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chapter of a book forming, being reformed daily by me.God wants me to know Him
The Cost paid, the Wisdom displayed, and the Power exerted, by God in His Holy Spoken Word and in His Holy Spirit, for the purpose of creating and bringing into existence substance outside of His very own “contiguous” Holy Eternal Being. According to His own council, His own desire of will and His own power to act, God established and created heaven’s form, including those which unseen, incalculable, and unimaginable, separates God, His Holy dominion and dimension, His Sanctity, from us and our physical dominion and dimension, the visible and calculable universe. And our terrestrial home, “mother earth”, which sits amid the diversities of the heavens, God made a habitation for all created life.
We traverse the “separating-apartness” by God’s will for us to do so, and by His way that we should do so - birth and death, in the body and vessel He has chosen for us to do so - flesh and spirit.
The heavens above and the creation below exist as they are by God’s Will. And, they are as the “Tree of Life” in the middle of God’s Garden that receives the morning’s dew and the night’s shade, and it brings forth an abundance of fruit within each day of the Son’s Righteousness.

Now why must Almighty God pay, be charged price, or assume surety for some kind of cost for creation? Why must God be questioned or requested to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and ability to do something He wants to do - create? To what, or to whom, does God petition, beg, or quietly solicit - as to someone or something of greater authority than Himself? And, just what is it or, whom is it that God need overcome that He might speak His word, exercise and exact His will, His way? “NOTHING, AND NO ONE.”

What the Lord God is displaying to us, the children of truth, is His infinite, incalculable and immeasurable “love of grace“; His fidelity and integrity to pure truth - the way of and the way to “eternal life” in the Spirit; God is demonstrating His Paternal power and providence toward His own.
It is not that God needs or wants to flaunt His absolute power and invincible will, neither is it some allure to vanity, a wanton desire for vain-glory, as of those so-called “demi-gods” that guileful philosophers have conjured up in their own vain, reprobate minds of depravity.
The One True God reveals His Divine, Eternal Life, and His super nature of Agape Love; God revealing Himself to us, which is grace, grace bears us, and that grace is given us “in lieu” of our true nature. Grace from Agape Love comes by way of Jesus Christ, the Holy Word of God.
God’s Holy Word the exactness of Himself that He Wills to speak and the sanctification of Divine immersion in and adhesion to humanness within the body and being of Jesus, the Holy Sacrifice and Sanctifier, and that being, He is become “peculiar” reason for our being. Jesus being “Grace“, “the unmerited favor”, granted for humanity‘s sake. It is from within and for the defense of God’s Divine Holy Purity and Divine Revelation that God reveals Himself. True God above all else is holding these up, His Holy Attributes and Admissions, in Eternal Godliness and Holiness. It is not solely or primarily for our sake that God is maintaining His Holiness absolute, immutable, and untouchable:
It is because God in Being is the Only Absolute Existence and Expression that perfects and defines the Unapproachable Glory and Sanctity of Deity, of Divinity, and of Holiness.
God having prescribe and demonstrated beforehand the rewards of ungodliness - prescribing sin from the beginning, and then bringing on the flood that washed the ungodly off the face of the earth.
Oh! but for the Grace of God, the Word of God, that now does bear us still. Jesus is Lord!

Love is Divine by default, Divine default is God’s “Method of Operation“. In God’s business and in His office, Love is the administrator, heaven and earth is its  “Area of Operation”, the seat of its headquarters; truth it administers. God’s truth is perfect love. God consummates the divine contract of love, and it is bound to truth.
We are form subsidiaries of God’s revelation - grace, contracted to its holy writs and held liable. We were the sole purpose for which grace, the contract of love, was drawn up; our state of grace was necessitated upon our creation. We alone need it and we alone receive it - we are its referents not the angels, and only we - individually - must come into agreement with it and willfully assign our very being to it, or we become vile litigant(s) of it. We are franchised licensed “living” products of it.

That God be, and so being, omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence God is; that God Be, and so being, the reality and preserver of Truth God is, because God be, and so being, cause and condition for, to, of, in… existence God is; God be, and so, prepositional resource and Provider God is; God be, and so, foundation by which and upon which and in which existence is being - God is.
God being, and so being, discipline God is. God being, and so, discipline comes as love and concern, as by God‘s hand, as by truth, and truth as God’s disciplinarian; God be, and so, reward and punishment God is,  right and wrong is, as judging, and God be Judge. God loves us, leads us and guides us. God is good and in God there is not evil. God does not need to use unrighteous acts or evil device to exact His Sovereign Absolute Holy Will.
Reward is not above punishment and punishment is not below reward for these are but disciplinarians. God Himself deems reward to be good and punishment to be good, even reward to be bad and punishment to be bad - that which is above all is to hear His voice and do what it says, in that I find no judgment only agreement. And, There is peace. Where there is no evil - God may be found.
(Had Adam and Eve been able to perfectly heed the word of God would not our lives and our world be “good“? It was in the beginning, when they were walking and talking with God, knowing God, and listen to His word, His voice, heeding the commandment - that in hindsight, and as of one on the outside looking in, seems to have been meant to protect us from the deficiency and inefficiency of ourselves. The insight we received from the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” we were not able to, nor meant to, discern or adjudicate, and the reaction of our will in trying to discern and judge that which was greater than us became our undoing, or perhaps providentially, even the very proof of our Divine designed establishment(blessed contraction) upon grace, who can say? Yet all remains, in accord to God’s will? Things continue just as God wills? More about the inevitable incomprehensible truth of our sin-fulfilling history in anon,)
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