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The "Perfect Guide" has to be most of all a good keen all round person.
The Attributes of the "Perfect Guide". The "Perfect Guide" needs to be a Thespian, Philosopher, Teacher, Storyteller, Troubadour, Chef, Historian, and most of all a good keen all round person. The thespian guide is the one that will recite the legends and history of the area they are traveling through, in rhythm and rhyme to the clientele. Some of this type will write down their words, but never get them published while others will source income of their individual works. The philosopher guide is always being thoughtful of their surroundings and will discuss their ideas with the clientele, just to have the occasional intellectual discussion regardless of how ridiculous the subject is. It will also bring out the other side of people, by either opening them to the subject or it will make them wonder what sort of person they have for a guide. Some of the 'loner' types of guides are of this type. But when they combine it with other talents that they possess, they can make excellent guides. The teacher guide loves to go that extra distance to make the clientele enjoy their trip. They love to show and teach people how to do things associated with the activity they are doing. They will combine this talent with one or more other talents to help the clientele understand what is being taught to them and why. When combined with the thespian, things like safety talks can become an art form this also applies when the teacher combines the troubadour. The clientele can always be assured of leaving this guide with just that extra bit of knowledge instilled in them. The storyteller guide is a very special type of person as they combine so many different types of personality that the clientele ends the trip with a good understanding of the history, folklore and legends as told by the guide. The storyteller tells everything their way, with their own special blend of embellishments on the theme. The troubadour guide is the minstrel of the guiding world, an instrument and a ditty close at hand. Combined with all other talents that a guide needs the clientele will again be entertained to the max by folk songs and other stories put to music. The troubadour can be heard making the valleys ring with not only his / her voice but that of their clientele as well. Some folksingers started this way, while others still can be head to the valleys with a group of clients just to get away from the rush of the urbane insanity. The chef is one guide who can be only described at best as a magician. They are the ones who will turn out the best looking and eating food from virtually nowhere. The clientele will never complain of the wide diversity of fare. They will conjure food for all the varied tastes and cultures from what ever is at hand. Many will teach their clientele simple techniques while the fare is being prepared. The historian guide is one that knows everything about the area and if they cannot combine their talent with one or more of the other types, they are left to a specialist group of clientele. But when they do combine with other talents then the trip can become a memorable one indeed for the clientele. The good keen guide can be a combination of all of the above. By doing so, the clientele can be assured of a memorable trip. As this guide will go out of his way to make the clientele feel at home wherever they go. Many clientele will follow this guide to wherever he / she will lead them, full well in the knowledge that they are in for a safe and memorable trip. Robert Aitken |