girl that was able to see him, the one that wasn't afraid of him.
His day was spent searching the wood for food and a place to rest. Even demons need their sleep. Even though they do not need as much rest and food as a human they still can’t survive on energy from the universe alone.

Day turns in to dusk and quietly dusk turns into night. The starts filled the sky this night with a milk white moon over head. Great night to bask in. Clear and clean, with a cool breeze blowing that reminded him of home.

He did everything in his power to stay away from the brook. Not needing the irritation of this feeble human girl. Not even wanting to please her with his suffering from her temptations and seductive nature.
At last he gave in. Wondering ever so slowly back to the brook to see if she had done what she had said. And there she was sitting on the same rock as the last time they uncounted each other. Waiting for him. This time wearing a different dress. Made of white cotton. Her hair was left down to blow in the breeze filling Kashish nostrils with her sweet, hypnotic sent.

'Ah, my Demon has returned. How has your day been?" The sunny voice still piercing him straight through.

“I belong to no one. What is it that you want from me human?"
Kashish clenches his teeth, holding his temptations in, in attempts to not be swapped away from his objective.

"All I want is your name, why you’re following me and to know why you came back here." She gracefully lifts from the rock and practically floats over to him. Getting so close Kashish can feel the breath running in and out of her body and the sent falling off her skin. It was unbearable to deal with. He finds himself in a daze. Unable to think, unable to move. Focusing was completely out of the question. The map he had mental put together of the area the night before was all but forgotten. All he knew was this girl was intoxicating.

“Why must you..." Kashish loses all track of his thoughts.

*Giggle* "Well, what shall we do to night Demon....Or are you going to keep your distance from me like you did last night?"

"Stop calling me Demon. I do have a name. Use it already...” His voice becomes a faint whisper, regretting what he had just said, after the fact.

“How can I call you by your name if I know not your name, oh Demon." the girl presses closer to him, breeze pushing her wild hair into his face.

"Kashish." all he can do is whisper. Speaking has become painful for him. Movement in attempt to flee was out of the question. He was hooked, like so many before him and now his soul was doomed.
"Stop calling me Demon. I do have a name. Use it already...” His voice becomes a faint whisper, regretting what he had just said, after the fact.

“How can I call you by your name if I know not your name, oh Demon." the girl presses closer to him, breeze pushing her wild hair into his face.

“Kashish.” By now he was unable to move, utter is very name was painful.

The intoxicating scent given off by the girl was more than her could bare. All his strength and energy were not enough to keep him from shacking, or contating the low groans building up, deep inside of himself.

“Kashish…” the girl mutters, turns and walks slowly away. Sendinh a seize of relief through Kashish.

“ I am Marlla.” She continues, down a dirt path hidden away by trees and fallen debre. Kashish follows, unable to control himself. Lust taking over, guiding him to the girls side.

The summer continued like this. Kashish resting and hunting during the day light hours only to return after dark to the brook where he could always find Marlla waiting for him.
Many nights were spent with Marlla telling stories about the human world and Kashish listen in almost complete silence, taking in every word she said.
He had never felt so drawn to any creator before. By the time summer was over Marlla had to head home, Kashish had all but forgotten about his search for the Divin and the Child.

The final night came when Marlla had planned to say her good byes. But Kashish had another thing in mind.

Marlla glides past the campsite while her conpanians sang cheerful songs and retold old stories, completely undetected.
She reached the brook, the night air was becoming cooler, and she found that she was rubbing her arms in atempts to warm herself while she waited. Kashish was no where to be found.
Marlla waiting and waited. Minutes became hours and she started to feel like he had already left. Then she became heartbroken. But what did she expect he was a demon after all. They don’t share the same emotions as a human does.
She sighs, pushing back her tears and goes to leave. Dismounting the rock at the base of the brook and headed for the campsite to join her friends.

“Wait…” Marlla turns…surprize and joy filled her eyes when she spotted him.

“So you did decide to show up. You do not know how happy that makes me..” She starts back towards the rock.. Kashish standing on the other side, still incapible of controling himself around her.

As she aprouched he did nothing. He didn’t move, he didn’t speak. He just watched her walk towards him. In her flawless manner. Watching the curves of her body move with every passing step.

“Kashish, I have something I must tell you….” Kashish breaks Marlla off,
“I already know you must go home…I have one thing to ask before you go…” Kashish stops, wondering how she’s going to take his only real request. Is she going to accept him or is she going to condemn his soul like he has been warned.

“Well, what is it?” Marlla smiles,

“You already have my name. I only ask that instead of calling upon me when ever you want me around and then sending me away. I wish that you grant me permission to go with you and stay with you for as long as I can. And once I must leave that you release me. This is all I ask Marlla.” He breaks off, knowing his fate is tied either way, but not knowing what she will do. Is she going to take advantage of her ability to control him, or is she going to treat him like a creator of meaning and let him come and go as he see’s fit.
There was nothing but silences for a long time. Kashish searched the girls face for schemes, or tricks but found none.

“Why , would a demon choose to stay with a human?” Marlla whispers, the cold air getting the better of her now, she starts to shiver. Kashish wraps his large arms around her. His body being nothing but intess heat warms her to the core.
© Copyright 2009 Kathryn Lewis (fuzzikins87 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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